path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math
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3 files changed, 128 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
index d2e535eaf..3a3568697 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
* otherwise only the frustum fields are set.
* @param fovy_rad angle in radians
- * @param aspect
+ * @param aspect aspect ratio width / height
* @param zNear
* @param zFar
* @return given matrix for chaining
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
public static float[] makePerspective(final float[] m, final int m_offset, final boolean initM,
final FovHVHalves fovhv, final float zNear, final float zFar) {
- final FovHVHalves fovhvTan = fovhv.getInTangents(); // use tangent of half-fov !
+ final FovHVHalves fovhvTan = fovhv.toTangents(); // use tangent of half-fov !
final float top = fovhvTan.top * zNear;
final float bottom = -1.0f * fovhvTan.bottom * zNear;
final float left = -1.0f * fovhvTan.left * zNear;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FovHVHalves.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FovHVHalves.java
index 786d146e6..26ed57009 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FovHVHalves.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FovHVHalves.java
@@ -69,26 +69,87 @@ public final class FovHVHalves {
* Returns a symmetrical centered {@link FovHVHalves} instance in tangents, using:
* <pre>
- final float halfHorizFovTan = (float)Math.tan(horizontalFov/2f);
- final float halfVertFovTan = (float)Math.tan(verticalFov/2f);
+ halfHorizFovTan = tan( horizontalFov / 2f );
+ halfVertFovTan = tan( verticalFov / 2f );
* </pre>
* @param horizontalFov whole horizontal FOV in radians
* @param verticalFov whole vertical FOV in radians
- public static FovHVHalves createByRadians(final float horizontalFov, final float verticalFov) {
+ public static FovHVHalves byRadians(final float horizontalFov, final float verticalFov) {
final float halfHorizFovTan = FloatUtil.tan(horizontalFov/2f);
final float halfVertFovTan = FloatUtil.tan(verticalFov/2f);
return new FovHVHalves(halfHorizFovTan, halfHorizFovTan, halfVertFovTan, halfVertFovTan, true);
- * Returns this instance values <i>in tangent</i> values.
+ * Returns a symmetrical centered {@link FovHVHalves} instance in tangents, using:
+ * <pre>
+ top = bottom = tan( verticalFov / 2f );
+ left = right = aspect * top;
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @param verticalFov vertical FOV in radians
+ * @param aspect aspect ration width / height
+ */
+ public static FovHVHalves byFovyRadianAndAspect(final float verticalFov, final float aspect) {
+ final float halfVertFovTan = FloatUtil.tan(verticalFov/2f);
+ final float halfHorizFovTan = aspect * halfVertFovTan;
+ return new FovHVHalves(halfHorizFovTan, halfHorizFovTan,
+ halfVertFovTan, halfVertFovTan, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a custom symmetry {@link FovHVHalves} instance in tangents, using:
+ * <pre>
+ left = tan( horizontalFov * horizCenterFromLeft )
+ right = tan( horizontalFov * ( 1f - horizCenterFromLeft ) )
+ top = tan( verticalFov * vertCenterFromTop )
+ bottom = tan( verticalFov * (1f - vertCenterFromTop ) )
+ * </pre>
+ * @param horizontalFov whole horizontal FOV in radians
+ * @param horizCenterFromLeft horizontal center from left in [0..1]
+ * @param verticalFov whole vertical FOV in radians
+ * @param vertCenterFromTop vertical center from top in [0..1]
+ */
+ public static FovHVHalves byRadians(final float horizontalFov, final float horizCenterFromLeft,
+ final float verticalFov, final float vertCenterFromTop) {
+ return new FovHVHalves(FloatUtil.tan(horizontalFov * horizCenterFromLeft),
+ FloatUtil.tan(horizontalFov * ( 1f - horizCenterFromLeft )),
+ FloatUtil.tan(verticalFov * vertCenterFromTop),
+ FloatUtil.tan(verticalFov * (1f - vertCenterFromTop )),
+ true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a custom symmetry {@link FovHVHalves} instance in tangents,
+ * via computing the <code>horizontalFov</code> using:
+ * <pre>
+ halfVertFovTan = tan( verticalFov / 2f );
+ halfHorizFovTan = aspect * halfVertFovTan;
+ horizontalFov = atan( halfHorizFovTan ) * 2f;
+ return {@link #byRadians(float, float, float, float) byRadians}(horizontalFov, horizCenterFromLeft, verticalFov, vertCenterFromTop)
+ * </pre>
+ * @param verticalFov whole vertical FOV in radians
+ * @param vertCenterFromTop vertical center from top in [0..1]
+ * @param aspect aspect ration width / height
+ * @param horizCenterFromLeft horizontal center from left in [0..1]
+ */
+ public static FovHVHalves byFovyRadianAndAspect(final float verticalFov, final float vertCenterFromTop,
+ final float aspect, final float horizCenterFromLeft) {
+ final float halfVertFovTan = FloatUtil.tan(verticalFov/2f);
+ final float halfHorizFovTan = aspect * halfVertFovTan;
+ final float horizontalFov = FloatUtil.atan(halfHorizFovTan) * 2f;
+ return byRadians(horizontalFov, horizCenterFromLeft, verticalFov, vertCenterFromTop);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns this instance <i>in tangent</i> values.
* <p>
* If this instance is {@link #inTangents} already, method returns this instance,
* otherwise a newly created instance w/ converted values to tangent.
* </p>
- public final FovHVHalves getInTangents() {
+ public final FovHVHalves toTangents() {
if( inTangents ) {
return this;
} else {
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/VectorUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/VectorUtil.java
index c11c2bd2b..36222cf4a 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/VectorUtil.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/VectorUtil.java
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ public final class VectorUtil {
- * Scales a vector by param using given result float[]
+ * Scales a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector * scale
* @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
* @param vector input vector
* @param scale single scale constant for all vector components
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ public final class VectorUtil {
- * Scales a vector by param using given result float[]
+ * Scales a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector * scale
* @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
* @param vector input vector
* @param scale single scale constant for all vector components
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ public final class VectorUtil {
- * Scales a vector by param using given result float[]
+ * Scales a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector * scale
* @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
* @param vector input vector
* @param scale 3 component scale constant for each vector component
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public final class VectorUtil {
- * Scales a vector by param using given result float[]
+ * Scales a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector * scale
* @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
* @param vector input vector
* @param scale 2 component scale constant for each vector component
@@ -449,6 +449,62 @@ public final class VectorUtil {
+ * Divides a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector / scale
+ * @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
+ * @param vector input vector
+ * @param scale single scale constant for all vector components
+ * @return result vector for chaining
+ */
+ public static float[] divVec2(final float[] result, final float[] vector, final float scale) {
+ result[0] = vector[0] / scale;
+ result[1] = vector[1] / scale;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Divides a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector / scale
+ * @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
+ * @param vector input vector
+ * @param scale single scale constant for all vector components
+ * @return result vector for chaining
+ */
+ public static float[] divVec3(final float[] result, final float[] vector, final float scale) {
+ result[0] = vector[0] / scale;
+ result[1] = vector[1] / scale;
+ result[2] = vector[2] / scale;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Divides a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector / scale
+ * @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
+ * @param vector input vector
+ * @param scale 3 component scale constant for each vector component
+ * @return result vector for chaining
+ */
+ public static float[] divVec3(final float[] result, final float[] vector, final float[] scale)
+ {
+ result[0] = vector[0] / scale[0];
+ result[1] = vector[1] / scale[1];
+ result[2] = vector[2] / scale[2];
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Divides a vector by param using given result float[], result = vector / scale
+ * @param result vector for the result, may be vector (in-place)
+ * @param vector input vector
+ * @param scale 2 component scale constant for each vector component
+ * @return result vector for chaining
+ */
+ public static float[] divVec2(final float[] result, final float[] vector, final float[] scale)
+ {
+ result[0] = vector[0] / scale[0];
+ result[1] = vector[1] / scale[1];
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
* Adds two vectors, result = v1 + v2
* @param result float[2] result vector, may be either v1 or v2 (in-place)
* @param v1 vector 1