path: root/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/awt
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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java b/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java
index 6c28c75ab..5f9551610 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLPixelStorageModes;
public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosingProtocol {
private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("GLJPanel");
+ private static final boolean DEBUG_VIEWPORT = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.debug.GLJPanel.Viewport", true);
+ private static final boolean USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER = !Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.gljpanel.noglsl", true);
private GLDrawableHelper helper = new GLDrawableHelper();
private volatile boolean isInitialized;
@@ -139,13 +141,23 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
private GLContext shareWith;
private int additionalCtxCreationFlags = 0;
- // Width of the actual GLJPanel
- private int panelWidth = 0;
- private int panelHeight = 0;
- // Lazy reshape notification
+ // Lazy reshape notification: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
private boolean handleReshape = false;
private boolean sendReshape = true;
+ // For handling reshape events lazily: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
+ private int reshapeWidth;
+ private int reshapeHeight;
+ // Width of the actual GLJPanel: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
+ private int panelWidth = 0;
+ private int panelHeight = 0;
+ // These are always set to (0, 0) except when the Java2D / OpenGL
+ // pipeline is active
+ private int viewportX;
+ private int viewportY;
// The backend in use
private Backend backend;
@@ -157,17 +169,6 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
Java2D.isOGLPipelineResourceCompatible() &&
!Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.gljpanel.noogl", true);
- // For handling reshape events lazily
- // private int reshapeX;
- // private int reshapeY;
- private int reshapeWidth;
- private int reshapeHeight;
- // These are always set to (0, 0) except when the Java2D / OpenGL
- // pipeline is active
- private int viewportX;
- private int viewportY;
private AWTWindowClosingProtocol awtWindowClosingProtocol =
new AWTWindowClosingProtocol(this, new Runnable() {
@@ -401,6 +402,9 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super.reshape(x, y, width, height);
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.reshape: " +reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight + " -> " + width+"x"+height);
+ }
// reshapeX = x;
// reshapeY = y;
reshapeWidth = width;
@@ -659,6 +663,9 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.createAndInitializeBackend: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight);
+ }
// Pull down reshapeWidth and reshapeHeight into panelWidth and
// panelHeight eagerly in order to complete initialization, and
// force a reshape later
@@ -691,14 +698,12 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
private boolean handleReshape() {
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.handleReshape: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight);
+ }
panelWidth = reshapeWidth;
panelHeight = reshapeHeight;
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.handleReshape: (w,h) = (" +
- panelWidth + "," + panelHeight + ")");
- }
return backend.handleReshape();
@@ -931,7 +936,8 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
flippedVertical = offscreenContext.isGLOrientationFlippedVertical();
final GLCapabilitiesImmutable chosenCaps = offscreenDrawable.getChosenGLCapabilities();
- if( chosenCaps.isFBO() && flippedVertical && gl.isGL2ES2() ) {
+ if( USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER && chosenCaps.isFBO() && flippedVertical && gl.isGL2ES2() ) {
+ final boolean _autoSwapBufferMode = helper.getAutoSwapBufferMode();
final GLFBODrawable fboDrawable = (GLFBODrawable) offscreenDrawable;
try {
@@ -951,7 +957,8 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
if(null != fboFlipped) {
fboFlipped = null;
- }
+ }
+ helper.setAutoSwapBufferMode(_autoSwapBufferMode);
} else {
fboFlipped = null;
@@ -1039,21 +1046,28 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
glFormat = GL.GL_BGRA;
glType = GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // offscreenContext.getDefaultPixelDataType();
+ offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(panelWidth, panelHeight, withAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
if(!flippedVertical || null != glslTextureRaster) {
- offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(panelWidth, panelHeight, withAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
final int[] readBackIntBuffer = ((DataBufferInt) offscreenImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
readBackInts = IntBuffer.wrap(readBackIntBuffer);
} else {
- offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(panelWidth, panelHeight, withAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
readBackInts = IntBuffer.allocate(readBackWidthInPixels * readBackHeightInPixels);
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": OffscreenBackend postGL offscreenImage-init: flippedVertical "+flippedVertical+", glslTextureRaster "+(null!=glslTextureRaster));
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: flippedVertical "+flippedVertical+", glslTextureRaster "+(null!=glslTextureRaster));
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: panelSize "+panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight +", readBackSizeInPixels "+readBackWidthInPixels+"x"+readBackHeightInPixels);
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: offscreenImage "+offscreenImage.getWidth()+"x"+offscreenImage.getHeight());
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
+ int[] vp = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_VIEWPORT, vp, 0);
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL: Viewport: "+vp[0]+"/"+vp[1]+" "+vp[2]+"x"+vp[3]);
+ }
// Save current modes
psm.setAlignment(gl, 1, 1);
if(gl.isGL2GL3()) {
@@ -1141,6 +1155,9 @@ public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosing
offscreenDrawable = _drawableNew;
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.handleReshape: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + _drawable.getWidth()+"x"+_drawable.getHeight());
+ }
panelWidth = _drawable.getWidth();
panelHeight = _drawable.getHeight();
readBackWidthInPixels = panelWidth;