path: root/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix PR769: IcedTea-Web does not work with some ssl sites with OpenJDK7Deepak Bhole2011-08-231-8/+12
* Checks and verifies a signed JNLP file at the launch of the application. A si...Saad Mohammad2011-08-226-5/+346
* Update UI for SecurityDialog.Danesh Dadachanji2011-08-173-5/+16
* PR742: IcedTea-Web checks certs only upto 1 level deep before declaring them ...Danesh Dadachanji2011-08-111-1/+7
* MergeDeepak Bhole2011-08-091-5/+34
| * PR771: IcedTea-Web certificate verification code does not use the right APIDeepak Bhole2011-08-091-5/+34
* | PR765: JNLP file with all resource jars marked as 'lazy' fails to validate si...Saad Mohammad2011-08-091-0/+4
* PR768: Signed applets/Web Start apps don't work with OpenJDK7 and upDeepak Bhole2011-08-031-1/+1
* Minor changes in algorithm that compares signed JNLP application/templateSaad Mohammad2011-08-032-54/+56
* RH718170, CVE-2011-2514: Java Web Start security warning dialog manipulationDeepak Bhole2011-07-152-3/+6
* RH718164, CVE-2011-2513: Home directory path disclosure to untrusted applicat...Deepak Bhole2011-07-154-11/+230
* Added algorithm that compares signed JNLP application/template file with laun...Saad Mohammad2011-07-193-0/+318
* Make itweb-settings resizableAndrew Su2011-06-143-17/+46
* Close the splashscreen in case of error (not just successful launch).Denis Lila2011-06-101-10/+21
* Fix undisposed window problem. It was causing AWT to never shut down.Denis Lila2011-06-101-25/+35
* Allows trusted application to access PersistenceService data from other hosts.Saad Mohammad2011-06-092-34/+56
* Enable passing applet parameters through JNLP files.Andrew Su2011-06-083-8/+52
* Change jar resource names to be stored in HashSet instead of String[].Andrew Su2011-06-081-7/+14
* make splash screen a JDialog instead of a JFrameOmair Majid2011-05-311-2/+2
* Check if cache directory is writable from itweb-settingsAndrew Su2011-05-301-2/+21
* Fix cache to allow redownload on next run when javaws is killedAndrew Su2011-05-301-1/+3
* Remove non-standard option from itweb-settings.Andrew Su2011-05-302-6/+2
* Fix PR723: AccessControlException while downloading resourceDeepak Bhole2011-05-271-2/+16
* PR724: Possible NullPointerException in JNLPClassLoader.getClassPathsFromMani...Omair Majid2011-05-271-0/+3
* Fix PR727: Split conditional to removed duplicate entries in cache.Andrew Su2011-05-271-4/+6
* Fix PR726. Create recently_used on startup.Andrew Su2011-05-251-6/+13
* Fix sorting in itw-settings' cache viewerAndrew Su2011-05-101-1/+26
* Fix useless thread group creation.Denis Lila2011-05-031-5/+14
* Fix appcontext related plugin bugs.Denis Lila2011-04-294-122/+79
* Update recently_used when deleting cache entries with itw-settingsAndrew Su2011-04-201-0/+17
* Load classes from jars listed on the Class-Path in manifestOmair Majid2011-04-201-27/+97
* PR687: BasicService.getCodeBase() returns null for IcedTea6 1.9.7 + OSGIOmair Majid2011-04-201-16/+40
* Update itw-setting's cache viewer to display new directory structureAndrew Su2011-04-201-10/+12
* Allow delete only when plugin or javaws is not runningAndrew Su2011-04-201-0/+30
* Enforce cache size limitAndrew Su2011-04-201-17/+62
* Unhide components for setting cache size limit in itw-settingsAndrew Su2011-04-201-20/+18
* Store lru after modifying the entriesAndrew Su2011-04-201-0/+1
* Changed cache to prevent jar overwriting when update happens.Andrew Su2011-04-188-56/+573
* Fix concurrent classloading problem in JNLPClassLoader.loadClass.Denis Lila2011-04-182-3/+4
* Make CacheDirectory final and not instantiable.Andrew Su2011-04-131-1/+5
* Restrict port fields in itw-settings to accept only valid port numbers.Andrew Su2011-04-063-5/+46
* Fix concurrent access problem to downloadOptions.Denis Lila2011-04-051-4/+3
* Let launcher handle parsing exceptionsOmair Majid2011-03-314-97/+232
* Fix typo in RCantRename in Messages.propertiesOmair Majid2011-03-301-1/+1
* Add a new LaunchHandler to show error messages when starting applicationsOmair Majid2011-03-308-24/+301
* Remove redundant if from JNLPFile.javaDenis Lila2011-03-291-2/+1
* Fixed classloader sharing rules for appletsDeepak Bhole2011-03-281-4/+27
* Implement codebase_lookup=false.dlila2011-03-252-4/+16
* Alternate means of finding browsersOmair Majid2011-03-243-9/+95
* Don't look into <codebase>/META-INF/ for resources.Denis Lila2011-03-231-0/+16