path: root/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl
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authorSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2010-04-22 20:39:36 +0200
committerSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2010-04-22 20:39:36 +0200
commit848df0f3b4d2cd27e03fc25c424759b870c6514b (patch)
tree1e583ed6a7d570f4aa7271c7583bb0d456a9c445 /src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl
parent94c4ef007321f24177b32174d1ab24c91271da1f (diff)
Bring back GL2ES12 impl. for GL2ES1 and GL2ES2 desktop j2se and cdc. Fixing profiles accordingly.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLProfile.java b/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLProfile.java
index 9e3a532e6..0e10b32b3 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLProfile.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLProfile.java
@@ -63,29 +63,36 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
// Query platform available OpenGL implementation
- public static final boolean isGL4bcAvailable() { return hasGL4bcImpl; }
- public static final boolean isGL4Available() { return hasGL4Impl; }
- public static final boolean isGL3bcAvailable() { return hasGL3bcImpl; }
- public static final boolean isGL3Available() { return hasGL3Impl; }
- public static final boolean isGL2Available() { return hasGL2Impl; }
- public static final boolean isGLES2Available() { return hasGLES2Impl; }
- public static final boolean isGLES1Available() { return hasGLES1Impl; }
+ public static final boolean isGL4bcAvailable() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL4bc); }
+ public static final boolean isGL4Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL4); }
+ public static final boolean isGL3bcAvailable() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL3bc); }
+ public static final boolean isGL3Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL3); }
+ public static final boolean isGL2Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL2); }
+ public static final boolean isGLES2Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GLES2); }
+ public static final boolean isGLES1Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GLES1); }
+ public static final boolean isGL2ES1Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL2ES1); }
+ public static final boolean isGL2ES2Available() { return null != mappedProfiles.get(GL2ES2); }
public static final String glAvailabilityToString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("GLAvailability[Native[GL4bc ");
- sb.append(hasGL4bcImpl);
+ sb.append(isGL4bcAvailable());
sb.append(", GL4 ");
- sb.append(hasGL4Impl);
+ sb.append(isGL4Available());
sb.append(", GL3bc ");
- sb.append(hasGL3bcImpl);
+ sb.append(isGL3bcAvailable());
sb.append(", GL3 ");
- sb.append(hasGL3Impl);
+ sb.append(isGL3Available());
sb.append(", GL2 ");
- sb.append(hasGL2Impl);
+ sb.append(isGL2Available());
+ sb.append(", GL2ES1 ");
+ sb.append(isGL2ES1Available());
sb.append(", GLES1 ");
- sb.append(hasGLES1Impl);
+ sb.append(isGLES1Available());
+ sb.append(", GL2ES2 ");
+ sb.append(isGL2ES2Available());
sb.append(", GLES2 ");
- sb.append(hasGLES2Impl);
+ sb.append(isGLES2Available());
sb.append("], Profiles[");
for(Iterator i=mappedProfiles.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
@@ -344,6 +351,8 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
GL3.equals(profileImpl) ||
GL2.equals(profileImpl) ) {
return "com.jogamp.opengl.impl.gl4.GL4bc";
+ } else if(GL2ES12.equals(profileImpl)) {
+ return "com.jogamp.opengl.impl.gl2es12.GL2ES12";
} else if(GLES1.equals(profileImpl) || GL2ES1.equals(profileImpl)) {
return "com.jogamp.opengl.impl.es1.GLES1";
} else if(GLES2.equals(profileImpl) || GL2ES2.equals(profileImpl)) {
@@ -767,6 +776,10 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
return "GLProfile[" + profile + "/" + profileImpl + "]";
+ // The intersection between desktop OpenGL and the union of the OpenGL ES profiles
+ // This is here only to avoid having separate GL2ES1Impl and GL2ES2Impl classes
+ private static final String GL2ES12 = "GL2ES12";
private static final boolean isAWTAvailable;
private static final boolean isAWTJOGLAvailable;
@@ -776,6 +789,7 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
private static /*final*/ boolean hasGL3bcImpl;
private static /*final*/ boolean hasGL3Impl;
private static /*final*/ boolean hasGL2Impl;
+ private static /*final*/ boolean hasGL2ES12Impl;
private static /*final*/ boolean hasGLES2Impl;
private static /*final*/ boolean hasGLES1Impl;
@@ -802,6 +816,7 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable("javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas") ; // JOGL
boolean hasDesktopGL = false;
+ boolean hasDesktopGLES12 = false;
boolean hasNativeOSFactory = false;
Throwable t;
@@ -833,12 +848,37 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
+ t=null;
+ try {
+ // See DRIHack.java for an explanation of why this is necessary
+ DRIHack.begin();
+ GLJNILibLoader.loadGLDesktopES12();
+ DRIHack.end();
+ hasDesktopGLES12 = true;
+ } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) {
+ t=ule;
+ } catch (SecurityException se) {
+ t=se;
+ } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+ t=npe;
+ } catch (RuntimeException re) {
+ t=re;
+ }
+ if(null!=t) {
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("GLProfile.static Desktop GLES12 Library not available");
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
hasGL234Impl = hasDesktopGL && ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable("com.jogamp.opengl.impl.gl4.GL4bcImpl");
hasGL4bcImpl = hasGL234Impl;
hasGL4Impl = hasGL234Impl;
hasGL3bcImpl = hasGL234Impl;
hasGL3Impl = hasGL234Impl;
hasGL2Impl = hasGL234Impl;
+ hasGL2ES12Impl = hasDesktopGLES12 && ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable("com.jogamp.opengl.impl.gl2es12.GL2ES12Impl");
mappedProfiles = computeProfileMap();
@@ -849,7 +889,7 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
// which will register at GLContext ..
- if(hasDesktopGL) {
+ if(hasDesktopGL||hasDesktopGLES12) {
// if successfull it has a shared dummy drawable and context created
try {
hasNativeOSFactory = null != GLDrawableFactory.getFactoryImpl(GL2);
@@ -872,13 +912,15 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
hasGL4Impl = false;
hasGL3bcImpl = false;
hasGL3Impl = false;
+ hasGL2ES12Impl = false;
hasGL2Impl = false;
} else {
- hasGL4bcImpl = GLContext.isGL4bcAvailable();
- hasGL4Impl = GLContext.isGL4Available();
- hasGL3bcImpl = GLContext.isGL3bcAvailable();
- hasGL3Impl = GLContext.isGL3Available();
- hasGL2Impl = GLContext.isGL2Available();
+ hasGL4bcImpl = hasGL4bcImpl && GLContext.isGL4bcAvailable();
+ hasGL4Impl = hasGL4Impl && GLContext.isGL4Available();
+ hasGL3bcImpl = hasGL3bcImpl && GLContext.isGL3bcAvailable();
+ hasGL3Impl = hasGL3Impl && GLContext.isGL3Available();
+ hasGL2Impl = hasGL2Impl && GLContext.isGL2Available();
+ hasGL2ES12Impl = hasGL2ES12Impl && GLContext.isGL2Available();
boolean btest = false;
@@ -934,7 +976,7 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
mappedProfiles = computeProfileMap();
if(null==defaultGLProfile) {
- throw new GLException("No profile available: "+list2String(GL_PROFILE_LIST_ALL));
+ throw new GLException("No profile available: "+list2String(GL_PROFILE_LIST_ALL)+", "+glAvailabilityToString());
if (DEBUG) {
@@ -942,6 +984,7 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
System.err.println("GLProfile.static isAWTJOGLAvailable "+isAWTJOGLAvailable);
System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasNativeOSFactory "+hasNativeOSFactory);
System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasDesktopGL "+hasDesktopGL);
+ System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasDesktopGLES12 "+hasDesktopGLES12);
System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasEGLDynLookup "+hasEGLDynLookup);
System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasEGLDrawableFactory "+hasEGLDrawableFactory);
System.err.println("GLProfile.static hasGL234Impl "+hasGL234Impl);
@@ -993,7 +1036,9 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
private static String computeProfileImpl(String profile) {
if (GL2ES1.equals(profile)) {
- if(hasGL2Impl) {
+ if(hasGL2ES12Impl) {
+ return GL2ES12;
+ } else if(hasGL2Impl) {
return GL2;
} else if(hasGL3bcImpl) {
return GL3bc;
@@ -1003,7 +1048,9 @@ public class GLProfile implements Cloneable {
return GLES1;
} else if (GL2ES2.equals(profile)) {
- if(hasGL2Impl) {
+ if(hasGL2ES12Impl) {
+ return GL2ES12;
+ } else if(hasGL2Impl) {
return GL2;
} else if(hasGL3Impl) {
return GL3;