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using our OpenJFK 9 x86_64 and arm64 build.
Test demo class is 'com.jogamp.opengl.demos.ios.Hello',
residing in the new demo folder 'src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/ios/Hello.java'.
This commit does not yet include a working NEWT
specialization for iOS, but it shall followup soon.
Instead this commit demonstrates JOGL operating on
native UIWindow, UIView and CAEAGLLayer as provided by
Nativewindow's IOSUtil.
Test Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4lUQNFTGMI
Notable bug: The FBO used and sharing the COLORBUFFER RENDERBUFFER
memory resources with CAEAGLLayer to be displayed in the UIView
seemingly cannot handle GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24
or GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 depth buffer - none at all (Device + Simulation).
Therefor the default demo GLEventListener chosen here
don't require a depth buffer ;-)
This issue can hopefully be mitigated with other means
than using a flat FBO sink similar to FBO multisampling.
framebuffer (Part 2); Bug 896: EGL_KHR_create_context (Part 1)
Bug 1068 - Allow GLContext creation and makeCurrent without default framebuffer (Part 2)
Implement surfaceless context on EGL and GLX/X11
utilizing *UpstreamSurfacelessHook as introduced in
commit 9ea218a5990b908e04235c407c0951c60df6ffba.
Surfaceless context is probed during GL profile probing by default.
If available, it will be used for offscreen FBO drawables.
If probing fails, or is disabled,
the new GLRendererQuirks.NoSurfacelessCtx is set.
- GLProfile.disableSurfacelessContext disables
surfaceless context probing, set property 'jogl.disable.surfacelesscontext'
- Mesa/EGL works,
- Mesa + NVidia w/ GLX fail on GNU/Linux): Fails NoSurfacelessCtx
- TODO: Windows impl. and more tests
Bug 896: EGL_KHR_create_context (Part 1)
- Detect EGL_KHR_create_context capability and utilize if available.
- Implement EGLContext.createContextARBImpl(..),
allowing native DEBUG context usage, where available.
- EGL implements SharedResourceRunner, i.e. probing profiles
on dedicated thread using common interface.
- Probe desktop profile/context ability
in EGLDrawableFactory SharedResourceRunner,
Where EGLGLnDynamicLibraryBundleInfo covers EGL + desktop GL.
- TODO: Tests w/ capable implementation