path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
commit4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (patch)
treecf3671058d55b47ab6cb6f36f369928606137628 /LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp
parentc29cd1a2fbff6282bab956ad61661ac9d48c4e6e (diff)
Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6780ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp
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+Filename : CAPI_DistortionTiming.cpp
+Content : Implements timing for the distortion renderer
+Created : Dec 16, 2014
+Authors : Chris Taylor
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "CAPI_DistortionRenderer.h"
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+#include "../Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h" // Display driver timing info
+namespace OVR { namespace CAPI {
+// Timing Constants
+// Number of milliseconds to pad on top of the timewarp draw call measured time
+// in order to account for random variations in execution time due to preemption.
+// If this is set too low the rendering will occasionally judder.
+static const double kJITPreemptBufferTime = 0.004; // 4 milliseconds
+// When validating measured frame intervals, the following constants
+// bound the acceptable measurements.
+static const double kMinFrameInterval = 0.001; // 1 millisecond
+static const double kMaxFrameInterval = 0.020; // 20 milliseconds
+// If the last known Vsync time is older than this age limit,
+// then we should not use it for extrapolating to current time.
+static const double kVsyncDataAgeLimit = 10.; // 10 seconds
+// When Vsync is off and we have no idea when the last frame started,
+// assume this amount of time has elapsed since the frame started.
+static const double kNoVsyncInfoFrameTime = 0.002; // 2 milliseconds
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+// The latest driver provides a post-present vsync-to-scanout delay
+// that is roughly zero. The actual measured latency should be
+// about the same as this.
+static const double kExpectedDriverLatency = 0.0002f; // 200 microseconds
+// Number from a hat for post-present latency when Vsync is off.
+static const double kExpectedNoVSyncLatency = 0.003; // 3 milliseconds
+// Number of timewarp render time samples to collect
+static const int kTimewarpRenderTimeSamples = 12; // 12 samples
+// Adding a fuzz time because the last known Vsync time is sometimes fuzzy and
+// we don't want to predict behind a whole frame. This is most often used in
+// app rendered and D3D9 renderers and on Win/Mac/Linux with OpenGL.
+static const double kFuzzyVsyncBufferTime = kJITPreemptBufferTime;
+// Currently set to the same fuzz factor used for JIT preemption because the
+// same amount of error is accounted for by both constants.
+// Even when the Vsync timing data source is precise we should add some kind of
+// buffer in to avoid floating point rounding or unexpected sync problems.
+static const double kExactVsyncBufferTime = 0.001; // 1 millisecond
+// Helper Functions
+// Based on LastKnownVsyncTime, predict time when the previous frame Vsync occurred.
+// If it has no data it will still provide a reasonable estimate of last Vsync time.
+static double calculateFrameStartTime(double now,
+ double lastKnownVsyncTime,
+ double lastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer,
+ double frameInterval)
+ // Calculate time since last known vsync
+ // Adding a fuzz time because the last known Vsync time is sometimes fuzzy and
+ // we don't want to predict behind a frame.
+ const double delta = now - lastKnownVsyncTime + lastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer;
+ // If last known vsync time was too long ago,
+ if (delta < 0. ||
+ delta > kVsyncDataAgeLimit)
+ {
+ // We have no idea when Vsync will happen!
+ // Assume we are some time into the frame when this is called.
+ return now - kNoVsyncInfoFrameTime;
+ }
+ // Calculate number of Vsyncs since the last known Vsync time.
+ int numVsyncs = (int)(delta / frameInterval);
+ // Calculate the last Vsync time.
+ double lastFrameVsyncTime = lastKnownVsyncTime + numVsyncs * frameInterval;
+ // Sanity checking...
+ OVR_ASSERT(lastFrameVsyncTime - now > -0.16 && lastFrameVsyncTime - now < 0.30);
+ return lastFrameVsyncTime;
+// DistortionTiming : Initialization
+DistortionTimer::DistortionTimer() :
+ LastPresentTime(0),
+ LastKnownVsyncTime(0),
+ LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer(0),
+ AppFrameIndex(0),
+ DistortionRenderTimes(kTimewarpRenderTimeSamples),
+ EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime(0),
+ #ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+ DeviceHandle(nullptr),
+ #endif
+ LatencyTester(nullptr),
+ RenderState(nullptr),
+ ScreenSwitchingDelay(0),
+ TimeManager(true),
+ LastTimewarpFrameEndTime(0),
+ AlreadyInitialized(false),
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming(),
+ LastTimewarpIMUTime(0)
+ Reset();
+void DistortionTimer::Reset()
+ // Clear state
+ LastKnownVsyncTime = 0.;
+ LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer = 0.;
+ LastPresentTime = 0.;
+ LastTimewarpFrameEndTime = 0.;
+ AppFrameIndex = 0;
+ ClearAppTimingUpdater();
+ // Does not clear the distortion render times because this data is still good
+ //DistortionRenderTimes.Clear();
+ //EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime = 0.;
+ //LatencyTester = nullptr;
+ //RenderState = nullptr;
+ RenderState = nullptr;
+ LatencyTester = nullptr;
+bool DistortionTimer::Initialize(HMDRenderState const * renderState,
+ FrameLatencyTracker const * lagTester)
+ if (AlreadyInitialized)
+ {
+ OVR_ASSERT(renderState == RenderState && lagTester == LatencyTester);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!renderState || !lagTester)
+ {
+ OVR_ASSERT(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Store members
+ RenderState = renderState;
+ LatencyTester = lagTester;
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+ // If in direct mode,
+ if (!RenderState->OurHMDInfo.InCompatibilityMode)
+ {
+ // Attempt to open the driver
+ DeviceHandle = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\ovr_video",
+ GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr);
+ }
+ HmdRenderInfo::ShutterInfo const& shutter = RenderState->RenderInfo.Shutter;
+ // Calculate the screen switching delay from shutter info.
+ ScreenSwitchingDelay = shutter.PixelSettleTime * 0.5 + shutter.PixelPersistence * 0.5;
+ // Set default frame delta for the TimeManager.
+ TimeMan::Timing defaultTiming;
+ defaultTiming.FrameDelta = shutter.VsyncToNextVsync;
+ TimeManager.Initialize(defaultTiming);
+ AlreadyInitialized = true;
+ return true;
+// DistortionTiming : Helper Member Functions
+double DistortionTimer::getFrameInterval() const
+ // Get the latest frame interval from the time manager.
+ double frameInterval = TimeManager.GetFrameDelta();
+ // If bad data is coming from the frame delta calculator,
+ if (frameInterval < kMinFrameInterval ||
+ frameInterval > kMaxFrameInterval)
+ {
+ // Use the shutter value by default.
+ HmdRenderInfo::ShutterInfo const& shutter = RenderState->RenderInfo.Shutter;
+ frameInterval = shutter.VsyncToNextVsync;
+ }
+ return frameInterval;
+double DistortionTimer::getScanoutDelay()
+ // If Vsync is off,
+ if ((RenderState->EnabledHmdCaps & ovrHmdCap_NoVSync) != 0)
+ return kExpectedNoVSyncLatency;
+ double vsyncToScanoutDelay = 0.;
+ // If latency tester results are not available,
+ if (!LatencyTester || !LatencyTester->GetVsyncToScanout(vsyncToScanoutDelay))
+ {
+ // Use a reasonable default post-present latency estimate.
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+ vsyncToScanoutDelay = RenderState->OurHMDInfo.InCompatibilityMode ?
+ RenderState->RenderInfo.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync : kExpectedDriverLatency;
+ // FIXME: This is a heuristic value that may need to be better tuned later
+ // as the Mac/Linux render architecture solidifies.
+ vsyncToScanoutDelay = 0.0007; // Observed as 0.7 ms on Linux
+ }
+ // Clamp the result be zero or positive.
+ if (vsyncToScanoutDelay < 0.)
+ vsyncToScanoutDelay = 0;
+ return vsyncToScanoutDelay;
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+bool DistortionTimer::getDriverVsyncTime(double* previousKnownVsyncTime)
+ // If using the driver,
+ if (!RenderState->OurHMDInfo.InCompatibilityMode)
+ {
+ ULONG riftId = (ULONG)RenderState->OurHMDInfo.ShimInfo.DeviceNumber;
+ UINT64 results[2];
+ ULONG bytesReturned = 0;
+ BOOL success = DeviceIoControl(DeviceHandle.Get(), IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETCURRENTFRAMEINFO, &riftId,
+ sizeof(riftId), results, sizeof(results), &bytesReturned, nullptr);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ // Calculate Vsync time in seconds based on QPC from display driver.
+ *previousKnownVsyncTime = results[1] * Timer::GetPerfFrequencyInverse();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#endif // OVR_OS_WIN32
+// DistortionTiming : Timewarp Timing
+void DistortionTimer::AddDistortionTimeMeasurement(double distortionTimeSeconds)
+ // Accumulate the new measurement.
+ DistortionRenderTimes.Add(distortionTimeSeconds);
+ // If enough measurements are collected now,
+ if (!NeedDistortionTimeMeasurement())
+ {
+ EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime = DistortionRenderTimes.GetMedian();
+ }
+void DistortionTimer::submitDisplayFrame(double frameEndTime, double frameInterval)
+ // Get the last display frame index
+ uint32_t frameIndex = TimeManager.GetLastDisplayFrameIndex();
+ double lastTime = TimeManager.GetLastDisplayFrameTime();
+ // If a previous submit time was recorded,
+ if (lastTime > 0.)
+ {
+ // Calculate number of elapsed frames since last submit
+ int elapsed = (int)((frameEndTime - lastTime + frameInterval * 0.5) / frameInterval);
+ frameIndex += elapsed;
+ }
+ // Submit this display frame to the TimeManager
+ TimeManager.SubmitDisplayFrame(frameIndex, AppFrameIndex, frameEndTime);
+void DistortionTimer::updateLastKnownVsyncTime(double previousKnownVsyncTime)
+ // Assume the data is exact.
+ LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer = kExactVsyncBufferTime;
+ // If previous vsync time was not provided,
+ if (previousKnownVsyncTime <= 0.)
+ {
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+ // If the display driver was not helpful,
+ if (!getDriverVsyncTime(&previousKnownVsyncTime))
+ {
+ // Use the last fuzzy vsync time and frame index
+ // Add in a fuzz factor to prevent from predicting behind a whole frame!
+ previousKnownVsyncTime = LastPresentTime;
+ // The data is pretty fuzzy so increase the buffer time.
+ LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer = kFuzzyVsyncBufferTime;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update last known vsync time
+ LastKnownVsyncTime = previousKnownVsyncTime;
+double DistortionTimer::getJITTimewarpTime(double frameEndTime)
+ // If there is no timing information available for the timewarp draw call,
+ if (EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime <= 0.)
+ {
+ // Disable JIT until we have some idea how long timewarp draw call takes.
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ // Calculate Just-in-Time timewarp time
+ return frameEndTime - EstimatedTimewarpRenderTime - kJITPreemptBufferTime;
+// Rolls the previous known vsync time forward and then checks queue-ahead conditions
+void DistortionTimer::CalculateTimewarpTiming(uint32_t frameIndex, double previousKnownVsyncTime)
+ // Update LastKnownVsyncTime from previous known vsync time.
+ updateLastKnownVsyncTime(previousKnownVsyncTime);
+ // Calculate the frame start time from available information.
+ const double frameInterval = getFrameInterval();
+ const double frameStartTime = calculateFrameStartTime(
+ Timer::GetSeconds(),
+ LastKnownVsyncTime,
+ LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer,
+ frameInterval);
+ const double scanoutDelay = getScanoutDelay();
+ // If Vsync is off,
+ if ((RenderState->EnabledHmdCaps & ovrHmdCap_NoVSync) != 0)
+ {
+ // Always render for current frame start-end times.
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.ScanoutTime = frameStartTime + scanoutDelay;
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.JIT_TimewarpTime = 0.; // JIT disabled when Vsync is off
+ // Reset the last timewarp frame end time when Vsync is turned off.
+ LastTimewarpFrameEndTime = 0.;
+ // Set the reference point for the scanout delay to the frame start time when Vsync
+ // is off.
+ LatencyTesterPresentTime = frameStartTime;
+ }
+ else // Vsync is on:
+ {
+ // Calculate frame end time with Vsync on.
+ double frameEndTime = frameStartTime + frameInterval;
+ // If JIT is turned off,
+ if (!(RenderState->DistortionCaps & ovrDistortionCap_TimewarpJitDelay))
+ {
+ // Without JIT it can render ahead a frame.
+ // If Vsync is on and it targets the same end of frame time twice
+ // then the second timewarp render is queued ahead a frame, as two
+ // consecutive distortion renders cannot target the same frame twice.
+ // If the last frame end time is about the same as this one,
+ if (fabs(LastTimewarpFrameEndTime - frameEndTime) < frameInterval * 0.25)
+ {
+ // Skip ahead to the next frame time.
+ frameEndTime += frameInterval;
+ }
+ // Set JIT time to zero so that if JIT is turned off after this,
+ // that the JIT wait code will be skipped and timing will be right
+ // for this frame.
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.JIT_TimewarpTime = 0.;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // JIT timewarp is enabled, so provide a time estimate.
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.JIT_TimewarpTime = getJITTimewarpTime(frameEndTime);
+ }
+ // Record the new frame end time.
+ LastTimewarpFrameEndTime = frameEndTime;
+ // Scanout is based on frame end time when Vsync is on due to potential queue-ahead.
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.ScanoutTime = frameEndTime + scanoutDelay;
+ // Update the TimeManager.
+ submitDisplayFrame(frameEndTime, frameInterval);
+ // Set the reference point for the scanout delay to the frame end time when Vsync
+ // is on. This way our calculations will work out where we add scanout delay to
+ // get the actual scanout time from this reference point in the future.
+ LatencyTesterPresentTime = frameEndTime;
+ }
+ // Update lockless app timing base values
+ LocklessAppTimingBase appTimingBase;
+ appTimingBase.FrameInterval = frameInterval;
+ appTimingBase.LastEndFrameIndex = frameIndex;
+ appTimingBase.LastStartFrameTime = frameStartTime;
+ appTimingBase.LastKnownVsyncTime = LastKnownVsyncTime;
+ appTimingBase.ScanoutDelay = scanoutDelay;
+ appTimingBase.ScreenSwitchingDelay = ScreenSwitchingDelay;
+ appTimingBase.VsyncFuzzFactor = LastKnownVsyncFuzzBuffer;
+ appTimingBase.IsValid = 1;
+ LocklessAppTimingBaseUpdater.SetState(appTimingBase);
+ // Get eye timewarp times
+ // NOTE: Approximating scanline start-end interval with Vsync-Vsync interval here.
+ CalculateEyeTimewarpTimes(
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.ScanoutTime + ScreenSwitchingDelay,
+ frameInterval,
+ RenderState->RenderInfo.Shutter.Type,
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.EyeStartEndTimes[0],
+ CurrentFrameTimewarpTiming.EyeStartEndTimes[1]);
+// AppDistortionTimer
+AppRenderTimer::AppRenderTimer() :
+ AppTimingBaseUpdater(nullptr)
+void AppRenderTimer::GetAppTimingForIndex(AppTiming& result, bool vsyncOn, uint32_t frameIndex)
+ /*
+ This code has to handle two big cases:
+ Queue-Ahead:
+ In this case the application is requesting poses for an upcoming frame, which is
+ very common. We need to predict ahead potentially beyond the next frame scanout
+ time to a following scanout time.
+ Missed Frames:
+ In this case the rendering
+ (1) game physics/other code ate too much CPU time and delayed the frame, or
+ (2) the render command queuing took too long, or
+ (3) took too long to complete on the GPU.
+ Regarding (1):
+ Game code is pretty much out of the way in the case of Unity which has
+ two threads: A game code thread and a render thread. So in a real game
+ engine it's mainly due to too much render complexity not CPU game logic.
+ Regarding (2):
+ Distortion is done after the game queues render commands, and so
+ the timewarp timing calculation can get pushed off into the next frame
+ and actually get timed correctly.
+ So as a result judder is mainly due to GPU performance, as other other sources
+ of frame drops are mitigated.
+ */
+ if (!IsValid())
+ {
+ OVR_ASSERT(false);
+ result.Clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ LocklessAppTimingBase base = AppTimingBaseUpdater->GetState();
+ // If no timing data is available,
+ if (!base.IsValid)
+ {
+ result.Clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t deltaIndex = (int32_t)(frameIndex - base.LastEndFrameIndex);
+ // Calculate the end frame time.
+ // Vsync on: This is the targeted Vsync for the provided frame index.
+ // Vsync off: This is the middle of the frame requested by index.
+ double endFrameTime;
+ if (vsyncOn)
+ {
+ endFrameTime = base.LastStartFrameTime + base.FrameInterval * (deltaIndex + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endFrameTime = base.LastStartFrameTime + base.FrameInterval * 0.5;
+ endFrameTime += base.FrameInterval * deltaIndex;
+ }
+ // If targeted Vsync is now in the past,
+ const double now = Timer::GetSeconds();
+ if (now + base.VsyncFuzzFactor > endFrameTime)
+ {
+ // Assume there is no queue-ahead, so we should target the very
+ // next upcoming Vsync
+ double frameStartTime = calculateFrameStartTime(now, base.LastKnownVsyncTime,
+ base.VsyncFuzzFactor,
+ base.FrameInterval);
+ if (vsyncOn)
+ {
+ // End frame time is just one frame ahead of the frame start
+ endFrameTime = frameStartTime + base.FrameInterval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // End frame time is half way through the current frame
+ endFrameTime = frameStartTime + base.FrameInterval * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add Vsync-Scanout delay to get scanout time
+ double scanoutTime = endFrameTime + base.ScanoutDelay;
+ // Construct app frame information object
+ result.FrameInterval = base.FrameInterval;
+ result.ScanoutStartTime = scanoutTime;
+ // NOTE: Approximating scanline start-end interval with Vsync-Vsync interval here.
+ result.VisibleMidpointTime = scanoutTime + base.ScreenSwitchingDelay + base.FrameInterval * 0.5;
+// AppTimingHistory
+ Clear();
+void AppTimingHistory::Clear()
+ LastWriteIndex = 0;
+ memset(History, 0, sizeof(History));
+void AppTimingHistory::SetScanoutTimeForFrame(uint32_t frameIndex, double scanoutTime)
+ if (++LastWriteIndex >= kFramesMax)
+ {
+ LastWriteIndex = 0;
+ }
+ History[LastWriteIndex].FrameIndex = frameIndex;
+ History[LastWriteIndex].ScanoutTime = scanoutTime;
+double AppTimingHistory::LookupScanoutTime(uint32_t frameIndex)
+ // Check last written entry first
+ if (History[LastWriteIndex].FrameIndex == frameIndex)
+ {
+ return History[LastWriteIndex].ScanoutTime;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < kFramesMax; ++i)
+ {
+ if (History[i].FrameIndex == frameIndex)
+ {
+ return History[i].ScanoutTime;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.;
+}} // namespace OVR::CAPI