diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-10-04 12:05:10 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-10-04 12:05:10 +0200
commite066250b908f0f2187d468d2c5ab586341031753 (patch)
parentd0dd0c04463c6b09b1f15ce6cc3a2c50286c57bf (diff)
Bug 1472: GLMediaPlayer AVSync: Refine AVSync debug output (WIP)
Using `-Djogl.debug.GLMediaPlayer.AVSync -Djogamp.debug.AudioSink` to trace AVSync issues for now.
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/GLMediaPlayerImpl.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/GLMediaPlayerImpl.java
index b8dbcdb24..845db7207 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/GLMediaPlayerImpl.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/GLMediaPlayerImpl.java
@@ -349,6 +349,22 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
return 0;
+ /** Override if not using audioSink! */
+ protected int getLastBufferedAudioPTSImpl() {
+ if( null != audioSink ) {
+ return audioSink.getLastBufferedPTS();
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Override if not using audioSink! */
+ protected float getQueuedAudioTimeImpl() {
+ if( null != audioSink ) {
+ return audioSink.getQueuedTime();
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
public final State getState() { return state; }
@@ -975,6 +991,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
try {
do {
final boolean droppedFrame;
+ final boolean repeatedFrame;
if( dropFrame ) {
dropFrame = false;
@@ -992,7 +1009,9 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
video_pts = nextFrame.getPTS();
hasVideoFrame = true;
+ repeatedFrame = true;
} else {
+ repeatedFrame = false;
if( null != videoFramesDecoded ) {
// multi-threaded and video available
nextFrame = videoFramesDecoded.get();
@@ -1016,7 +1035,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
( duration > 0 && duration <= video_pts ) || maxNullFrameCountUntilEOS <= nullFrameCount )
// EOS
- if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println( "AV-EOS (getNextTexture): EOS_PTS "+(TimeFrameI.END_OF_STREAM_PTS == video_pts)+", "+this);
pauseImpl(true, new GLMediaPlayer.EventMask(GLMediaPlayer.EventMask.Bit.EOS));
@@ -1027,6 +1046,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
final int audio_pts = getAudioPTSImpl();
+ final int audio_pts_lb = getLastBufferedAudioPTSImpl();
final int audio_scr = (int) ( ( currentTimeMillis - audio_scr_t0 ) * playSpeed );
final int d_apts;
if( audio_pts != TimeFrameI.INVALID_PTS ) {
@@ -1036,8 +1056,8 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
final int video_scr = video_scr_pts + (int) ( ( currentTimeMillis - video_scr_t0 ) * playSpeed );
final int d_vpts = video_pts - video_scr;
- System.err.println( "AV~: dT "+(currentTimeMillis-lastTimeMillis)+", nullFrames "+nullFrameCount+
- getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, d_apts, 0 ) + ", droppedFrame "+droppedFrame);
+ System.err.println( "AV?: dT "+(currentTimeMillis-lastTimeMillis)+", nullFrames "+nullFrameCount+
+ getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, audio_pts_lb, d_apts, 0 ) + ", droppedFrame "+droppedFrame);
} else { // valid pts: has audio or video frame
@@ -1046,6 +1066,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
final int audio_pts = getAudioPTSImpl();
+ final int audio_pts_lb = getLastBufferedAudioPTSImpl();
final int audio_scr = (int) ( ( currentTimeMillis - audio_scr_t0 ) * playSpeed );
final int d_apts;
if( audio_pts != TimeFrameI.INVALID_PTS ) {
@@ -1067,7 +1088,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
// if( -VIDEO_DPTS_MAX > d_avpts || d_avpts > VIDEO_DPTS_MAX ) {
System.err.println( "AV*: dT "+(currentTimeMillis-lastTimeMillis)+", "+
- getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, d_apts, 0 ) + ", "+nextFrame+", playCached " + playCached+ ", dropFrame "+dropFrame);
+ getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, audio_pts_lb, d_apts, 0 ) + ", "+nextFrame);
} else {
final int dpy_den = displayedFrameCount > 0 ? displayedFrameCount : 1;
@@ -1081,21 +1102,28 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
// final int dt = (int) ( d_vpts / playSpeed + 0.5f );
// final int dt = (int) ( d_avpts / playSpeed + 0.5f );
final TextureFrame _nextFrame = nextFrame;
+ char mode_C;
if( dt > maxVideoDelay ) {
cachedFrame = nextFrame;
nextFrame = null;
+ mode_C = 'c';
} else if ( !droppedFrame && dt < -maxVideoDelay && null != videoFramesDecoded && videoFramesDecoded.size() > 0 ) {
// only drop if prev. frame has not been dropped and
// frame is too late and one decoded frame is already available.
dropFrame = true;
+ mode_C = 'd';
+ } else if( repeatedFrame ) {
+ mode_C = 'r';
+ } else {
+ mode_C = '_';
video_pts_last = video_pts;
- System.err.println( "AV_: dT "+(currentTimeMillis-lastTimeMillis)+", "+
+ System.err.println( "AV"+mode_C+": dT "+(currentTimeMillis-lastTimeMillis)+", dt "+dt+", maxD "+maxVideoDelay+", "+
getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts, d_vpts,
- audio_scr, audio_pts, d_apts,
+ audio_scr, audio_pts, audio_pts_lb, d_apts,
video_dpts_avg_diff ) +
- ", avg dpy-fps "+avg_dpy_duration+" ms/f, maxD "+maxVideoDelay+" ms, "+_nextFrame+", playCached " + playCached + ", dropFrame "+dropFrame);
+ ", avg dpy-fps "+avg_dpy_duration+" ms/f, "+_nextFrame);
} // has video frame
@@ -1379,7 +1407,7 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
if( audioEOS ) {
// state transition incl. notification
- if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println( "AV-EOS (StreamWorker): EOS_PTS "+(TimeFrameI.END_OF_STREAM_PTS == vPTS)+", "+GLMediaPlayerImpl.this);
pauseImpl(true, new GLMediaPlayer.EventMask(GLMediaPlayer.EventMask.Bit.EOS));
@@ -1619,16 +1647,17 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
final int d_vpts = video_pts_last - video_scr;
final int audio_scr = (int) ( ( currentTimeMillis - audio_scr_t0 ) * playSpeed );
final int audio_pts = getAudioPTSImpl();
+ final int audio_pts_lb = getLastBufferedAudioPTSImpl();
final int d_apts = audio_pts - audio_scr;
- return getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts_last, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, d_apts, getVideoDPTSAvg() );
+ return getPerfStringImpl( video_scr, video_pts_last, d_vpts, audio_scr, audio_pts, audio_pts_lb, d_apts, getVideoDPTSAvg() );
private final String getPerfStringImpl(final int video_scr, final int video_pts, final int d_vpts,
- final int audio_scr, final int audio_pts, final int d_apts,
+ final int audio_scr, final int audio_pts, final int autio_pts_lb, final int d_apts,
final int video_dpts_avg_diff) {
final float tt = getDuration() / 1000.0f;
final String audioSinkInfo;
final AudioSink audioSink = getAudioSink();
- if( null != audioSink ) {
+ if( false && null != audioSink ) {
audioSinkInfo = String.format("AudioSink[frames [p %d, q %d, f %d, c %d], dur %.1f ms, bytes %d]",
audioSink.getEnqueuedFrameCount(), audioSink.getQueuedFrameCount(),
audioSink.getFreeFrameCount(), audioSink.getFrameCount(), 1000f*audioSink.getQueuedTime(),
@@ -1645,10 +1674,16 @@ public abstract class GLMediaPlayerImpl implements GLMediaPlayer {
freeVideoFrames = 0;
decVideoFrames = 0;
+ if( false ) {
return state+", frames[(p "+presentedFrameCount+", d "+decodedFrameCount+") / "+videoFrames+", "+tt+" s, z "+nullFrameCount+" / "+maxNullFrameCountUntilEOS+"], "+
"speed " + playSpeed+", dAV "+( d_vpts - d_apts )+", vSCR "+video_scr+", vpts "+video_pts+", dSCR["+d_vpts+", avrg "+video_dpts_avg_diff+"], "+
- "aSCR "+audio_scr+", apts "+audio_pts+" ( "+d_apts+" ), "+audioSinkInfo+
+ "aSCR "+audio_scr+", apts "+audio_pts+" ( lb "+autio_pts_lb+", d "+d_apts+" ), "+audioSinkInfo+
", Texture[count "+textureCount+", free "+freeVideoFrames+", dec "+decVideoFrames+"]";
+ } else {
+ return "frames[p "+presentedFrameCount+", d "+decodedFrameCount+"], "+
+ "dAV "+( video_pts - audio_pts )+"/"+( d_vpts - d_apts )+", vSCR "+video_scr+", vpts "+video_pts+", dSCR["+d_vpts+", avrg "+video_dpts_avg_diff+"], "+
+ "aSCR "+audio_scr+", apts "+audio_pts+" ( lb "+autio_pts_lb+", d "+d_apts+" )]";
+ }