path: root/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
index a14918583..e07935690 100755
--- a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
+++ b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
private boolean isOrthoMode;
private int beginRenderingWidth;
private int beginRenderingHeight;
+ private boolean beginRenderingDepthTestDisabled;
// For resetting the color after disposal of the old backing store
private boolean haveCachedColor;
private float cachedR;
@@ -336,14 +337,36 @@ public class TextRenderer {
coordinate. Binds and enables the internal OpenGL texture
object, sets the texture environment mode to GL_MODULATE, and
changes the current color to the last color set with this
- TextRenderer via {@link #setColor setColor}.
+ TextRenderer via {@link #setColor setColor}. This method
+ disables the depth test and is equivalent to
+ beginRendering(width, height, true).
@param width the width of the current on-screen OpenGL drawable
@param height the height of the current on-screen OpenGL drawable
@throws GLException If an OpenGL context is not current when this method is called
public void beginRendering(int width, int height) throws GLException {
- beginRendering(true, width, height);
+ beginRendering(width, height, true);
+ }
+ /** Begins rendering with this {@link TextRenderer TextRenderer}
+ into the current OpenGL drawable, pushing the projection and
+ modelview matrices and some state bits and setting up a
+ two-dimensional orthographic projection with (0, 0) as the
+ lower-left coordinate and (width, height) as the upper-right
+ coordinate. Binds and enables the internal OpenGL texture
+ object, sets the texture environment mode to GL_MODULATE, and
+ changes the current color to the last color set with this
+ TextRenderer via {@link #setColor setColor}. Disables the depth
+ test if the disableDepthTest argument is true.
+ @param width the width of the current on-screen OpenGL drawable
+ @param height the height of the current on-screen OpenGL drawable
+ @param disableDepthTest whether to disable the depth test
+ @throws GLException If an OpenGL context is not current when this method is called
+ */
+ public void beginRendering(int width, int height, boolean disableDepthTest) throws GLException {
+ beginRendering(true, width, height, disableDepthTest);
/** Begins rendering of 2D text in 3D with this {@link TextRenderer
@@ -359,7 +382,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
@throws GLException If an OpenGL context is not current when this method is called
public void begin3DRendering() throws GLException {
- beginRendering(false, 0, 0);
+ beginRendering(false, 0, 0, false);
/** Changes the current color of this TextRenderer to the supplied
@@ -574,7 +597,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
return cachedGraphics;
- private void beginRendering(boolean ortho, int width, int height) {
+ private void beginRendering(boolean ortho, int width, int height, boolean disableDepthTestForOrtho) {
if (DEBUG && !debugged) {
@@ -583,8 +606,9 @@ public class TextRenderer {
isOrthoMode = ortho;
beginRenderingWidth = width;
beginRenderingHeight = height;
+ beginRenderingDepthTestDisabled = disableDepthTestForOrtho;
if (ortho) {
- getBackingStore().beginOrthoRendering(width, height);
+ getBackingStore().beginOrthoRendering(width, height, disableDepthTestForOrtho);
} else {
@@ -815,7 +839,9 @@ public class TextRenderer {
// Re-enter the begin / end pair if necessary
if (inBeginEndPair) {
if (isOrthoMode) {
- ((TextureRenderer) newBackingStore).beginOrthoRendering(beginRenderingWidth, beginRenderingHeight);
+ ((TextureRenderer) newBackingStore).beginOrthoRendering(beginRenderingWidth,
+ beginRenderingHeight,
+ beginRenderingDepthTestDisabled);
} else {
((TextureRenderer) newBackingStore).begin3DRendering();