| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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native library path, supported throughout DynamicLibraryBundle[Info]
Motivation: It is helpful to retrieve the actually used native library pathname,
since loading a library w/o absolute path but lookup through LD_LIBRARY_PATH
may render it hard for the user to determine which library is used.
Windows implementation simply can use GetModuleFileNameA() with the native library handle.
POSIX implementation may utilize a symbol-name to retrieve its address within the
loading native library used to retrieved the library information
via dladdr().
To support this feature throughout DynamicLibraryBundle and DynamicLibraryBundleInfo,
the custom DynamicLibraryBundleInfo specializations shall provide
optional symbol-names per each tool-library-name for the POSIX implementation,
see above.
public interface DynamicLibraryBundleInfo {
* Returns optional list of optional symbol names per {@link #getToolLibNames()}
* in same order for an OS which requires the symbol's address to retrieve
* the path of the containing library.
public List<String> getSymbolForToolLibPath();
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current monotonic milliseconds **since start of this application**
Also added TSPrinter, a simple millisecond timestamp prepending `print*()` wrapper for a {@link PrintStream}.
Test coverage via TestClock01.
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native-free-code Struct-Code generation
Recfactored all NIO buffer utils to Buffers, i.e. buffer <-> address, memcpy, strnlen, etc
- Added copyNativeToDirectByteBuffer(..), allowing to copy a native memory slice into a direct buffer.
- Added typeNameToBufferClass(String) and sizeOfBufferElem(Class<? extends Buffer>)
- Completed slize2<Type>(..) buffer-mapping methods
- Exposure of safe getDirectByteBuffer(..) w/ null-check (package private)
Added NativeBuffer.storeDirectAddress(..), allowing to write the array address into a native buffer (struct, etc),
allowing to referencing the ElementBuffer (linear array of elements) and PointerBuffer (array of pointer).
Hint: This can be read via PointerBuffer.wrap(..).get(0)
Added ElementBuffer (a NativeBuffer) mapping an array of elements,
completing native abstraction next to PointerBuffer (array of pointer).
ElementBuffer can dereference an existing element-array by native address via ElementBuffer.derefPointer(..).
Views of its content can be directly accessed via ElementBuffer.slice(..).
These utilities and buffer abstractions will allow to reuse code and simplify the GlueGen struct get/set implementations
and help to reduce native code injection.
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Win32 clock_gettime() implementation.
Consider return code on failed native clock_gettime(..) call
- Return Instant.EPOCH for all Instant variations (essentially 0)
- Return 0 for all 'long' variations (ms, ns)
Add Win32 clock_gettime() implementation.
- Source: https://github.com/Alexpux/mingw-w64/blob/master/mingw-w64-libraries/winpthreads/src/clock.c
- Public Domain within mingw-w64, included here to simplify linkage.
- Tested on Win10 64bit w/ TestTextRendererNEWT00, all values are OK
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duration since module startup and not time.
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startup, retrievable via getMonotonicStartupTime(). (performance)
Settings two long fields in getMonotonicTime() and creating Instant and using Duration
for high-frequency counter is too expensive.
currentTimeNanos() subtracts the startup time from the current monotonic time and returns the
resulting duration in nanoseconds, which lasts for 292 years since module startup.
This satisfies performance counter requirements.
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(sec + nsec), currentTimeMillis() is also monotonic now, reused by Platform. Dropped Platform.currentTimeMicros()
Clock and its implementation was copied from jaulibs, a spin-off from Direct-BT.
The implementation uses `clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t)` and is considered safe and high-performant
as it avoids a kernel call via VDSO (GNU/Linux).
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libgluegen-rt[.so] -> libgluegen_rt[.so|.a]
Recognize Java9+ ..
- Recognize new Java9+ version string as of JEP 223
- Avoid Classpath's private findLibrary call
Support JEP 178 static linkage (OpenJDK 1.8)
- Need to change native library basename: libgluegen-rt[.so] -> libgluegen_rt[.so|.a]
since the dash '-' is not supported in a ANSI-c function name.
- Added 'JNI_OnLoad_gluegen_rt' to recognize statical linked JNI code
- Added JNI_VERSION_1_8 to jni/jni.h
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test-executable ; Use CustomInflate for Performance
- Use 'WinMain' for Windows test-executable
This may have little difference than using std 'main' entry
- Add Windows x86_64 test executable
Since the reporter claims the test executable works well
on Windows i386, maybe utilizing a x86_64 test executable
on same VM fixes the issue
- Use CustomInflate for Performance
- Skips GZIP header
- Adds own custom header [magic, deflate-size, inflate-size]
- Own header allows simplified I/O read and deflation
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- Satisfactory when executed
Failure to execute produce an IOException right at ProcessBuilder.start().
Hence we can allow an unexpected process exit value,
since we only want to learn whether executable files are allowed.
- More debug options
DEBUG_EXE: 'jogamp.debug.IOUtil.Exe'
DEBUG_EXE_NOSTREAM: 'jogamp.debug.IOUtil.Exe.NoStream'
- a pre-existing 'jogamp_exe_tst'+<SUFFIX> will be used as-is.
- the test-exe will not be deleted
- StreamMonitor is being used to dump stdout/stderr
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Previous test PE exe, commit 0ebc5398fa20d23214a37dc4930a1fa1617293c7,
was a console exe. A console exe opens a new console window
if not being launched from one.
New test PE exe is produced w/ '-mwindows', i.e. for Win32 API
w/o a console.
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Windows using 'exe-windows-i586-268b.bin' (Fix attempt #1)
Replacing the tiny 268 byte sized 'exe-windows-i586-268b.bin' PE file
w/ a regular 2048 byte sized PE file 'exe-windows-i386-2048b.bin'.
File is produced via:
c:\mingw\bin\gcc -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -s -Os -o tiny.exe tiny.c
Adding the 305 byte sized gzipped version 'exe-windows-i386-2048b.bin.305b.gz'
to the gluegen-rt jar file to reduce the payload for non Windows platforms.
Adding special property 'jogamp.debug.IOUtil.Exe' to debug testing the exe file,
enable via '-Djogamp.debug.IOUtil.Exe'.
Passes here on all Windows machines, however, the prev. one worked here as well.
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matching StaticConfig at runtime; Fix PPC (Bug 1056) and MIPSLE (Bug 1014) issues.
Currently the StaticConfig is being queried
via the key[OSType, CPUType ..]
as pre-determined by Java properties or the ELF parser.
This adds complication to maintain different platforms
and the key query might not even be sufficient.
The MachineDescriptor's StaticConfig only purpose shall be
to speed-up native data size and offset/alignment retrieval.
This is done by using the StaticConfig index within
all StaticConfig[]s as a lookup-index for the precomputed
struct's size and offset tables.
Rename: MachineDescriptor -> MachineDataInfo
Rename: MachineDescriptorRuntime -> MachineDataInfoRuntime
After having defined os.and.arch (OSType, CPUType and ABIType)
w/ the optional help of the now self containing ELF Reader (Bug 1125),
the native gluegen-rt library gets loaded enabling JNI methods.
It is satisfactory to retrieve MachineDataInfo
at runtime w/ JNI and find the matching/compatible StaticConfig.
Only in case none is found, the program needs to abort.
Otherwise the found MachineDataInfo.StaticConfig and MachineDataInfo
are stored for further use (see above).
This removes above complication and key to StaticConfig mapping.
New platforms simply need to add a new unique entry into the
StaticConfig[] table.
Also fixes Bug 1056 (PPC), thanks to tmancill [@] debian [.] org,
and Bug 1014 (MIPSLE), thanks to Dejan Latinovic.
Parts of the patch for Bug 1014 from Dejan Latinovic are included.
also solved by this change set.
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Symbol could not be found w/ Android:
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Windows via BATCH file execution
Batch file execution test via direct call, i.e.'a.bat',
does not work on some Windows machine, not reproducible here!
A workaround would be to call the batch file explicit via 'CMD /c a.bat':
- works when using 'Software Restriction Policies' (Bug 1015 Comment 2)
- does _not_ work when denying ACL "Traverse Folder / Execute File" permission (Bug 1015 Comment 3)
Due to this bug, we need to use a native execution:
- Performing executable test w/ native exe file instead of batch file
on Windows x86 32bit and 64bit,
- using [1] TinyPE XP-W8 Compatible - x86 32bit and 64bit - 268 bytes
- Tested on: WinXP-32bit, Win7-64bit and Win8-64bit
- Author/License: Ange Albertini, BSD Licence, 2010-2013
- On all other Windows machines (ARM, ..),
we still use direct execution of 'a.bat'
but may add native exe files for missing platforms.
This patch injects said binaries within the java jar file
and copies it into the 'to be tested' temp folder for execution.
[1] TinyPE XP-W8 Compatible - x86 32bit and 64bit - 268 bytes
is included within 'src/native/tinype-corkami',
build manually and imported as 'src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/bin/exe-windows-i586-268b.bin'.
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analyze llvm-vmkit libGL loading issue)
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on 'PluginProcess.app'
- IOUtil.getTempDir(..): Don't test executable caps on OSX for java_io_tmpdir
- JarUtil.extract(..): Issue native fixNativeLibAttribs(..) on OSX for native library files,
i.e. remove xattr 'com.apple.quarantine'
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methods, based on 'gettimeofday(..)'
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values; Using same pattern for Mac OS X.
Add Bionic specialization using Bionic's non POSIX values
- derive from UnixDynamicLinkerImpl
- specify own flag and mode values
- use UnixDynamicLinkerImpl native code
Using same pattern for Mac OS X
- derive from UnixDynamicLinkerImpl
- specify own flag and mode values
- use UnixDynamicLinkerImpl native code
- drop MacOSXDynamicLinkerImpl native code
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Platform static init after loading native library.
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GluegenVersionActivity uses ApplicationContext
Hide DynamicLinker impl.:
- com.jogamp.common.os.*DynamicLinkerImpl -> jogamp.common.os
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- android minor build fix
- started dex'ing (gluegen-rt.apk, more to come for full junit tests)
- android remote dalvikvm launch works (crosstest-java-android-armv7-rel.sh)
- android detection, incl version (reflection)
- Platform:
- OSType maybe ANDROID, where the OS name (String) is Linux ! (ok ?)
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- enum CPUFamily is part of CPUType
- ARM: ARM + ARMv[567]
- self contained
- static size/alignment Config (enum) for unix32, unix64, win32, win64 and armeabi
- add 'long double'
- Removed MachineDescription32Bit, MachineDescription64Bit
- createStatic(..) uses OS/CPU to fetch best match if not at runtime
FIXES: JavaEmitter's struct-emit: Proper 32/64 struct sizes
TODO: StructAccessor's mapping to <Type>Buffer w/ index os sizeof(<Type>)
doesn't work, since offset may not be multiple of sizeof(<Type>)!
typedef struct {
int8_t bits1; // +1 - 0
// +3 (p32)
int32_t id; // +4 - 4
int8_t bits2; // +1 - 8
// +3 (p32) -
int64_t long0; // +8 - 12
so "longBuffer.get(<type-sized index>)" is invalid,
but "byteBuffer.getLong(<byte index>)" must be done.
The actual impl. doesn't matter, hence dropping the other nio type mappings is good.
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- SizeThunk
- rename: compute -> computeSize
- add: computeAlignment
- merge types: char -> int8, short -> int16
- 'int' and 'long' may differ
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- Preparation.
Currently GlueGen fails for type long (size) and some alignments (see package.html).
- The size and alignment values shall be queried at runtime.
- Compound alignment needs to follow the described natural alignment (also @runtime).
- Build
- add Linux Arm7 (EABI)
- junit test
- added compound/struct tests, pointing out the shortcomings of current impl.
- package.html
- Added alignment documentation
- remove intptr.cfg
- add GluGen types int8_t, int16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t
- move MachineDescription* into runtime
- Platform
- has runtime MachineDescription
- moved size, .. to MachineDescription
- use enums for OSType, CPUArch and CPUType defined by os.name/os.arch,
triggering exception if os/arch is not supported.
This avoids Java String comparison and conscious os/arch detection.
- MachineDescription:
- compile time instances MachineDescription32Bits, MachineDescription64Bits
- runtime queried instance MachineDescriptionRuntime
- correct size, alignment, page size, ..
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x86: Using mingw 20100514, gcc 4.5.0
- clean
- passed all junit.run tests
x86_64: Using mingw-w64-bin_x86_64-mingw_20100515_sezero.zip, gcc 4.4.5 20100513
- clean
- passed most junit.run tests, still buggy
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git mv src/nativewindow/native/JVM_Tool.c src/native/common/JVM_Tool.c
git mv src/nativewindow/classes/com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/NativeLibLoaderBase.java src/java/com/jogamp/common/jvm/JNILibLoaderBase.java
git mv src/nativewindow/classes/com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/jvm/JVMUtil.java src/java/com/jogamp/common/jvm/JVMUtil.java
git mv src/nativewindow/classes/com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/NWReflection.java src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/ReflectionUtil.java
Adding own JogampRuntimeException and Debug class
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32bit/64bit values and arrays are misrepresented
- PointerBuffer: Adding methods
PointeRBuffer referenceBuffer(int index, Buffer data)
PointeRBuffer referenceBuffer(Buffer data)
Buffer getReferencedBuffer(int index)
Buffer getReferencedBuffer()
Adding a reference of a given direct Buffer
to this pointer buffer, and retrieving a
previously referenced direct Buffer.
This allows a more convenient handling of PointerBuffer
with the user API's ..
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git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/../svn-server-sync/gluegen/trunk@147 a78bb65f-1512-4460-ba86-f6dc96a7bf27
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on to trunk
git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/../svn-server-sync/gluegen/trunk@146 a78bb65f-1512-4460-ba86-f6dc96a7bf27
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null-terminated strings on Windows. Changed Windows dynamic linker to
use LoadLibraryW which is the only variant available on Windows CE.
Changed GetProcAddress to explicitly named GetProcAddressA; this is
implicitly the only variant available on Windows XP. Tested by
compiling gluegen-rt.dll for both Windows XP and Windows CE. Also
brought dynlink-unix-CustomJavaCode.java in line with modifications
that were apparently hand made to the UnixDynamicLinkerImpl and
MacOSXDynamicLinkerImpl classes.
git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/../svn-server-sync/gluegen/trunk@79 a78bb65f-1512-4460-ba86-f6dc96a7bf27
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git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/../svn-server-sync/gluegen/trunk@55 a78bb65f-1512-4460-ba86-f6dc96a7bf27
principally to generally solve the problem of downloading dependent
libraries of GlueGen-generated native code, as in the case of JOAL and
OpenAL reported recently by Shawn Kendall on JOAL forums.
Autogenerated Java and native code associated with this new
NativeLibrary helper class is currently checked in to the GlueGen
workspace to make it easier to build across multiple platforms; it can
be regenerated by running the generate.nativelibrary.sources Ant
target in the GlueGen workspace. Building of the native code in the
GlueGen workspace is currently disabled by default and can be enabled
by specifying -Dbuild.native=1 on the ant command line. Use of the new
NativeLibrary class in JOAL is currently disabled by default and can
be enabled by specifying -Djoal.use.gluegen=1 to applications using
JOAL. New functionality has been lightly tested with JOAL on Windows
and appears to be working. More testing, including build and Java Web
Start deployment testing, to follow on other platforms.
git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/../svn-server-sync/gluegen/trunk@37 a78bb65f-1512-4460-ba86-f6dc96a7bf27