path: root/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java
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authorKenneth Russel <kbrussel@alum.mit.edu>2007-10-09 07:38:10 +0000
committerKenneth Russel <kbrussel@alum.mit.edu>2007-10-09 07:38:10 +0000
commitc92573e5f90bfefdfa6697a3f628a263c2f211f9 (patch)
tree53258db2dae2d3a54f9c2f30cd1a55fe163ba958 /src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java
parentf7b664564d2dcdf674660b5d1fc38c7f2ac25b76 (diff)
Integration of Tomas Hrasky's port of basic GLU NURBS functionality
from C++ to Java, plus example applications, done as part of his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Informatics and Management. Current state of code is documented in src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/README.txt. Example applications require Java 1.5 and are not currently built by default. Specify -Djogl.nurbs=1 during jogl-demos build with a 1.5 javac on the PATH to build them. Dependent jars are copied to build output directory. Deleted old partially-complete GLU NURBS port. git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/svn-server-sync/jogl/trunk@1389 232f8b59-042b-4e1e-8c03-345bb8c30851
Diffstat (limited to 'src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d77b74a..000000000
--- a/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/impl/nurbs/internals/Arc.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-** License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are
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-** Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an
-** NOTE: The Original Code (as defined below) has been licensed to Sun
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-** Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation,
-** Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics,
-** Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
-** Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated
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-** Additional Notice Provisions: The application programming interfaces
-** established by SGI in conjunction with the Original Code are The
-** OpenGL(R) Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1), released
-** April 1, 1999; The OpenGL(R) Graphics System Utility Library (Version
-** 1.3), released November 4, 1998; and OpenGL(R) Graphics with the X
-** Window System(R) (Version 1.3), released October 19, 1998. This software
-** was created using the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation
-** published by SGI, but has not been independently verified as being
-** compliant with the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Specification.
-/* an arc, in two list, the trim list and bin */
-public class Arc {
- public static final int SIDE_NONE = 0;
- public static final int SIDE_RIGHT = 1;
- public static final int SIDE_TOP = 2;
- public static final int SIDE_LEFT = 3;
- public static final int SIDE_BOTTOM = 4;
- public static final int bezier_tag = (1 << 13);
- public static final int arc_tag = (1 << 3);
- public static final int tail_tag = (1 << 6);
- public Arc prev; /* trim list pointer */
- public Arc next; /* trim list pointer */
- public Arc link; /* bin pointers */
- public BezierArc bezierArc; /* associated bezier arc */
- public PwlArc pwlArc; /* associated pwl arc */
- public long type; /* curve type */
- public long nuid;
- private static final float ZERO = 0.00001f;
- public Arc(Arc j, PwlArc p) {
- pwlArc = p;
- type = j.type;
- nuid = j.nuid;
- }
- public Arc(int arcSide, long nuid) {
- type = 0;
- setside(arcSide);
- this.nuid = nuid;
- }
- public Arc append(Arc jarc) {
- if ( jarc != null ) {
- next = jarc.next;
- prev = jarc;
- next.prev = prev.next = this;
- } else {
- next = prev = this;
- }
- return this;
- }
- public boolean check() {
- Arc jarc = this;
- do {
- assert( (jarc.pwlArc != null) || (jarc.bezierArc != null) );
- if (jarc.prev == 0 || jarc.next == 0) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc:null next/prev pointer");
- jarc.print( );
- return false;
- }
- if (jarc.next.prev != jarc) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc: pointer linkage screwed up");
- jarc.print( );
- return false;
- }
- if( jarc.pwlArc != null ) {
- assert( jarc.pwlArc.npts >= 1 );
- assert( jarc.pwlArc.npts < 100000 );
- if( jarc.prev.pwlArc != null ) {
- if( jarc.tail()[1] != jarc.prev.rhead()[1] ) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc: geometric linkage screwed up 1");
- jarc.prev.show();
- jarc.show();
- return false;
- }
- if( jarc.tail()[0] != jarc.prev.rhead()[0] ) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc: geometric linkage screwed up 2");
- jarc.prev.show();
- jarc.show();
- return false;
- }
- }
- if( jarc.next.pwlArc ) {
- if( jarc.next.tail()[0] != jarc.rhead()[0] ) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc: geometric linkage screwed up 3");
- jarc.show();
- jarc.next.show();
- return false;
- }
- if( jarc.next.tail()[1] != jarc.rhead()[1] ) {
- System.out.println( "checkjarc: geometric linkage screwed up 4");
- jarc.show();
- jarc.next.show();
- return false;
- }
- }
- if( jarc.isbezier() ) {
- assert( jarc.pwlArc.npts == 2 );
- assert( (jarc.pwlArc.pts[0].param[0] ==
- jarc.pwlArc.pts[1].param[0]) ||
- (jarc.pwlArc.pts[0].param[1] ==
- jarc.pwlArc.pts[1].param[1]) );
- }
- }
- jarc = jarc.next;
- } while (jarc != this);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if tail of arc and head of prev meet.
- */
- public boolean isDisconnected() {
- if( pwlArc == 0 ) return 0;
- if( prev.pwlArc == 0 ) return 0;
- float[] p0 = tail();
- float[] p1 = prev.rhead();
- if( ((p0[0] - p1[0]) > ZERO) || ((p1[0] - p0[0]) > ZERO) ||
- ((p0[1] - p1[1]) > ZERO) || ((p1[1] - p0[1]) > ZERO) ) {
- return true;
- } else {
- /* average two points together */
- p0[0] = p1[0] = (p1[0] + p0[0]) * 0.5f;
- p0[1] = p1[1] = (p1[1] + p0[1]) * 0.5f;
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Counts number of points on arc loop.
- */
- public int numpts( ) {
- Arc jarc = this;
- int npts = 0;
- do {
- npts += jarc.pwlArc.npts;
- jarc = jarc.next;
- } while( jarc != this );
- return npts;
- }
- /**
- * Marks each point with id of arc.
- */
- public void markverts( void ) {
- Arc jarc = this;
- do {
- TrimVertex p = jarc.pwlArc.pts;
- for( int i=0; i<jarc.pwlArc.npts; i++ )
- p[i].nuid = jarc.nuid;
- jarc = jarc.next;
- } while( jarc != this );
- }
- /**
- * Finds axis extrema on arc loop.
- */
- public void getextrema( Arc[4] ) {
- float leftpt, botpt, rightpt, toppt;
- extrema[0] = extrema[1] = extrema[2] = extrema[3] = this;
- leftpt = rightpt = this.tail()[0];
- botpt = toppt = this.tail()[1];
- for( Arc jarc = this.next; jarc != this; jarc = jarc.next ) {
- if ( jarc.tail()[0] < leftpt ||
- (jarc.tail()[0] <= leftpt && jarc.rhead()[0]<=leftpt)) {
- leftpt = jarc.pwlArc.pts.param[0];
- extrema[1] = jarc;
- }
- if ( jarc.tail()[0] > rightpt ||
- (jarc.tail()[0] >= rightpt && jarc.rhead()[0] >= rightpt)) {
- rightpt = jarc.pwlArc.pts.param[0];
- extrema[3] = jarc;
- }
- if ( jarc.tail()[1] < botpt ||
- (jarc.tail()[1] <= botpt && jarc.rhead()[1] <= botpt )) {
- botpt = jarc.pwlArc.pts.param[1];
- extrema[2] = jarc;
- }
- if ( jarc.tail()[1] > toppt ||
- (jarc.tail()[1] >= toppt && jarc.rhead()[1] >= toppt)) {
- toppt = jarc.pwlArc.pts.param[1];
- extrema[0] = jarc;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prints out the vertices of all pwl arcs on a loop.
- */
- public void print( ) {
- Arc jarc = this;
- do {
- jarc.show( );
- jarc = jarc.next;
- } while (jarc != this);
- }
- public void show( ) {
- System.out.println( "\tPWLARC NP: " + pwlArc.npts + " FL: 1");
- for( int i = 0; i < pwlArc.npts; i++ ) {
- System.out.println( "\t\tVERTEX " + pwlArc.pts[i].param[0] + " " +
- pwlArc.pts[i].param[1] );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Attaches a pwl arc to an arc and mark it as a border arc.
- */
- public void makeSide( PwlArc pwl, int arcSide ) {
- assert( pwl != 0);
- assert( pwlArc == 0 );
- assert( pwl.npts > 0 );
- assert( pwl.pts != 0);
- pwlArc = pwl;
- clearbezier();
- setside( arcSide );
- }
- public boolean isTessellated() { return (pwlArc != null); }
- public boolean isbezier() { return (type & bezier_tag) != 0; }
- public void setbezier() { type |= bezier_tag; }
- public void clearbezier() { type &= ~bezier_tag; }
- public long npts() { return pwlArc.npts; }
- public TrimVertex[] pts() { return pwlArc.pts; }
- public float[] tail() { return pwlArc.pts[0].param; }
- public float[] head() { return next.pwlArc.pts[0].param; }
- public float[] rhead() { return pwlArc.pts[pwlArc.npts-1].param; }
- public long ismarked() { return type & arc_tag; }
- public void setmark() { type |= arc_tag; }
- public void clearmark() { type &= (~arc_tag); }
- public void clearside() { type &= ~(0x7 << 8); }
- public void setside( int arcSide ) { clearside(); type |= (((long)arcSide)<<8); }
- public int getside() { return ((type>>8) & 0x7); }
- public int getitail() { return type & tail_tag; }
- public void setitail() { type |= tail_tag; }
- public void clearitail() { type &= (~tail_tag); }