path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h
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authorSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
committerSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
commit4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (patch)
treecf3671058d55b47ab6cb6f36f369928606137628 /LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h
parentc29cd1a2fbff6282bab956ad61661ac9d48c4e6e (diff)
Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h
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index 0000000..422daf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.h
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+Filename : CAPI_DistortionTiming.h
+Content : Implements timing for the distortion renderer
+Created : Dec 16, 2014
+Authors : Chris Taylor
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_DistortionTiming_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_DistortionTiming_h
+#include "CAPI_HMDRenderState.h"
+#include "CAPI_FrameLatencyTracker.h"
+#include "CAPI_FrameTimeManager3.h"
+#include "CAPI_HMDRenderState.h"
+#include <Kernel/OVR_Lockless.h>
+#include <OVR_CAPI.h> // ovrFrameTiming
+ -----------------------------
+ Distortion Timing Terminology
+ -----------------------------
+ To fix on one set of terminology, a frame life-cycle is defined the following:
+ (1) Get prediction time for app left/right eye rendering.
+ (2) App renders left/right eyes.
+ (3) Get prediction time for timewarp.
+ (4) SDK renders distortion/timewarp/chroma, perhaps measuring the time it takes.
+ (5) SDK presents frame and waits for end of frame to occur.
+ (6) End of frame occurs at Vsync.
+ (7) App goes back to step 1 and starts rendering the next frame.
+ (8) Scanout starts some time later for frame from step 6.
+ (9) Display panel emits photons some time later for scanout from step 8.
+ "Frame interval" is the time interval between Vsyncs, whether or not Vsync is on.
+ "Frame end" time means the time at which the scanout starts at scanline 0.
+ "Visible midpoint" is when the middle scanline is half-visible to the user's eye.
+ "Start of scanout" is when the hardware begins scanout. The pixels may not be fully
+ illuminated at this point. A hardware-specific rise time on the order of a millisecond
+ or two must be added to get photons time.
+ All timing is done in units of seconds.
+ We approximate the scanline start-end interval with the frame interval.
+namespace OVR { namespace CAPI {
+// AppTiming
+// This structure provides the measurements for the current app frame.
+struct AppTiming
+ // When half of the frame image data has been visible to the eye.
+ double VisibleMidpointTime;
+ // When the Rift starts scanning out, not including ScreenSwitchingDelay.
+ double ScanoutStartTime;
+ // Time between frames.
+ double FrameInterval;
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ FrameInterval = 0.013; // A value that should not break anything.
+ ScanoutStartTime = 0.; // Predict to current time.
+ VisibleMidpointTime = 0.; // Predict to current time.
+ }
+// TimewarpTiming
+// This structure provides the measurements for the current frame timewarp.
+struct TimewarpTiming
+ // Time at which scanout is predicted to start.
+ double ScanoutTime;
+ // The time when Just-In-Time timewarp should be started.
+ // The app should busy/idle-wait until this time before doing timewarp.
+ double JIT_TimewarpTime;
+ // Left and right eye start and end render times, respectively.
+ double EyeStartEndTimes[2][2];
+// LocklessAppTimingBase
+// Base timing info shared via lockless data structure.
+// The AppDistortionTimer can use a copy of this data to derive an AppTiming
+// object for a given frame index.
+struct LocklessAppTimingBase
+ // Is the data valid?
+ // 0 = Not valid.
+ uint32_t IsValid;
+ // Frame index of the last EndFrame() call to update timing.
+ uint32_t LastEndFrameIndex;
+ // Frame start time targetted by the last EndFrame() call to update timing.
+ double LastStartFrameTime;
+ // Last known Vsync time from distortion timer.
+ double LastKnownVsyncTime;
+ // Vsync fuzz factor used to measure uncertainty in timing.
+ double VsyncFuzzFactor;
+ // Most updated measurement of the frame interval.
+ double FrameInterval;
+ // Scanout delay measured by the builtin latency tester.
+ double ScanoutDelay;
+ // Screen switching delay calculated in distortion timer.
+ double ScreenSwitchingDelay;
+// DistortionTimer
+// This is a calculator for the app and timewarp/distortion timing.
+class DistortionTimer
+ typedef OVR::CAPI::FTM3::FrameTimeManagerCore TimeMan;
+ DistortionTimer();
+ ~DistortionTimer();
+ // Returns false if distortion timing could not be initialized.
+ bool Initialize(HMDRenderState const* renderState,
+ FrameLatencyTracker const* lagTester);
+ void Reset();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Timewarp Timing
+ // Calculate timing for current frame timewarp.
+ // Result can be retrieved via GetTimewarpTiming().
+ void CalculateTimewarpTiming(uint32_t frameIndex, double previousKnownVsyncTime = 0.);
+ // Called after CalculateTimewarpTiming() will retrieve the timewarp
+ // timing for this frame.
+ TimewarpTiming const* GetTimewarpTiming()
+ {
+ return &CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming;
+ }
+ // Add a distortion draw call timing measurement.
+ void AddDistortionTimeMeasurement(double distortionTimeSeconds);
+ // Returns true if more distortion timing measurements are needed.
+ bool NeedDistortionTimeMeasurement() const
+ {
+ // NOTE: Even when Vsync is off this measurement is still valid and useful.
+ return !DistortionRenderTimes.AtCapacity();
+ }
+ // Insert right after spin-wait for Present query to finish for the renderer.
+ void SetLastPresentTime()
+ {
+ // Update vsync time. This is the post-present time, which is expected to be
+ // after the Vsync has completed and our query event put in after the Present
+ // has indicated that it is signaled. However this is not reliable.
+ LastPresentTime = Timer::GetSeconds();
+ }
+ // Returns the time to use for the current frame for latency tester present time,
+ // which is not the same as the LastPresentTime.
+ double GetLatencyTesterPresentTime() const
+ {
+ return LatencyTesterPresentTime;
+ }
+ // Set/get the Timewarp IMU time, which is the time at which the IMU was sampled.
+ void SetTimewarpIMUTime(double t)
+ {
+ LastTimewarpIMUTime = t;
+ }
+ double GetTimewarpIMUTime() const
+ {
+ return LastTimewarpIMUTime;
+ }
+ // Vsync/no-vsync versions split out for readability.
+ AppTiming getAppTimingWithVsync();
+ AppTiming getAppTimingNoVsync();
+ // Last time that Present() was called for post-present latency measurement.
+ // Provided by SetLastPresentTime() cooperatively with the distortion renderer.
+ double LastPresentTime;
+ // The time to use for the latency tester for present time, which is the reference
+ // time used for calculating present-scanout delay.
+ double LatencyTesterPresentTime;
+ // Last known Vsync time, provided cooperatively by the distortion renderer
+ // via the GetTimewarpTiming() call or internal estimation.
+ double LastKnownVsyncTime;
+ // Time in seconds that the Vsync measurement may be in error.
+ // It is assumed to be pretty tight for D3D11 and Display Driver data but for
+ // end frame -based timing we need to add some buffer to avoid misprediction.
+ double LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer;
+ // The current app frame index, initially zero.
+ uint32_t AppFrameIndex;
+ // Updated in getAppTiming()
+ // Read in CalculateTimewarpTiming()
+ // Calculator for the time it takes to render distortion.
+ mutable OVR::CAPI::FTM3::MedianCalculator DistortionRenderTimes;
+ // Current estimate for timewarp render time.
+ double EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime;
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+ ScopedFileHANDLE DeviceHandle;
+ // Attempt to use the display driver for getting a previous vsync
+ bool getDriverVsyncTime(double* previousKnownVsyncTime);
+ // Get Vsync to next Vsync interval.
+ // NOTE: Technically the Vsync-Vsync frame interval is not the same as the scanout
+ // start to end interval because there is a back porch that implies some blanking time
+ double getFrameInterval() const;
+ // Get Frame End to Scanout delay. Measured by DK2 Latency Tester if available.
+ // This works for Vsync on or off.
+ double getScanoutDelay();
+ // Update the TimeManager during timewarp calculation
+ void submitDisplayFrame(double frameEndTime, double frameInterval);
+ // Update LastKnownVsyncTime.
+ // Pass zero if no Vsync timing information is available.
+ void updateLastKnownVsyncTime(double previousKnownVsyncTime = 0.);
+ double getJITTimewarpTime(double frameEndTime);
+ // DK2 Latency Tester object
+ FrameLatencyTracker const* LatencyTester;
+ // Render state parameters from HMD
+ HMDRenderState const* RenderState;
+ // Constant screen switching delay calculated from the shutter info.
+ // This is the time it takes between pixels starting to scan out and
+ // for the visible light to rise to half the expected brightness value.
+ // For OLEDs on the DK2 this is about 1 millisecond.
+ double ScreenSwitchingDelay;
+ // Time Manager
+ TimeMan TimeManager;
+ // The last predicted vsync time from the previous frame.
+ double LastTimewarpFrameEndTime;
+ // Has the timing object already been initialized?
+ bool AlreadyInitialized;
+ // Updated by CalculateTimewarpTiming().
+ TimewarpTiming CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming;
+ // Time when sensor was sampled for timewarp pose.
+ double LastTimewarpIMUTime;
+ // Lockless data used by application for eye pose timing via the
+ // provided AppDistortionTimer class.
+ LocklessUpdater<LocklessAppTimingBase> LocklessAppTimingBaseUpdater;
+ void ClearAppTimingUpdater()
+ {
+ LocklessAppTimingBase cleared = LocklessAppTimingBase();
+ LocklessAppTimingBaseUpdater.SetState(cleared);
+ }
+ LocklessUpdater<LocklessAppTimingBase>* GetUpdater()
+ {
+ return &LocklessAppTimingBaseUpdater;
+ }
+// TODO: This header needs to be split up.
+// AppRenderTimer
+// This is an app-side calculator for predicted render times based on frame
+// indices provided by the app.
+class AppRenderTimer
+ AppRenderTimer();
+ ~AppRenderTimer();
+ void SetUpdater(LocklessUpdater<LocklessAppTimingBase>* updater)
+ {
+ AppTimingBaseUpdater = updater;
+ }
+ bool IsValid() const
+ {
+ return AppTimingBaseUpdater != nullptr;
+ }
+ // Returns true on success.
+ // Pass in 0 for frameIndex to use the next scanout time,
+ // or a non-zero incrementing number for each frame to support queue ahead.
+ void GetAppTimingForIndex(AppTiming& result, bool vsyncOn, uint32_t frameIndex = 0);
+ LocklessUpdater<LocklessAppTimingBase>* AppTimingBaseUpdater;
+// AppTimingHistory
+// Keep a history of recent application render timing data, to keep a record of
+// when frame indices are expected to scanout. This is used later to compare
+// with when those frames scan out to self-test the timing code.
+// This class is not thread-safe.
+class AppTimingHistory
+ AppTimingHistory();
+ ~AppTimingHistory();
+ void Clear();
+ void SetScanoutTimeForFrame(uint32_t frameIndex, double scanoutTime);
+ // Returns 0.0 if not found.
+ double LookupScanoutTime(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ static const int kFramesMax = 8;
+ struct Record
+ {
+ uint32_t FrameIndex;
+ double ScanoutTime;
+ };
+ int LastWriteIndex;
+ Record History[kFramesMax];
+}} // namespace OVR::CAPI
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_DistortionTiming_h