path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g')
1 files changed, 864 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c90e011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+ Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1998 -- All Rights Reserved
+PROJECT: C Compiler
+MODULE: GnuCParser
+FILE: GnuCParser.g
+AUTHOR: Monty Zukowski ([email protected]) April 28, 1998
+ This is a grammar for the GNU C compiler. It is a
+ grammar subclass of StdCParser, overriding only those
+ rules which are different from Standard C.
+header {
+ package com.sun.gluegen.cgram;
+ import java.io.*;
+ import antlr.CommonAST;
+ import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
+class GnuCParser extends StdCParser;
+ {
+ k = 2;
+ exportVocab = GNUC;
+ buildAST = true;
+ ASTLabelType = "TNode";
+ // Copied following options from java grammar.
+ codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
+ codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
+ }
+ // Suppport C++-style single-line comments?
+ public static boolean CPPComments = true;
+ // access to symbol table
+ public CSymbolTable symbolTable = new CSymbolTable();
+ // source for names to unnamed scopes
+ protected int unnamedScopeCounter = 0;
+ public boolean isTypedefName(String name) {
+ boolean returnValue = false;
+ TNode node = symbolTable.lookupNameInCurrentScope(name);
+ for (; node != null; node = (TNode) node.getNextSibling() ) {
+ if(node.getType() == LITERAL_typedef) {
+ returnValue = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+ public String getAScopeName() {
+ return "" + (unnamedScopeCounter++);
+ }
+ public void pushScope(String scopeName) {
+ symbolTable.pushScope(scopeName);
+ }
+ public void popScope() {
+ symbolTable.popScope();
+ }
+ int traceDepth = 0;
+ public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
+ try {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex + " token name:" + tokenNames[LA(1)]);
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex);
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ }
+ public void reportError(String s) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error from String: " + s);
+ }
+ public void reportWarning(String s) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Warning from String: " + s);
+ }
+ public void match(int t) throws MismatchedTokenException {
+ boolean debugging = false;
+ if ( debugging ) {
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ try {
+ System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") with LA(1)="+
+ tokenNames[LA(1)] + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") " + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ if ( LA(1)!=t ) {
+ if ( debugging ){
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ System.out.println("token mismatch: "+tokenNames[LA(1)]
+ + "!="+tokenNames[t]);
+ }
+ throw new MismatchedTokenException(tokenNames, LT(1), t, false, getFilename());
+ } else {
+ // mark token as consumed -- fetch next token deferred until LA/LT
+ consume();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public void traceIn(String rname) {
+ traceDepth += 1;
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ try {
+ System.out.println("> "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
+ + ") " + LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname) {
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ try {
+ System.out.println("< "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
+ + ") "+LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ }
+ traceDepth -= 1;
+ }
+ : ( externalList )? /* Empty source files are allowed. */
+ ;
+ : "asm"^
+ ("volatile")? LCURLY expr RCURLY ( SEMI )+
+ ;
+ : ID ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA ID )*
+ ;
+ : ( "typedef" | declaration )=> declaration
+ | ( functionPrefix )=> functionDef
+ | typelessDeclaration
+ | asm_expr
+ | SEMI
+ ;
+/* these two are here because GCC allows "cat = 13;" as a valid program! */
+ { String declName; }
+ : ( (functionDeclSpecifiers)=> ds:functionDeclSpecifiers
+ | //epsilon
+ )
+ declName = d:declarator[true]
+ ( declaration )* (VARARGS)? ( SEMI )*
+ ;
+ { AST typeMissing = #[NTypeMissing]; }
+ : initDeclList[typeMissing] SEMI { ## = #( #[NTypeMissing], ##); }
+ ;
+ : ( ( ( (initializerElementLabel)=> initializerElementLabel )?
+ ( assignExpr | lcurlyInitializer ) { ## = #( #[NInitializer], ## ); }
+ )
+ | lcurlyInitializer
+ )
+ ;
+// GCC allows more specific initializers
+ : ( ( LBRACKET ((constExpr VARARGS)=> rangeExpr | constExpr) RBRACKET (ASSIGN)? )
+ )
+ { ## = #( #[NInitializerElementLabel], ##) ; }
+ ;
+// GCC allows empty initializer lists
+ :
+ LCURLY^ (initializerList ( COMMA! )? )? RCURLY
+ { ##.setType( NLcurlyInitializer ); }
+ ;
+ : initializer ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:COMMA! initializer )*
+ ;
+declarator[boolean isFunctionDefinition] returns [String declName]
+ { declName = ""; }
+ :
+ ( pointerGroup )?
+ ( id:ID { declName = id.getText(); }
+ | LPAREN declName = declarator[false] RPAREN
+ )
+ ( declaratorParamaterList[isFunctionDefinition, declName]
+ )*
+ { ## = #( #[NDeclarator], ## ); }
+ ;
+declaratorParamaterList[boolean isFunctionDefinition, String declName]
+ :
+ {
+ if (isFunctionDefinition) {
+ pushScope(declName);
+ }
+ else {
+ pushScope("!"+declName);
+ }
+ }
+ (
+ (declSpecifiers)=> parameterTypeList
+ | (idList)?
+ )
+ {
+ popScope();
+ }
+ ( COMMA! )?
+ { ##.setType(NParameterTypeList); }
+ ;
+ : parameterDeclaration
+ ( options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ } :
+ ( COMMA | SEMI )
+ parameterDeclaration
+ )*
+ ( ( COMMA | SEMI )
+ )?
+ ;
+ : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
+ // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ } :
+ localLabelDeclaration
+ | ( declarationPredictor )=> declaration
+ )+
+ ;
+ : ( //GNU note: any __label__ declarations must come before regular declarations.
+ "__label__"^ ID (options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! ID)* ( COMMA! )? ( SEMI! )+
+ )
+ ;
+ { AST ds1 = null; }
+ : ds:declSpecifiers { ds1 = astFactory.dupList(#ds); }
+ (
+ initDeclList[ds1]
+ )?
+ ( SEMI )+
+ { ## = #( #[NDeclaration], ##); }
+ ;
+ : "extern"
+ | "static"
+ | "inline"
+ ;
+typeSpecifier [int specCount] returns [int retSpecCount]
+ { retSpecCount = specCount + 1; }
+ :
+ ( "void"
+ | "char"
+ | "short"
+ | "int"
+ | "__int64"
+ | "long"
+ | "float"
+ | "double"
+ | "signed"
+ | "unsigned"
+ | structOrUnionSpecifier ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: attributeDecl )*
+ | enumSpecifier
+ | { specCount==0 }? typedefName
+ | "typeof"^ LPAREN
+ ( ( typeName )=> typeName
+ | expr
+ )
+ | "__complex"
+ )
+ ;
+ { String scopeName; }
+ : sou:structOrUnion!
+ ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID l:LCURLY
+ {
+ scopeName = #sou.getText() + " " + #i.getText();
+ #l.setText(scopeName);
+ pushScope(scopeName);
+ }
+ ( structDeclarationList )?
+ { popScope();}
+ | l1:LCURLY
+ {
+ scopeName = getAScopeName();
+ #l1.setText(scopeName);
+ pushScope(scopeName);
+ }
+ ( structDeclarationList )?
+ { popScope(); }
+ | ID
+ )
+ {
+ ## = #( #sou, ## );
+ }
+ ;
+ : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ( COMMA! )? ( SEMI! )+
+ ;
+ : structDeclarator ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! structDeclarator )*
+ ;
+ : ( declarator[false] )?
+ ( COLON constExpr )?
+ ( attributeDecl )*
+ { ## = #( #[NStructDeclarator], ##); }
+ ;
+ : "enum"^
+ ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[i.getText()] RCURLY
+ | LCURLY enumList["anonymous"] RCURLY
+ | ID
+ )
+ ;
+enumList[String enumName]
+ : enumerator[enumName] ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! enumerator[enumName] )* ( COMMA! )?
+ ;
+initDeclList[AST declarationSpecifiers]
+ : initDecl[declarationSpecifiers]
+ ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! initDecl[declarationSpecifiers] )*
+ ( COMMA! )?
+ ;
+initDecl[AST declarationSpecifiers]
+ { String declName = ""; }
+ : declName = d:declarator[false]
+ { AST ds1, d1;
+ ds1 = astFactory.dupList(declarationSpecifiers);
+ d1 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
+ symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds1, d1) );
+ }
+ ( attributeDecl )*
+ ( ASSIGN initializer
+ | COLON expr
+ )?
+ { ## = #( #[NInitDecl], ## ); }
+ ;
+ : "__attribute"^ LPAREN LPAREN attributeList RPAREN RPAREN
+ | "asm"^ LPAREN stringConst RPAREN { ##.setType( NAsmAttribute ); }
+ ;
+ : attribute ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA attribute)* ( COMMA )?
+ ;
+ | LPAREN attributeList RPAREN
+ )*
+ ;
+compoundStatement[String scopeName]
+ {
+ pushScope(scopeName);
+ }
+ ( //this ambiguity is ok, declarationList and nestedFunctionDef end properly
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ } :
+ ( "typedef" | "__label__" | declaration )=> declarationList
+ | (nestedFunctionDef)=> nestedFunctionDef
+ )*
+ ( statementList )?
+ { popScope(); }
+ { ##.setType( NCompoundStatement ); ##.setAttribute( "scopeName", scopeName ); }
+ ;
+ { String declName; }
+ : ( "auto" )? //only for nested functions
+ ( (functionDeclSpecifiers)=> ds:functionDeclSpecifiers
+ )?
+ declName = d:declarator[false]
+ {
+ AST d2, ds2;
+ d2 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
+ ds2 = astFactory.dupList(#ds);
+ symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds2, d2));
+ pushScope(declName);
+ }
+ ( declaration )*
+ { popScope(); }
+ compoundStatement[declName]
+ { ## = #( #[NFunctionDef], ## );}
+ ;
+ : SEMI // Empty statements
+ | compoundStatement[getAScopeName()] // Group of statements
+ | expr SEMI! { ## = #( #[NStatementExpr], ## );} // Expressions
+// Iteration statements:
+ | "while"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
+ | "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! expr RPAREN! SEMI!
+ |! "for"
+ LPAREN ( e1:expr )? SEMI ( e2:expr )? SEMI ( e3:expr )? RPAREN
+ s:statement
+ {
+ if ( #e1 == null) { #e1 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
+ if ( #e2 == null) { #e2 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
+ if ( #e3 == null) { #e3 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
+ ## = #( #[LITERAL_for, "for"], #e1, #e2, #e3, #s );
+ }
+// Jump statements:
+ | "goto"^ expr SEMI!
+ | "continue" SEMI!
+ | "break" SEMI!
+ | "return"^ ( expr )? SEMI!
+ | ID COLON! (options {warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: statement)? { ## = #( #[NLabel], ## ); }
+// GNU allows range expressions in case statements
+ | "case"^ ((constExpr VARARGS)=> rangeExpr | constExpr) COLON! ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:statement )?
+ | "default"^ COLON! ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: statement )?
+// Selection statements:
+ | "if"^
+ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
+ ( //standard if-else ambiguity
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ } :
+ "else" statement )?
+ | "switch"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
+ ;
+ : logicalOrExpr
+ ( QUESTION^ (expr)? COLON conditionalExpr )?
+ ;
+rangeExpr //used in initializers only
+ : constExpr VARARGS constExpr
+ { ## = #(#[NRangeExpr], ##); }
+ ;
+ : ( LPAREN typeName RPAREN )=>
+ LPAREN^ typeName RPAREN ( castExpr | lcurlyInitializer )
+ { ##.setType(NCast); }
+ | unaryExpr
+ ;
+ : (
+ pointerGroup
+ ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
+ | parameterTypeList
+ )?
+ ( COMMA! )?
+ )*
+ | ( (LPAREN
+ ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
+ | parameterTypeList
+ )?
+ ( COMMA! )?
+ )+
+ )
+ { ## = #( #[NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator], ## ); }
+ ;
+ : postfixExpr
+ | INC^ castExpr
+ | DEC^ castExpr
+ | u:unaryOperator castExpr { ## = #( #[NUnaryExpr], ## ); }
+ | "sizeof"^
+ ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
+ | unaryExpr
+ )
+ | "__alignof"^
+ ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
+ | unaryExpr
+ )
+ | gnuAsmExpr
+ ;
+ : BAND
+ | STAR
+ | PLUS
+ | BNOT //also stands for complex conjugation
+ | LNOT
+ | LAND //for label dereference (&&label)
+ | "__real"
+ | "__imag"
+ ;
+ : "asm"^ ("volatile")?
+ LPAREN stringConst
+ ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
+ COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
+ ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
+ COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
+ )?
+ )?
+ ( COLON stringConst ( COMMA stringConst)* )?
+ { ##.setType(NGnuAsmExpr); }
+ ;
+//GCC requires the PARENs
+ : stringConst ( LPAREN expr RPAREN )?
+ ;
+ : ID
+ | Number
+ | charConst
+ | stringConst
+// JTC:
+// ID should catch the enumerator
+// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
+// | enumerator
+ | (LPAREN LCURLY) => LPAREN^ compoundStatement[getAScopeName()] RPAREN
+ | LPAREN^ expr RPAREN { ##.setType(NExpressionGroup); }
+ ;
+ import java.io.*;
+ import java.util.*;
+ import antlr.*;
+class GnuCLexer extends StdCLexer;
+ {
+ k = 3;
+ importVocab = GNUC;
+ testLiterals = false;
+ }
+tokens {
+ LITERAL___extension__ = "__extension__";
+ public void initialize(String src)
+ {
+ setOriginalSource(src);
+ initialize();
+ }
+ public void initialize()
+ {
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__alignof__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___alignof));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__asm", this), new Integer(LITERAL_asm));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__asm__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_asm));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__attribute__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___attribute));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__complex__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___complex));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__const", this), new Integer(LITERAL_const));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__const__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_const));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__imag__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___imag));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__inline", this), new Integer(LITERAL_inline));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__inline__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_inline));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__real__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___real));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__signed", this), new Integer(LITERAL_signed));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__signed__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_signed));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__typeof", this), new Integer(LITERAL_typeof));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__typeof__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_typeof));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__volatile", this), new Integer(LITERAL_volatile));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__volatile__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_volatile));
+ }
+ LineObject lineObject = new LineObject();
+ String originalSource = "";
+ PreprocessorInfoChannel preprocessorInfoChannel = new PreprocessorInfoChannel();
+ int tokenNumber = 0;
+ boolean countingTokens = true;
+ int deferredLineCount = 0;
+ List defines = new ArrayList();
+ public void setCountingTokens(boolean ct)
+ {
+ countingTokens = ct;
+ if ( countingTokens ) {
+ tokenNumber = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ tokenNumber = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ public void setOriginalSource(String src)
+ {
+ originalSource = src;
+ lineObject.setSource(src);
+ }
+ public void setSource(String src)
+ {
+ lineObject.setSource(src);
+ }
+ public PreprocessorInfoChannel getPreprocessorInfoChannel()
+ {
+ return preprocessorInfoChannel;
+ }
+ public void setPreprocessingDirective(String pre)
+ {
+ preprocessorInfoChannel.addLineForTokenNumber( pre, new Integer(tokenNumber) );
+ }
+ public void addDefine(String name, String value)
+ {
+ defines.add(new Define(name, value));
+ }
+ /** Returns a list of Define objects corresponding to the
+ preprocessor definitions seen during parsing. */
+ public List getDefines() {
+ return defines;
+ }
+ protected Token makeToken(int t)
+ {
+ if ( t != Token.SKIP && countingTokens) {
+ tokenNumber++;
+ }
+ CToken tok = (CToken) super.makeToken(t);
+ tok.setLine(lineObject.line);
+ tok.setSource(lineObject.source);
+ tok.setTokenNumber(tokenNumber);
+ lineObject.line += deferredLineCount;
+ deferredLineCount = 0;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ public void deferredNewline() {
+ deferredLineCount++;
+ }
+ public void newline() {
+ lineObject.newline();
+ }
+ : ( ( ' ' | '\t' | '\014')
+ | "\r\n" { newline(); }
+ | ( '\n' | '\r' ) { newline(); }
+ ) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
+ ;
+ : '\\'
+ ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:
+ ~('0'..'7' | 'x')
+ | ('0'..'3') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )*
+ | ('4'..'7') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )*
+ | 'x' ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' )+
+ )
+ ;
+protected IntSuffix
+ : 'L'
+ | 'l'
+ | 'U'
+ | 'u'
+ | 'I'
+ | 'i'
+ | 'J'
+ | 'j'
+ ;
+protected NumberSuffix
+ :
+ IntSuffix
+ | 'F'
+ | 'f'
+ ;
+ : ( ( Digit )+ ( '.' | 'e' | 'E' ) )=> ( Digit )+
+ ( '.' ( Digit )* ( Exponent )?
+ | Exponent
+ )
+ ( NumberSuffix
+ )*
+ | ( "..." )=> "..." { _ttype = VARARGS; }
+ | '.' { _ttype = DOT; }
+ ( ( Digit )+ ( Exponent )?
+ { _ttype = Number; }
+ ( NumberSuffix
+ )*
+ )?
+ | '0' ( '0'..'7' )*
+ ( NumberSuffix
+ )*
+ | '1'..'9' ( Digit )*
+ ( NumberSuffix
+ )*
+ | '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | Digit )+
+ ( IntSuffix
+ )*
+ ;
+ :
+ i:ID {
+ if ( i.getType() == LITERAL___extension__ ) {
+ $setType(Token.SKIP);
+ }
+ else {
+ $setType(i.getType());
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+protected ID
+ options
+ {
+ testLiterals = true;
+ }
+ : ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '$')
+ ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '$' | '0'..'9' )*
+ ;
+ :
+ 'L' CharLiteral
+ { $setType(CharLiteral); }
+ ;
+ :
+ 'L' StringLiteral
+ { $setType(StringLiteral); }
+ ;
+ :
+ '"'
+ ( ('\\' ~('\n'))=> Escape
+ | ( '\r' { newline(); }
+ | '\n' {
+ newline();
+ }
+ | '\\' '\n' {
+ newline();
+ }
+ )
+ | ~( '"' | '\r' | '\n' | '\\' )
+ )*
+ '"'
+ ;