path: root/build.xml
diff options
authorMichael Bien <mbien@fh-landshut.de>2009-09-03 20:15:53 +0200
committerMichael Bien <mbien@fh-landshut.de>2009-09-03 20:15:53 +0200
commit88056e6c36bf198ac9d18b03cbedea0878637bd8 (patch)
treeaff71d757ebdd15202491919d0f60df718a59579 /build.xml
parent1737ee672c05d956a99a91d9894556230f6363bc (diff)
updated to latest Nvidia OpenCL headers.
began to configure build for native lib compilation.
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 87db0495..227e42df 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@
<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting -->
<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->
<project name="JOCL" default="default" basedir=".">
<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project JOCL.</description>
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
+ <!-- Pull in GlueGen cpptasks build file -->
+ <property name="gluegen.root" value="../gluegen" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml" />
<target name="-pre-compile">
@@ -24,34 +29,100 @@
<include name="resources/CL"/>
- <taskdef name="gluegen" classname="com.sun.gluegen.ant.GlueGenTask" classpathref="gluegen.classpath" />
- <echo message=" - - - generate JOCL - - - "/>
+ <echo message=" - - - generate JOCL java files - - - "/>
+ <taskdef name="gluegen" classname="com.sun.gluegen.ant.GlueGenTask" classpathref="gluegen.classpath" />
<gluegen src="resources/cl.h"
<classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ <echo message=" - - - JOCL java files generated - - - "/>
- <!--OpenCL - OpenGL interoperability
- <echo message=" - - - generate JOCL-GL - - - "/>
+ <!-- TODO OpenCL - OpenGL interoperability
+ <echo message=" - - - generate CL-GL java files - - - "/>
<gluegen src="resources/cl_gl.h"
<classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ <echo message=" - - - CL-GL java files generated - - - "/>
- <target name="-post-clean">
- <delete dir="gensrc">
+ <target name="-post-compile" depends="c.configure.linux.amd64">
+ <property name="output.lib.name" value="jocl"/>
+ <property name="obj" value="${build.dir}/obj"/>
+ <property name="obj.jocl" value="${obj}/${output.lib.name}"/>
+ <property name="c.compiler.optimise" value="none"/>
+ <property name="c.compiler.debug" value="false"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.jocl}" />
+ <echo message=" - - - compiling JOCL natives - - - "/>
+ <cc outtype="shared"
+ objdir="${obj.jocl}"
+ outfile="${obj}/${output.lib.name}"
+ optimize="${c.compiler.optimise}"
+ debug="${c.compiler.debug}"
+ multithreaded="true"
+ exceptions="false"
+ rtti="false">
+ <fileset dir="gensrc/native" includes="*.c"/>
+ <compiler extends="${compiler.cfg.id}" >
+ <sysincludepath path="${basedir}/resources/jvm_stubs"/>
+ <includepath path="${basedir}/resources"/>
+ <includepath path="${basedir}/resources/CL"/>
+ <!-- This is for the generated headers for handwritten C code -->
+ <!--
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir}"/>
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir.platform}"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}" />
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/X11" if="isX11"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/MacOSX" if="isOSX"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/Windows" if="isWindows"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- This must come last to not override real include paths -->
+ <!-- includepath path="stub_includes/macosx" if="isOSX" / -->
+ </compiler>
+ <linker extends="${linker.cfg.id}">
+ <syslibset dir="${java.lib.dir.platform}/server" libs="jvm" if="${output.lib.name}.useLibJVM"/>
+ </linker>
+ </cc>
+ <echo message=" - - - JOCL natives compiled - - - "/>
- </delete>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.amd64" depends="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os,gluegen.cpptasks.setup.compiler">
+ <echo message="configure for Linux.AMD64 build" />
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.linux.amd64.jocl" extends="linker.cfg.linux.amd64">
+ <syslibset dir="/home/mbien/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/common/lib/Linux64" libs="OpenCL"/>
+ </linker>
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id" value="linker.cfg.linux.amd64.jocl" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="-post-clean">
+ <delete dir="gensrc"/>
+ </target>
There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be