path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
index 8843188b4..01bdba633 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package com.jogamp.graph.curve;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import jogamp.opengl.Debug;
@@ -193,10 +194,18 @@ public abstract class Region {
public final boolean usesI32Idx() { return this.use_int32_idx; }
- protected abstract void growBufferSize(int verticeCount, int indexCount);
+ /**
+ * Allow the renderer buffers to pre-emptively grow for given vertices- and index counts.
+ * @param verticeCount number of vertices to hold
+ * @param indexCount number of indices to hold
+ */
+ public abstract void growBufferSize(int verticeCount, int indexCount);
protected abstract void pushVertex(final float[] coords, final float[] texParams, float[] rgba);
+ protected abstract void pushVertices(final float[] coords1, final float[] coords2, final float[] coords3,
+ final float[] texParams1, final float[] texParams2, final float[] texParams3, float[] rgba);
protected abstract void pushIndex(int idx);
+ protected abstract void pushIndices(int idx1, int idx2, int idx3);
* Return bit-field of render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence)}.
@@ -265,32 +274,121 @@ public abstract class Region {
this.frustum = frustum;
- final float[] coordsEx = new float[3];
private void pushNewVertexImpl(final Vertex vertIn, final AffineTransform transform, final float[] rgba) {
if( null != transform ) {
+ final float[] coordsEx1 = new float[3];
final float[] coordsIn = vertIn.getCoord();
- transform.transform(coordsIn, coordsEx);
- coordsEx[2] = coordsIn[2];
- box.resize(coordsEx[0], coordsEx[1], coordsEx[2]);
- pushVertex(coordsEx, vertIn.getTexCoord(), rgba);
+ transform.transform(coordsIn, coordsEx1);
+ coordsEx1[2] = coordsIn[2];
+ box.resize(coordsEx1);
+ pushVertex(coordsEx1, vertIn.getTexCoord(), rgba);
} else {
- box.resize(vertIn.getX(), vertIn.getY(), vertIn.getZ());
+ box.resize(vertIn.getCoord());
pushVertex(vertIn.getCoord(), vertIn.getTexCoord(), rgba);
+ private void pushNewVerticesImpl(final Vertex vertIn1, final Vertex vertIn2, final Vertex vertIn3, final AffineTransform transform, final float[] rgba) {
+ if( null != transform ) {
+ final float[] coordsEx1 = new float[3];
+ final float[] coordsEx2 = new float[3];
+ final float[] coordsEx3 = new float[3];
+ final float[] coordsIn1 = vertIn1.getCoord();
+ final float[] coordsIn2 = vertIn2.getCoord();
+ final float[] coordsIn3 = vertIn3.getCoord();
+ transform.transform(coordsIn1, coordsEx1);
+ transform.transform(coordsIn2, coordsEx2);
+ transform.transform(coordsIn3, coordsEx3);
+ coordsEx1[2] = coordsIn1[2];
+ coordsEx2[2] = coordsIn2[2];
+ coordsEx3[2] = coordsIn3[2];
+ box.resize(coordsEx1);
+ box.resize(coordsEx2);
+ box.resize(coordsEx3);
+ pushVertices(coordsEx1, coordsEx2, coordsEx3,
+ vertIn1.getTexCoord(), vertIn2.getTexCoord(), vertIn3.getTexCoord(), rgba);
+ } else {
+ box.resize(vertIn1.getCoord());
+ box.resize(vertIn2.getCoord());
+ box.resize(vertIn3.getCoord());
+ pushVertices(vertIn1.getCoord(), vertIn2.getCoord(), vertIn3.getCoord(),
+ vertIn1.getTexCoord(), vertIn2.getTexCoord(), vertIn3.getTexCoord(), rgba);
+ }
+ numVertices+=3;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
private void pushNewVertexIdxImpl(final Vertex vertIn, final AffineTransform transform, final float[] rgba) {
pushNewVertexImpl(vertIn, transform, rgba);
+ private void pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(final Vertex vertIn1, final Vertex vertIn2, final Vertex vertIn3, final AffineTransform transform, final float[] rgba) {
+ pushIndices(numVertices, numVertices+1, numVertices+2);
+ pushNewVerticesImpl(vertIn1, vertIn2, vertIn3, transform, rgba);
+ }
private final AABBox tmpBox = new AABBox();
protected static final int GL_UINT16_MAX = 0xffff; // 65,535
protected static final int GL_INT32_MAX = 0x7fffffff; // 2,147,483,647
+ static class Perf {
+ long t0, t1;
+ long tac_ns_vertices = 0;
+ long tac_ns_push_idx = 0;
+ long tac_ns_push_vertidx = 0;
+ long tac_ns_triangles = 0;
+ long tac_ns_total = 0;
+ long tac_count = 0;
+ public void print(final PrintStream out) {
+ out.printf("Region.add(): count %3d, total %5d [ms], per-add %4.2f [ns]%n", tac_count, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_total), ((double)tac_ns_total/(double)tac_count));
+ out.printf(" vertices %5d [ms], per-add %4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_vertices), ((double)tac_ns_vertices/(double)tac_count));
+ out.printf(" push_idx %5d [ms], per-add %4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_push_idx), ((double)tac_ns_push_idx/(double)tac_count));
+ out.printf(" push_vertidx %5d [ms], per-add %4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_push_vertidx), ((double)tac_ns_push_vertidx/(double)tac_count));
+ out.printf(" triangles %5d [ms], per-add %4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_triangles), ((double)tac_ns_triangles/(double)tac_count));
+ }
+ public void clear() {
+ t0 = 0; t1 = 0;
+ tac_ns_vertices = 0;
+ tac_ns_push_idx = 0;
+ tac_ns_push_vertidx = 0;
+ tac_ns_triangles = 0;
+ tac_ns_total = 0;
+ tac_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Perf perf = null;
+ /** Enable or disable performance counter for {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])}. */
+ public void enablePerf(final boolean enable) {
+ if( enable ) {
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ perf.clear();
+ } else {
+ perf = new Perf();
+ }
+ } else {
+ perf = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Clear performance counter for {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])}. */
+ public void clearPerf() {
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ perf.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /** Print performance counter for {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])}. */
+ public void printPerf(final PrintStream out) {
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ perf.print(out);
+ }
+ }
* Add the given {@link OutlineShape} to this region with the given optional {@link AffineTransform}.
* <p>
@@ -301,6 +399,10 @@ public abstract class Region {
* @param rgbaColor TODO
public final void addOutlineShape(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final float[] rgbaColor) {
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ ++perf.tac_count;
+ perf.t0 = System.nanoTime();
+ }
if( null != frustum ) {
final AABBox shapeBox = shape.getBounds();
final AABBox shapeBoxT;
@@ -342,6 +444,10 @@ public abstract class Region {
pushNewVertexImpl(vertsIn.get(i), t, rgbaColor);
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ perf.t1 = System.nanoTime();
+ perf.tac_ns_vertices += perf.t1-perf.t0;
+ }
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Triangles");
@@ -359,22 +465,39 @@ public abstract class Region {
System.err.println("T["+i+"]: Moved "+tv0Idx+" + "+idxOffset+" -> "+(tv0Idx+idxOffset));
- pushIndex(tv0Idx+idxOffset);
- pushIndex(triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset);
- pushIndex(triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ final long tpi = System.nanoTime();
+ pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
+ perf.tac_ns_push_idx += System.nanoTime() - tpi;
+ } else {
+ pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
+ }
} else {
// FIXME: Invalid idx - generate new one
- if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
+ if( Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
System.err.println("T["+i+"]: New Idx "+numVertices);
- pushNewVertexIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], t, rgbaColor);
- pushNewVertexIdxImpl(triInVertices[1], t, rgbaColor);
- pushNewVertexIdxImpl(triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ final long tpvi = System.nanoTime();
+ pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
+ perf.tac_ns_push_vertidx += System.nanoTime() - tpvi;
+ } else {
+ pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
+ }
+ if( null != perf ) {
+ final long t2 = System.nanoTime();
+ perf.tac_ns_triangles += t2-perf.t1;
+ perf.tac_ns_total += t2-perf.t0;
+ }
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: idx[ui32 "+usesI32Idx()+", offset "+idxOffset+"], tris: "+tris+", verts [idx "+vertsTNewIdxCount+", add "+vertsTNewIdxCount+" = "+(vertsVNewIdxCount+vertsTNewIdxCount)+"]");