path: root/plugin/icedteanp
diff options
authorSaad Mohammad <[email protected]>2012-12-05 12:29:24 -0500
committerSaad Mohammad <[email protected]>2012-12-05 12:29:24 -0500
commit32d774ac5311656b21576bc3259ad0abff0b7f56 (patch)
treef5a41e54abc90f9335e3d940a5556422566043b6 /plugin/icedteanp
parent7be1687bb1c3dc011805824509a1765518506590 (diff)
PR1217: Add command line arguments for plugins
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin/icedteanp')
3 files changed, 120 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
index 19a04a2..48678f5 100644
--- a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
+++ b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc
@@ -242,6 +242,8 @@ static void appletviewer_monitor(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data);
void plugin_send_initialization_message(char* instance, gulong handle,
int width, int height,
char* url);
+/* Returns JVM options set in itw-settings */
+static std::vector<std::string*>* get_jvm_args();
// Global instance counter.
// Mutex to protect plugin_instance_counter.
@@ -1588,48 +1590,60 @@ plugin_start_appletviewer (ITNPPluginData* data)
PLUGIN_DEBUG ("plugin_start_appletviewer\n");
NPError error = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- gchar** command_line;
- gchar** environment;
+ std::vector<std::string> command_line;
+ gchar** environment = NULL;
+ std::vector<std::string*>* jvm_args = get_jvm_args();
- int cmd_num = 0;
if (plugin_debug)
- command_line = (gchar**) malloc(sizeof(gchar*)*11);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(appletviewer_executable);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(PLUGIN_BOOTCLASSPATH);
- // set the classpath to avoid using the default (cwd).
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-classpath");
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup_printf("%s/lib/rt.jar", ICEDTEA_WEB_JRE);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-Xdebug");
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-Xnoagent");
- if (plugin_debug_suspend)
- {
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y");
- } else
- {
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n");
- }
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("sun.applet.PluginMain");
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(out_pipe_name);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(in_pipe_name);
- command_line[cmd_num] = NULL;
+ command_line.push_back(appletviewer_executable);
+ //Add JVM args to command_line
+ for (int i = 0; i < jvm_args->size(); i++)
+ {
+ command_line.push_back(*jvm_args->at(i));
+ }
+ command_line.push_back(PLUGIN_BOOTCLASSPATH);
+ // set the classpath to avoid using the default (cwd).
+ command_line.push_back("-classpath");
+ command_line.push_back(ICEDTEA_WEB_JRE "/lib/rt.jar");
+ command_line.push_back("-Xdebug");
+ command_line.push_back("-Xnoagent");
+ //Debug flags
+ std::string debug_flags = "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,";
+ debug_flags += plugin_debug_suspend ? "suspend=y" : "suspend=n";
+ command_line.push_back(debug_flags);
+ command_line.push_back("sun.applet.PluginMain");
+ command_line.push_back(out_pipe_name);
+ command_line.push_back(in_pipe_name);
} else
- command_line = (gchar**) malloc(sizeof(gchar*)*8);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(appletviewer_executable);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(PLUGIN_BOOTCLASSPATH);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("-classpath");
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup_printf("%s/lib/rt.jar", ICEDTEA_WEB_JRE);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup("sun.applet.PluginMain");
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(out_pipe_name);
- command_line[cmd_num++] = g_strdup(in_pipe_name);
- command_line[cmd_num] = NULL;
+ command_line.push_back(std::string(appletviewer_executable));
+ //Add JVM args to command_line
+ for (int i = 0; i < jvm_args->size(); i++)
+ {
+ command_line.push_back(*jvm_args->at(i));
+ }
+ command_line.push_back(PLUGIN_BOOTCLASSPATH);
+ command_line.push_back("-classpath");
+ command_line.push_back(ICEDTEA_WEB_JRE "/lib/rt.jar");
+ command_line.push_back("sun.applet.PluginMain");
+ command_line.push_back(out_pipe_name);
+ command_line.push_back(in_pipe_name);
environment = plugin_filter_environment();
+ std::vector<gchar*> vector_gchar = IcedTeaPluginUtilities::vectorStringToVectorGchar(&command_line);
+ gchar **command_line_args = &vector_gchar[0];
- if (!g_spawn_async (NULL, command_line, environment,
+ if (!g_spawn_async (NULL, command_line_args, environment,
NULL, NULL, &appletviewer_pid, &channel_error))
if (channel_error)
@@ -1644,15 +1658,11 @@ plugin_start_appletviewer (ITNPPluginData* data)
- g_strfreev (environment);
- for (int i = 0; i < cmd_num; i++) {
- g_free (command_line[i]);
- command_line[i] = NULL;
- }
- g_free(command_line);
- command_line = NULL;
+ //Free memory
+ g_strfreev(environment);
+ IcedTeaPluginUtilities::freeStringPtrVector(jvm_args);
+ jvm_args = NULL;
+ command_line_args = NULL;
if (appletviewer_pid)
@@ -1665,6 +1675,53 @@ plugin_start_appletviewer (ITNPPluginData* data)
return error;
+ * Returns JVM options set in itw-settings
+ */
+static std::vector<std::string*>*
+ std::vector < std::string> commands;
+ gchar *output = NULL;
+ std::vector<std::string*>* tokenOutput = NULL;
+ commands.push_back(appletviewer_executable);
+ commands.push_back(PLUGIN_BOOTCLASSPATH);
+ commands.push_back("-classpath");
+ commands.push_back(ICEDTEA_WEB_JRE "/lib/rt.jar");
+ commands.push_back("net.sourceforge.jnlp.controlpanel.CommandLine");
+ commands.push_back("get");
+ commands.push_back("deployment.plugin.jvm.arguments");
+ std::vector<gchar*> vector_gchar = IcedTeaPluginUtilities::vectorStringToVectorGchar(&commands);
+ gchar **command_line_args = &vector_gchar[0];
+ if (!g_spawn_sync(NULL, command_line_args, NULL,
+ &channel_error))
+ {
+ PLUGIN_ERROR("Failed to get JVM arguments set for plugin.");
+ output = NULL;
+ }
+ tokenOutput = IcedTeaPluginUtilities::strSplit(output, " \n");
+ //If deployment.plugin.jvm.arguments is undefined, the output will simply be 'null'
+ //We remove this so it's not mistakenly used as a jvm argument.
+ if (!tokenOutput->empty() && *tokenOutput->at(0) =="null")
+ {
+ delete tokenOutput->at(0);
+ tokenOutput->erase(tokenOutput->begin());
+ }
+ //Free memory
+ g_free(output);
+ output = NULL;
+ command_line_args = NULL;
+ return tokenOutput;
* Escape characters for passing to Java.
diff --git a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.cc b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.cc
index 5ed7fe6..150694c 100644
--- a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.cc
+++ b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.cc
@@ -1005,6 +1005,24 @@ IcedTeaPluginUtilities::postPluginThreadAsyncCall(NPP instance, void (*func) (vo
+ * Returns a vector of gchar* pointing to the elements of the vector string passed in.
+ * @param stringVec The vector of strings reference.
+ */
+IcedTeaPluginUtilities::vectorStringToVectorGchar(const std::vector<std::string>* stringVec)
+ std::vector<gchar*> charVec;
+ for (int i = 0; i < stringVec->size(); i++)
+ {
+ gchar* element = (gchar*) stringVec->at(i).c_str(); //cast from const char
+ charVec.push_back(element);
+ }
+ charVec.push_back(NULL);
+ return charVec;
* Runs through the async call wait queue and executes all calls
* @param param Ignored -- required to conform to NPN_PluginThreadAsynCall API
diff --git a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.h b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.h
index 9177515..a6915c2 100644
--- a/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.h
+++ b/plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.h
@@ -274,6 +274,9 @@ class IcedTeaPluginUtilities
static void decodeURL(const char* url, char** decoded_url);
+ /* Returns a vector of gchar* pointing to the elements of the vector string passed in*/
+ static std::vector<gchar*> vectorStringToVectorGchar(const std::vector<std::string>* stringVec);
/* Posts call in async queue and waits till execution completes */
static void callAndWaitForResult(NPP instance, void (*func) (void *), AsyncCallThreadData* data);