path: root/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
index 312c99c13..78b193fb7 100755
--- a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
+++ b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/j2d/TextRenderer.java
@@ -816,17 +816,21 @@ public class TextRenderer {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Glyph-by-glyph rendering support
- //
private void internal_draw3D(CharSequence str, float x, float y, float z,
float scaleFactor) {
- GlyphsList glyphs = mGlyphProducer.getGlyphs(str);
- if (glyphs != null) {
- drawGlyphs(glyphs, x, y, z, scaleFactor);
- } else {
- this.draw3D_ROBUST(str, x, y, z, scaleFactor);
+ int drawingState = DrawingState.fast;
+ while (drawingState != DrawingState.finished) {
+ GlyphsList glyphs = mGlyphProducer.getGlyphs(str);
+ if (drawingState == DrawingState.fast) {
+ x += drawGlyphs(glyphs, x, y, z, scaleFactor);
+ str = glyphs.remaining;
+ drawingState = glyphs.nextState;
+ } else if (drawingState == DrawingState.robust) {
+ this.draw3D_ROBUST(str, x, y, z, scaleFactor);
+ drawingState = DrawingState.finished;
+ }
@@ -836,19 +840,19 @@ public class TextRenderer {
- private void drawGlyphs(GlyphsList inGlyphs, float inX, float inY, float z,
- float scaleFactor) {
+ private float drawGlyphs(GlyphsList inGlyphs, float inX, float inY,
+ float z, float scaleFactor) {
+ float xOffset = 0;
try {
if (mPipelinedQuadRenderer == null) {
mPipelinedQuadRenderer = new Pipelined_QuadRenderer();
TextureRenderer renderer = getBackingStore();
- float xOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inGlyphs.length; i++) {
Rect rect = inGlyphs.textureSourceRect[i];
TextData data = (TextData) rect.getUserData();
@@ -860,11 +864,12 @@ public class TextRenderer {
int width = rect.w();
int height = rect.h();
- float tx1 = (float) texturex / (float) kSize;
- float ty1 = 1.0f - ((float) texturey / (float) kSize);
- float tx2 = (float) (texturex + width) / (float) kSize;
+ float tx1 = (float) texturex / (float) renderer.getWidth();
+ float ty1 = 1.0f -
+ ((float) texturey / (float) renderer.getHeight());
+ float tx2 = (float) (texturex + width) / (float) renderer.getWidth();
float ty2 = 1.0f -
- ((float) (texturey + height) / (float) kSize);
+ ((float) (texturey + height) / (float) renderer.getHeight());
mPipelinedQuadRenderer.glTexCoord2f(tx1, ty1);
mPipelinedQuadRenderer.glVertex3f(x, y, z);
@@ -883,15 +888,16 @@ public class TextRenderer {
} catch (Exception e) {
- }
- private void drawGlyphsSIMPLE(GlyphsList inGlyphs, float x, float y,
- float z, float scaleFactor) { // unused, for reference, debugging
+ return xOffset;
+ }
+ private float drawGlyphsSIMPLE(GlyphsList inGlyphs, float x, float y,
+ float z, float scaleFactor) // unused, for reference, debugging
+ {
TextureRenderer renderer = getBackingStore();
- int xOffset = 0;
- GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
+ int xOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inGlyphs.length; i++) {
Rect rect = inGlyphs.textureSourceRect[i];
@@ -910,6 +916,8 @@ public class TextRenderer {
0.5f); // note the advances.. I had to use this to get proper kerning.
+ return xOffset;
private void draw3D_ROBUST(CharSequence str, float x, float y, float z,
@@ -929,8 +937,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
if (rect == null) {
// Rasterize this string and place it on the backing store
Graphics2D g = getGraphics2D();
- Rectangle2D bbox = normalize(renderDelegate.getBounds(
- curStr, font, getFontRenderContext()));
+ Rectangle2D bbox = normalize(renderDelegate.getBounds(curStr, font, getFontRenderContext()));
Point origin = new Point((int) -bbox.getMinX(),
(int) -bbox.getMinY());
rect = new Rect(0, 0, (int) bbox.getWidth(),
@@ -1254,6 +1261,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
// Heavy hammer -- might consider doing something different
+ mGlyphProducer.clearAllCacheEntries();
if (DEBUG) {
@@ -1264,6 +1272,9 @@ public class TextRenderer {
public void beginMovement(Object oldBackingStore, Object newBackingStore) {
// Exit the begin / end pair if necessary
if (inBeginEndPair) {
+ // Draw any outstanding glyphs
+ flush();
GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
// Pop client attrib bits used by the pipelined quad renderer
@@ -1373,6 +1384,15 @@ public class TextRenderer {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Glyph-by-glyph rendering support
+ //
+ private static class DrawingState {
+ public static final int fast = 1;
+ public static final int robust = 2;
+ public static final int finished = 3;
+ }
class GlyphsUploadList {
int numberOfNewGlyphs;
GlyphVector[] glyphVector;
@@ -1437,6 +1457,8 @@ public class TextRenderer {
outList.textureSourceRect[this.renderIndex[i]] = mapper.glyphRectForTextureMapping[this.newGlyphs[i]];
+ this.numberOfNewGlyphs = 0;
public void allocateSpace(int inLength) {
@@ -1453,7 +1475,10 @@ public class TextRenderer {
static class GlyphsList {
+ int /* DrawingState */ nextState;
+ CharSequence remaining;
float[] advances;
+ float totalAdvance;
Rect[] textureSourceRect;
int length;
@@ -1489,10 +1514,7 @@ public class TextRenderer {
glyphRectForTextureMapping = new Rect[fontLengthInGlyphs];
unicodes2Glyphs = new int[512];
singleUnicode = new char[1];
- for (int i = 0; i < unicodes2Glyphs.length; i++) {
- unicodes2Glyphs[i] = undefined;
- }
+ clearAllCacheEntries();
@@ -1500,6 +1522,12 @@ public class TextRenderer {
unicodes2Glyphs[unicodeID] = undefined;
+ public void clearAllCacheEntries() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < unicodes2Glyphs.length; i++) {
+ unicodes2Glyphs[i] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
public void allocateSpace(int length) {
length = Math.max(length, 100);
@@ -1514,27 +1542,40 @@ public class TextRenderer {
float getGlyphPixelWidth(char unicodeID) {
int glyphID = undefined;
- if (unicodeID < unicodes2Glyphs.length) { // <--- could support the rare high unicode better later
- glyphID = unicodes2Glyphs[unicodeID]; // Check to see if we have already encountered this unicode
- }
- if (glyphID != undefined) { // if we haven't, we must get some its attributes, and prep for upload
+ if (unicodeID < unicodes2Glyphs.length) // <--- could support the rare high unicode better later
+ {
+ glyphID = unicodes2Glyphs[unicodeID]; // Check to see if we have already encountered this unicode
+ }
- return advances[glyphID];
- } else {
- tempChars[0] = unicodeID;
+ if (glyphID != undefined) // if we haven't, we must get some its attributes, and prep for upload
+ {
+ return advances[glyphID];
+ } else {
+ tempChars[0] = unicodeID;
- GlyphVector fullRunGlyphVector = font.createGlyphVector(fontRenderContext,
- tempChars);
+ GlyphVector fullRunGlyphVector = font.createGlyphVector(fontRenderContext,
+ tempChars);
- return fullRunGlyphVector.getGlyphMetrics(0).getAdvance();
- }
+ return fullRunGlyphVector.getGlyphMetrics(0).getAdvance();
+ }
// return -1;
+ GlyphsList puntToRobust(CharSequence inString) {
+ glyphsOutput.nextState = DrawingState.robust;
+ glyphsOutput.remaining = inString;
+ return glyphsOutput;
+ }
GlyphsList getGlyphs(CharSequence inString) {
- glyphsToUpload.numberOfNewGlyphs = 0;
+ float fontSize = font.getSize();
+ if (fontSize > 128) {
+ glyphsOutput.nextState = DrawingState.robust;
+ glyphsOutput.remaining = inString;
+ }
int length = inString.length();
@@ -1547,43 +1588,66 @@ public class TextRenderer {
int lengthInGlyphs = fullRunGlyphVector.getNumGlyphs();
if (complex) {
- return null;
+ return puntToRobust(inString);
+ TextureRenderer renderer = getBackingStore();
+ float totalAdvanceUploaded = 0;
+ float cacheSize = renderer.getWidth() * renderer.getHeight();
for (int i = 0; i < lengthInGlyphs; i++) {
+ float advance;
char unicodeID = inString.charAt(i);
if (unicodeID >= unicodes2Glyphs.length) { // <-- -could support these better
- return null;
+ return puntToRobust(inString);
int glyphID = unicodes2Glyphs[unicodeID]; // Check to see if we have already encountered this unicode
if (glyphID == undefined) { // if we haven't, we must get some its attributes, and prep for upload
GlyphMetrics metrics = fullRunGlyphVector.getGlyphMetrics(i);
singleUnicode[0] = unicodeID;
GlyphVector gv = font.createGlyphVector(fontRenderContext,
singleUnicode); // need this to get single bitmaps
glyphID = gv.getGlyphCode(0);
+ advance = metrics.getAdvance();
+ advances[glyphID] = advance;
- glyphsToUpload.prepGlyphForUpload(unicodeID,
- gv.getGlyphCode(0),
- gv.getPixelBounds(fontRenderContext, 0, 0), i, gv);
+ glyphsToUpload.prepGlyphForUpload(unicodeID, glyphID,
+ gv.getVisualBounds(), i, gv);
- advances[glyphID] = metrics.getAdvance();
+ totalAdvanceUploaded += advance;
} else {
- glyphsOutput.textureSourceRect[i] = glyphRectForTextureMapping[glyphID];
+ Rect r = glyphRectForTextureMapping[glyphID];
+ glyphsOutput.textureSourceRect[i] = r;
+ TextData data = (TextData) r.getUserData();
+ data.markUsed();
+ advance = advances[glyphID];
- glyphsOutput.advances[i] = advances[glyphID];
- }
+ glyphsOutput.advances[i] = advance;
+ glyphsOutput.totalAdvance += advance;
- glyphsOutput.length = length;
+ if ((totalAdvanceUploaded * fontSize) > (0.25f * cacheSize)) // note -- if the incoming string is bigger than 1/4 the total font cache, start segmenting glyph stream into bite sized pieces
+ {
+ glyphsToUpload.uploadAnyNewGlyphs(glyphsOutput, this);
+ glyphsOutput.length = i + 1;
+ glyphsOutput.remaining = inString.subSequence(i + 1, length);
+ glyphsOutput.nextState = DrawingState.fast;
+ return glyphsOutput;
+ }
+ }
+ glyphsOutput.length = lengthInGlyphs;
glyphsToUpload.uploadAnyNewGlyphs(glyphsOutput, this);
+ glyphsOutput.nextState = DrawingState.finished;
return glyphsOutput;