path: root/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixed Issue 281: FileUtil doc enhancement Kenneth Russel2007-02-271-4/+12
* Fixed Issue 277: Documentation enhancement Kenneth Russel2007-02-271-36/+66
* Fixed Issue 278: Fatal error when rendering text Kenneth Russel2007-02-271-0/+40
* On advice from Chris Campbell, forced TYPE_INT_ARGB and Kenneth Russel2007-02-271-3/+12
* Fixed Issue 276: Bug in handling of RGB-like custom BufferedImages in TextureIO Kenneth Russel2007-02-221-1/+1
* Fixed Issue 275: Rendering bugs in TextRenderer Kenneth Russel2007-02-221-1/+38
* Fixed Issue 273: class DDSImage don't support cubemap textures Kenneth Russel2007-02-211-16/+144
* Fixed Issue 272: Move setColor method from TextRenderer up to TextureRenderer Kenneth Russel2007-02-202-28/+64
* Added handling and documentation for jogl.silent.noddraw.check and Kenneth Russel2007-02-141-26/+61
* Added RenderDelegate mechanism to TextRenderer to provide more control Kenneth Russel2007-02-111-19/+103
* Javadoc fixKenneth Russel2007-02-111-2/+3
* Added setColor(Color) convenience methodKenneth Russel2007-02-111-0/+16
* Fixed Issue 267: class DDSImage return incorrect mipmap level data. Kenneth Russel2007-01-261-2/+2
* Added GL_TEXTURE_BIT and GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT to set of attributes Kenneth Russel2007-01-251-1/+2
* Removed incorrect comment about alpha bits pointed out by Chris CampbellKenneth Russel2007-01-251-3/+1
* Fixed Issue 264: SecurityException in JOGLAppletLauncher if JOAL not present Kenneth Russel2007-01-221-1/+5
* Fixed Issue 263: JOGL applets slow in Mozilla / FirefoxKenneth Russel2007-01-221-0/+9
* Added 3D rendering methods to TextureRenderer and TextRenderer on Kenneth Russel2007-01-202-90/+230
* Robustness improvements to TextRenderer and underlying RectanglePacker. Kenneth Russel2007-01-131-26/+194
* Added new FlyingText demo to illustrate more advanced usage of the Kenneth Russel2007-01-072-15/+34
* With help from Chris Campbell, fixed incredibly stupid bug on my part Kenneth Russel2007-01-063-1/+47
* With extensive help from Phil Race and Chris Campbell from the Java 2D Kenneth Russel2007-01-042-5/+583
* Moved J2DTextureRenderer and J2DOverlay into their own sub-package and Kenneth Russel2007-01-042-11/+11
* Added getImage() and simpler drawOrthoRect() helper method on Kenneth Russel2007-01-041-0/+25
* On request from James Gosling and others, added a J2DTextureRenderer Kenneth Russel2006-12-302-0/+559
* Fixed Issue 257: RFE: Texture.updateSubImage(x,y,w,h) Kenneth Russel2006-12-292-143/+233
* Updated javadoc for JOGLAppletLauncher to document JOAL support, new Kenneth Russel2006-12-221-21/+46
* Added support for new architectures -- although with the lack of a Kenneth Russel2006-12-221-2/+9
* Fixed problem in JOGLAppletLauncher where if two different applets Kenneth Russel2006-12-201-7/+37
* Texture documentation improvements suggested by Chris Campbell and James GoslingKenneth Russel2006-12-051-7/+54
* Added support for using JOAL alongside JOGL in JOGLAppletLauncher. If Kenneth Russel2006-12-041-5/+190
* Fixed javadoc code tag problem pointed out by Chris CampbellKenneth Russel2006-11-271-2/+2
* Removed native code for DRIHack and replaced it with code using theKenneth Russel2006-11-241-139/+165
* Added documentation by Chris Campbell to Texture class on Kenneth Russel2006-11-181-2/+48
* Fixed Issue 247: Texture class should use GL_CLAMP if OpenGL version is 1.1 Kenneth Russel2006-11-151-4/+4
* Fixed Issue 245: glutSolidCylinder missing from com.sun.opengl.util.GLUT Kenneth Russel2006-11-131-0/+146
* Fixed Issue 238: BufferedImage flips on call to ImageIO.newTexture Kenneth Russel2006-07-201-33/+81
* Fixed problem with glutSolidTeapot() pointed out by user bahuman on Kenneth Russel2006-07-011-4/+2
* Fixed bug pointed out by Tom Gaskins from NASA in handling of creationKenneth Russel2006-06-021-24/+51
* Fixed build breakage with last checkinKenneth Russel2006-05-211-0/+1
* Removed debugging printlnsKenneth Russel2006-05-201-4/+10
* Fixed bugs in handling of mipmapped compressed texturesKenneth Russel2006-05-203-15/+16
* Added StreamUtil for reading all data from an InputStream. Added Kenneth Russel2006-05-053-79/+229
* Added detection to JOGLAppletLauncher of whether DRIHack library isKenneth Russel2006-04-191-0/+8
* Updated JOGLAppletLauncher with new native library names. Made pack200Kenneth Russel2006-04-191-5/+7
* Fixed Issue 217: JOGLAppletLauncher attempts to create file with an invalid n...Kenneth Russel2006-04-171-1/+1
* Fixed bug found by user Kickaha on javagaming.org forums where entire Kenneth Russel2006-04-131-2/+2
* Fixed Issue 211: Screenshot should read any screen rectangle Kenneth Russel2006-03-251-7/+103
* Added support requested by user mantesat on JOGL forum for null Kenneth Russel2006-03-031-1/+6
* Fixed Issue 205: FPSAnimator flag for fixed-rate scheduling Kenneth Russel2006-02-211-4/+28