path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncPipeline.java
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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncPipeline.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncPipeline.java
index 716787b02..cc58f2363 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncPipeline.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncPipeline.java
@@ -937,30 +937,19 @@ public class FixedFuncPipeline {
return toString(null, DEBUG).toString();
- // Shall we use: #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH .. #endif for using highp in fragment shader if avail ?
- static final String es2_prelude_vp = "#version 100\n\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n";
- static final String es2_prelude_fp = "#version 100\n\nprecision mediump float;\nprecision mediump int;\n/*precision lowp sampler2D;*/\n";
- static final String gl2_prelude = "#version 120\n"; // GL 2.1 (Nvidia driver claims it's required to use gl_Points, OSX claim's it for gl_PointCoord -> driver bug - both were introduced w/ 1.10)
private static final String constMaxTextures0 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 0\n";
private static final String constMaxTextures2 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 2\n";
private static final String constMaxTextures4 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 4\n";
private static final String constMaxTextures8 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 8\n";
- private void customizeShader(GL2ES2 gl, ShaderCode vp, ShaderCode fp, String maxTextureDefine) {
- int rsVpPos, rsFpPos;
- if(gl.isGLES2()) {
- rsVpPos = vp.insertShaderSource(0, 0, es2_prelude_vp);
- rsFpPos = fp.insertShaderSource(0, 0, es2_prelude_fp);
- } else {
- rsVpPos = vp.insertShaderSource(0, 0, gl2_prelude);
- rsFpPos = fp.insertShaderSource(0, 0, gl2_prelude);
- }
+ private final void customizeShader(GL2ES2 gl, ShaderCode vp, ShaderCode fp, String maxTextureDefine) {
+ int rsVpPos = vp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, ShaderCode.es2_default_precision_vp);
+ int rsFpPos = fp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, ShaderCode.es2_default_precision_fp);
vp.insertShaderSource(0, rsVpPos, maxTextureDefine);
fp.insertShaderSource(0, rsFpPos, maxTextureDefine);
- private void loadShaderPoints(GL2ES2 gl) {
+ private final void loadShaderPoints(GL2ES2 gl) {
if( null != shaderProgramPoints ) {
@@ -978,7 +967,7 @@ public class FixedFuncPipeline {
- private void loadShader(GL2ES2 gl, ShaderSelectionMode mode) {
+ private final void loadShader(GL2ES2 gl, ShaderSelectionMode mode) {
final boolean loadColor = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR == mode;
final boolean loadColorTexture2 = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE2 == mode;
final boolean loadColorTexture4 = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE4 == mode;