path: root/src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java
index aa9bccd..0ae3cbb 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/Platform.java
@@ -162,49 +162,69 @@ public class Platform extends PlatformPropsImpl {
/** <code>true</code> if AWT is available and not in headless mode, otherwise <code>false</code>. */
public static final boolean AWT_AVAILABLE;
- private static final URI platformClassJarURI;
+ private static final boolean isRunningFromJarURL;
static {
- PlatformPropsImpl.initSingleton(); // just documenting the order of static initialization
- {
- URI _platformClassJarURI;
- try {
- _platformClassJarURI = JarUtil.getJarURI(Platform.class.getName(), Platform.class.getClassLoader());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- _platformClassJarURI = null;
- }
- platformClassJarURI = _platformClassJarURI;
- }
- USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE = (OS_TYPE != OSType.ANDROID) && isRunningFromJarURL() &&
- Debug.getBooleanProperty(useTempJarCachePropName, true, true);
+ final boolean[] _isRunningFromJarURL = new boolean[] { false };
+ final boolean[] _USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE = new boolean[] { false };
+ final boolean[] _AWT_AVAILABLE = new boolean[] { false };
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
+ public Object run() {
- AWT_AVAILABLE = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() {
- public Boolean run() {
- // load GluegenRT native library
- loadGlueGenRTImpl();
+ PlatformPropsImpl.initSingleton(); // documenting the order of static initialization
- // JVM bug workaround
- JVMUtil.initSingleton(); // requires gluegen-rt, one-time init.
+ final ClassLoader cl = Platform.class.getClassLoader();
- // detect AWT availability
- boolean awtAvailable = false;
+ final URI platformClassJarURI;
- final ClassLoader cl = Platform.class.getClassLoader();
- if( !Debug.getBooleanProperty("java.awt.headless", true) &&
- ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.ComponentClass, cl) &&
- ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.GraphicsEnvironmentClass, cl) ) {
- try {
- awtAvailable = false == ((Boolean)ReflectionUtil.callStaticMethod(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.GraphicsEnvironmentClass, ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.isHeadlessMethod, null, null, cl)).booleanValue();
- } catch (Throwable t) { }
+ URI _platformClassJarURI = null;
+ try {
+ _platformClassJarURI = JarUtil.getJarURI(Platform.class.getName(), cl);
+ } catch (Exception e) { }
+ platformClassJarURI = _platformClassJarURI;
+ }
+ _isRunningFromJarURL[0] = null != platformClassJarURI;
+ _USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE[0] = ( OS_TYPE != OSType.ANDROID ) && ( null != platformClassJarURI ) &&
+ Debug.getBooleanProperty(useTempJarCachePropName, true, true);
+ // load GluegenRT native library
+ if(_USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE[0] && TempJarCache.initSingleton()) {
+ String nativeJarName = null;
+ URI jarUriRoot = null;
+ URI nativeJarURI = null;
+ try {
+ final String jarName = JarUtil.getJarBasename( platformClassJarURI );
+ final String nativeJarBasename = jarName.substring(0, jarName.indexOf(".jar")); // ".jar" already validated w/ JarUtil.getJarBasename(..)
+ nativeJarName = nativeJarBasename+"-natives-"+PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch+".jar";
+ jarUriRoot = JarUtil.getURIDirname( JarUtil.getJarSubURI( platformClassJarURI ) );
+ nativeJarURI = JarUtil.getJarFileURI(jarUriRoot, nativeJarName);
+ TempJarCache.bootstrapNativeLib(Platform.class, libBaseName, nativeJarURI);
+ } catch (Exception e0) {
+ // IllegalArgumentException, IOException
+ System.err.println("Catched "+e0.getClass().getSimpleName()+": "+e0.getMessage()+", while TempJarCache.bootstrapNativeLib() of "+nativeJarURI+" ("+jarUriRoot+" + "+nativeJarName+")");
- return new Boolean(awtAvailable);
- }
- }).booleanValue();
+ DynamicLibraryBundle.GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(libBaseName, false, cl);
+ // JVM bug workaround
+ JVMUtil.initSingleton(); // requires gluegen-rt, one-time init.
+ // AWT Headless determination
+ if( !Debug.getBooleanProperty("java.awt.headless", true) &&
+ ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.ComponentClass, cl) &&
+ ReflectionUtil.isClassAvailable(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.GraphicsEnvironmentClass, cl) ) {
+ try {
+ _AWT_AVAILABLE[0] = false == ((Boolean)ReflectionUtil.callStaticMethod(ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.GraphicsEnvironmentClass, ReflectionUtil.AWTNames.isHeadlessMethod, null, null, cl)).booleanValue();
+ } catch (Throwable t) { }
+ }
+ return null;
+ } } );
+ isRunningFromJarURL = _isRunningFromJarURL[0];
MachineDescription md = MachineDescriptionRuntime.getRuntime();
if(null == md) {
MachineDescription.StaticConfig smd = MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic();
@@ -228,27 +248,7 @@ public class Platform extends PlatformPropsImpl {
* @return true if we're running from a Jar URL, otherwise false
public static final boolean isRunningFromJarURL() {
- return null != platformClassJarURI;
- }
- private static final void loadGlueGenRTImpl() {
- if(USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE && TempJarCache.initSingleton()) {
- String nativeJarName = null;
- URI jarUriRoot = null;
- URI nativeJarURI = null;
- try {
- final String jarName = JarUtil.getJarBasename(platformClassJarURI);
- final String nativeJarBasename = jarName.substring(0, jarName.indexOf(".jar")); // ".jar" already validated w/ JarUtil.getJarBasename(..)
- nativeJarName = nativeJarBasename+"-natives-"+PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch+".jar";
- jarUriRoot = JarUtil.getURIDirname( JarUtil.getJarSubURI( platformClassJarURI ) );
- nativeJarURI = JarUtil.getJarFileURI(jarUriRoot, nativeJarName);
- TempJarCache.bootstrapNativeLib(Platform.class, libBaseName, nativeJarURI);
- } catch (Exception e0) {
- // IllegalArgumentException, IOException
- System.err.println("Catched "+e0.getClass().getSimpleName()+": "+e0.getMessage()+", while TempJarCache.bootstrapNativeLib() of "+nativeJarURI+" ("+jarUriRoot+" + "+nativeJarName+")");
- }
- }
- DynamicLibraryBundle.GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(libBaseName, false, Platform.class.getClassLoader());
+ return isRunningFromJarURL;