path: root/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources
diff options
authorAndrew Su <[email protected]>2010-12-01 16:14:51 -0500
committerAndrew Su <[email protected]>2010-12-01 16:14:51 -0500
commitc62f2432becc8dc15fd00a5645df44b152078f02 (patch)
treed38ef94e05d69d392e39fb517e2270363eafbafb /netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources
parenta77dfee6288633aba7e9fa49b44354561c07f2ad (diff)
Add control panel (GUI) for modifying icedtea-web settings.
Diffstat (limited to 'netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/Messages.properties b/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/Messages.properties
index 19112bb..ed9a69c 100644
--- a/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/Messages.properties
+++ b/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/Messages.properties
@@ -233,3 +233,129 @@ KSJsseCerts=Trusted JSSE Certificates
KSCaCerts=Trusted Root CA Certificates
KSJsseCaCerts=Trusted JSSE Root CA Certificates,
KSClientCerts=Client Authentication Certificates
+# Control Panel - Tab Descriptions
+CPAboutDescription=View version information about Icedtea Control Panel.
+CPNetworkSettingsDescription=Configure network settings, including how IcedTea-Web connects to the internet and whether to use any proxies.
+CPTempInternetFilesDescription=Java stores application data for faster execution the next time you run it.
+CPJRESettingsDescription=View and manage Java Runtime Environment versions and settings for Java applications and applets.
+CPCertificatesDescription=Use certificates to positively identify yourself, certifications, authorities, and plublishers.
+CPSecurityDescription=Use this to configure security settings.
+CPDebuggingDescription=Enable options here to help with debugging
+CPDesktopIntegrationDescription=Set whether or not to allow creation of desktop shortcut.
+# Control Panel - Buttons
+CPButNetworkSettings=Network Settings...
+# Control Panel - Headers
+CPHead=IcedTea Web Control Panel
+CPHeadNetworkSettings=Network Proxy Settings
+CPHeadTempInternetFiles=Temporary Internet Files
+CPHeadJRESettings=Java Runtime Environment Settings
+CPHeadDebugging=Debugging Settings
+CPHeadDesktopIntegration=Desktop Integrations
+CPHeadSecurity=Security Settings
+# Control Panel - Tabs
+CPTabAbout=About IcedTea-Web
+CPTabClassLoader=Class Loaders
+CPTabDesktopIntegration=Desktop Integration
+# Control Panel - AboutPanel
+CPAboutInfo=This is the control panel for setting deployments.properties.<br/>Not all options will take effect until implemented.<br/>Currently does not support multiple JRE.<br/>
+# Control Panel - AdvancedProxySettings
+APSDialogTitle=Network Settings
+APSProxyAddressLabel=Proxy Address
+APSProxyPortLabel=Proxy Port
+APSSameProxyForAllProtocols=Use the same proxy server for all protocols.
+APSExceptionsDescription=Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with
+APSExceptionInstruction=Separate each entry with a semicolon.
+# Control Panel - DebugginPanel
+DPEnableTracing=Enable tracing
+DPEnableLogging=Enable logging
+DPLifeCycleExceptions=Show applet lifecycle exceptions
+DPHide=Hide on startup
+DPShow=Show on startup
+DPJavaConsole=Java Console
+# Control Panel - DesktopShortcutPanel
+DSPNeverCreate=Never create
+DSPAlwaysAllow=Always allow
+DSPAskUser=Ask user
+DSPAskIfHinted=Ask if hinted
+DSPAlwaysIfHinted=Always if hinted
+# Control Panel - NetworkSettingsPanel
+NSDescription-1=Unknown Setting.
+NSDescription0=Use direct connection.
+NSDescription1=Override browser proxy settings.
+NSDescription2=Use automatic proxy configuration script at the specified location.
+NSDescription3=Use proxy settings from your default browser to connect to the internet.
+NSBypassLocal=Bypass proxy server for local addresses
+NSDirectConnection=Direct connection
+NSManualProxy=Manual proxy server
+NSAutoProxy=Automatic proxy configuration script
+NSBrowserProxy=Use browser settings
+NSScriptLocation=Script location
+# Control Panel - SecurityGeneralPanel
+SGPAllowUserGrantSigned=Allow users to grant permissions to signed content
+SGPAllowUserGrantUntrust=Allow users to grant permissions to content from an untrusted authority
+SGPUseBrowserKeystore=Use certificates and keys in browser keystore (Unsupported)
+SGPUsePersonalCertOneMatch=Use personal certificate automatically if only one matches server request (Unsupported)
+SGPWarnCertHostMismatch=Warn if site certificate does not match hostname
+SGPShowValid=Show site certificate even if it is valid (Unsupported)
+SGPShowSandboxWarning=Show sandbox warning banner
+SGPAllowUserAcceptJNLPSecurityRequests=Allow user to accept JNLP security requests
+SGPCheckCertRevocationList=Check certificates for revocation using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) (Unsupported)
+SGPEnableOnlineCertValidate=Enable online certificate validation (Unsupported)
+SGPEnableTrustedPublisherList=Enable list of trusted publishers (Unsupported)
+SGPEnableBlacklistRevocation=Enable blacklist revocation check (Unsupported)
+SGPEnableCachingPassword=Enable caching password for authentication (Unsupported)
+SGPUseSSL2=Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format (Unsupported)
+SGPUseSSL3=Use SSL 3.0 (Unsupported)
+SGPUseTLS1=Use TLS 1.0 (Unsupported)
+# Control Panel - TemporaryInternetFilesPanel
+TIFPEnableCache=Keep temporary files on my computer
+TIFPLocationLabel=Select the location where temporary files are kept
+TIFPDiskSpace=Disk space
+TIFPCompressionLevel=Select the compression level for JAR files
+TIFPCacheSize=Set the amount of disk space for storing temporary files
+TIFPDeleteFiles=Delete files
+TIFPRestoreDefaults=Restore defaults
+# Control Panel - Misc.
+CPJRESupport=Icedtea-web currently does not support multiple JRE.
+# Buttons