path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
commit450aa6f7df9e67dd256b86f94e65eaf707032aad (patch)
tree04aa207d84ddc8ca246d2573aaaf756b3ce8a0b5 /LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h
parent3c7b8a17e907f4ef2afd9f77db566a3f6179cbe4 (diff)
parent4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (diff)
Merge branch 'vanilla_0.5.0.1' into jogamp_0.5.0.1
Conflicts: LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_0_5_0.h LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.cpp LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_System.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsWinAPI.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_Types.h
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h
index ec96bdf..c8b521e 100644..100755
--- a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h
@@ -27,22 +27,24 @@ limitations under the License.
#ifndef OVR_CAPI_HMDState_h
#define OVR_CAPI_HMDState_h
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Math.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_List.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
-#include "../OVR_CAPI.h"
+#include "Extras/OVR_Math.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_List.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#include "CAPI_FrameTimeManager3.h"
+#include "CAPI_FrameLatencyTracker.h"
-#include "CAPI_FrameTimeManager.h"
-#include "CAPI_LatencyStatistics.h"
#include "CAPI_HMDRenderState.h"
#include "CAPI_DistortionRenderer.h"
#if !defined(HEADLESS_APP)
#include "CAPI_HSWDisplay.h"
#endif /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */
-#include "../Service/Service_NetClient.h"
-#include "../Net/OVR_NetworkTypes.h"
-#include "../Util/Util_LatencyTest2Reader.h"
+#include "Service/Service_NetClient.h"
+#include "Net/OVR_NetworkTypes.h"
+#include "Util/Util_LatencyTest2Reader.h"
struct ovrHmdStruct { };
@@ -133,25 +135,30 @@ class HMDState : public ListNode<HMDState>,
void operator=(const HMDState&) { } // Quiet warning.
- HMDState(const OVR::Service::HMDNetworkInfo& netInfo,
- const OVR::HMDInfo& hmdInfo,
- Profile* profile,
- Service::NetClient* client);
- HMDState(const HMDInfo& src, Profile* profile);
+ HMDState(HMDInfo const & hmdInfo,
+ Profile* profile,
+ Service::HMDNetworkInfo const * netInfo = nullptr,
+ Service::NetClient* client = nullptr);
virtual ~HMDState();
static HMDState* CreateHMDState(Service::NetClient* client, const HMDNetworkInfo& netInfo);
- static HMDState* CreateHMDState(ovrHmdType hmdType); // Used for debug mode
- static const OVR::List<HMDState>& GetHMDStateList();
+ static HMDState* CreateDebugHMDState(ovrHmdType hmdType); // Used for debug mode
+ // Call the optional provided callback for each open HMD, stopping when the callback returns false.
+ // Return a count of the enumerated HMDStates. Note that this may deadlock if ovrHmd_Create/Destroy
+ // are called from the callback.
+ static unsigned EnumerateHMDStateList(bool (*callback)(const HMDState *state));
+ bool InitializeSharedState();
// *** Sensor Setup
bool ConfigureTracking(unsigned supportedCaps, unsigned requiredCaps);
- void ResetTracking();
- void RecenterPose();
- ovrTrackingState PredictedTrackingState(double absTime);
+ void ResetTracking(bool visionReset);
+ void RecenterPose();
+ ovrTrackingState PredictedTrackingState(double absTime, void* unused = nullptr);
// Changes HMD Caps.
// Capability bits that are not directly or logically tied to one system (such as sensor)
@@ -171,10 +178,8 @@ public:
void SubmitEyeTextures(const ovrPosef renderPose[2],
- const ovrTexture eyeTexture[2]);
- void sharedInit ( Profile *profile );
+ const ovrTexture eyeTexture[2],
+ const ovrTexture eyeDepthTexture[2]);
void applyProfileToSensorFusion();
@@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ public:
OVR_UNUSED1(functionName); // for Release build.
OVR_ASSERT_LOG(BeginFrameCalled == true,
("%s called outside ovrHmd_BeginFrame.", functionName));
- OVR_DEBUG_LOG_COND(BeginFrameThreadId != OVR::GetCurrentThreadId(),
+ OVR_DEBUG_LOG_COND(BeginFrameThreadId != OVR::GetCurrentThreadId(),
("%s called on a different thread then ovrHmd_BeginFrame.", functionName));
@@ -204,31 +209,58 @@ public:
("%s called outside ovrHmd_BeginFrameTiming.", functionName));
- // Get properties by name.
+ // Get properties by name.
bool getBoolValue(const char* propertyName, bool defaultVal);
bool setBoolValue(const char* propertyName, bool value);
int getIntValue(const char* propertyName, int defaultVal);
bool setIntValue(const char* propertyName, int value);
float getFloatValue(const char* propertyName, float defaultVal);
bool setFloatValue(const char* propertyName, float value);
- unsigned getFloatArray(const char* propertyName, float values[], unsigned arraySize);
+ unsigned getFloatArray(const char* propertyName, float values[], unsigned arraySize);
bool setFloatArray(const char* propertyName, float values[], unsigned arraySize);
const char* getString(const char* propertyName, const char* defaultVal);
bool setString(const char* propertyName, const char* value);
- VirtualHmdId GetNetId() { return NetId; }
+ VirtualHmdId GetNetId() { return NetId; }
+ // Distortion mesh creation
+ bool CreateDistortionMesh(ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov,
+ unsigned int distortionCaps,
+ ovrDistortionMesh *meshData,
+ float overrideEyeReliefIfNonZero);
+ AppTiming GetAppTiming(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ ovrFrameTiming GetFrameTiming(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ ovrTrackingState GetMidpointPredictionTracking(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ Posef GetEyePredictionPose(ovrEyeType eye);
+ void GetTimewarpMatricesEx(ovrEyeType eye, ovrPosef renderPose,
+ bool usePosition, const ovrVector3f hmdToEyeViewOffset[2], ovrMatrix4f twmOut[2],
+ double debugTimingOffsetInSeconds = 0.0);
+ void GetTimewarpMatrices(ovrEyeType eyeId, ovrPosef renderPose,
+ ovrMatrix4f twmOut[2]);
+ // Render timing
+ void getTimewarpStartEnd(ovrEyeType eyeId, double timewarpStartEnd[2]);
+ void endFrameRenderTiming();
+ DistortionTimer TimewarpTimer; // Timing for timewarp rendering
+ AppRenderTimer RenderTimer; // Timing for eye rendering
+ AppTimingHistory TimingHistory; // History of predicted scanout times
+ double RenderIMUTimeSeconds; // IMU Read timings
- Ptr<Profile> pProfile;
+ Ptr<Profile> pProfile;
// Descriptor that gets allocated and returned to the user as ovrHmd.
ovrHmdDesc* pHmdDesc;
// Window handle passed in AttachWindow.
void* pWindow;
- // Network
- Service::NetClient* pClient;
- VirtualHmdId NetId;
- HMDNetworkInfo NetInfo;
+ // Network
+ Service::NetClient* pClient;
+ VirtualHmdId NetId;
+ HMDNetworkInfo NetInfo;
// HMDInfo shouldn't change, as its string pointers are passed out.
HMDInfo OurHMDInfo;
@@ -246,9 +278,12 @@ public:
//unsigned HmdCapsAppliedToSensor;
// *** Sensor
- Tracking::CombinedSharedStateReader SharedStateReader;
- Tracking::SensorStateReader TheSensorStateReader;
- Util::RecordStateReader TheLatencyTestStateReader;
+ SharedObjectReader<Vision::CombinedHmdUpdater> CombinedHmdReader;
+ SharedObjectReader<Vision::CameraStateUpdater> CameraReader;
+ Vision::TrackingStateReader TheTrackingStateReader;
+ Util::RecordStateReader TheLatencyTestStateReader;
bool LatencyTestActive;
unsigned char LatencyTestDrawColor[3];
@@ -257,9 +292,7 @@ public:
unsigned char LatencyTest2DrawColor[3];
// Rendering part
- FrameTimeManager TimeManager;
- LagStatsCalculator LagStats;
- LatencyStatisticsCSV LagStatsCSV;
+ FrameLatencyTracker ScreenLatencyTracker;
HMDRenderState RenderState;
Ptr<DistortionRenderer> pRenderer;
@@ -268,12 +301,6 @@ public:
Ptr<HSWDisplay> pHSWDisplay;
#endif /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */
- // Last timing value reported by BeginFrame.
- double LastFrameTimeSeconds;
- // Last timing value reported by GetFrameTime. These are separate since the intended
- // use is from different threads. TBD: Move to FrameTimeManager? Make atomic?
- double LastGetFrameTimeSeconds;
// Last cached value returned by ovrHmd_GetString/ovrHmd_GetStringArray.
char LastGetStringValue[256];
@@ -281,28 +308,15 @@ public:
bool RenderingConfigured;
// Set after BeginFrame succeeds, and its corresponding thread id for debug checks.
bool BeginFrameCalled;
- ThreadId BeginFrameThreadId;
+ ThreadId BeginFrameThreadId;
+ uint32_t BeginFrameIndex;
// Graphics functions are not re-entrant from other threads.
ThreadChecker RenderAPIThreadChecker;
- //
+ // Has BeginFrameTiming() or BeginFrame() been called?
bool BeginFrameTimingCalled;
-//I appreciate this isn't an idea place for this function prototype, but needed
-//to be seen by OVR_CAPI.cpp and the various SDK renderers of CAPI,
-//and have everything defined. Please move to a better place if you know of one.
-ovrBool ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMeshInternal( ovrHmdStruct * hmd,
- ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov,
- unsigned int distortionCaps,
- ovrDistortionMesh *meshData,
- float overrideEyeReliefIfNonZero=0 );
}} // namespace OVR::CAPI
#endif // OVR_CAPI_HMDState_h