native-free-code Struct-Code generation
Recfactored all NIO buffer utils to Buffers, i.e. buffer <-> address, memcpy, strnlen, etc
- Added copyNativeToDirectByteBuffer(..), allowing to copy a native memory slice into a direct buffer.
- Added typeNameToBufferClass(String) and sizeOfBufferElem(Class<? extends Buffer>)
- Completed slize2<Type>(..) buffer-mapping methods
- Exposure of safe getDirectByteBuffer(..) w/ null-check (package private)
Added NativeBuffer.storeDirectAddress(..), allowing to write the array address into a native buffer (struct, etc),
allowing to referencing the ElementBuffer (linear array of elements) and PointerBuffer (array of pointer).
Hint: This can be read via PointerBuffer.wrap(..).get(0)
Added ElementBuffer (a NativeBuffer) mapping an array of elements,
completing native abstraction next to PointerBuffer (array of pointer).
ElementBuffer can dereference an existing element-array by native address via ElementBuffer.derefPointer(..).
Views of its content can be directly accessed via ElementBuffer.slice(..).
These utilities and buffer abstractions will allow to reuse code and simplify the GlueGen struct get/set implementations
and help to reduce native code injection.