path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-02-24 22:01:06 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-02-24 22:01:06 +0100
commit6ac71d7fee514f1bf388990b9373d190424699d9 (patch)
treedd29a27f7506d01b60f500a4d81e0b58db2d2578 /src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util
parent3d537d4239e3772ffdb33592e5e66844d94ac9f3 (diff)
GLArrayData*: Expose reserve() for total elementCount and growIfNeeded() for additional components ...
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util')
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
index e790194ca..6dbfb2673 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
@@ -281,28 +281,28 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
if(0!=(v.remaining() % strideL)) {
throw new GLException("Buffer length ("+v.remaining()+") is not a multiple of component-stride:\n\t"+this);
} */
- growBufferIfNecessary(v.remaining());
+ growIfNeeded(v.remaining());
Buffers.put(buffer, v);
public void putb(final byte v) {
if ( sealed ) return;
- growBufferIfNecessary(1);
+ growIfNeeded(1);
Buffers.putb(buffer, v);
public void puts(final short v) {
if ( sealed ) return;
- growBufferIfNecessary(1);
+ growIfNeeded(1);
Buffers.puts(buffer, v);
public void puti(final int v) {
if ( sealed ) return;
- growBufferIfNecessary(1);
+ growIfNeeded(1);
Buffers.puti(buffer, v);
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
public void putf(final float v) {
if ( sealed ) return;
- growBufferIfNecessary(1);
+ growIfNeeded(1);
Buffers.putf(buffer, v);
@@ -341,77 +341,109 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
- // non public matters
+ /**
+ * Returning element-count from given componentCount, rounding up to componentsPerElement.
+ */
+ public int compsToElemCount(final int componentCount) {
+ return ( componentCount + componentsPerElement - 1 ) / componentsPerElement;
+ }
- private final boolean growBufferIfNecessary(final int spareComponents) {
+ /**
+ * Increase the capacity of the buffer if necessary to add given spareComponents components.
+ * <p>
+ * Buffer will not change if current capacity satisfies spareComponents components.
+ * </p>
+ * @param spareComponents number of components to add if necessary.
+ * @return true if buffer size has changed, i.e. grown. Otherwise false.
+ */
+ public final boolean growIfNeeded(final int spareComponents) {
if( buffer==null || buffer.remaining()<spareComponents ) {
if( 0 != mappedElementCount ) {
throw new GLException("Mapped buffer can't grow. Insufficient storage size: Needed "+spareComponents+" components, "+
"mappedElementCount "+mappedElementCount+
", has mapped buffer "+buffer+"; "+this);
- final int required_elems = ( spareComponents + componentsPerElement - 1 ) / componentsPerElement;
if( null == buffer ) {
- growBuffer( Math.max( initialElementCount, required_elems ) );
+ final int required_elems = compsToElemCount(spareComponents);
+ return reserve( Math.max( initialElementCount, required_elems ) );
} else {
- final int add_comps = (int)( buffer.capacity() * ( growthFactor - 1.0f ) + 0.5f );
- final int add_elems = ( add_comps + componentsPerElement - 1 ) / componentsPerElement;
- growBuffer( Math.max( add_elems, required_elems ) );
+ final int has_comps = buffer.capacity();
+ final int required_elems = compsToElemCount(has_comps + spareComponents);
+ final int new_elems = compsToElemCount( (int)( has_comps * growthFactor + 0.5f ) );
+ final int elementCount = Math.max( new_elems, required_elems );
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("*** Size: Grow: "+compsToElemCount(has_comps)+" -> "+elementCount);
+ }
+ return reserve( elementCount );
- return true;
return false;
- private final void growBuffer(int additionalElements) {
+ /**
+ * Increase the capacity of the buffer to given elementCount element size,
+ * i.e. elementCount * componentsPerElement components.
+ * <p>
+ * Buffer will not change if given elementCount is lower than current size.
+ * </p>
+ * @param elementCount number of elements to hold.
+ * @return true if buffer size has changed, i.e. grown. Otherwise false.
+ */
+ public final boolean reserve(int elementCount) {
if(!alive || sealed) {
throw new GLException("Invalid state: "+this);
// add the stride delta
- additionalElements += (additionalElements/componentsPerElement)*(strideL-componentsPerElement);
+ elementCount += (elementCount/componentsPerElement)*(strideL-componentsPerElement);
final int osize = (buffer!=null) ? buffer.capacity() : 0;
- final int nsize = osize + ( additionalElements * componentsPerElement );
+ final int nsize = elementCount * componentsPerElement;
+ if( nsize <= osize ) {
+ return false;
+ }
final Buffer oldBuffer = buffer;
if(componentClazz==ByteBuffer.class) {
final ByteBuffer newBBuffer = Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer( nsize );
- if(buffer!=null) {
- buffer.flip();
- newBBuffer.put((ByteBuffer)buffer);
+ if(oldBuffer!=null) {
+ oldBuffer.flip();
+ newBBuffer.put((ByteBuffer)oldBuffer);
buffer = newBBuffer;
} else if(componentClazz==ShortBuffer.class) {
final ShortBuffer newSBuffer = Buffers.newDirectShortBuffer( nsize );
- if(buffer!=null) {
- buffer.flip();
- newSBuffer.put((ShortBuffer)buffer);
+ if(oldBuffer!=null) {
+ oldBuffer.flip();
+ newSBuffer.put((ShortBuffer)oldBuffer);
buffer = newSBuffer;
} else if(componentClazz==IntBuffer.class) {
final IntBuffer newIBuffer = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer( nsize );
- if(buffer!=null) {
- buffer.flip();
- newIBuffer.put((IntBuffer)buffer);
+ if(oldBuffer!=null) {
+ oldBuffer.flip();
+ newIBuffer.put((IntBuffer)oldBuffer);
buffer = newIBuffer;
} else if(componentClazz==FloatBuffer.class) {
final FloatBuffer newFBuffer = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer( nsize );
- if(buffer!=null) {
- buffer.flip();
- newFBuffer.put((FloatBuffer)buffer);
+ if(oldBuffer!=null) {
+ oldBuffer.flip();
+ newFBuffer.put((FloatBuffer)oldBuffer);
buffer = newFBuffer;
} else {
throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+componentClazz+":\n\t"+this);
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("*** Grow: comps: "+componentsPerElement+", "+(osize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+osize+" -> "+(nsize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+nsize+
+ System.err.println("*** Size: Reserve: comps: "+componentsPerElement+", "+(osize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+osize+" -> "+(nsize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+nsize+
"; "+oldBuffer+" -> "+buffer+"; "+this);
+ return true;
+ // non public matters
protected final void checkSeal(final boolean test) throws GLException {
if(!alive) {
throw new GLException("Invalid state: "+this);
@@ -457,7 +489,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
this.bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElementCount ) ? false : true;
if(null==buffer && initialElementCount>0) {
- growBuffer(initialElementCount);
+ reserve(initialElementCount);
@@ -520,16 +552,12 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
* <p>
* Default is {@link #DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR}, i.e. the golden ratio 1.618.
* </p>
- * @param v new growth factor, which must be >= 1.1, i.e. 10%
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if growth factor is < 1.1
+ * @param v new growth factor, which will be clipped to a minimum of 1, i.e. 0% minimum growth.
* @see #getGrowthFactor()
public void setGrowthFactor(final float v) {
- if( v < 1.1f ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("New growth factor must be > 1.1 but is "+v);
- }
- growthFactor = v;
+ growthFactor = Math.max(1f, v);
protected final int initialElementCount;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
index ae19d788f..c7253f5b4 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
@@ -269,7 +269,11 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
public void printStats(final PrintStream out) {
- out.printf("elements %,d, bytes %,d / %,d", getElemCount(), getSizeInBytes(), getCapacityInBytes());
+ final int sz_bytes = getSizeInBytes();
+ final int cap_bytes = getCapacityInBytes();
+ final float filled = (float)sz_bytes/(float)cap_bytes;
+ out.printf("elements %,d / %,d, bytes %,d / %,d, filled %.1f%%, left %.1f%%",
+ getElemCount(), cap_bytes / (componentsPerElement * bytesPerComponent), sz_bytes, cap_bytes, filled*100f, (1f-filled)*100f);