path: root/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
index 302e791..19a04a2 100644
--- a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
+++ b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
@@ -229,8 +229,7 @@ static gboolean plugin_out_pipe_callback (GIOChannel* source,
GIOCondition condition,
gpointer plugin_data);
static NPError plugin_start_appletviewer (ITNPPluginData* data);
-static gchar* plugin_create_applet_tag (int16_t argc, char* argn[],
- char* argv[]);
+std::string plugin_parameters_string (int argc, char* argn[], char* argv[]);
static void plugin_stop_appletviewer ();
// Uninitialize ITNPPluginData structure
static void plugin_data_destroy (NPP instance);
@@ -347,7 +346,6 @@ ITNP_New (NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode,
gchar* documentbase = NULL;
gchar* read_message = NULL;
- gchar* applet_tag = NULL;
gchar* cookie_info = NULL;
NPObject* npPluginObj = NULL;
@@ -395,11 +393,10 @@ ITNP_New (NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode,
documentbase = plugin_get_documentbase (instance);
if (documentbase && argc != 0)
- // Send applet tag message to appletviewer.
- applet_tag = plugin_create_applet_tag (argc, argn, argv);
+ // Send parameters to appletviewer.
+ std::string params_string = plugin_parameters_string(argc, argn, argv);
- data->applet_tag = (gchar*) malloc(strlen(applet_tag)*sizeof(gchar) + strlen(documentbase)*sizeof(gchar) + 32);
- g_sprintf(data->applet_tag, "tag %s %s", documentbase, applet_tag);
+ data->parameters_string = g_strdup_printf("tag %s %s", documentbase, params_string.c_str());
data->is_applet_instance = true;
@@ -424,33 +421,7 @@ ITNP_New (NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode,
instance->pdata = data;
- goto cleanup_done;
- cleanup_appletviewer_mutex:
- g_mutex_free (data->appletviewer_mutex);
- data->appletviewer_mutex = NULL;
- // cleanup_instance_string:
- g_free (data->instance_id);
- data->instance_id = NULL;
- // cleanup applet tag:
- g_free (data->applet_tag);
- data->applet_tag = NULL;
- // cleanup_data:
- // Eliminate back-pointer to plugin instance.
- data->owner = NULL;
- (*browser_functions.memfree) (data);
- data = NULL;
- // Initialization failed so return a NULL pointer for the browser
- // data.
- instance->pdata = NULL;
- g_free (applet_tag);
- applet_tag = NULL;
g_free (read_message);
read_message = NULL;
g_free (documentbase);
@@ -834,7 +805,7 @@ ITNP_SetWindow (NPP instance, NPWindow* window)
// Now we have everything. Send this data to the Java side
data->instance_id, (gulong) data->window_handle,
- data->window_width, data->window_height, data->applet_tag);
+ data->window_width, data->window_height, data->parameters_string);
g_mutex_unlock (data->appletviewer_mutex);
@@ -1694,159 +1665,67 @@ plugin_start_appletviewer (ITNPPluginData* data)
return error;
- * Replaces certain characters (\r, \n, etc) with HTML escape equivalents.
- *
- * Return string is allocated on the heap. Caller assumes responsibility
- * for freeing the memory via free()
+ * Escape characters for passing to Java.
+ * "\n" for new line, "\\" for "\", "\:" for ";"
-static char*
-encode_string(char* to_encode)
- // Do nothing for an empty string
- if (to_encode == '\0')
- return to_encode;
- // worst case scenario -> all characters are newlines or
- // returns, each of which translates to 5 substitutions
- char* encoded = (char*) calloc(((strlen(to_encode)*5)+1), sizeof(char));
+escape_parameter_string(const char* to_encode) {
+ std::string encoded;
- strcpy(encoded, "");
+ if (to_encode == NULL)
+ {
+ return encoded;
+ }
- for (int i=0; i < strlen(to_encode); i++)
+ size_t length = strlen(to_encode);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (to_encode[i] == '\r')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&#13;");
- else if (to_encode[i] == '\n')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&#10;");
- else if (to_encode[i] == '>')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&gt;");
- else if (to_encode[i] == '<')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&lt;");
- else if (to_encode[i] == '&')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&amp;");
- else if (to_encode[i] == '"')
- encoded = strcat(encoded, "&quot;");
+ if (to_encode[i] == '\n')
+ encoded += "\\n";
+ else if (to_encode[i] == '\\')
+ encoded += "\\\\";
+ else if (to_encode[i] == ';')
+ encoded += "\\:";
- {
- char* orig_char = (char*) calloc(2, sizeof(char));
- orig_char[0] = to_encode[i];
- orig_char[1] = '\0';
- strcat(encoded, orig_char);
- free(orig_char);
- orig_char = NULL;
- }
+ encoded += to_encode[i];
return encoded;
-// Build up the applet tag string that we'll send to the applet
-// viewer.
-static gchar*
-plugin_create_applet_tag (int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[])
+ * Build a string containing an encoded list of parameters to send to the applet viewer.
+ * The parameters are separated as 'key1;value1;key2;value2;'. As well, they are
+ * separated and escaped as:
+ * "\n" for new line, "\\" for "\", "\:" for ";"
+ */
+plugin_parameters_string (int argc, char* argn[], char* argv[])
- PLUGIN_DEBUG ("plugin_create_applet_tag\n");
- gchar* applet_tag = g_strdup ("<EMBED ");
- gchar* parameters = g_strdup ("");
+ PLUGIN_DEBUG ("plugin_parameters_string\n");
- for (int16_t i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- {
- gchar* argn_escaped = encode_string(argn[i]);
- gchar* argv_escaped = encode_string(argv[i]);
+ std::string parameters;
- if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "code"))
- {
- gchar* code = g_strdup_printf ("CODE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, code, NULL);
- g_free (code);
- code = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "java_code"))
- {
- gchar* java_code = g_strdup_printf ("JAVA_CODE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, java_code, NULL);
- g_free (java_code);
- java_code = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "codebase"))
- {
- gchar* codebase = g_strdup_printf ("CODEBASE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, codebase, NULL);
- g_free (codebase);
- codebase = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "java_codebase"))
- {
- gchar* java_codebase = g_strdup_printf ("JAVA_CODEBASE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, java_codebase, NULL);
- g_free (java_codebase);
- java_codebase = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "classid"))
- {
- gchar* classid = g_strdup_printf ("CLASSID=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, classid, NULL);
- g_free (classid);
- classid = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "archive"))
- {
- gchar* archive = g_strdup_printf ("ARCHIVE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, archive, NULL);
- g_free (archive);
- archive = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "java_archive"))
- {
- gchar* java_archive = g_strdup_printf ("JAVA_ARCHIVE=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, java_archive, NULL);
- g_free (java_archive);
- java_archive = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "width"))
- {
- gchar* width = g_strdup_printf ("width=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, width, NULL);
- g_free (width);
- width = NULL;
- }
- else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (argn_escaped, "height"))
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (argv[i] != NULL)
- gchar* height = g_strdup_printf ("height=\"%s\" ", argv_escaped);
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, height, NULL);
- g_free (height);
- height = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- if (argv_escaped != '\0')
- {
- parameters = g_strconcat (parameters, "<PARAM NAME=\"", argn_escaped,
- "\" VALUE=\"", argv_escaped, "\">", NULL);
- }
- }
- free(argn_escaped);
- free(argv_escaped);
+ std::string name_escaped = escape_parameter_string(argn[i]);
+ std::string value_escaped = escape_parameter_string(argv[i]);
- argn_escaped = NULL;
- argv_escaped = NULL;
+ //Encode parameters and send as 'key1;value1;key2;value2;' etc
+ parameters += name_escaped;
+ parameters += ';';
+ parameters += value_escaped;
+ parameters += ';';
+ }
- applet_tag = g_strconcat (applet_tag, ">", parameters, "</EMBED>", NULL);
- g_free (parameters);
- parameters = NULL;
- PLUGIN_DEBUG ("plugin_create_applet_tag return\n");
+ PLUGIN_DEBUG ("plugin_parameters_string return\n");
- return applet_tag;
+ return parameters;
// plugin_send_message_to_appletviewer must be called while holding
@@ -2057,8 +1936,8 @@ plugin_data_destroy (NPP instance)
tofree->instance_id = NULL;
// cleanup applet tag
- g_free (tofree->applet_tag);
- tofree->applet_tag = NULL;
+ g_free (tofree->parameters_string);
+ tofree->parameters_string = NULL;
tofree->source = NULL;
@@ -2537,7 +2416,7 @@ get_scriptable_object(NPP instance)
// a 0 handle
if (!data->window_handle)
- plugin_send_initialization_message(data->instance_id, 0, 0, 0, data->applet_tag);
+ plugin_send_initialization_message(data->instance_id, 0, 0, 0, data->parameters_string);
java_result = java_request.getAppletObjectInstance(id_str);