path: root/src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.m
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* NEWT/OSX: Remove USE_SENDIO_DIRECT conditional compilation, by now it's clear...Sven Gothel2013-04-081-25/+2
* NEWT/Native: NewtCommon_GetJNIEnv(..) adding 'asDaemon' flag, used by all OSX...Sven Gothel2013-04-081-27/+27
* OSX/NEWT: Following CALayer streaming design, i.e. issue NSWindow/NSView Ops ...Sven Gothel2013-03-191-64/+81
* NEWT/OSX: Fix 'locationOnScreen' usage and use proper client-area window scre...Sven Gothel2013-02-201-6/+15
* Bug 678 (fix), Bug 641 (API + Windows Impl.), Bug 688 (prep): Update NEWT's K...Sven Gothel2013-02-191-19/+17
* NEWT/OSX: Fix Memory Leak ; Fix Occasional Crash Duer to Lifecycle Ops not on...Sven Gothel2013-02-171-9/+23
* NEWT-MouseEvent getWheelRotation() API Update - Fixes Bug 659: NEWT Horizonta...Sven Gothel2013-01-141-22/+36
* Fix NEWT KeyEvent: Deliver keyChar w/ pressed and released; Deliver proper mo...Sven Gothel2012-10-311-4/+3
* Fix NEWT KeyCode: Basic KeyCode Validation on X11, Windows and OSXSven Gothel2012-10-281-9/+65
* Bug 599 - FBObject / Offscreen Support - Part 1Sven Gothel2012-07-191-3/+3
* Fix Bug 560 and NEWT window closing behavior in general for all platforms.Sven Gothel2012-05-011-4/+31
* Newt/OSX(native): close0() shall not release NewtMacWindow (NSWindow) in case...Sven Gothel2012-04-211-5/+31
* NEWT/OSX: Cleanup 'javaWindowObject' @ window-close & avoid NPE; Disable lost...Sven Gothel2012-01-181-6/+24
* NEWT/OSX: Cleanup NewtMacWindow header (sort, fix and add declarations); Remo...Sven Gothel2012-01-171-112/+112
* NEWT/OSX Pointer Invisible Fix: 10.6.* responder declarations & test focus/is...Sven Gothel2012-01-161-7/+22
* NEWT EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL_MOVED: Fix Bug 413 - Generate proper mouse wheel events.Sven Gothel2011-12-021-12/+6
* NEWTMacWindow:View: Make lock recursive ..Sven Gothel2011-11-291-12/+23
* NEWT MacWindow: the softLock (pthread mutex) is now always blocking (remove n...Sven Gothel2011-11-291-18/+0
* NewtMacWindow: Add CR/LF to DBG_PRINTSven Gothel2011-11-191-15/+17
* NEWT/AWT Focus Traversal / Deadlock Fix (Windows) ; Harmonized NEWT KeyListen...Sven Gothel2011-11-181-4/+4
* OSX: CGL type cleanup ; layeredSurface impl.Sven Gothel2011-11-051-15/+15
* NEWT/OSX NewtView: Add 'soft' pthread locking impacts: needsDisplay/displayIf...Sven Gothel2011-10-271-10/+66
* NEWT/OSX: Can't use sending key/mouse directly to WindowImpl, deadlock .. see...Sven Gothel2011-10-261-1/+7
* NEWT/MacOSX: Fix resignKeyWindow super call. Summarize sendFocusLost/sendFocu...Sven Gothel2011-10-221-40/+12
* NEWT/OSX: Attempt to stabilize native parenting (ie w/ AWT) ; Add windowRepai...Sven Gothel2011-10-201-27/+70
* NEWT/OSX: Send events direct w/o EDT queue (like X11 and Win32)Sven Gothel2011-10-161-10/+28
* NEWT/OSX: Proper impl. of NEWT's focus management (fixes NEWT/AWT focus behav...Sven Gothel2011-10-161-0/+43
* NEWT/OSX: Add mouse enter/exit and pointer features (visible, confined, warp)...Sven Gothel2011-10-161-37/+182
* Newt/OSX: Fix top/child positioning, positionChanged(), rely on native pos/si...Sven Gothel2011-10-121-18/+38
* NEWT: Adapt to GlueGen's Lock ChangeSet, all java callbacks for native have '...Sven Gothel2011-09-271-22/+26
* NEWT/JOGL: MacOSX UpdateSven Gothel2011-09-251-27/+162
* NativeWindow/NEWT: Refine Insets definition for size and position, read and w...Sven Gothel2011-09-041-1/+1
* NEWT: Add WindowListener.windowDestroyed() ; Remove WindowImpl.windowDestroyed()Sven Gothel2010-12-231-4/+1
* Fix macosx compilationSven Gothel2010-11-021-10/+10
* NEWT: Fix / Stabilize Fullscreen/Decoration/Reparenting Mode ChangesSven Gothel2010-10-211-5/+18
* Fix OSX 2: Newt EDT (MainThread) and I/O methods ; Build jogl.build.numberSven Gothel2010-07-261-26/+27
* Fix file modesSven Gothel2010-07-071-0/+0
* Fix: Locking/Threading; Common IntIntHashMap and Buffers; Fix: glMap*Buffer*;...Sven Gothel2010-06-101-25/+25
* NEWT: Add missing return in recursive lock; Add MacOSX EVENT_KEY_TYPEDSven Gothel2010-04-241-0/+1
* Fix NEWT Window destroy/close race condition,Sven Gothel2010-04-091-1/+1
* Newt: MacOSX child clipping tests (failed)Sven Gothel2009-09-121-0/+8
* newt: mac os mouse wheel event support, also made it more consistent with win...trembovetski2009-08-251-2/+53
* newt: one more attempt to commit insets-related changestrembovetski2009-08-201-4/+37
* Copied JOGL_2_SANDBOX r1957 on to trunk; JOGL_2_SANDBOX branch is now closedKenneth Russel2009-06-151-0/+391