path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
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diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
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index 25b5a8ad7..000000000
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
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- * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
- * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
- * conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
- * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- * provided with the distribution.
- *
- *
- * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
- * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
- * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
- */
-package com.jogamp.opengl.math;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException;
-import jogamp.opengl.Debug;
-import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform;
- * Basic Float math utility functions.
- * <p>
- * Implementation assumes linear matrix layout in column-major order
- * matching OpenGL's implementation, illustration:
- * <pre>
- Row-Major Column-Major (OpenGL):
- | 0 1 2 tx |
- | |
- | 4 5 6 ty |
- M = | |
- | 8 9 10 tz |
- | |
- | 12 13 14 15 |
- R C R C
- m[0*4+3] = tx; m[0+4*3] = tx;
- m[1*4+3] = ty; m[1+4*3] = ty;
- m[2*4+3] = tz; m[2+4*3] = tz;
- RC (std subscript order) RC (std subscript order)
- m03 = tx; m03 = tx;
- m13 = ty; m13 = ty;
- m23 = tz; m23 = tz;
- * </pre>
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * <ul>
- * <li><a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20041029003853/http://www.j3d.org/matrix_faq/matrfaq_latest.html">Matrix-FAQ</a></li>
- * <li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_%28mathematics%29">Wikipedia-Matrix</a></li>
- * <li><a href="http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/index.htm">euclideanspace.com-Matrix</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Implementation utilizes unrolling of small vertices and matrices wherever possible
- * while trying to access memory in a linear fashion for performance reasons, see:
- * <ul>
- * <li><a href="https://lessthanoptimal.github.io/Java-Matrix-Benchmark/">java-matrix-benchmark</a></li>
- * <li><a href="https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/ejml">EJML Efficient Java Matrix Library</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- */
-public final class FloatUtil {
- public static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debugExplicit("Math");
- //
- // Matrix Ops
- // Only a subset will remain here, try using Matrix4f and perhaps PMVMatrix, SyncMatrix4f16 or SyncMatrices4f16
- //
- /**
- * Make matrix an identity matrix
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- */
- public static float[] makeIdentity(final float[] m) {
- m[0+4*0] = 1f;
- m[1+4*0] = 0f;
- m[2+4*0] = 0f;
- m[3+4*0] = 0f;
- m[0+4*1] = 0f;
- m[1+4*1] = 1f;
- m[2+4*1] = 0f;
- m[3+4*1] = 0f;
- m[0+4*2] = 0f;
- m[1+4*2] = 0f;
- m[2+4*2] = 1f;
- m[3+4*2] = 0f;
- m[0+4*3] = 0f;
- m[1+4*3] = 0f;
- m[2+4*3] = 0f;
- m[3+4*3] = 1f;
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Make a translation matrix in column-major order from the given axis deltas
- * <pre>
- Translation matrix (Column Order):
- 1 0 0 0
- 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0
- x y z 1
- * </pre>
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are only set if <code>initM</code> is <code>true</code>.
- * </p>
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
- * otherwise only the diagonal and last-row is set.
- * The latter can be utilized to share a once {@link #makeIdentity(float[], int) identity set} matrix
- * for {@link #makeScale(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float) scaling}
- * and {@link #makeTranslation(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float) translation},
- * while leaving the other fields untouched for performance reasons.
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- */
- public static float[] makeTranslation(final float[] m, final boolean initM, final float tx, final float ty, final float tz) {
- if( initM ) {
- makeIdentity(m);
- } else {
- m[0+4*0] = 1;
- m[1+4*1] = 1;
- m[2+4*2] = 1;
- m[3+4*3] = 1;
- }
- m[0+4*3] = tx;
- m[1+4*3] = ty;
- m[2+4*3] = tz;
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Make a scale matrix in column-major order from the given axis factors
- * <pre>
- Scale matrix (Any Order):
- x 0 0 0
- 0 y 0 0
- 0 0 z 0
- 0 0 0 1
- * </pre>
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are only set if <code>initM</code> is <code>true</code>.
- * </p>
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
- * otherwise only the diagonal and last-row is set.
- * The latter can be utilized to share a once {@link #makeIdentity(float[], int) identity set} matrix
- * for {@link #makeScale(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float) scaling}
- * and {@link #makeTranslation(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float) translation},
- * while leaving the other fields untouched for performance reasons.
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- */
- public static float[] makeScale(final float[] m, final boolean initM, final float sx, final float sy, final float sz) {
- if( initM ) {
- makeIdentity(m);
- } else {
- m[0+4*3] = 0;
- m[1+4*3] = 0;
- m[2+4*3] = 0;
- m[3+4*3] = 1;
- }
- m[0+4*0] = sx;
- m[1+4*1] = sy;
- m[2+4*2] = sz;
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Make given matrix the frustum matrix based on given parameters.
- * <pre>
- Frustum matrix (Column Order):
- 2*zNear/dx 0 0 0
- 0 2*zNear/dy 0 0
- A B C -1
- 0 0 D 0
- * </pre>
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are only set if <code>initM</code> is <code>true</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param m_offset offset in given array <i>m</i>, i.e. start of the 4x4 matrix
- * @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
- * otherwise only the frustum fields are set.
- * @param left
- * @param right
- * @param bottom
- * @param top
- * @param zNear
- * @param zFar
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- * @throws GLException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear}
- * or {@code left == right}, or {@code bottom == top}.
- */
- public static float[] makeFrustum(final float[] m, final int m_offset, final boolean initM,
- final float left, final float right,
- final float bottom, final float top,
- final float zNear, final float zFar) throws GLException {
- if( zNear <= 0.0f || zFar <= zNear ) {
- throw new GLException("Requirements zNear > 0 and zFar > zNear, but zNear "+zNear+", zFar "+zFar);
- }
- if( left == right || top == bottom) {
- throw new GLException("GL_INVALID_VALUE: top,bottom and left,right must not be equal");
- }
- if( initM ) {
- // m[m_offset+0+4*0] = 1f;
- m[m_offset+1+4*0] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+2+4*0] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+3+4*0] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+0+4*1] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+1+4*1] = 1f;
- m[m_offset+2+4*1] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+3+4*1] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+0+4*2] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+1+4*2] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+2+4*2] = 1f;
- // m[m_offset+3+4*2] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+0+4*3] = 0f;
- m[m_offset+1+4*3] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+2+4*3] = 0f;
- // m[m_offset+3+4*3] = 1f;
- }
- final float zNear2 = 2.0f*zNear;
- final float dx=right-left;
- final float dy=top-bottom;
- final float dz=zFar-zNear;
- final float A=(right+left)/dx;
- final float B=(top+bottom)/dy;
- final float C=-1.0f*(zFar+zNear)/dz;
- final float D=-2.0f*(zFar*zNear)/dz;
- m[m_offset+0+4*0] = zNear2/dx;
- m[m_offset+1+4*1] = zNear2/dy;
- m[m_offset+0+4*2] = A;
- m[m_offset+1+4*2] = B;
- m[m_offset+2+4*2] = C;
- m[m_offset+3+4*2] = -1.0f;
- m[m_offset+2+4*3] = D;
- m[m_offset+3+4*3] = 0f;
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Make given matrix the perspective {@link #makeFrustum(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float) frustum}
- * matrix based on given parameters.
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are only set if <code>initM</code> is <code>true</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param m_offset offset in given array <i>m</i>, i.e. start of the 4x4 matrix
- * @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
- * otherwise only the frustum fields are set.
- * @param fovy_rad angle in radians
- * @param aspect aspect ratio width / height
- * @param zNear
- * @param zFar
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- * @throws GLException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear}
- * @see #makeFrustum(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float)
- */
- public static float[] makePerspective(final float[] m, final int m_off, final boolean initM,
- final float fovy_rad, final float aspect, final float zNear, final float zFar) throws GLException {
- final float top = tan(fovy_rad/2f) * zNear; // use tangent of half-fov !
- final float bottom = -1.0f * top; // -1f * fovhvTan.top * zNear
- final float left = aspect * bottom; // aspect * -1f * fovhvTan.top * zNear
- final float right = aspect * top; // aspect * fovhvTan.top * zNear
- return makeFrustum(m, m_off, initM, left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
- }
- /**
- * Make given matrix the <i>look-at</i> matrix based on given parameters.
- * <p>
- * Consist out of two matrix multiplications:
- * <pre>
- * <b>R</b> = <b>L</b> x <b>T</b>,
- * with <b>L</b> for <i>look-at</i> matrix and
- * <b>T</b> for eye translation.
- *
- * Result <b>R</b> can be utilized for <i>modelview</i> multiplication, i.e.
- * <b>M</b> = <b>M</b> x <b>R</b>,
- * with <b>M</b> being the <i>modelview</i> matrix.
- * </pre>
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are set.
- * </p>
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order, result only
- * @param m_offset offset in given array <i>m</i>, i.e. start of the 4x4 matrix
- * @param eye 3 component eye vector
- * @param eye_offset
- * @param center 3 component center vector
- * @param center_offset
- * @param up 3 component up vector
- * @param up_offset
- * @param mat4Tmp temp float[16] storage
- * @return given matrix <code>m</code> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] makeLookAt(final float[] m, final int m_offset,
- final float[] eye, final int eye_offset,
- final float[] center, final int center_offset,
- final float[] up, final int up_offset,
- final float[] mat4Tmp) {
- final int forward_off = 0;
- final int side_off = 3;
- final int up2_off = 6;
- // forward!
- mat4Tmp[0] = center[0+center_offset] - eye[0+eye_offset];
- mat4Tmp[1] = center[1+center_offset] - eye[1+eye_offset];
- mat4Tmp[2] = center[2+center_offset] - eye[2+eye_offset];
- VectorUtil.normalizeVec3(mat4Tmp); // normalize forward
- /* Side = forward x up */
- VectorUtil.crossVec3(mat4Tmp, side_off, mat4Tmp, forward_off, up, up_offset);
- VectorUtil.normalizeVec3(mat4Tmp, side_off); // normalize side
- /* Recompute up as: up = side x forward */
- VectorUtil.crossVec3(mat4Tmp, up2_off, mat4Tmp, side_off, mat4Tmp, forward_off);
- m[m_offset + 0 * 4 + 0] = mat4Tmp[0+side_off]; // side
- m[m_offset + 0 * 4 + 1] = mat4Tmp[0+up2_off]; // up2
- m[m_offset + 0 * 4 + 2] = -mat4Tmp[0]; // forward
- m[m_offset + 0 * 4 + 3] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 1 * 4 + 0] = mat4Tmp[1+side_off]; // side
- m[m_offset + 1 * 4 + 1] = mat4Tmp[1+up2_off]; // up2
- m[m_offset + 1 * 4 + 2] = -mat4Tmp[1]; // forward
- m[m_offset + 1 * 4 + 3] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 2 * 4 + 0] = mat4Tmp[2+side_off]; // side
- m[m_offset + 2 * 4 + 1] = mat4Tmp[2+up2_off]; // up2
- m[m_offset + 2 * 4 + 2] = -mat4Tmp[2]; // forward
- m[m_offset + 2 * 4 + 3] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 3 * 4 + 0] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 3 * 4 + 1] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 3 * 4 + 2] = 0;
- m[m_offset + 3 * 4 + 3] = 1;
- makeTranslation(mat4Tmp, true, -eye[0+eye_offset], -eye[1+eye_offset], -eye[2+eye_offset]);
- multMatrix(m, m_offset, mat4Tmp, 0);
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Make given matrix the <i>pick</i> matrix based on given parameters.
- * <p>
- * Traditional <code>gluPickMatrix</code> implementation.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Consist out of two matrix multiplications:
- * <pre>
- * <b>R</b> = <b>T</b> x <b>S</b>,
- * with <b>T</b> for viewport translation matrix and
- * <b>S</b> for viewport scale matrix.
- *
- * Result <b>R</b> can be utilized for <i>projection</i> multiplication, i.e.
- * <b>P</b> = <b>P</b> x <b>R</b>,
- * with <b>P</b> being the <i>projection</i> matrix.
- * </pre>
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * To effectively use the generated pick matrix for picking,
- * call {@link #makePick(float[], int, float, float, float, float, int[], int, float[]) makePick}
- * and multiply a {@link #makePerspective(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float, float) custom perspective matrix}
- * by this pick matrix. Then you may load the result onto the perspective matrix stack.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are set.
- * </p>
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order, result only
- * @param m_offset offset in given array <i>m</i>, i.e. start of the 4x4 matrix
- * @param x the center x-component of a picking region in window coordinates
- * @param y the center y-component of a picking region in window coordinates
- * @param deltaX the width of the picking region in window coordinates.
- * @param deltaY the height of the picking region in window coordinates.
- * @param viewport 4 component viewport vector
- * @param viewport_offset
- * @param mat4Tmp temp float[16] storage
- * @return given matrix <code>m</code> for chaining or <code>null</code> if either delta value is <= zero.
- */
- public static float[] makePick(final float[] m,
- final float x, final float y,
- final float deltaX, final float deltaY,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] mat4Tmp) {
- if (deltaX <= 0 || deltaY <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- /* Translate and scale the picked region to the entire window */
- makeTranslation(m, true,
- (viewport[2+viewport_offset] - 2 * (x - viewport[0+viewport_offset])) / deltaX,
- (viewport[3+viewport_offset] - 2 * (y - viewport[1+viewport_offset])) / deltaY,
- 0);
- makeScale(mat4Tmp, true,
- viewport[2+viewport_offset] / deltaX, viewport[3+viewport_offset] / deltaY, 1.0f);
- multMatrix(m, mat4Tmp);
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * Transpose the given matrix.
- *
- * @param msrc 4x4 matrix in column-major order, the source
- * @param mres 4x4 matrix in column-major order, the result
- * @return given result matrix <i>mres</i> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] transposeMatrix(final float[] msrc, final float[] mres) {
- mres[0] = msrc[0*4];
- mres[1] = msrc[1*4];
- mres[2] = msrc[2*4];
- mres[3] = msrc[3*4];
- final int i4_1 = 1*4;
- mres[0+i4_1] = msrc[1+0*4];
- mres[1+i4_1] = msrc[1+1*4];
- mres[2+i4_1] = msrc[1+2*4];
- mres[3+i4_1] = msrc[1+3*4];
- final int i4_2 = 2*4;
- mres[0+i4_2] = msrc[2+0*4];
- mres[1+i4_2] = msrc[2+1*4];
- mres[2+i4_2] = msrc[2+2*4];
- mres[3+i4_2] = msrc[2+3*4];
- final int i4_3 = 3*4;
- mres[0+i4_3] = msrc[3+0*4];
- mres[1+i4_3] = msrc[3+1*4];
- mres[2+i4_3] = msrc[3+2*4];
- mres[3+i4_3] = msrc[3+3*4];
- return mres;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the determinant of the given matrix
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order, the source
- * @return the matrix determinant
- */
- public static float matrixDeterminant(final float[] m) {
- float a11 = m[ 1+4*1 ];
- float a21 = m[ 2+4*1 ];
- float a31 = m[ 3+4*1 ];
- float a12 = m[ 1+4*2 ];
- float a22 = m[ 2+4*2 ];
- float a32 = m[ 3+4*2 ];
- float a13 = m[ 1+4*3 ];
- float a23 = m[ 2+4*3 ];
- float a33 = m[ 3+4*3 ];
- float ret = 0;
- ret += m[ 0 ] * ( + a11*(a22*a33 - a23*a32) - a12*(a21*a33 - a23*a31) + a13*(a21*a32 - a22*a31));
- a11 = m[ 1+4*0 ];
- a21 = m[ 2+4*0 ];
- a31 = m[ 3+4*0 ];
- ret -= m[ 0+4*1 ] * ( + a11*(a22*a33 - a23*a32) - a12*(a21*a33 - a23*a31) + a13*(a21*a32 - a22*a31));
- a12 = m[ 1+4*1 ];
- a22 = m[ 2+4*1 ];
- a32 = m[ 3+4*1 ];
- ret += m[ 0+4*2 ] * ( + a11*(a22*a33 - a23*a32) - a12*(a21*a33 - a23*a31) + a13*(a21*a32 - a22*a31));
- a13 = m[ 1+4*2 ];
- a23 = m[ 2+4*2 ];
- a33 = m[ 3+4*2 ];
- ret -= m[ 0+4*3 ] * ( + a11*(a22*a33 - a23*a32) - a12*(a21*a33 - a23*a31) + a13*(a21*a32 - a22*a31));
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Invert the given matrix.
- * <p>
- * Returns <code>null</code> if inversion is not possible,
- * e.g. matrix is singular due to a bad matrix.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param msrc 4x4 matrix in column-major order, the source
- * @param mres 4x4 matrix in column-major order, the result - may be <code>msrc</code> (in-place)
- * @return given result matrix <i>mres</i> for chaining if successful, otherwise <code>null</code>. See above.
- */
- public static float[] invertMatrix(final float[] msrc, final float[] mres) {
- final float scale;
- {
- float max = Math.abs(msrc[0]);
- for( int i = 1; i < 16; i++ ) {
- final float a = Math.abs(msrc[i]);
- if( a > max ) max = a;
- }
- if( 0 == max ) {
- return null;
- }
- scale = 1.0f/max;
- }
- final float a11 = msrc[0+4*0]*scale;
- final float a21 = msrc[1+4*0]*scale;
- final float a31 = msrc[2+4*0]*scale;
- final float a41 = msrc[3+4*0]*scale;
- final float a12 = msrc[0+4*1]*scale;
- final float a22 = msrc[1+4*1]*scale;
- final float a32 = msrc[2+4*1]*scale;
- final float a42 = msrc[3+4*1]*scale;
- final float a13 = msrc[0+4*2]*scale;
- final float a23 = msrc[1+4*2]*scale;
- final float a33 = msrc[2+4*2]*scale;
- final float a43 = msrc[3+4*2]*scale;
- final float a14 = msrc[0+4*3]*scale;
- final float a24 = msrc[1+4*3]*scale;
- final float a34 = msrc[2+4*3]*scale;
- final float a44 = msrc[3+4*3]*scale;
- final float m11 = + a22*(a33*a44 - a34*a43) - a23*(a32*a44 - a34*a42) + a24*(a32*a43 - a33*a42);
- final float m12 = -( + a21*(a33*a44 - a34*a43) - a23*(a31*a44 - a34*a41) + a24*(a31*a43 - a33*a41));
- final float m13 = + a21*(a32*a44 - a34*a42) - a22*(a31*a44 - a34*a41) + a24*(a31*a42 - a32*a41);
- final float m14 = -( + a21*(a32*a43 - a33*a42) - a22*(a31*a43 - a33*a41) + a23*(a31*a42 - a32*a41));
- final float m21 = -( + a12*(a33*a44 - a34*a43) - a13*(a32*a44 - a34*a42) + a14*(a32*a43 - a33*a42));
- final float m22 = + a11*(a33*a44 - a34*a43) - a13*(a31*a44 - a34*a41) + a14*(a31*a43 - a33*a41);
- final float m23 = -( + a11*(a32*a44 - a34*a42) - a12*(a31*a44 - a34*a41) + a14*(a31*a42 - a32*a41));
- final float m24 = + a11*(a32*a43 - a33*a42) - a12*(a31*a43 - a33*a41) + a13*(a31*a42 - a32*a41);
- final float m31 = + a12*(a23*a44 - a24*a43) - a13*(a22*a44 - a24*a42) + a14*(a22*a43 - a23*a42);
- final float m32 = -( + a11*(a23*a44 - a24*a43) - a13*(a21*a44 - a24*a41) + a14*(a21*a43 - a23*a41));
- final float m33 = + a11*(a22*a44 - a24*a42) - a12*(a21*a44 - a24*a41) + a14*(a21*a42 - a22*a41);
- final float m34 = -( + a11*(a22*a43 - a23*a42) - a12*(a21*a43 - a23*a41) + a13*(a21*a42 - a22*a41));
- final float m41 = -( + a12*(a23*a34 - a24*a33) - a13*(a22*a34 - a24*a32) + a14*(a22*a33 - a23*a32));
- final float m42 = + a11*(a23*a34 - a24*a33) - a13*(a21*a34 - a24*a31) + a14*(a21*a33 - a23*a31);
- final float m43 = -( + a11*(a22*a34 - a24*a32) - a12*(a21*a34 - a24*a31) + a14*(a21*a32 - a22*a31));
- final float m44 = + a11*(a22*a33 - a23*a32) - a12*(a21*a33 - a23*a31) + a13*(a21*a32 - a22*a31);
- final float det = (a11*m11 + a12*m12 + a13*m13 + a14*m14)/scale;
- if( 0 == det ) {
- return null;
- }
- final float invdet = 1.0f / det;
- mres[0+4*0] = m11 * invdet;
- mres[1+4*0] = m12 * invdet;
- mres[2+4*0] = m13 * invdet;
- mres[3+4*0] = m14 * invdet;
- mres[0+4*1] = m21 * invdet;
- mres[1+4*1] = m22 * invdet;
- mres[2+4*1] = m23 * invdet;
- mres[3+4*1] = m24 * invdet;
- mres[0+4*2] = m31 * invdet;
- mres[1+4*2] = m32 * invdet;
- mres[2+4*2] = m33 * invdet;
- mres[3+4*2] = m34 * invdet;
- mres[0+4*3] = m41 * invdet;
- mres[1+4*3] = m42 * invdet;
- mres[2+4*3] = m43 * invdet;
- mres[3+4*3] = m44 * invdet;
- return mres;
- }
- /**
- * Map object coordinates to window coordinates.
- * <p>
- * Traditional <code>gluProject</code> implementation.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param objx
- * @param objy
- * @param objz
- * @param modelMatrix 4x4 modelview matrix
- * @param modelMatrix_offset
- * @param projMatrix 4x4 projection matrix
- * @param projMatrix_offset
- * @param viewport 4 component viewport vector
- * @param viewport_offset
- * @param win_pos 3 component window coordinate, the result
- * @param win_pos_offset
- * @param vec4Tmp1 4 component vector for temp storage
- * @param vec4Tmp2 4 component vector for temp storage
- * @return true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)
- */
- public static boolean mapObjToWin(final float objx, final float objy, final float objz,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] win_pos, final int win_pos_offset,
- final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
- vec4Tmp1[0] = objx;
- vec4Tmp1[1] = objy;
- vec4Tmp1[2] = objz;
- vec4Tmp1[3] = 1.0f;
- // vec4Tmp2 = Mv * o
- // vec4Tmp1 = P * vec4Tmp2
- // vec4Tmp1 = P * ( Mv * o )
- // vec4Tmp1 = P * Mv * o
- multMatrixVec(modelMatrix, modelMatrix_offset, vec4Tmp1, 0, vec4Tmp2, 0);
- multMatrixVec(projMatrix, projMatrix_offset, vec4Tmp2, 0, vec4Tmp1, 0);
- if (vec4Tmp1[3] == 0.0f) {
- return false;
- }
- vec4Tmp1[3] = (1.0f / vec4Tmp1[3]) * 0.5f;
- // Map x, y and z to range 0-1
- vec4Tmp1[0] = vec4Tmp1[0] * vec4Tmp1[3] + 0.5f;
- vec4Tmp1[1] = vec4Tmp1[1] * vec4Tmp1[3] + 0.5f;
- vec4Tmp1[2] = vec4Tmp1[2] * vec4Tmp1[3] + 0.5f;
- // Map x,y to viewport
- win_pos[0+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[0] * viewport[2+viewport_offset] + viewport[0+viewport_offset];
- win_pos[1+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[1] * viewport[3+viewport_offset] + viewport[1+viewport_offset];
- win_pos[2+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[2];
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Map window coordinates to object coordinates.
- * <p>
- * Traditional <code>gluUnProject</code> implementation.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param winx
- * @param winy
- * @param winz
- * @param modelMatrix 4x4 modelview matrix
- * @param modelMatrix_offset
- * @param projMatrix 4x4 projection matrix
- * @param projMatrix_offset
- * @param viewport 4 component viewport vector
- * @param viewport_offset
- * @param obj_pos 3 component object coordinate, the result
- * @param obj_pos_offset
- * @param mat4Tmp1 16 component matrix for temp storage
- * @param mat4Tmp2 16 component matrix for temp storage
- * @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- */
- public static boolean mapWinToObj(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
- // mat4Tmp1 = P x Mv
- multMatrix(projMatrix, projMatrix_offset, modelMatrix, modelMatrix_offset, mat4Tmp1, 0);
- // mat4Tmp1 = Inv(P x Mv)
- if ( null == invertMatrix(mat4Tmp1, mat4Tmp1) ) {
- return false;
- }
- mat4Tmp2[0] = winx;
- mat4Tmp2[1] = winy;
- mat4Tmp2[2] = winz;
- mat4Tmp2[3] = 1.0f;
- // Map x and y from window coordinates
- mat4Tmp2[0] = (mat4Tmp2[0] - viewport[0+viewport_offset]) / viewport[2+viewport_offset];
- mat4Tmp2[1] = (mat4Tmp2[1] - viewport[1+viewport_offset]) / viewport[3+viewport_offset];
- // Map to range -1 to 1
- mat4Tmp2[0] = mat4Tmp2[0] * 2 - 1;
- mat4Tmp2[1] = mat4Tmp2[1] * 2 - 1;
- mat4Tmp2[2] = mat4Tmp2[2] * 2 - 1;
- final int raw_off = 4;
- // object raw coords = Inv(P x Mv) * winPos -> mat4Tmp2
- multMatrixVec(mat4Tmp1, 0, mat4Tmp2, 0, mat4Tmp2, raw_off);
- if (mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off] == 0.0) {
- return false;
- }
- mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off] = 1.0f / mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
- obj_pos[0+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[0+raw_off] * mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
- obj_pos[1+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[1+raw_off] * mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
- obj_pos[2+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[2+raw_off] * mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Map window coordinates to object coordinates.
- * <p>
- * Traditional <code>gluUnProject4</code> implementation.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param winx
- * @param winy
- * @param winz
- * @param clipw
- * @param modelMatrix 4x4 modelview matrix
- * @param modelMatrix_offset
- * @param projMatrix 4x4 projection matrix
- * @param projMatrix_offset
- * @param viewport 4 component viewport vector
- * @param viewport_offset
- * @param near
- * @param far
- * @param obj_pos 4 component object coordinate, the result
- * @param obj_pos_offset
- * @param mat4Tmp1 16 component matrix for temp storage
- * @param mat4Tmp2 16 component matrix for temp storage
- * @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- */
- public static boolean mapWinToObj4(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz, final float clipw,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float near, final float far,
- final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
- // mat4Tmp1 = P x Mv
- multMatrix(projMatrix, projMatrix_offset, modelMatrix, modelMatrix_offset, mat4Tmp1, 0);
- // mat4Tmp1 = Inv(P x Mv)
- if ( null == invertMatrix(mat4Tmp1, mat4Tmp1) ) {
- return false;
- }
- mat4Tmp2[0] = winx;
- mat4Tmp2[1] = winy;
- mat4Tmp2[2] = winz;
- mat4Tmp2[3] = clipw;
- // Map x and y from window coordinates
- mat4Tmp2[0] = (mat4Tmp2[0] - viewport[0+viewport_offset]) / viewport[2+viewport_offset];
- mat4Tmp2[1] = (mat4Tmp2[1] - viewport[1+viewport_offset]) / viewport[3+viewport_offset];
- mat4Tmp2[2] = (mat4Tmp2[2] - near) / (far - near);
- // Map to range -1 to 1
- mat4Tmp2[0] = mat4Tmp2[0] * 2 - 1;
- mat4Tmp2[1] = mat4Tmp2[1] * 2 - 1;
- mat4Tmp2[2] = mat4Tmp2[2] * 2 - 1;
- final int raw_off = 4;
- // object raw coords = Inv(P x Mv) * winPos -> mat4Tmp2
- multMatrixVec(mat4Tmp1, 0, mat4Tmp2, 0, mat4Tmp2, raw_off);
- if (mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off] == 0.0) {
- return false;
- }
- obj_pos[0+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[0+raw_off];
- obj_pos[1+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[1+raw_off];
- obj_pos[2+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[2+raw_off];
- obj_pos[3+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [d] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param d result a*b in column-major order
- */
- public static void multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off, final float[] d, final int d_off) {
- final float b00 = b[b_off+0+0*4];
- final float b10 = b[b_off+1+0*4];
- final float b20 = b[b_off+2+0*4];
- final float b30 = b[b_off+3+0*4];
- final float b01 = b[b_off+0+1*4];
- final float b11 = b[b_off+1+1*4];
- final float b21 = b[b_off+2+1*4];
- final float b31 = b[b_off+3+1*4];
- final float b02 = b[b_off+0+2*4];
- final float b12 = b[b_off+1+2*4];
- final float b22 = b[b_off+2+2*4];
- final float b32 = b[b_off+3+2*4];
- final float b03 = b[b_off+0+3*4];
- final float b13 = b[b_off+1+3*4];
- final float b23 = b[b_off+2+3*4];
- final float b33 = b[b_off+3+3*4];
- float ai0=a[a_off+ 0*4]; // row-0 of a
- float ai1=a[a_off+ 1*4];
- float ai2=a[a_off+ 2*4];
- float ai3=a[a_off+ 3*4];
- d[d_off+ 0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[d_off+ 1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[d_off+ 2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[d_off+ 3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+1+0*4]; // row-1 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+1+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+1+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+1+3*4];
- d[d_off+1+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[d_off+1+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[d_off+1+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[d_off+1+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+2+0*4]; // row-2 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+2+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+2+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+2+3*4];
- d[d_off+2+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[d_off+2+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[d_off+2+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[d_off+2+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+3+0*4]; // row-3 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+3+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+3+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+3+3*4];
- d[d_off+3+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[d_off+3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[d_off+3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[d_off+3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [d] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param d result a*b in column-major order
- * @return given result matrix <i>d</i> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] multMatrix(final float[] a, final float[] b, final float[] d) {
- final float b00 = b[0+0*4];
- final float b10 = b[1+0*4];
- final float b20 = b[2+0*4];
- final float b30 = b[3+0*4];
- final float b01 = b[0+1*4];
- final float b11 = b[1+1*4];
- final float b21 = b[2+1*4];
- final float b31 = b[3+1*4];
- final float b02 = b[0+2*4];
- final float b12 = b[1+2*4];
- final float b22 = b[2+2*4];
- final float b32 = b[3+2*4];
- final float b03 = b[0+3*4];
- final float b13 = b[1+3*4];
- final float b23 = b[2+3*4];
- final float b33 = b[3+3*4];
- float ai0=a[ 0*4]; // row-0 of a
- float ai1=a[ 1*4];
- float ai2=a[ 2*4];
- float ai3=a[ 3*4];
- d[ 0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[ 1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[ 2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[ 3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[1+0*4]; // row-1 of a
- ai1=a[1+1*4];
- ai2=a[1+2*4];
- ai3=a[1+3*4];
- d[1+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[1+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[1+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[1+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[2+0*4]; // row-2 of a
- ai1=a[2+1*4];
- ai2=a[2+2*4];
- ai3=a[2+3*4];
- d[2+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[2+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[2+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[2+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[3+0*4]; // row-3 of a
- ai1=a[3+1*4];
- ai2=a[3+2*4];
- ai3=a[3+3*4];
- d[3+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- d[3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- d[3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- d[3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- return d;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [a] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- */
- public static void multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off) {
- final float b00 = b[b_off+0+0*4];
- final float b10 = b[b_off+1+0*4];
- final float b20 = b[b_off+2+0*4];
- final float b30 = b[b_off+3+0*4];
- final float b01 = b[b_off+0+1*4];
- final float b11 = b[b_off+1+1*4];
- final float b21 = b[b_off+2+1*4];
- final float b31 = b[b_off+3+1*4];
- final float b02 = b[b_off+0+2*4];
- final float b12 = b[b_off+1+2*4];
- final float b22 = b[b_off+2+2*4];
- final float b32 = b[b_off+3+2*4];
- final float b03 = b[b_off+0+3*4];
- final float b13 = b[b_off+1+3*4];
- final float b23 = b[b_off+2+3*4];
- final float b33 = b[b_off+3+3*4];
- float ai0=a[a_off+ 0*4]; // row-0 of a
- float ai1=a[a_off+ 1*4];
- float ai2=a[a_off+ 2*4];
- float ai3=a[a_off+ 3*4];
- a[a_off+ 0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[a_off+ 1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[a_off+ 2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[a_off+ 3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+1+0*4]; // row-1 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+1+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+1+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+1+3*4];
- a[a_off+1+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[a_off+1+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[a_off+1+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[a_off+1+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+2+0*4]; // row-2 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+2+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+2+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+2+3*4];
- a[a_off+2+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[a_off+2+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[a_off+2+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[a_off+2+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[a_off+3+0*4]; // row-3 of a
- ai1=a[a_off+3+1*4];
- ai2=a[a_off+3+2*4];
- ai3=a[a_off+3+3*4];
- a[a_off+3+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[a_off+3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[a_off+3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[a_off+3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [a] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @return given result matrix <i>a</i> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] multMatrix(final float[] a, final float[] b) {
- final float b00 = b[0+0*4];
- final float b10 = b[1+0*4];
- final float b20 = b[2+0*4];
- final float b30 = b[3+0*4];
- final float b01 = b[0+1*4];
- final float b11 = b[1+1*4];
- final float b21 = b[2+1*4];
- final float b31 = b[3+1*4];
- final float b02 = b[0+2*4];
- final float b12 = b[1+2*4];
- final float b22 = b[2+2*4];
- final float b32 = b[3+2*4];
- final float b03 = b[0+3*4];
- final float b13 = b[1+3*4];
- final float b23 = b[2+3*4];
- final float b33 = b[3+3*4];
- float ai0=a[ 0*4]; // row-0 of a
- float ai1=a[ 1*4];
- float ai2=a[ 2*4];
- float ai3=a[ 3*4];
- a[ 0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[ 1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[ 2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[ 3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[1+0*4]; // row-1 of a
- ai1=a[1+1*4];
- ai2=a[1+2*4];
- ai3=a[1+3*4];
- a[1+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[1+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[1+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[1+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[2+0*4]; // row-2 of a
- ai1=a[2+1*4];
- ai2=a[2+2*4];
- ai3=a[2+3*4];
- a[2+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[2+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[2+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[2+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- ai0=a[3+0*4]; // row-3 of a
- ai1=a[3+1*4];
- ai2=a[3+2*4];
- ai3=a[3+3*4];
- a[3+0*4] = ai0 * b00 + ai1 * b10 + ai2 * b20 + ai3 * b30 ;
- a[3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
- a[3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
- a[3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- return a;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [d] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param d result a*b in column-major order
- */
- public static void multMatrix(final FloatBuffer a, final FloatBuffer b, final float[] d) {
- final int a_off = a.position();
- final int b_off = b.position();
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // one row in column-major order
- final int a_off_i = a_off+i;
- final float ai0=a.get(a_off_i+0*4), ai1=a.get(a_off_i+1*4), ai2=a.get(a_off_i+2*4), ai3=a.get(a_off_i+3*4); // row-i of a
- d[i+0*4] = ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+0*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+0*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+0*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+0*4) ;
- d[i+1*4] = ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+1*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+1*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+1*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+1*4) ;
- d[i+2*4] = ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+2*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+2*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+2*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+2*4) ;
- d[i+3*4] = ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+3*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+3*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+3*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+3*4) ;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Multiply matrix: [a] = [a] x [b]
- * @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- */
- public static void multMatrix(final FloatBuffer a, final FloatBuffer b) {
- final int a_off = a.position();
- final int b_off = b.position();
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // one row in column-major order
- final int a_off_i = a_off+i;
- final float ai0=a.get(a_off_i+0*4), ai1=a.get(a_off_i+1*4), ai2=a.get(a_off_i+2*4), ai3=a.get(a_off_i+3*4); // row-i of a
- a.put(a_off_i+0*4 , ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+0*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+0*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+0*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+0*4) );
- a.put(a_off_i+1*4 , ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+1*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+1*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+1*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+1*4) );
- a.put(a_off_i+2*4 , ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+2*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+2*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+2*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+2*4) );
- a.put(a_off_i+3*4 , ai0 * b.get(b_off+0+3*4) + ai1 * b.get(b_off+1+3*4) + ai2 * b.get(b_off+2+3*4) + ai3 * b.get(b_off+3+3*4) );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param m_in_off
- * @param v_in 4-component column-vector
- * @param v_out m_in * v_in
- */
- public static void multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
- final float[] v_in, final int v_in_off,
- final float[] v_out, final int v_out_off) {
- // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
- v_out[0 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off ] +
- v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off ];
- final int m_in_off_1 = 1+m_in_off;
- v_out[1 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_1] +
- v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_1];
- final int m_in_off_2 = 2+m_in_off;
- v_out[2 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_2] +
- v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_2];
- final int m_in_off_3 = 3+m_in_off;
- v_out[3 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_3] +
- v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_3];
- }
- /**
- * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param m_in_off
- * @param v_in 4-component column-vector
- * @param v_out m_in * v_in
- */
- public static void multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
- final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
- // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
- v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off ] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off ];
- final int m_in_off_1 = 1+m_in_off;
- v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_1] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_1];
- final int m_in_off_2 = 2+m_in_off;
- v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_2] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_2];
- final int m_in_off_3 = 3+m_in_off;
- v_out[3] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_3] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_3];
- }
- /**
- * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param m_in_off
- * @param v_in 4-component column-vector
- * @param v_out m_in * v_in
- * @return given result vector <i>v_out</i> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
- // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
- v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4 ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4 ] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4 ] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4 ];
- v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+1] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+1] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+1];
- v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+2] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+2] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+2];
- v_out[3] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+3] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+3] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+3] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+3];
- return v_out;
- }
- /**
- * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param v_in 4-component column-vector
- * @param v_out m_in * v_in
- */
- public static void multMatrixVec(final FloatBuffer m_in, final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
- final int m_in_off = m_in.position();
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
- final int i_m_in_off = i+m_in_off;
- v_out[i] =
- v_in[0] * m_in.get(0*4+i_m_in_off) +
- v_in[1] * m_in.get(1*4+i_m_in_off) +
- v_in[2] * m_in.get(2*4+i_m_in_off) +
- v_in[3] * m_in.get(3*4+i_m_in_off);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix
- *
- * 4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector,
- * using {@code 1} for for {@code v_in[3]} and dropping {@code v_out[3]},
- * which shall be {@code 1}.
- *
- * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @param m_in_off
- * @param v_in 3-component column-vector
- * @param v_out m_in * v_in, 3-component column-vector
- * @return given result vector <i>v_out</i> for chaining
- */
- public static float[] multMatrixVec3(final float[] m_in, final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
- // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
- v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4 ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4 ] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4 ] + 1f * m_in[3*4 ];
- v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+1] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+1] + 1f * m_in[3*4+1];
- v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+2] +
- v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+2] + 1f * m_in[3*4+2];
- return v_out;
- }
- /**
- * @param sb optional passed StringBuilder instance to be used
- * @param f the format string of one floating point, i.e. "%10.5f", see {@link java.util.Formatter}
- * @param a mxn matrix (rows x columns)
- * @param aOffset offset to <code>a</code>'s current position
- * @param rows
- * @param columns
- * @param rowMajorOrder if true floats are layed out in row-major-order, otherwise column-major-order (OpenGL)
- * @param row row number to print
- * @return matrix row string representation
- */
- public static StringBuilder matrixRowToString(StringBuilder sb, final String f,
- final FloatBuffer a, final int aOffset,
- final int rows, final int columns, final boolean rowMajorOrder, final int row) {
- if(null == sb) {
- sb = new StringBuilder();
- }
- final int a0 = aOffset + a.position();
- if(rowMajorOrder) {
- for(int c=0; c<columns; c++) {
- sb.append( String.format((Locale)null, f+", ", a.get( a0 + row*columns + c ) ) );
- }
- } else {
- for(int r=0; r<columns; r++) {
- sb.append( String.format((Locale)null, f+", ", a.get( a0 + row + r*rows ) ) );
- }
- }
- return sb;
- }
- /**
- * @param sb optional passed StringBuilder instance to be used
- * @param f the format string of one floating point, i.e. "%10.5f", see {@link java.util.Formatter}
- * @param a mxn matrix (rows x columns)
- * @param aOffset offset to <code>a</code>'s current position
- * @param rows
- * @param columns
- * @param rowMajorOrder if true floats are layed out in row-major-order, otherwise column-major-order (OpenGL)
- * @param row row number to print
- * @return matrix row string representation
- */
- public static StringBuilder matrixRowToString(StringBuilder sb, final String f,
- final float[] a, final int aOffset, final int rows, final int columns, final boolean rowMajorOrder, final int row) {
- if(null == sb) {
- sb = new StringBuilder();
- }
- if(rowMajorOrder) {
- for(int c=0; c<columns; c++) {
- sb.append( String.format((Locale)null, f+", ", a[ aOffset + row*columns + c ] ) );
- }
- } else {
- for(int r=0; r<columns; r++) {
- sb.append( String.format((Locale)null, f+", ", a[ aOffset + row + r*rows ] ) );
- }
- }
- return sb;
- }
- /**
- * @param sb optional passed StringBuilder instance to be used
- * @param rowPrefix optional prefix for each row
- * @param f the format string of one floating point, i.e. "%10.5f", see {@link java.util.Formatter}
- * @param a mxn matrix (rows x columns)
- * @param aOffset offset to <code>a</code>'s current position
- * @param rows
- * @param columns
- * @param rowMajorOrder if true floats are layed out in row-major-order, otherwise column-major-order (OpenGL)
- * @return matrix string representation
- */
- public static StringBuilder matrixToString(StringBuilder sb, final String rowPrefix, final String f,
- final FloatBuffer a, final int aOffset, final int rows, final int columns, final boolean rowMajorOrder) {
- if(null == sb) {
- sb = new StringBuilder();
- }
- final String prefix = ( null == rowPrefix ) ? "" : rowPrefix;
- sb.append(prefix).append("{ ");
- for(int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
- if( 0 < i ) {
- sb.append(prefix).append(" ");
- }
- matrixRowToString(sb, f, a, aOffset, rows, columns, rowMajorOrder, i);
- sb.append(System.lineSeparator());
- }
- sb.append(prefix).append("}").append(System.lineSeparator());
- return sb;
- }
- /**
- * @param sb optional passed StringBuilder instance to be used
- * @param rowPrefix optional prefix for each row
- * @param f the format string of one floating point, i.e. "%10.5f", see {@link java.util.Formatter}
- * @param a mxn matrix (rows x columns)
- * @param aOffset offset to <code>a</code>'s current position
- * @param rows
- * @param columns
- * @param rowMajorOrder if true floats are layed out in row-major-order, otherwise column-major-order (OpenGL)
- * @return matrix string representation
- */
- public static StringBuilder matrixToString(StringBuilder sb, final String rowPrefix, final String f,
- final float[] a, final int aOffset, final int rows, final int columns, final boolean rowMajorOrder) {
- if(null == sb) {
- sb = new StringBuilder();
- }
- final String prefix = ( null == rowPrefix ) ? "" : rowPrefix;
- sb.append(prefix).append("{ ");
- for(int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
- if( 0 < i ) {
- sb.append(prefix).append(" ");
- }
- matrixRowToString(sb, f, a, aOffset, rows, columns, rowMajorOrder, i);
- sb.append(System.lineSeparator());
- }
- sb.append(prefix).append("}").append(System.lineSeparator());
- return sb;
- }
- //
- // Scalar Ops
- //
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static void calculateMachineEpsilonFloat() {
- final long t0;
- t0 = Platform.currentTimeMillis();
- }
- float machEps = 1.0f;
- int i=0;
- do {
- machEps /= 2.0f;
- i++;
- } while (1.0f + (machEps / 2.0f) != 1.0f);
- machEpsilon = machEps;
- final long t1 = Platform.currentTimeMillis();
- System.err.println("MachineEpsilon: "+machEpsilon+", in "+i+" iterations within "+(t1-t0)+" ms");
- }
- }
- private static volatile boolean machEpsilonAvail = false;
- private static float machEpsilon = 0f;
- private static final boolean DEBUG_EPSILON = false;
- /**
- * Return computed machine Epsilon value.
- * <p>
- * The machine Epsilon value is computed once.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * On a reference machine the result was {@link #EPSILON} in 23 iterations.
- * </p>
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static float getMachineEpsilon() {
- if( !machEpsilonAvail ) {
- synchronized(FloatUtil.class) {
- if( !machEpsilonAvail ) {
- machEpsilonAvail = true;
- calculateMachineEpsilonFloat();
- }
- }
- }
- return machEpsilon;
- }
- public static final float E = 2.7182818284590452354f;
- /** The value PI, i.e. 180 degrees in radians. */
- public static final float PI = 3.14159265358979323846f;
- /** The value 2PI, i.e. 360 degrees in radians. */
- public static final float TWO_PI = 2f * PI;
- /** The value PI/2, i.e. 90 degrees in radians. */
- public static final float HALF_PI = PI / 2f;
- /** The value PI/4, i.e. 45 degrees in radians. */
- public static final float QUARTER_PI = PI / 4f;
- /** The value PI^2. */
- public final static float SQUARED_PI = PI * PI;
- /** Converts arc-degree to radians */
- public static float adegToRad(final float arc_degree) {
- return arc_degree * PI / 180.0f;
- }
- /** Converts radians to arc-degree */
- public static float radToADeg(final float rad) {
- return rad * 180.0f / PI;
- }
- /**
- * Epsilon for floating point {@value}, as once computed via {@link #getMachineEpsilon()} on an AMD-64 CPU.
- * <p>
- * Definition of machine epsilon guarantees that:
- * <pre>
- * 1.0f + EPSILON != 1.0f
- * </pre>
- * In other words: <i>machEps</i> is the maximum relative error of the chosen rounding procedure.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * A number can be considered zero if it is in the range (or in the set):
- * <pre>
- * <b>MaybeZeroSet</b> e ]-<i>machEps</i> .. <i>machEps</i>[ <i>(exclusive)</i>
- * </pre>
- * While comparing floating point values, <i>machEps</i> allows to clip the relative error:
- * <pre>
- * boolean isZero = afloat < EPSILON;
- * boolean isNotZero = afloat >= EPSILON;
- *
- * boolean isEqual = abs(bfloat - afloat) < EPSILON;
- * boolean isNotEqual = abs(bfloat - afloat) >= EPSILON;
- * </pre>
- * </p>
- * @see #isEqual(float, float, float)
- * @see #isZero(float, float)
- */
- public static final float EPSILON = 1.1920929E-7f; // Float.MIN_VALUE == 1.4e-45f ; double EPSILON 2.220446049250313E-16d
- /**
- * Inversion Epsilon, used with equals method to determine if two inverted matrices are close enough to be considered equal.
- * <p>
- * Using {@value}, which is ~100 times {@link FloatUtil#EPSILON}.
- * </p>
- */
- public static final float INV_DEVIANCE = 1.0E-5f; // FloatUtil.EPSILON == 1.1920929E-7f; double ALLOWED_DEVIANCE: 1.0E-8f
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal w/o regarding an epsilon.
- * <p>
- * Implementation considers following corner cases:
- * <ul>
- * <li>NaN == NaN</li>
- * <li>+Inf == +Inf</li>
- * <li>-Inf == -Inf</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * @see #isEqual(float, float, float)
- */
- public static boolean isEqualRaw(final float a, final float b) {
- // Values are equal (Inf, Nan .. )
- return Float.floatToIntBits(a) == Float.floatToIntBits(b);
- }
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal, i.e. their absolute delta < <code>epsilon</code>.
- * <p>
- * Implementation considers following corner cases:
- * <ul>
- * <li>NaN == NaN</li>
- * <li>+Inf == +Inf</li>
- * <li>-Inf == -Inf</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static boolean isEqual(final float a, final float b, final float epsilon) {
- if ( Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon ) {
- return true;
- } else {
- // Values are equal (Inf, Nan .. )
- return Float.floatToIntBits(a) == Float.floatToIntBits(b);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal, i.e. their absolute delta < {@link #EPSILON}.
- * <p>
- * Implementation considers following corner cases:
- * <ul>
- * <li>NaN == NaN</li>
- * <li>+Inf == +Inf</li>
- * <li>-Inf == -Inf</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static boolean isEqual(final float a, final float b) {
- if ( Math.abs(a - b) < EPSILON ) {
- return true;
- } else {
- // Values are equal (Inf, Nan .. )
- return Float.floatToIntBits(a) == Float.floatToIntBits(b);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal, i.e. their absolute delta < {@link #EPSILON}.
- * <p>
- * Implementation does not consider corner cases like {@link #isEqual(float, float, float)}.
- * </p>
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static boolean isEqual2(final float a, final float b) {
- return Math.abs(a - b) < EPSILON;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal w/o regarding an epsilon.
- * <p>
- * Implementation considers following corner cases:
- * <ul>
- * <li>NaN == NaN</li>
- * <li>+Inf == +Inf</li>
- * <li>-Inf == -Inf</li>
- * <li>NaN > 0</li>
- * <li>+Inf > -Inf</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * @see #compare(float, float, float)
- */
- public static int compare(final float a, final float b) {
- if (a < b) {
- return -1; // Neither is NaN, a is smaller
- }
- if (a > b) {
- return 1; // Neither is NaN, a is larger
- }
- final int aBits = Float.floatToIntBits(a);
- final int bBits = Float.floatToIntBits(b);
- if( aBits == bBits ) {
- return 0; // Values are equal (Inf, Nan .. )
- } else if( aBits < bBits ) {
- return -1; // (-0.0, 0.0) or (!NaN, NaN)
- } else {
- return 1; // ( 0.0, -0.0) or ( NaN, !NaN)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if both values are equal, i.e. their absolute delta < <code>epsilon</code>.
- * <p>
- * Implementation considers following corner cases:
- * <ul>
- * <li>NaN == NaN</li>
- * <li>+Inf == +Inf</li>
- * <li>-Inf == -Inf</li>
- * <li>NaN > 0</li>
- * <li>+Inf > -Inf</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static int compare(final float a, final float b, final float epsilon) {
- if ( Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon ) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return compare(a, b);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if value is zero, i.e. it's absolute value < <code>epsilon</code>.
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static boolean isZero(final float a, final float epsilon) {
- return Math.abs(a) < epsilon;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if value is zero, i.e. it's absolute value < {@link #EPSILON}.
- * @see #EPSILON
- */
- public static boolean isZero(final float a) {
- return Math.abs(a) < FloatUtil.EPSILON;
- }
- /**
- * Invokes {@link Math#abs(float)}
- * @param a float to process
- * @return absolute value of {@code a}
- * @deprecated use {@link Math#abs(float)} directly
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static float abs(final float a) { return java.lang.Math.abs(a); }
- public static float pow(final float a, final float b) { return (float) java.lang.Math.pow(a, b); }
- public static float sin(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.sin(a); }
- public static float asin(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.asin(a); }
- public static float cos(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.cos(a); }
- public static float acos(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.acos(a); }
- public static float tan(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.tan(a); }
- public static float atan(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.atan(a); }
- public static float atan2(final float y, final float x) { return (float) java.lang.Math.atan2(y, x); }
- public static float sqrt(final float a) { return (float) java.lang.Math.sqrt(a); }
- /**
- * Returns resolution of Z buffer of given parameter,
- * see <a href="http://www.sjbaker.org/steve/omniv/love_your_z_buffer.html">Love Your Z-Buffer</a>.
- * <pre>
- * return z * z / ( zNear * (1&lt;&lt;zBits) - z )
- * </pre>
- * Examples:
- * <pre>
- * 1.5256461E-4 = 16 zBits, -0.2 zDist, 0.1 zNear
- * 6.1033297E-6 = 16 zBits, -1.0 zDist, 0.1 zNear
- * </pre>
- * @param zBits number of bits of Z precision, i.e. z-buffer depth
- * @param z distance from the eye to the object
- * @param zNear distance from eye to near clip plane
- * @return smallest resolvable Z separation at this range.
- */
- public static float getZBufferEpsilon(final int zBits, final float z, final float zNear) {
- return z * z / ( zNear * ( 1 << zBits ) - z );
- }
- /**
- * Returns Z buffer value of given parameter,
- * see <a href="http://www.sjbaker.org/steve/omniv/love_your_z_buffer.html">Love Your Z-Buffer</a>.
- * <pre>
- * float a = zFar / ( zFar - zNear )
- * float b = zFar * zNear / ( zNear - zFar )
- * return (int) ( (1&lt;&lt;zBits) * ( a + b / z ) )
- * </pre>
- * @param zBits number of bits of Z precision, i.e. z-buffer depth
- * @param z distance from the eye to the object
- * @param zNear distance from eye to near clip plane
- * @param zFar distance from eye to far clip plane
- * @return z buffer value
- */
- public static int getZBufferValue(final int zBits, final float z, final float zNear, final float zFar) {
- final float a = zFar / ( zFar - zNear );
- final float b = zFar * zNear / ( zNear - zFar );
- return (int) ( (1<<zBits) * ( a + b / z ) );
- }
- /**
- * Returns orthogonal distance
- * (1f/zNear-1f/orthoZ) / (1f/zNear-1f/zFar);
- */
- public static float getOrthoWinZ(final float orthoZ, final float zNear, final float zFar) {
- return (1f/zNear-1f/orthoZ) / (1f/zNear-1f/zFar);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file