path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java
index f01e03a2f..33893e456 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
import com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer;
import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform;
import com.jogamp.common.util.VersionNumber;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.ProcAddressTable;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLProcAddressResolver;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLExtensions;
@@ -461,10 +462,13 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
// NSOpenGLContext-based implementation
class NSOpenGLImpl implements GLBackendImpl {
- private long pixelFormat = 0; // lifecycle: [create - destroy]
- private volatile long nsOpenGLLayer = 0; // lifecycle: [associateDrawable_true - associateDrawable_false]
- private float screenVSyncTimeout = 16666; // microSec - defaults to 1/60s
- private volatile int vsyncTimeout = 16666 + 1000; // microSec - for nsOpenGLLayer mode - defaults to 1/60s + 1ms
+ private OffscreenLayerSurface backingLayerHost = null;
+ /** lifecycle: [create - destroy] */
+ private long pixelFormat = 0;
+ /** microSec - defaults to 1/60s */
+ private int screenVSyncTimeout = 16666;
+ /** microSec - for nsOpenGLLayer mode - defaults to 1/60s + 1ms */
+ private volatile int vsyncTimeout = 16666 + 1000;
private int lastWidth=0, lastHeight=0; // allowing to detect size change
private boolean needsSetContextPBuffer = false;
private ShaderProgram gl3ShaderProgram = null;
@@ -562,7 +566,7 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
final int sRefreshRate = OSXUtil.GetScreenRefreshRate(drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getScreen().getIndex());
if( 0 < sRefreshRate ) {
- screenVSyncTimeout = 1000000f / sRefreshRate;
+ screenVSyncTimeout = 1000000 / sRefreshRate;
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println("NS create OSX>=lion "+isLionOrLater);
@@ -608,32 +612,147 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
return CGL.deleteContext(ctx, true);
+ /**
+ * NSOpenGLLayer creation and it's attachment is performed on the main-thread w/o [infinite] blocking.
+ * <p>
+ * Since NSOpenGLLayer creation requires this context for it's shared context creation,
+ * this method attempts to acquire the surface and context lock with {@link #screenVSyncTimeout}/2 maximum wait time.
+ * If the surface and context lock could not be acquired, this runnable is being re-queued for later execution.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Hence this method blocks the main-thread only for a short period of time.
+ * </p>
+ */
+ class AttachNSOpenGLLayer implements Runnable {
+ final OffscreenLayerSurface ols;
+ final long ctx;
+ final int shaderProgram;
+ final long pfmt;
+ final long pbuffer;
+ final int texID;
+ final boolean isOpaque;
+ final int width;
+ final int height;
+ /** Synchronized by instance's monitor */
+ long nsOpenGLLayer;
+ /** Synchronized by instance's monitor */
+ boolean valid;
+ AttachNSOpenGLLayer(OffscreenLayerSurface ols, long ctx, int shaderProgram, long pfmt, long pbuffer, int texID, boolean isOpaque, int width, int height) {
+ this.ols = ols;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.shaderProgram = shaderProgram;
+ this.pfmt = pfmt;
+ this.pbuffer = pbuffer;
+ this.texID = texID;
+ this.isOpaque = isOpaque;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.valid = false;
+ this.nsOpenGLLayer = 0;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ synchronized(this) {
+ if( !valid ) {
+ try {
+ final int maxwait = screenVSyncTimeout/2000; // TO 1/2 of current screen-vsync in [ms]
+ final RecursiveLock surfaceLock = ols.getLock();
+ if( surfaceLock.tryLock( maxwait ) ) {
+ try {
+ if( MacOSXCGLContext.this.lock.tryLock( maxwait ) ) {
+ try {
+ nsOpenGLLayer = CGL.createNSOpenGLLayer(ctx, shaderProgram, pfmt, pbuffer, texID, isOpaque, width, height);
+ ols.attachSurfaceLayer(nsOpenGLLayer);
+ final int currentInterval = MacOSXCGLContext.this.getSwapInterval();
+ final int interval = 0 <= currentInterval ? currentInterval : 1;
+ setSwapIntervalImpl(nsOpenGLLayer, interval); // enabled per default in layered surface
+ valid = true;
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("NSOpenGLLayer.Attach: OK, layer "+toHexString(nsOpenGLLayer)+" w/ pbuffer "+toHexString(pbuffer)+", texID "+texID+", texSize "+lastWidth+"x"+lastHeight+", drawableHandle "+toHexString(drawable.getHandle())+" - "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ }
+ } finally {
+ MacOSXCGLContext.this.lock.unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ surfaceLock.unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if( !valid ) {
+ // could not acquire lock, re-queue
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("NSOpenGLLayer.Attach: Re-Queue, drawableHandle "+toHexString(drawable.getHandle())+" - "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ }
+ OSXUtil.RunLater(this, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AttachNSOpenGLLayer attachCALayerCmd = null;
+ class DetachNSOpenGLLayer implements Runnable {
+ final AttachNSOpenGLLayer cmd;
+ DetachNSOpenGLLayer(AttachNSOpenGLLayer cmd) {
+ this.cmd = cmd;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ synchronized( cmd ) {
+ if( cmd.valid ) {
+ // still having a valid OLS attached to surface (parent OLS could have been removed)
+ try {
+ final OffscreenLayerSurface ols = cmd.ols;
+ final long l = ols.getAttachedSurfaceLayer();
+ if( 0 != l ) {
+ ols.detachSurfaceLayer();
+ }
+ } catch(Throwable t) {
+ System.err.println("Catched exception @ "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+": ");
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ CGL.releaseNSOpenGLLayer(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer);
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("NSOpenGLLayer.Detach: OK, layer "+toHexString(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer)+", drawableHandle "+toHexString(drawable.getHandle())+" - "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ }
+ cmd.nsOpenGLLayer = 0;
+ cmd.valid = false;
+ } else if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("NSOpenGLLayer.Detach: Skipped "+toHexString(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer)+", drawableHandle "+toHexString(drawable.getHandle())+" - "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void associateDrawable(boolean bound) {
- final OffscreenLayerSurface backingLayerHost = NativeWindowFactory.getOffscreenLayerSurface(drawable.getNativeSurface(), true);
+ backingLayerHost = NativeWindowFactory.getOffscreenLayerSurface(drawable.getNativeSurface(), true);
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println("MaxOSXCGLContext.NSOpenGLImpl.associateDrawable: "+bound+", ctx "+toHexString(contextHandle)+", hasBackingLayerHost "+(null!=backingLayerHost));
+ // Thread.dumpStack();
if( bound ) {
- if( null != backingLayerHost ) {
- if( 0 != nsOpenGLLayer ) { // FIXME: redundant
- throw new InternalError("Lifecycle: bound=true, hasBackingLayerHost=true, but 'nsOpenGLLayer' is already/still set local: "+nsOpenGLLayer+", "+this);
- }
- nsOpenGLLayer = backingLayerHost.getAttachedSurfaceLayer();
- if( 0 != nsOpenGLLayer ) { // FIXME: redundant
- throw new InternalError("Lifecycle: bound=true, hasBackingLayerHost=true, but 'nsOpenGLLayer' is already/still set on backingLayerHost: "+nsOpenGLLayer+", "+this);
- }
+ if( null != backingLayerHost ) {
+ final GLCapabilitiesImmutable chosenCaps;
+ final long ctx;
+ final int texID;
+ final long pbufferHandle;
+ final int gl3ShaderProgramName;
// handled layered surface
- final GLCapabilitiesImmutable chosenCaps = drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities();
- final long ctx = MacOSXCGLContext.this.getHandle();
- final int texID;
+ chosenCaps = drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities();
+ ctx = MacOSXCGLContext.this.getHandle();
final long drawableHandle = drawable.getHandle();
- final long pbufferHandle;
if(drawable instanceof GLFBODrawableImpl) {
final GLFBODrawableImpl fbod = (GLFBODrawableImpl)drawable;
texID = fbod.getTextureBuffer(GL.GL_FRONT).getName();
@@ -657,7 +776,6 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
if(0>=lastWidth || 0>=lastHeight || !drawable.isRealized()) {
throw new GLException("Drawable not realized yet or invalid texture size, texSize "+lastWidth+"x"+lastHeight+", "+drawable);
- final int gl3ShaderProgramName;
if( MacOSXCGLContext.this.isGL3core() ) {
if( null == gl3ShaderProgram) {
gl3ShaderProgram = createCALayerShader(MacOSXCGLContext.this.gl.getGL3());
@@ -665,88 +783,42 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
gl3ShaderProgramName = gl3ShaderProgram.program();
} else {
gl3ShaderProgramName = 0;
- }
+ }
- /**
- * NSOpenGLLayer creation and it's attachment is performed on the main w/o blocking,
- * due to OSX main-thread requirements.
- * Note: It somewhat works from another thread, however,
- * GC-dealloc of the 'released' resources would happen very late!
- *
- * NSOpenGLLayer initialization creates it's own GL ctx sharing
- * this ctx, hence we have to lock this ctx in the main-thread.
- *
- * Locking of this ctx while creation and attachment
- * also gives us good means of synchronization, i.e. it will be
- * performed after this thread ends it's associateDrawable() [makeCurrent(), setDrawable(..)]
- * and before the next display cycle involving makeCurrent().
- */
- OSXUtil.RunOnMainThread(false, new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("NS create nsOpenGLLayer.0 "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
- }
- final long cglCtx = CGL.getCGLContext(ctx);
- if(0 == cglCtx) {
- throw new GLException("Null CGLContext for: "+MacOSXCGLContext.this);
- }
- if( CGL.kCGLNoError != CGL.CGLLockContext(cglCtx) ) {
- throw new GLException("Could not lock CGLContext for: "+MacOSXCGLContext.this);
- }
- try {
- nsOpenGLLayer = CGL.createNSOpenGLLayer(ctx, gl3ShaderProgramName, pixelFormat, pbufferHandle, texID, chosenCaps.isBackgroundOpaque(), lastWidth, lastHeight);
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("NS create nsOpenGLLayer.2 "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+toHexString(nsOpenGLLayer)+" w/ pbuffer "+toHexString(pbufferHandle)+", texID "+texID+", texSize "+lastWidth+"x"+lastHeight+", "+drawable);
- }
- backingLayerHost.attachSurfaceLayer(nsOpenGLLayer);
- setSwapInterval(1); // enabled per default in layered surface
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- throw new GLException("createNSOpenGLLayer failed for: "+MacOSXCGLContext.this, t);
- } finally {
- if(CGL.kCGLNoError != CGL.CGLUnlockContext(cglCtx)) {
- throw new GLException("Could not unlock CGLContext for: "+MacOSXCGLContext.this);
- }
- }
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("NS create nsOpenGLLayer.X "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
- }
- }
- });
- CGL.setContextView(contextHandle, 0); // [ctx clearDrawable]
+ // All CALayer lifecycle ops are deferred on main-thread
+ attachCALayerCmd = new AttachNSOpenGLLayer(
+ backingLayerHost, ctx, gl3ShaderProgramName, pixelFormat, pbufferHandle, texID,
+ chosenCaps.isBackgroundOpaque(), lastWidth, lastHeight );
+ OSXUtil.RunOnMainThread(false, attachCALayerCmd);
} else { // -> null == backingLayerHost
lastWidth = drawable.getWidth();
lastHeight = drawable.getHeight();
boolean[] isPBuffer = { false };
boolean[] isFBO = { false };
- CGL.setContextView(contextHandle, getNSViewHandle(isPBuffer, isFBO)); // will call [ctx clearDrawable] if view == 0, otherwise [ctx setView: view] if valid
+ CGL.setContextView(contextHandle, getNSViewHandle(isPBuffer, isFBO));
} else { // -> !bound
- if( 0 != nsOpenGLLayer ) {
- if( null == backingLayerHost ) { // FIXME: redundant
- throw new InternalError("Lifecycle: bound=false, hasNSOpneGLLayer=true, but 'backingLayerHost' is null local: "+nsOpenGLLayer+", "+this);
+ if( null != backingLayerHost ) {
+ final AttachNSOpenGLLayer cmd = attachCALayerCmd;
+ attachCALayerCmd = null;
+ if( 0 != cmd.pbuffer ) {
+ CGL.setContextPBuffer(contextHandle, 0);
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("NS destroy nsOpenGLLayer "+toHexString(nsOpenGLLayer)+", "+drawable);
- }
- if( backingLayerHost.isSurfaceLayerAttached() ) {
- // still having a valid OLS attached to surface (parent OLS could have been removed)
- backingLayerHost.detachSurfaceLayer();
- }
- // All CALayer lifecycle calls are deferred on main-thread, so is this.
- final long _nsOpenGLLayer = nsOpenGLLayer;
- nsOpenGLLayer = 0;
- OSXUtil.RunOnMainThread(false, new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- CGL.releaseNSOpenGLLayer(_nsOpenGLLayer);
- }
- });
- if( null != gl3ShaderProgram ) {
- gl3ShaderProgram.destroy(MacOSXCGLContext.this.gl.getGL3());
- gl3ShaderProgram = null;
+ synchronized(cmd) {
+ if( !cmd.valid ) {
+ cmd.valid = true; // skip pending creation
+ } else {
+ // All CALayer lifecycle ops are deferred on main-thread
+ OSXUtil.RunOnMainThread(false, new DetachNSOpenGLLayer(cmd));
+ if( null != gl3ShaderProgram ) {
+ gl3ShaderProgram.destroy(MacOSXCGLContext.this.gl.getGL3());
+ gl3ShaderProgram = null;
+ }
+ }
- CGL.setContextView(contextHandle, 0); // [ctx clearDrawable]
+ CGL.clearDrawable(contextHandle);
+ backingLayerHost = null;
@@ -832,65 +904,83 @@ public abstract class MacOSXCGLContext extends GLContextImpl
public boolean setSwapInterval(int interval) {
- if(0 != nsOpenGLLayer) {
- CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerSwapInterval(nsOpenGLLayer, interval);
+ final AttachNSOpenGLLayer cmd = attachCALayerCmd;
+ if(null != cmd) {
+ synchronized(cmd) {
+ if( cmd.valid && 0 != cmd.nsOpenGLLayer) {
+ setSwapIntervalImpl(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer, interval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setSwapIntervalImpl(0, interval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void setSwapIntervalImpl(final long l, int interval) {
+ if( 0 != l ) {
+ CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerSwapInterval(l, interval);
if( 0 < interval ) {
- vsyncTimeout = interval * (int)screenVSyncTimeout + 1000; // +1ms
+ vsyncTimeout = interval * screenVSyncTimeout + 1000; // +1ms
if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("NS setSwapInterval: "+interval+" -> "+vsyncTimeout+" micros"); }
+ if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("CGL setSwapInterval: "+interval); }
CGL.setSwapInterval(contextHandle, interval);
- return true;
private int skipSync=0;
public boolean swapBuffers() {
- final boolean res;
- if( 0 != nsOpenGLLayer ) {
- if( validateDrawableSizeConfig(contextHandle) ) {
- // skip wait-for-vsync for a few frames if size has changed,
- // allowing to update the texture IDs ASAP.
- skipSync = 10;
- }
- final int texID;
- final boolean valid;
- final boolean isFBO = drawable instanceof GLFBODrawableImpl;
- if( isFBO ){
- texID = ((GLFBODrawableImpl)drawable).getTextureBuffer(GL.GL_FRONT).getName();
- valid = 0 != texID;
- } else {
- texID = 0;
- valid = 0 != drawable.getHandle();
- }
- if(valid) {
- if(0 == skipSync) {
- // If v-sync is disabled, frames will be drawn as quickly as possible w/o delay,
- // while still synchronizing w/ CALayer.
- // If v-sync is enabled wait until next swap interval (v-sync).
- CGL.waitUntilNSOpenGLLayerIsReady(nsOpenGLLayer, vsyncTimeout);
- } else {
- skipSync--;
- }
- res = CGL.flushBuffer(contextHandle);
- if(res) {
- if(isFBO) {
- // trigger CALayer to update incl. possible surface change (texture)
- CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerNeedsDisplayFBO(nsOpenGLLayer, texID);
+ final AttachNSOpenGLLayer cmd = attachCALayerCmd;
+ if(null != cmd) {
+ synchronized(cmd) {
+ if( cmd.valid && 0 != cmd.nsOpenGLLayer) {
+ if( validateDrawableSizeConfig(contextHandle) ) {
+ // skip wait-for-vsync for a few frames if size has changed,
+ // allowing to update the texture IDs ASAP.
+ skipSync = 10;
+ }
+ final boolean res;
+ final int texID;
+ final boolean valid;
+ final boolean isFBO = drawable instanceof GLFBODrawableImpl;
+ if( isFBO ){
+ texID = ((GLFBODrawableImpl)drawable).getTextureBuffer(GL.GL_FRONT).getName();
+ valid = 0 != texID;
+ } else {
+ texID = 0;
+ valid = 0 != drawable.getHandle();
+ }
+ if(valid) {
+ res = CGL.flushBuffer(contextHandle);
+ if(res) {
+ if(0 == skipSync) {
+ // If v-sync is disabled, frames will be drawn as quickly as possible w/o delay,
+ // while still synchronizing w/ CALayer.
+ // If v-sync is enabled wait until next swap interval (v-sync).
+ CGL.waitUntilNSOpenGLLayerIsReady(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer, vsyncTimeout);
+ } else {
+ skipSync--;
+ }
+ if(isFBO) {
+ // trigger CALayer to update incl. possible surface change (texture)
+ CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerNeedsDisplayFBO(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer, texID);
+ } else {
+ // trigger CALayer to update incl. possible surface change (new pbuffer handle)
+ CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerNeedsDisplayPBuffer(cmd.nsOpenGLLayer, drawable.getHandle());
+ }
+ }
} else {
- // trigger CALayer to update incl. possible surface change (new pbuffer handle)
- CGL.setNSOpenGLLayerNeedsDisplayPBuffer(nsOpenGLLayer, drawable.getHandle());
+ res = true;
+ return res;
- } else {
- res = true;
- } else {
- res = CGL.flushBuffer(contextHandle);
- return res;
+ return CGL.flushBuffer(contextHandle);