path: root/src/java
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-05-23 02:08:25 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-05-23 02:08:25 +0200
commit44ed86045ee1fc8a91fa2902196e9ddaf53242ca (patch)
treeaa39d8229da6d2ec94fbf06f68c056cdc6e77c63 /src/java
parentafb386e13fd00fde1401d4551ee4790b1f6d5e09 (diff)
ALAudioSink: Use and expose Sound3D object, allow user app to deal w/ JOAL/OpenAL easier and reuse Context context locking
Context locking logic has been fixed and moved to Sound3D Context class (beside many other transparency changes), see commit afb386e13fd00fde1401d4551ee4790b1f6d5e09. This also aligns w/ AudioSink API change of Gluegen commits - c04726720a57f8db42f2621ad58ff3bd42006c63 - 6a74d16a805a4204093972bb91361b2aa633065c
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 453 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/openal/util/ALAudioSink.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/openal/util/ALAudioSink.java
index f9a4df8..8342a4d 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/openal/util/ALAudioSink.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/openal/util/ALAudioSink.java
@@ -42,16 +42,18 @@ import com.jogamp.common.os.Clock;
import com.jogamp.common.util.LFRingbuffer;
import com.jogamp.common.util.PropertyAccess;
import com.jogamp.common.util.Ringbuffer;
-import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.LockFactory;
-import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock;
import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALC;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCConstants;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCcontext;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCdevice;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALConstants;
+import com.jogamp.openal.ALException;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALExt;
-import com.jogamp.openal.ALFactory;
+import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.AudioSystem3D;
+import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Context;
+import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Device;
+import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Source;
* OpenAL {@link AudioSink} implementation.
@@ -64,29 +66,26 @@ import com.jogamp.openal.ALFactory;
* </ul>
* </p>
-public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
+public final class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private static final boolean DEBUG_TRACE;
private static final ALC alc;
private static final AL al;
private static final ALExt alExt;
private static final boolean staticsInitialized;
- private String deviceSpecifier;
- private ALCdevice device;
+ private final Device device;
private boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples;
private boolean hasEXTMcFormats;
private boolean hasEXTFloat32;
private boolean hasEXTDouble;
private boolean hasALC_thread_local_context;
- private int defaultSampleRate;
private int sourceCount;
private float defaultLatency;
private float latency;
- private AudioFormat preferredAudioFormat;
- private ALCcontext context;
- private final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock();
- private boolean threadContextLocked;
- private volatile Thread exclusiveThread = null;
+ private final AudioFormat nativeFormat;
+ private int userMaxChannels = 8;
+ private AudioFormat preferredFormat;
+ private final Context context;
/** Playback speed, range [0.5 - 2.0], default 1.0. */
private float playSpeed;
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private volatile int playingPTS = AudioFrame.INVALID_PTS;
private volatile int enqueuedFrameCount;
- private int alSource = -1; // actually ALuint, but JOAL expects INT_MAX limit is ok!
+ private final Source alSource = new Source();
private AudioFormat chosenFormat;
private int alChannelLayout;
private int alSampleType;
@@ -139,23 +138,10 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
DEBUG_TRACE = PropertyAccess.isPropertyDefined("joal.debug.AudioSink.trace", true);
- ALC _alc = null;
- AL _al = null;
- ALExt _alExt = null;
- try {
- _alc = ALFactory.getALC();
- _al = ALFactory.getAL();
- _alExt = ALFactory.getALExt();
- } catch(final Throwable t) {
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Caught "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage());
- t.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- alc = _alc;
- al = _al;
- alExt = _alExt;
- staticsInitialized = null != alc && null != al && null != alExt;
+ alc = AudioSystem3D.getALC();
+ al = AudioSystem3D.getAL();
+ alExt = AudioSystem3D.getALExt();
+ staticsInitialized = AudioSystem3D.isAvailable();
/** Returns true if OpenAL has been loaded and static fields {@link ALC}, {@link AL} and {@link ALExt} have been initialized successfully, otherwise false. */
@@ -163,180 +149,148 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
return staticsInitialized;
- private static boolean checkALCALError(final ALCdevice device, final String prefix, final boolean verbose) {
- if( !checkALCError(device, prefix, verbose) ) {
- return checkALError(prefix, verbose);
- }
- return false; // no error
- }
- private static boolean checkALError(final String prefix, final boolean verbose) {
- final int alErr = al.alGetError();
- final boolean err = ALConstants.AL_NO_ERROR != alErr;
- if( err && verbose ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink."+prefix+": AL error "+err+", "+toHexString(alErr)+", '"+al.alGetString(alErr)+"']");
- }
- return err;
- }
- private static boolean checkALCError(final ALCdevice device, final String prefix, final boolean verbose) {
- final int alcErr = alc.alcGetError(device);
- final boolean err = ALCConstants.ALC_NO_ERROR != alcErr;
- if( err && verbose ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink."+prefix+": ALC error "+err+", err [alc "+toHexString(alcErr)+", "+alc.alcGetString(device, alcErr)+"']");
- }
- return err;
- }
- private static ALCdevice createDevice(final String name) {
- final ALCdevice d = alc.alcOpenDevice(name);
- if (d == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error opening OpenAL device '"+name+"'");
+ private static Device createDevice(final String name) {
+ final Device d = new Device(name);
+ if( !d.isValid() ) {
+ throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error opening OpenAL device '"+name+"'");
return d;
* Create a new instance with a new default {@link ALCdevice}
- * @throws RuntimeException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
+ * @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
- public ALAudioSink() throws RuntimeException {
- this((ALCdevice)null);
+ public ALAudioSink() throws ALException {
+ this((Device)null);
* Create a new instance with a new named {@link ALCdevice}
* @param deviceName name of
- * @throws RuntimeException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
+ * @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
- public ALAudioSink(final String deviceName) throws RuntimeException {
+ public ALAudioSink(final String deviceName) throws ALException {
* Create a new instance with an optional given {@link ALCdevice}
- * @param alDevice optional OpenAL device, a default device is opened if null.
- * @throws RuntimeException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
+ * @param alDevice optional OpenAL {@link Device}, a default device is opened if null.
+ * @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
- public ALAudioSink(final ALCdevice alDevice) throws RuntimeException {
+ public ALAudioSink(final Device alDevice) throws ALException {
available = false;
chosenFormat = null;
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
+ device = null;
+ context = null;
+ nativeFormat = DefaultFormat;
- try {
- if( null == alDevice ) {
- device = createDevice(null); // default device
- } else {
- device = alDevice;
+ if( null == alDevice ) {
+ device = createDevice(null); // default device
+ if( !device.isValid() ) {
+ throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Couldn't open default device: "+device);
- // Get the device specifier.
- deviceSpecifier = alc.alcGetString(device, ALCConstants.ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
- if (deviceSpecifier == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error getting specifier for default OpenAL device");
- }
- // Create audio context.
- context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, null);
- if (context == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context for "+deviceSpecifier);
+ } else {
+ device = alDevice;
+ if( !device.open() ) {
+ throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error device not open or couldn't be opened "+device);
+ }
+ // Create audio context.
+ context = new Context(device, null);
+ if ( !context.isValid() ) {
+ throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context "+context);
+ }
- lockContext();
- try {
- // Check for an error.
- if( checkALCError(device, "alcCreateContext", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error making OpenAL context current");
- }
- hasSOFTBufferSamples = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_SOFT_buffer_samples);
- hasEXTMcFormats = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_MCFORMATS);
- hasEXTFloat32 = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_FLOAT32);
- hasEXTDouble = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_DOUBLE);
- hasALC_thread_local_context = alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(null, ALHelpers.ALC_EXT_thread_local_context) ||
- alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(device, ALHelpers.ALC_EXT_thread_local_context) ;
- int checkErrIter = 1;
- checkALCALError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG);
- {
- final int[] value = { 0 };
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_FREQUENCY, 1, value, 0);
- if( checkALCALError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG) || 0 == value[0] ) {
- defaultSampleRate = DefaultFormat.sampleRate;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: failed, using default "+defaultSampleRate);
- }
- } else {
- defaultSampleRate = value[0];
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: OK "+defaultSampleRate);
- }
- }
- value[0] = 0;
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_MONO_SOURCES, 1, value, 0);
- if( checkALCALError(device, "read ALC_MONO_SOURCES", DEBUG) ) {
- sourceCount = -1;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryMonoSourceCount: failed");
- }
- } else {
- sourceCount = value[0];
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
+ try {
+ hasSOFTBufferSamples = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_SOFT_buffer_samples);
+ hasEXTMcFormats = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_MCFORMATS);
+ hasEXTFloat32 = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_FLOAT32);
+ hasEXTDouble = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_DOUBLE);
+ hasALC_thread_local_context = alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(null, ALHelpers.ALC_EXT_thread_local_context) ||
+ alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(device.getALDevice(), ALHelpers.ALC_EXT_thread_local_context) ;
+ int checkErrIter = 1;
+ AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
+ int defaultSampleRate = DefaultFormat.sampleRate;
+ {
+ final int[] value = { 0 };
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_FREQUENCY, 1, value, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: failed, using default "+defaultSampleRate);
- value[0] = 0;
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
- if( checkALCALError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG) || 0 == value[0] ) {
- defaultLatency = 20f/1000f; // OpenAL-Soft default seems to be 50 Hz -> 20ms min latency
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: failed");
- }
- } else {
- defaultLatency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> s
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms");
- }
+ } else {
+ defaultSampleRate = value[0];
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: OK "+defaultSampleRate);
- preferredAudioFormat = new AudioFormat(defaultSampleRate, DefaultFormat.sampleSize, DefaultFormat.channelCount,
- DefaultFormat.signed, DefaultFormat.fixedP, DefaultFormat.planar, DefaultFormat.littleEndian);
- if( DEBUG ) {
- final int[] alcvers = { 0, 0 };
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Version: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_VERSION));
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Extensions: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_EXTENSIONS));
- checkALCALError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Null device OpenALC:");
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
- System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
- System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(null, ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
- checkALCALError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Device "+deviceSpecifier+" OpenALC:");
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
- System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
- System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(device, ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasSOFTBufferSamples "+hasSOFTBufferSamples);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTMcFormats "+hasEXTMcFormats);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTFloat32 "+hasEXTFloat32);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTDouble "+hasEXTDouble);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasALC_thread_local_context "+hasALC_thread_local_context);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: preferredAudioFormat "+preferredAudioFormat);
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: defaultMixerRefreshRate "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms, "+(1f/defaultLatency)+" Hz");
- System.out.println("ALAudioSink: maxSupportedChannels "+getMaxSupportedChannels());
- checkALCALError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG);
+ value[0] = 0;
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MONO_SOURCES, 1, value, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_MONO_SOURCES", DEBUG, false) ) {
+ sourceCount = -1;
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryMonoSourceCount: failed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ sourceCount = value[0];
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Using device: " + deviceSpecifier);
+ value[0] = 0;
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
+ defaultLatency = 20f/1000f; // OpenAL-Soft default seems to be 50 Hz -> 20ms min latency
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: failed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ defaultLatency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> s
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms");
+ }
- available = true;
- } finally {
- unlockContext();
- return;
- } catch ( final Exception e ) {
+ nativeFormat = new AudioFormat(defaultSampleRate, DefaultFormat.sampleSize, getMaxSupportedChannels(false),
+ DefaultFormat.signed, DefaultFormat.fixedP, DefaultFormat.planar, DefaultFormat.littleEndian);
+ preferredFormat = nativeFormat;
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ final int[] alcvers = { 0, 0 };
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Version: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_VERSION));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Extensions: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_EXTENSIONS));
+ AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Null device OpenALC:");
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
+ System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
+ System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(null, ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
+ AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Device "+device+" OpenALC:");
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
+ System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
+ System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasSOFTBufferSamples "+hasSOFTBufferSamples);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTMcFormats "+hasEXTMcFormats);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTFloat32 "+hasEXTFloat32);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTDouble "+hasEXTDouble);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasALC_thread_local_context "+hasALC_thread_local_context);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: maxSupportedChannels "+getMaxSupportedChannels(false));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: nativeAudioFormat "+nativeFormat);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: defaultMixerRefreshRate "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms, "+(1f/defaultLatency)+" Hz");
+ AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
+ }
if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(e.getMessage());
- e.printStackTrace();
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Using device: " + device);
- destroy();
+ available = true;
+ } finally {
+ release(true /* throw */);
@@ -349,14 +303,12 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
/** Return OpenAL global {@link ALExt}. */
public static final ALExt getALExt() { return alExt; }
- /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link ALCdevice}. */
- public final ALCdevice getDevice() { return device; }
- /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link ALCdevice} specifier. */
- public final String getDeviceSpec() { return deviceSpecifier; }
- /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link ALCcontext}. */
- public final ALCcontext getALContext() { return context; }
- /** Return this instance's OpenAL source ID. */
- public final int getALSource() { return alSource; }
+ /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Device}. */
+ public final Device getDevice() { return device; }
+ /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Context}. */
+ public final Context getContext() { return context; }
+ /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Source}. */
+ public final Source getSource() { return alSource; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension <code>AL_SOFT_buffer_samples</code> is available. */
public final boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples() { return hasSOFTBufferSamples; }
@@ -379,99 +331,15 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
// AudioSink implementation ...
- public final void lockExclusive() {
- lockContext();
- exclusiveThread = Thread.currentThread();
+ public final boolean makeCurrent(final boolean throwException) {
+ return context.makeCurrent(throwException);
- public final void unlockExclusive() {
- exclusiveThread = null;
- unlockContext();
- }
- private final void lockContext() {
- if( null != exclusiveThread ) {
- if( Thread.currentThread() == exclusiveThread ) {
- return;
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException("Exclusive lock by "+exclusiveThread+", but current is "+Thread.currentThread());
- }
- lock.lock();
- if( !lockContextImpl() ) {
- final String err = getThreadName()+": ALCError makeCurrent failed. "+this;
- System.err.println(err);
- ExceptionUtils.dumpStack(System.err);
- lock.unlock();
- throw new RuntimeException(err);
- }
- }
- private final boolean lockContextImpl() {
- final boolean r;
- if( hasALC_thread_local_context ) {
- r = alExt.alcSetThreadContext(context);
- threadContextLocked = true;
- } else {
- r = alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context);
- threadContextLocked = false;
- }
- if( !r ) {
- checkALCALError(null, "makeCurrent", true);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private final void unlockContext() {
- if( null != exclusiveThread ) {
- if( Thread.currentThread() == exclusiveThread ) {
- return;
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException("Exclusive lock by "+exclusiveThread+", but current is "+Thread.currentThread());
- }
- unlockContextImpl();
- lock.unlock();
- }
- private final void unlockContextImpl() {
- final boolean r;
- if( threadContextLocked ) {
- r = alExt.alcSetThreadContext(null);
- } else {
- r = alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null);
- }
- if( DEBUG ) {
- if( !r ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": unlockContext failed. "+this);
- ExceptionUtils.dumpStack(System.err);
- }
- }
+ public final boolean release(final boolean throwException) {
+ return context.release(throwException);
private final void destroyContext() {
- lock.lock();
- try {
- destroyContextImpl();
- // unroll lock !
- while(lock.getHoldCount() > 1) {
- lock.unlock();
- }
- } finally {
- lock.unlock();
- }
- }
- private final void destroyContextImpl() {
- if( null != context ) {
- try {
- exclusiveThread = null;
- if( threadContextLocked ) {
- alExt.alcSetThreadContext(null);
- } else {
- alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null);
- }
- alc.alcDestroyContext(context);
- } catch (final Throwable t) {
- if( DEBUG ) {
- ExceptionUtils.dumpThrowable("", t);
- }
- }
- context = null;
- }
+ context.destroy();
@@ -483,7 +351,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
return String.format("ALAudioSink[playReq %b, device '%s', ctx 0x%x, alSource %d"+
", chosen %s, al[chan %s, type %s, fmt 0x%x, tlc %b, soft %b, latency %.2f/%.2f ms, sources %d]"+
", playSpeed %.2f, buffers[total %d, free %d], queued[%d, apts %d, %.1f ms, %d bytes, avg %.2f ms/frame], queue[g %d ms, l %d ms]]",
- playRequested, deviceSpecifier, ctxHash, alSource, chosenFormat,
+ playRequested, device.getName(), ctxHash, alSource.getID(), chosenFormat,
ALHelpers.alChannelLayoutName(alChannelLayout), ALHelpers.alSampleTypeName(alSampleType),
alFormat, hasALC_thread_local_context, hasSOFTBufferSamples,
1000f*latency, 1000f*defaultLatency, sourceCount, playSpeed, alBuffersLen, alFramesFreeSize,
@@ -497,7 +365,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
final int alFramesPlayingSize = alFramesPlaying != null ? alFramesPlaying.size() : 0;
return String.format("[ctx 0x%x, playReq %b, alSrc %d"+
", queued[%d, apts %d, %.1f ms, %d bytes, avg %.2f ms/frame], queue[g %d ms, l %d ms]]",
- ctxHash, playRequested, alSource,
+ ctxHash, playRequested, alSource.getID(),
alFramesPlayingSize, getPTS(), 1000f*getQueuedTime(), alBufferBytesQueued, 1000f*avgFrameDuration,
queueGrowAmount, queueLimit
@@ -510,11 +378,6 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
- public int getPreferredSampleRate() {
- return defaultSampleRate;
- }
- @Override
public int getSourceCount() {
return sourceCount;
@@ -530,23 +393,45 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
+ public final AudioFormat getNativeFormat() {
+ if( !staticsInitialized ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return nativeFormat;
+ }
+ @Override
public final AudioFormat getPreferredFormat() {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return null;
- return preferredAudioFormat;
+ return preferredFormat;
- public final int getMaxSupportedChannels() {
+ public final void setChannelLimit(final int cc) {
+ userMaxChannels = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, cc));
+ preferredFormat = new AudioFormat(nativeFormat.sampleRate,
+ nativeFormat.sampleSize, getMaxSupportedChannels(true),
+ nativeFormat.signed, nativeFormat.fixedP,
+ nativeFormat.planar, nativeFormat.littleEndian);
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: channelLimit "+userMaxChannels+", preferredFormat "+preferredFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ private final int getMaxSupportedChannels(final boolean considerLimit) {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return 0;
+ final int cc;
if( hasEXTMcFormats || hasSOFTBufferSamples ) {
- return 8;
+ cc = 8;
} else {
- return 2;
+ cc = 2;
+ return considerLimit ? Math.min(userMaxChannels, cc) : cc;
@@ -554,7 +439,11 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return false;
- if( format.planar || !format.littleEndian ) {
+ if( format.planar != preferredFormat.planar ||
+ format.littleEndian != preferredFormat.littleEndian ||
+ format.sampleRate > preferredFormat.sampleRate ||
+ format.channelCount > preferredFormat.channelCount )
+ {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.isSupported: NO.0 "+format);
@@ -644,105 +533,113 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
frameDurationHint/1000f, initialQueueSize, queueGrowAmount, queueLimit);
- private final boolean initImpl(final AudioFormat requestedFormat,
- final int alChannelLayout, final int alSampleType, final int alFormat,
- float frameDurationHintS, final int initialQueueSize, final int queueGrowAmount, final int queueLimit) {
- lock.lock();
- try {
- this.alChannelLayout = alChannelLayout;
- this.alSampleType = alSampleType;
- this.alFormat = alFormat;
+ private final synchronized boolean initImpl(final AudioFormat requestedFormat,
+ final int alChannelLayout, final int alSampleType, final int alFormat,
+ float frameDurationHintS, final int initialQueueSize, final int queueGrowAmount, final int queueLimit) {
+ this.alChannelLayout = alChannelLayout;
+ this.alSampleType = alSampleType;
+ this.alFormat = alFormat;
+ /**
+ * OpenAL is pretty relaxed on formats, so whall we.
+ * Deduced requested AudioFormat is already a validated OpenAL compatible one.
+ * Drop filtering ..
+ if( !isSupported(requestedFormat) ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Requested format "+requestedFormat+" not supported, preferred is "+preferredFormat+", "+this);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ */
- // Flush all old buffers
- lockContext();
- try {
- stopImpl(true);
- destroySource();
- destroyBuffers();
+ // Flush all old buffers
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
+ if( context.getLockCount() != 1 ) {
+ release(false);
+ throw new ALException("init() must be called w/o makeCurrent: lockCount "+context+", "+this);
+ }
+ boolean releaseContext = true;
+ try {
+ stopImpl(true);
+ destroySource();
+ destroyBuffers();
- frameDurationHintS = frameDurationHintS >= 1f/1000f ? frameDurationHintS : AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration/1000f;
- // Re-Create audio context if default latency is not sufficient
- {
- final int defRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / defaultLatency ); // s -> Hz
- final int expMixerRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / frameDurationHintS ); // s -> Hz
+ frameDurationHintS = frameDurationHintS >= 1f/1000f ? frameDurationHintS : AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration/1000f;
+ // Re-Create audio context if default latency is not sufficient
+ {
+ final int defRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / defaultLatency ); // s -> Hz
+ final int expMixerRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / frameDurationHintS ); // s -> Hz
- if( frameDurationHintS < defaultLatency ) {
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Re-create context as latency exp "+
- (1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) < default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
- }
- destroyContextImpl(); // implicit native unlock
- context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, new int[] { ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, expMixerRefreshRate }, 0);
- if (context == null) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context for "+deviceSpecifier);
- return false;
- }
- if( !lockContextImpl() ) {
- destroyContextImpl();
- return false;
- }
- } else if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Keep context, latency exp "+
- (1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) >= default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
+ if( frameDurationHintS < defaultLatency ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Re-create context as latency exp "+
+ (1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) < default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
+ }
+ if( !context.recreate( new int[] { ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, expMixerRefreshRate } ) ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context "+context);
+ return false;
+ } else if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Keep context, latency exp "+
+ (1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) >= default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
- // Get actual refresh rate
- {
- final int[] value = { 0 };
- alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
- if( checkALCALError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG) || 0 == value[0] ) {
- latency = defaultLatency;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: failed, claiming default "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
- }
- } else {
- latency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> ms
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
- }
+ }
+ // Get actual refresh rate
+ {
+ final int[] value = { 0 };
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
+ latency = defaultLatency;
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: failed, claiming default "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
+ }
+ } else {
+ latency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> ms
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
- if( !createSource() ) {
- destroyContextImpl();
+ }
+ if( !createSource() ) {
+ destroyContext();
+ releaseContext = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Allocate new buffers
+ {
+ final int initialFrameCount = requestedFormat.getFrameCount(
+ initialQueueSize > 0 ? initialQueueSize/1000f : AudioSink.DefaultInitialQueueSize/1000f, frameDurationHintS);
+ alBufferNames = new int[initialFrameCount];
+ al.alGenBuffers(initialFrameCount, alBufferNames, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGenBuffers", true, false) ) {
+ alBufferNames = null;
+ destroySource();
+ destroyContext();
+ releaseContext = false;
return false;
- // Allocate new buffers
- {
- final int initialFrameCount = requestedFormat.getFrameCount(
- initialQueueSize > 0 ? initialQueueSize/1000f : AudioSink.DefaultInitialQueueSize/1000f, frameDurationHintS);
- alBufferNames = new int[initialFrameCount];
- al.alGenBuffers(initialFrameCount, alBufferNames, 0);
- if( checkALError("alGenBuffers", true) ) {
- alBufferNames = null;
- destroySource();
- destroyContextImpl();
- return false;
- }
- final ALAudioFrame[] alFrames = new ALAudioFrame[initialFrameCount];
- for(int i=0; i<initialFrameCount; i++) {
- alFrames[i] = new ALAudioFrame(alBufferNames[i]);
- }
- alFramesFree = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(alFrames);
- alFramesPlaying = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(ALAudioFrame[].class, initialFrameCount);
- this.queueGrowAmount = queueGrowAmount > 0 ? queueGrowAmount : AudioSink.DefaultQueueGrowAmount;
- this.queueLimit = queueLimit > 0 ? queueLimit : AudioSink.DefaultQueueLimitWithVideo;
- if( DEBUG_TRACE ) {
- alFramesFree.dump(System.err, "Avail-init");
- alFramesPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-init");
- }
+ final ALAudioFrame[] alFrames = new ALAudioFrame[initialFrameCount];
+ for(int i=0; i<initialFrameCount; i++) {
+ alFrames[i] = new ALAudioFrame(alBufferNames[i]);
- } finally {
- if( null != context ) {
- unlockContext();
+ alFramesFree = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(alFrames);
+ alFramesPlaying = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(ALAudioFrame[].class, initialFrameCount);
+ this.queueGrowAmount = queueGrowAmount > 0 ? queueGrowAmount : AudioSink.DefaultQueueGrowAmount;
+ this.queueLimit = queueLimit > 0 ? queueLimit : AudioSink.DefaultQueueLimitWithVideo;
+ if( DEBUG_TRACE ) {
+ alFramesFree.dump(System.err, "Avail-init");
+ alFramesPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-init");
- chosenFormat = requestedFormat;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: OK "+requestedFormat+", "+toString());
- }
} finally {
- lock.unlock();
+ if( releaseContext ) {
+ release(false /* throw */);
+ }
+ }
+ chosenFormat = requestedFormat;
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: OK "+requestedFormat+", "+toString());
return true;
@@ -781,7 +678,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
final int frameGrowAmount = chosenFormat.getFrameCount(queueGrowAmount/1000f, avgFrameDuration);
final int[] newALBufferNames = new int[frameGrowAmount];
al.alGenBuffers(frameGrowAmount, newALBufferNames, 0);
- if( checkALError("alGenBuffers to "+frameGrowAmount, true) ) {
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGenBuffers to "+frameGrowAmount, true, false) ) {
return false;
alBufferNames = concat(alBufferNames, newALBufferNames);
@@ -831,31 +728,16 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private void destroySource() {
- if( 0 > alSource ) {
+ if( !alSource.isValid() ) {
- try {
- al.alDeleteSources(1, new int[] { alSource }, 0);
- } catch (final Throwable t) {
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("Caught "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage());
- t.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- alSource = -1;
+ alSource.delete();
private boolean createSource() {
- if( 0 <= alSource ) {
+ if( alSource.isValid() ) {
return true;
- final int[] val = { -1 };
- al.alGenSources(1, val, 0);
- if( checkALError("alGenSources", true) ) {
- alSource = -1;
- return false;
- }
- alSource = val[0];
- return true;
+ return alSource.create();
@@ -865,7 +747,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
available = false;
if( null != context ) {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
@@ -874,17 +756,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
} finally {
- if( null != device ) {
- try {
- alc.alcCloseDevice(device);
- } catch (final Throwable t) {
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("Caught "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage());
- t.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- device = null;
- }
+ device.close();
chosenFormat = null;
@@ -903,7 +775,6 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
final int releaseBufferCount;
if( alBufferBytesQueued > 0 ) {
final int releaseBufferLimes = Math.max(1, alFramesPlaying.size() / 4 );
- final int[] val=new int[1];
final int sleepLimes = Math.round( releaseBufferLimes * 1000f*avgFrameDuration );
int i=0;
int slept = 0;
@@ -911,12 +782,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
boolean onceBusyDebug = true;
final long t0 = DEBUG ? Clock.currentNanos() : 0;
do {
- val[0] = 0;
- al.alGetSourcei(alSource, ALConstants.AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, val, 0);
- if( checkALError("alGetSourcei AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while quering processed buffers at source. "+this);
- }
- releasedBuffers = val[0];
+ releasedBuffers = alSource.getBuffersProcessed();
if( wait && releasedBuffers < releaseBufferLimes ) {
// clip wait at [avgFrameDuration .. 300] ms
@@ -927,13 +793,13 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
"releaseBuffers "+releasedBuffers+"/"+releaseBufferLimes+", sleep "+sleep+"/"+slept+"/"+sleepLimes+
" ms, playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+shortString());
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
try {
Thread.sleep( sleep );
slept += sleep;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
} else {
// Empirical best behavior w/ openal-soft (sort of needs min ~21ms to complete processing a buffer even if period < 20ms?)
@@ -945,13 +811,13 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
onceBusyDebug = false;
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
try {
Thread.sleep( 1 );
slept += 1;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
@@ -969,10 +835,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( releaseBufferCount > 0 ) {
final int[] buffers = new int[releaseBufferCount];
- al.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(alSource, releaseBufferCount, buffers, 0);
- if( checkALError("alSourceUnqueueBuffers", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while dequeueing "+releaseBufferCount+" buffers. "+this);
- }
+ alSource.unqueueBuffers(buffers);
for ( int i=0; i<releaseBufferCount; i++ ) {
final ALAudioFrame releasedBuffer = alFramesPlaying.get();
if( null == releasedBuffer ) {
@@ -1006,10 +869,10 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
System.err.println("< _FLUSH_ <- "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
- final int[] val=new int[1];
- al.alSourcei(alSource, ALConstants.AL_BUFFER, 0); // explicit force zero buffer!
+ int processedBufferCount = 0;
+ al.alSourcei(alSource.getID(), ALConstants.AL_BUFFER, 0); // explicit force zero buffer!
- al.alGetSourcei(alSource, ALConstants.AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, val, 0);
+ processedBufferCount = alSource.getBuffersProcessed();
final int alErr = al.alGetError();
while ( !alFramesPlaying.isEmpty() ) {
@@ -1024,7 +887,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
alBufferBytesQueued = 0;
- System.err.println("<< _FLUSH_ [al "+val[0]+", err "+toHexString(alErr)+"] <- "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
+ System.err.println("<< _FLUSH_ [al "+processedBufferCount+", err "+toHexString(alErr)+"] <- "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
@@ -1063,7 +926,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
// OpenAL consumes buffers in the background
// we first need to initialize the OpenAL buffers then
// start continuous playback.
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
final float duration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(byteCount);
if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() ) {
@@ -1077,7 +940,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
// try to grow
- if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() && alFramesPlaying.size() > 0 && isPlayingImpl0() ) {
+ if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() && alFramesPlaying.size() > 0 && isPlayingImpl() ) {
// possible if grow failed or already exceeds it's limit - only possible if playing ..
dequeueBuffer(true /* wait */, pts, duration);
@@ -1108,10 +971,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
System.err.println("> "+alFrame.alBuffer+" -> "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
- al.alSourceQueueBuffers(alSource, 1, alBufferNames, 0);
- if( checkALError("alSourceQueueBuffers", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while queueing buffer "+toHexString(alBufferNames[0])+". "+this);
- }
+ alSource.queueBuffers(alBufferNames);
alBufferBytesQueued += byteCount;
enqueuedFrameCount++; // safe: only written-to while locked!
@@ -1121,7 +981,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
playImpl(); // continue playing, fixes issue where we ran out of enqueued data!
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
return alFrame;
@@ -1132,17 +992,17 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
return false;
if( playRequested ) {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
- return isPlayingImpl0();
+ return isPlayingImpl();
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
} else {
return false;
- private final boolean isPlayingImpl0() {
+ private final boolean isPlayingImpl() {
if( playRequested ) {
return ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false);
} else {
@@ -1150,16 +1010,28 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private final int getSourceState(final boolean ignoreError) {
- final int[] val = new int[1];
- al.alGetSourcei(alSource, ALConstants.AL_SOURCE_STATE, val, 0);
- if( checkALError("alGetSourcei", true) ) {
+ if( !alSource.isValid() ) {
+ final String msg = getThreadName()+": getSourceState: invalid "+alSource;
+ if( ignoreError ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(msg);
+ }
+ return ALConstants.AL_NONE;
+ } else {
+ throw new ALException(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ final int[] val = { ALConstants.AL_NONE };
+ al.alGetSourcei(alSource.getID(), ALConstants.AL_SOURCE_STATE, val, 0);
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGetSourcei", true, false) ) {
final String msg = getThreadName()+": Error while querying SOURCE_STATE. "+this;
if( ignoreError ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
+ return ALConstants.AL_NONE;
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException(msg);
+ throw new ALException(msg);
return val[0];
@@ -1171,22 +1043,20 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
playRequested = true;
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PLAY playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
private final void playImpl() {
if( playRequested && ALConstants.AL_PLAYING != getSourceState(false) ) {
- al.alSourcePlay(alSource);
- if( checkALError("alSourcePlay", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while start playing. "+this);
- }
+ alSource.play();
+ AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePlay", true, true);
@@ -1196,41 +1066,39 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( playRequested ) {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PAUSE playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
private final void pauseImpl() {
- if( isPlayingImpl0() ) {
+ if( isPlayingImpl() ) {
playRequested = false;
- al.alSourcePause(alSource);
- if( checkALError("alSourcePause", true) ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while pausing. "+this);
- }
+ alSource.pause();
+ AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePause", true, true);
private final void stopImpl(final boolean ignoreError) {
- if( 0 > alSource ) {
+ if( !alSource.isValid() ) {
if( ALConstants.AL_STOPPED != getSourceState(ignoreError) ) {
playRequested = false;
- al.alSourceStop(alSource);
- if( checkALError("alSourcePause", true) ) {
+ alSource.stop();
+ if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePause", true, false) ) {
final String msg = "Error while stopping. "+this;
if( ignoreError ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": "+msg);
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException(getThreadName()+": Error while stopping. "+this);
+ throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": Error while stopping. "+this);
@@ -1244,18 +1112,18 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return false;
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( Math.abs(1.0f - rate) < 0.01f ) {
rate = 1.0f;
if( 0.5f <= rate && rate <= 2.0f ) { // OpenAL limits
playSpeed = rate;
- al.alSourcef(alSource, ALConstants.AL_PITCH, playSpeed);
+ alSource.setPitch(playSpeed);
return true;
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
return false;
@@ -1270,7 +1138,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return false;
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( Math.abs(v) < 0.01f ) {
v = 0.0f;
@@ -1279,11 +1147,11 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( 0.0f <= v && v <= 1.0f ) { // OpenAL limits
volume = v;
- al.alSourcef(alSource, ALConstants.AL_GAIN, v);
+ alSource.setGain(v);
return true;
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);
return false;
@@ -1293,7 +1161,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
- lockContext();
+ makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
// pauseImpl();
@@ -1306,7 +1174,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: FLUSH playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
- unlockContext();
+ release(true /* throw */);