path: root/src
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-10-03 03:12:42 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-10-03 03:12:42 +0200
commita7a3d5ab98ee0ad33fdef50bf081afeb8295ebe4 (patch)
tree8316bb60b02dfa3d1a61aed6640afeaaeab99c13 /src
parent00a9ee70054872712017b5a14b19aa92068c8420 (diff)
- Validate active and GC'ed mapped-buffer count in cleanAllSlices() via close() .. - Fix missing unmapping last buffer in notifyLengthChangeImpl(), branch criteria was off by one. - cleanSlice(..) now also issues cleanBuffer(..) on the GC'ed entry, hence if WeakReference is still alive, enforce it's release. - cleanBuffer(..) reverts FLUSH_PRE_HARD -> FLUSH_PRE_SOFT in case of an error. - flush() -> flush(boolean metaData) to expose FileChannel.force(metaData). - Add synchronous mode, flushing/syncing the mapped buffers when in READ_WRITE mapping mode and issue FileChannel.force() if not READ_ONLY. Above is implemented via flush()/flushImpl(..) for buffers and FileChannel, as well as in syncSlice(..) for buffers only. flush*()/syncSlice() is covered by: - setLength() - notifyLengthChange*(..) - nextSlice() Always issue flushImpl() in close(). - Windows: Clean all buffers in setLength(), otherwise Windows will report: - Windows: Catch MappedByteBuffer.force() IOException - Optimization of position(..) position(..) is now standalone to allow issuing flushSlice(..) before gathering the new mapped buffer. This shall avoid one extra cache miss. Hence rename positionImpl(..) -> position2(..). - All MappedByteBufferOutputStream.write(..) methods issue syncSlice(..) on the last written current slice to ensure new 'synchronous' mode is honored. +++ Unit tests: - Ensure test files are being deleted - TestByteBufferCopyStream: Reduced test file size to more sensible values. -
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 517 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferInputStream.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferInputStream.java
index 5f91f64..1d4d78a 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferInputStream.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferInputStream.java
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ package com.jogamp.common.nio;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.security.AccessController;
@@ -156,6 +158,8 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
private ByteBuffer[] slices;
private WeakReference<ByteBuffer>[] slices2GC;
private long totalSize;
+ private int slicesEntries, slices2GCEntries;
+ private boolean synchronous;
private int refCount;
@@ -169,6 +173,23 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
private long mark;
final void dbgDump(final String prefix, final PrintStream out) {
+ int _slicesEntries = 0;
+ for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
+ if( null != slices[i] ) {
+ _slicesEntries++;
+ }
+ }
+ int _slices2GCEntries = 0;
+ int _slices2GCAliveEntries = 0;
+ for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
+ final WeakReference<ByteBuffer> ref = slices2GC[i];
+ if( null != ref ) {
+ _slices2GCEntries++;
+ if( null != ref.get() ) {
+ _slices2GCAliveEntries++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
long fcSz = 0, pos = 0, rem = 0;
try {
fcSz = fc.size();
@@ -187,7 +208,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
out.println(prefix+" refCount "+refCount+", fcSize "+fcSz+", totalSize "+totalSize);
out.println(prefix+" position "+pos+", remaining "+rem);
out.println(prefix+" mmode "+mmode+", cmode "+cmode+", fileResizeOp "+fileResizeOp);
- out.println(prefix+" slice "+sliceIdx+" / "+sliceCount+" ("+sliceCount2+")");
+ out.println(prefix+" slice "+sliceIdx+" / "+sliceCount+" ("+sliceCount2+"), synchronous "+synchronous);
+ out.println(prefix+" mapped "+slicesEntries+" / "+_slicesEntries);
+ out.println(prefix+" GC-queue "+slices2GCEntries+" / "+_slices2GCEntries+" (alive "+_slices2GCAliveEntries+")");
out.println(prefix+" sliceShift "+sliceShift+" -> "+(1L << sliceShift));
@@ -203,7 +226,7 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
// trigger notifyLengthChange
this.totalSize = -1;
this.sliceCount = 0;
- notifyLengthChange(totalSize);
+ notifyLengthChange( totalSize );
this.refCount = 1;
this.cleanerInit = false;
@@ -263,6 +286,28 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
this(fileChannel, FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT);
+ /**
+ * Enable or disable synchronous mode.
+ * <p>
+ * If synchronous mode is enabled, mapped buffers will be {@link #flush(boolean) flushed}
+ * if {@link #notifyLengthChange(long) resized}, <i>written to</i> or {@link #close() closing} in {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_WRITE read-write} mapping mode.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * If synchronous mode is enabled, {@link FileChannel#force(boolean)} is issued
+ * if {@link #setLength(long) resizing} or {@link #close() closing} and not in {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY read-only} mapping mode.
+ * </p>
+ * @param s {@code true} to enable synchronous mode
+ */
+ public final synchronized void setSynchronous(final boolean s) {
+ synchronous = s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return {@link #setSynchronous(boolean) synchronous mode}.
+ */
+ public final synchronized boolean getSynchronous() {
+ return synchronous ;
+ }
final synchronized void checkOpen() throws IOException {
if( 0 == refCount ) {
throw new IOException("stream closed");
@@ -274,16 +319,15 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
if( 0 < refCount ) {
if( 0 == refCount ) {
- for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
- cleanSlice(i);
- }
- if( mmode != FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY ) {
- fc.force(true);
+ try {
+ cleanAllSlices( true /* syncBuffer */ );
+ } finally {
+ flushImpl(true /* metaData */, false /* syncBuffer */);
+ fc.close();
+ mark = -1;
+ sliceIdx = -1;
+ super.close();
- fc.close();
- mark = -1;
- sliceIdx = -1;
- super.close();
@@ -307,15 +351,35 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
* <p>
* User must have a {@link FileResizeOp} {@link #setFileResizeOp(FileResizeOp) registered} before.
* </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Implementation calls {@link #notifyLengthChange(long)} after {@link FileResizeOp#setLength(long)}.
+ * </p>
* @param newTotalSize the new total size
* @throws IOException if no {@link FileResizeOp} has been {@link #setFileResizeOp(FileResizeOp) registered}
* or if a buffer slice operation failed
public final synchronized void setLength(final long newTotalSize) throws IOException {
+ final long currentPosition;
+ if( 0 != newTotalSize && totalSize != newTotalSize ) {
+ currentPosition = position();
+ } else {
+ currentPosition = -1L;
+ }
if( fc.size() != newTotalSize ) {
+ if( Platform.OSType.WINDOWS == Platform.getOSType() ) {
+ // On Windows, we have to close all mapped slices.
+ // Otherwise we will receive:
+ // java.io.IOException: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open
+ // at java.io.RandomAccessFile.setLength(Native Method)
+ cleanAllSlices( synchronous );
+ }
+ if( synchronous ) {
+ // buffers will be synchronized in notifyLengthChangeImpl(..)
+ flushImpl( true /* metaData */, false /* syncBuffer */);
+ }
- notifyLengthChange(newTotalSize);
+ notifyLengthChangeImpl(newTotalSize, currentPosition);
@@ -328,6 +392,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed
public final synchronized void notifyLengthChange(final long newTotalSize) throws IOException {
+ notifyLengthChangeImpl(newTotalSize, -1L);
+ }
+ private final synchronized void notifyLengthChangeImpl(final long newTotalSize, final long currentPosition) throws IOException {
/* if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("notifyLengthChange.0: "+totalSize+" -> "+newTotalSize);
dbgDump("notifyLengthChange.0:", System.err);
@@ -337,11 +404,7 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
} else if( 0 == newTotalSize ) {
// ZERO - ensure one entry avoiding NULL checks
- if( null != slices ) {
- for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
- cleanSlice(i);
- }
- }
+ cleanAllSlices( synchronous );
final WeakReference<ByteBuffer>[] newSlices2GC = new WeakReference[ 1 ];
slices2GC = newSlices2GC;
@@ -352,7 +415,7 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
mark = -1;
sliceIdx = 0;
} else {
- final long prePosition = position();
+ final long prePosition = 0 <= currentPosition ? currentPosition : position();
final long sliceSize = 1L << sliceShift;
final int newSliceCount = (int)( ( newTotalSize + ( sliceSize - 1 ) ) / sliceSize );
@@ -360,11 +423,13 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
final WeakReference<ByteBuffer>[] newSlices2GC = new WeakReference[ newSliceCount ];
final ByteBuffer[] newSlices = new ByteBuffer[ newSliceCount ];
final int copySliceCount = Math.min(newSliceCount, sliceCount-1); // drop last (resize)
- if( 0 < copySliceCount ) {
- System.arraycopy(slices2GC, 0, newSlices2GC, 0, copySliceCount);
- System.arraycopy(slices, 0, newSlices, 0, copySliceCount);
+ if( 0 <= copySliceCount ) {
+ if( 0 < copySliceCount ) {
+ System.arraycopy(slices2GC, 0, newSlices2GC, 0, copySliceCount);
+ System.arraycopy(slices, 0, newSlices, 0, copySliceCount);
+ }
for(int i=copySliceCount; i<sliceCount; i++) { // clip shrunken slices + 1 (last), incl. slices2GC!
- cleanSlice(i);
+ cleanSlice(i, synchronous);
slices2GC = newSlices2GC;
@@ -374,7 +439,7 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
if( newTotalSize < mark ) {
mark = -1;
- positionImpl( Math.min(prePosition, newTotalSize) ); // -> clipped position (set currSlice and re-map/-pos buffer)
+ position2( Math.min(prePosition, newTotalSize) ); // -> clipped position (set currSlice and re-map/-pos buffer)
/* if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("notifyLengthChange.X: "+slices[currSlice]);
@@ -383,16 +448,34 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
- *
+ * Similar to {@link OutputStream#flush()}, synchronizes all mapped buffers
+ * from local storage via {@link MappedByteBuffer#force()}
+ * as well as the {@link FileChannel#force(boolean)} w/o {@code metaData}.
+ * @param metaData TODO
* @throws IOException if this stream has been {@link #close() closed}.
- public final synchronized void flush() throws IOException {
+ public final synchronized void flush(final boolean metaData) throws IOException {
- if( mmode != FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY ) {
- fc.force(true);
+ flushImpl(metaData, true);
+ }
+ private final synchronized void flushImpl(final boolean metaData, final boolean syncBuffer) throws IOException {
+ if( FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY != mmode ) {
+ if( syncBuffer && FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE == mmode ) {
+ for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
+ syncSlice(slices[i], true);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
+ final WeakReference<ByteBuffer> ref = slices2GC[i];
+ if( null != ref ) {
+ syncSlice(ref.get(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fc.force(metaData);
* Returns a new MappedByteBufferOutputStream instance sharing
* all resources of this input stream, including all buffer slices.
@@ -422,23 +505,28 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed.
public final synchronized ByteBuffer currentSlice() throws IOException {
- if ( null != slices[sliceIdx] ) {
- return slices[sliceIdx];
+ final ByteBuffer s0 = slices[sliceIdx];
+ if ( null != s0 ) {
+ return s0;
} else {
if( CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT == cmode ) {
final WeakReference<ByteBuffer> ref = slices2GC[sliceIdx];
if( null != ref ) {
final ByteBuffer mbb = ref.get();
slices2GC[sliceIdx] = null;
+ slices2GCEntries--;
if( null != mbb ) {
slices[sliceIdx] = mbb;
+ slicesEntries++;
return mbb;
final long pos = (long)sliceIdx << sliceShift;
- slices[sliceIdx] = fc.map(mmode, pos, Math.min(1L << sliceShift, totalSize - pos));
- return slices[sliceIdx];
+ final MappedByteBuffer s1 = fc.map(mmode, pos, Math.min(1L << sliceShift, totalSize - pos));
+ slices[sliceIdx] = s1;
+ slicesEntries++;
+ return s1;
@@ -453,9 +541,7 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
public final synchronized ByteBuffer nextSlice() throws IOException {
if ( sliceIdx < sliceCount - 1 ) {
- if( CacheMode.FLUSH_NONE != cmode ) {
- flushSlice(sliceIdx);
- }
+ flushSlice(sliceIdx, synchronous);
final ByteBuffer slice = currentSlice();
slice.position( 0 );
@@ -465,46 +551,109 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
- private synchronized void flushSlice(final int i) throws IOException {
+ synchronized void syncSlice(final ByteBuffer s) throws IOException {
+ syncSlice(s, synchronous);
+ }
+ synchronized void syncSlice(final ByteBuffer s, final boolean syncBuffer) throws IOException {
+ if( syncBuffer && null != s && FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE == mmode ) {
+ try {
+ ((MappedByteBuffer)s).force();
+ } catch( final Throwable t ) {
+ // On Windows .. this may happen, like:
+ // java.io.IOException: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file
+ // at java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.force0(Native Method)
+ // at java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.force(MappedByteBuffer.java:203)
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("Caught "+t.getMessage());
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private synchronized void flushSlice(final int i, final boolean syncBuffer) throws IOException {
final ByteBuffer s = slices[i];
if ( null != s ) {
- slices[i] = null; // GC a slice is enough
- if( CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD == cmode ) {
- if( !cleanBuffer(s) ) {
- cmode = CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT;
+ if( CacheMode.FLUSH_NONE != cmode ) {
+ slices[i] = null; // trigger slice GC
+ slicesEntries--;
+ if( CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD == cmode ) {
+ if( !cleanBuffer(s, syncBuffer) ) {
+ // buffer already synced in cleanBuffer(..) if requested
+ slices2GC[i] = new WeakReference<ByteBuffer>(s);
+ slices2GCEntries++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ syncSlice(s, syncBuffer);
slices2GC[i] = new WeakReference<ByteBuffer>(s);
+ slices2GCEntries++;
} else {
- slices2GC[i] = new WeakReference<ByteBuffer>(s);
+ syncSlice(s, syncBuffer);
- private synchronized void cleanSlice(final int i) {
- final ByteBuffer s = slices[i];
- if( null != s ) {
+ private synchronized void cleanAllSlices(final boolean syncBuffers) throws IOException {
+ if( null != slices ) {
+ for(int i=0; i<sliceCount; i++) {
+ cleanSlice(i, syncBuffers);
+ }
+ if( 0 != slicesEntries || 0 != slices2GCEntries ) { // FIXME
+ final String err = "mappedSliceCount "+slicesEntries+", slices2GCEntries "+slices2GCEntries;
+ dbgDump(err+": ", System.err);
+ throw new InternalError(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private synchronized void cleanSlice(final int i, final boolean syncBuffer) throws IOException {
+ final ByteBuffer s1 = slices[i];
+ final ByteBuffer s2;
+ {
+ final WeakReference<ByteBuffer> ref = slices2GC[i];
+ slices2GC[i] = null;
+ if( null != ref ) {
+ slices2GCEntries--;
+ s2 = ref.get();
+ } else {
+ s2 = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if( null != s1 ) {
slices[i] = null;
- cleanBuffer(s);
+ slicesEntries--;
+ cleanBuffer(s1, syncBuffer);
+ if( null != s2 ) {
+ throw new InternalError("XXX");
+ }
+ } else if( null != s2 ) {
+ cleanBuffer(s2, syncBuffer);
- slices2GC[i] = null;
- private synchronized boolean cleanBuffer(final ByteBuffer mbb) {
+ private synchronized boolean cleanBuffer(final ByteBuffer mbb, final boolean syncBuffer) throws IOException {
if( !cleanerInit ) {
- if ( !hasCleaner || !mbb.isDirect() ) {
+ syncSlice(mbb, syncBuffer);
+ if( !mbb.isDirect() ) {
return false;
- try {
- cClean.invoke(mbbCleaner.invoke(mbb));
- return true;
- } catch(final Throwable t) {
- hasCleaner = false;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println("Caught "+t.getMessage());
- t.printStackTrace();
+ boolean res = false;
+ if ( hasCleaner ) {
+ try {
+ cClean.invoke(mbbCleaner.invoke(mbb));
+ res = true;
+ } catch(final Throwable t) {
+ hasCleaner = false;
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println("Caught "+t.getMessage());
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
- return false;
+ if( !res && CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD == cmode ) {
+ cmode = CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT;
+ }
+ return res;
private synchronized void initCleaner(final ByteBuffer bb) {
final Method[] _mbbCleaner = { null };
@@ -618,13 +767,25 @@ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("new position "+newPosition+" not within [0.."+totalSize+"]");
final int preSlice = sliceIdx;
- positionImpl( newPosition );
- if( CacheMode.FLUSH_NONE != cmode && preSlice != sliceIdx) {
- flushSlice(preSlice);
+ if ( totalSize == newPosition ) {
+ // EOF, pos == maxPos + 1
+ sliceIdx = Math.max(0, sliceCount - 1); // handle zero size
+ if( preSlice != sliceIdx ) {
+ flushSlice(preSlice, synchronous);
+ }
+ final ByteBuffer s = currentSlice();
+ s.position( s.capacity() );
+ } else {
+ sliceIdx = (int)( newPosition >>> sliceShift );
+ if( preSlice != sliceIdx ) {
+ flushSlice(preSlice, synchronous);
+ }
+ currentSlice().position( (int)( newPosition - ( (long)sliceIdx << sliceShift ) ) );
return this;
- private final synchronized void positionImpl( final long newPosition ) throws IOException {
+ private final synchronized void position2( final long newPosition ) throws IOException {
if ( totalSize == newPosition ) {
// EOF, pos == maxPos + 1
sliceIdx = Math.max(0, sliceCount - 1); // handle zero size
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferOutputStream.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferOutputStream.java
index f84e6c2..8adf0e4 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferOutputStream.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/nio/MappedByteBufferOutputStream.java
@@ -79,6 +79,19 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
+ * See {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#setSynchronous(boolean)}.
+ */
+ public final synchronized void setSynchronous(final boolean s) {
+ parent.setSynchronous(s);
+ }
+ /**
+ * See {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#getSynchronous()}.
+ */
+ public final synchronized boolean getSynchronous() {
+ return parent.getSynchronous();
+ }
+ /**
* See {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#setLength(long)}.
public final synchronized void setLength(final long newTotalSize) throws IOException {
@@ -129,7 +142,15 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
public final synchronized void flush() throws IOException {
- parent.flush();
+ parent.flush( true /* metaData */);
+ }
+ /**
+ * See {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#flush(boolean)}.
+ */
+ // @Override
+ public final synchronized void flush(final boolean metaData) throws IOException {
+ parent.flush(metaData);
@@ -156,6 +177,11 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
slice.put( (byte)(b & 0xFF) );
+ // sync last buffer (happens only in synchronous mode)
+ if( null != slice ) {
+ parent.syncSlice(slice);
+ }
@@ -178,8 +204,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
parent.setLength( parent.length() + len - totalRem );
int written = 0;
+ ByteBuffer slice = null;
while( written < len ) {
- ByteBuffer slice = parent.currentSlice();
+ slice = parent.currentSlice();
int currRem = slice.remaining();
if ( 0 == currRem ) {
if ( null == ( slice = parent.nextSlice() ) ) {
@@ -197,6 +224,10 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
slice.put( b, off + written, currLen );
written += currLen;
+ // sync last buffer (happens only in synchronous mode)
+ if( null != slice ) {
+ parent.syncSlice(slice);
+ }
@@ -221,8 +252,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
parent.setLength( parent.length() + len - totalRem );
int written = 0;
+ ByteBuffer slice = null;
while( written < len ) {
- ByteBuffer slice = parent.currentSlice();
+ slice = parent.currentSlice();
int currRem = slice.remaining();
if ( 0 == currRem ) {
if ( null == ( slice = parent.nextSlice() ) ) {
@@ -257,6 +289,10 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
written += currLen;
+ // sync last buffer (happens only in synchronous mode)
+ if( null != slice ) {
+ parent.syncSlice(slice);
+ }
@@ -285,8 +321,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
parent.setLength( parent.length() + len - totalRem );
long written = 0;
+ ByteBuffer slice = null;
while( written < len ) {
- ByteBuffer slice = parent.currentSlice();
+ slice = parent.currentSlice();
int currRem = slice.remaining();
if ( 0 == currRem ) {
if ( null == ( slice = parent.nextSlice() ) ) {
@@ -306,5 +343,9 @@ public class MappedByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
written += currLen;
+ // sync last buffer (happens only in synchronous mode)
+ if( null != slice ) {
+ parent.syncSlice(slice);
+ }
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferCopyStream.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferCopyStream.java
index 3442159..fef26b6 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferCopyStream.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferCopyStream.java
@@ -100,74 +100,107 @@ public class TestByteBufferCopyStream extends JunitTracer {
Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position());
Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.remaining());
- mos.write(mis, mis.remaining());
+ OutOfMemoryError oome = null;
+ IOException ioe = null;
- Assert.assertEquals(size, input.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(size, output.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(size, mis.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(size, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(size, mis.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(size, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mis.remaining());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.remaining());
- mos.close();
- mis.close();
- input.close();
- output.close();
- srcFile.delete();
- dstFile.delete();
- TestByteBufferInputStream.dumpMem(prefix+" after ", runtime, usedMem0[0], freeMem0[0], usedMem1, freeMem1 );
- System.gc();
try {
- Thread.sleep(500);
- } catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
- TestByteBufferInputStream.dumpMem(prefix+" gc'ed ", runtime, usedMem0[0], freeMem0[0], usedMem1, freeMem1 );
+ mos.write(mis, mis.remaining());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, input.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, output.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, mis.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, mis.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(size, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mis.remaining());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.remaining());
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ if( e.getCause() instanceof OutOfMemoryError ) {
+ oome = (OutOfMemoryError) e.getCause(); // oops
+ } else {
+ ioe = e;
+ }
+ } catch (final OutOfMemoryError m) {
+ oome = m; // oops
+ } finally {
+ mos.close();
+ mis.close();
+ input.close();
+ output.close();
+ srcFile.delete();
+ dstFile.delete();
+ TestByteBufferInputStream.dumpMem(prefix+" after ", runtime, usedMem0[0], freeMem0[0], usedMem1, freeMem1 );
+ System.gc();
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(500);
+ } catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
+ TestByteBufferInputStream.dumpMem(prefix+" gc'ed ", runtime, usedMem0[0], freeMem0[0], usedMem1, freeMem1 );
+ }
+ if( null != ioe || null != oome ) {
+ if( null != oome ) {
+ System.err.printf("%s: OutOfMemoryError.2 %s%n", prefix, oome.getMessage());
+ oome.printStackTrace();
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertNull(ioe);
+ }
+ }
+ /** {@value} */
+ static final long halfMiB = 1L << 19;
+ /** {@value} */
+ static final long oneGiB = 1L << 30;
+ /** {@value} */
+ static final long onePlusGiB = oneGiB + halfMiB;
+ /** {@value} */
+ static final long twoGiB = ( 2L << 30 );
+ /** {@value} */
+ static final long twoPlusGiB = twoGiB + halfMiB;
public void test00() throws IOException {
final int srcSliceShift = MappedByteBufferInputStream.DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT;
final int dstSliceShift = MappedByteBufferInputStream.DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT;
- final long size = 3L * ( 1L << 30 ); // 3 GiB
- testImpl("./testIn.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD, srcSliceShift,
- "./testOut.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD, dstSliceShift );
+ final long size = twoPlusGiB;
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+"_In.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD, srcSliceShift,
+ getSimpleTestName(".")+"_Out.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD, dstSliceShift );
public void test01() throws IOException {
final int srcSliceShift = MappedByteBufferInputStream.DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT;
final int dstSliceShift = MappedByteBufferInputStream.DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT;
- final long size = 3L * ( 1L << 30 ); // 3 GiB
- testImpl("./testIn.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
- "./testOut.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
+ final long size = twoPlusGiB;
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+"_In.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
+ getSimpleTestName(".")+"_Out.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
public void test02() throws IOException {
final int srcSliceShift = 28; // 256M bytes per slice
final int dstSliceShift = 28; // 256M bytes per slice
- final long size = 3L * ( 1L << 30 ); // 3 GiB
- testImpl("./testIn.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
- "./testOut.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
+ final long size = onePlusGiB;
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+"_In.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
+ getSimpleTestName(".")+"_Out.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
public void test11() throws IOException {
final int srcSliceShift = 28; // 256M bytes per slice
final int dstSliceShift = 27; // 128M bytes per slice
- final long size = 3L * ( 1L << 30 ); // 3 GiB
- testImpl("./testIn.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
- "./testOut.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
+ final long size = onePlusGiB;
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+"_In.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
+ getSimpleTestName(".")+"_Out.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
public void test12() throws IOException {
final int srcSliceShift = 27; // 128M bytes per slice
final int dstSliceShift = 28; // 256M bytes per slice
- final long size = 3L * ( 1L << 30 ); // 3 GiB
- testImpl("./testIn.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
- "./testOut.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
+ final long size = onePlusGiB;
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+"_In.bin", size, MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, srcSliceShift,
+ getSimpleTestName(".")+"_Out.bin", MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, dstSliceShift );
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferOutputStream.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferOutputStream.java
index c06dbe8..f57101e 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferOutputStream.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/nio/TestByteBufferOutputStream.java
@@ -52,180 +52,196 @@ public class TestByteBufferOutputStream extends JunitTracer {
final int sliceShift)
throws IOException
+ testImpl(fname, payLoad, payLoadOffset, postPayLoadFiller, endBytes, sliceShift, false);
+ testImpl(fname, payLoad, payLoadOffset, postPayLoadFiller, endBytes, sliceShift, true);
+ }
+ static void testImpl(final String fname,
+ final byte[] payLoad, final long payLoadOffset, final long postPayLoadFiller,
+ final byte[] endBytes,
+ final int sliceShift, final boolean synchronous)
+ throws IOException
+ {
final File file = new File(fname);
- final RandomAccessFile out = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
- final MappedByteBufferInputStream.FileResizeOp szOp = new MappedByteBufferInputStream.FileResizeOp() {
- @Override
- public void setLength(final long newSize) throws IOException {
- out.setLength(newSize);
- }
- };
- final MappedByteBufferInputStream mis = new MappedByteBufferInputStream(out.getChannel(),
- FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE,
- MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT,
- sliceShift);
- final MappedByteBufferOutputStream mos = mis.getOutputStream(szOp);
- // resize to payLoad start and position to it
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position()); // no change
- mos.position(payLoadOffset);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.position());
+ try {
+ final RandomAccessFile out = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
+ final MappedByteBufferInputStream.FileResizeOp szOp = new MappedByteBufferInputStream.FileResizeOp() {
+ @Override
+ public void setLength(final long newSize) throws IOException {
+ out.setLength(newSize);
+ }
+ };
+ final MappedByteBufferInputStream mis = new MappedByteBufferInputStream(out.getChannel(),
+ FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE,
+ MappedByteBufferInputStream.CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT,
+ sliceShift);
+ final MappedByteBufferOutputStream mos = mis.getOutputStream(szOp);
+ mos.setSynchronous(synchronous);
- // mark, write-expand payLoad
- mis.mark(1);
- mos.write(payLoad);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ try {
+ // resize to payLoad start and position to it
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position()); // no change
+ mos.position(payLoadOffset);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.position());
- // expand + 1
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position()); // no change
+ // mark, write-expand payLoad
+ mis.mark(1);
+ mos.write(payLoad);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- // expand up-to very end, ahead of write - position to endBytes start
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position()); // no change
- mos.skip(postPayLoadFiller);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller, mos.position());
+ // expand + 1
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position()); // no change
- // write endBytes (no resize)
- mos.write(endBytes);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.position());
+ // expand up-to very end, ahead of write - position to endBytes start
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position()); // no change
+ mos.skip(postPayLoadFiller);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller, mos.position());
- // Reset to payLoad, read it and verify
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mis.position());
- final byte[] tmp = new byte[payLoad.length];
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoad.length, mis.read(tmp));
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mis.position());
- Assert.assertArrayEquals(payLoad, tmp);
+ // write endBytes (no resize)
+ mos.write(endBytes);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.position());
- // Shrink to end of payLoad, mark, read >= 0, reset .. redo
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.length());
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- mis.mark(1);
- Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ // Reset to payLoad, read it and verify
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset, mis.position());
+ final byte[] tmp = new byte[payLoad.length];
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoad.length, mis.read(tmp));
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mis.position());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(payLoad, tmp);
- // Shrink -1, read EOS
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
+ // Shrink to end of payLoad, mark, read >= 0, reset .. redo
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+postPayLoadFiller+endBytes.length, mos.length());
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ mis.mark(1);
+ Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- // Expand + 1, mark, read >= 0, reset .. redo
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- mis.mark(1);
- Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ // Shrink -1, read EOS
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
- // Shrink -1, read EOS, write-expand, reset and verify
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
- mos.write('Z'); // expand while writing ..
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mis.position());
- Assert.assertEquals('Z', mis.read());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mis.position());
+ // Expand + 1, mark, read >= 0, reset .. redo
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ mis.mark(1);
+ Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertTrue(mis.read()>=0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
- // Shrink -2, shall clear mark, test reset failure
- mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1);
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, mos.position());
- try {
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertTrue(false); // shall not reach
- } catch( final IOException ioe ) {
- Assert.assertNotNull(ioe);
- }
- mis.mark(1);
+ // Shrink -1, read EOS, write-expand, reset and verify
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
+ mos.write('Z'); // expand while writing ..
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length, mis.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals('Z', mis.read());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length+1, mis.position());
- // ZERO file, test reset failure, read EOS, write-expand
- mos.setLength(0);
- Assert.assertEquals(0, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position());
- try {
- mis.reset();
- Assert.assertTrue(false); // shall not reach
- } catch( final IOException ioe ) {
- Assert.assertNotNull(ioe);
- }
- Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
- mos.write('Z'); // expand while writing ..
- Assert.assertEquals(1, out.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(1, mos.length());
- Assert.assertEquals(1, mos.position());
- mis.position(0);
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, mis.position());
- Assert.assertEquals('Z', mis.read());
+ // Shrink -2, shall clear mark, test reset failure
+ mos.setLength(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(payLoadOffset+payLoad.length-1, mos.position());
+ try {
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertTrue(false); // shall not reach
+ } catch( final IOException ioe ) {
+ Assert.assertNotNull(ioe);
+ }
+ mis.mark(1);
- mos.close();
- mis.close();
- out.close();
- file.delete();
+ // ZERO file, test reset failure, read EOS, write-expand
+ mos.setLength(0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position());
+ try {
+ mis.reset();
+ Assert.assertTrue(false); // shall not reach
+ } catch( final IOException ioe ) {
+ Assert.assertNotNull(ioe);
+ }
+ Assert.assertEquals(-1, mis.read());
+ mos.write('Z'); // expand while writing ..
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, out.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, mos.length());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, mos.position());
+ mis.position(0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mos.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, mis.position());
+ Assert.assertEquals('Z', mis.read());
+ } finally {
+ mos.close();
+ mis.close();
+ out.close();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ file.delete();
+ }
public void test00() throws IOException {
final int sliceShift = 13; // 8192 bytes per slice
- testImpl("./test01.bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 0L, 0L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 0L, 0L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
public void test01() throws IOException {
final int sliceShift = 13; // 8192 bytes per slice
- testImpl("./test01.bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 9000L, 100L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 9000L, 100L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
public void test02() throws IOException {
final int sliceShift = 13; // 8192 bytes per slice
- testImpl("./test01.bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 8189L, 9001L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 8189L, 9001L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
public void test03() throws IOException {
final int sliceShift = 13; // 8192 bytes per slice
- testImpl("./test01.bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 58189L, 109001L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", "123456789AB".getBytes(), 58189L, 109001L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
@@ -235,7 +251,7 @@ public class TestByteBufferOutputStream extends JunitTracer {
for(int i=0; i<payLoad.length; i++) {
payLoad[i] = (byte)('A' + i%26);
- testImpl("./test01.bin", payLoad, 0L, 0L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", payLoad, 0L, 0L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
@@ -245,7 +261,7 @@ public class TestByteBufferOutputStream extends JunitTracer {
for(int i=0; i<payLoad.length; i++) {
payLoad[i] = (byte)('A' + i%26);
- testImpl("./test01.bin", payLoad, 1030L, 99L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", payLoad, 1030L, 99L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
@@ -255,7 +271,7 @@ public class TestByteBufferOutputStream extends JunitTracer {
for(int i=0; i<payLoad.length; i++) {
payLoad[i] = (byte)('A' + i%26);
- testImpl("./test01.bin", payLoad, 1021L, 1301L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", payLoad, 1021L, 1301L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
@@ -265,7 +281,7 @@ public class TestByteBufferOutputStream extends JunitTracer {
for(int i=0; i<payLoad.length; i++) {
payLoad[i] = (byte)('A' + i%26);
- testImpl("./test01.bin", payLoad, 3021L, 6301L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
+ testImpl(getSimpleTestName(".")+".bin", payLoad, 3021L, 6301L, "EOF".getBytes(), sliceShift);
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestIOUtil01.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestIOUtil01.java
index 2a9c857..68f472f 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestIOUtil01.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestIOUtil01.java
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ public class TestIOUtil01 extends JunitTracer {
public static void setup() throws IOException {
final File tfile = new File(tfilename);
+ tfile.deleteOnExit();
final OutputStream tout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tfile));
for(int i=0; i<tsz; i++) {
final byte b = (byte) (i%256);
@@ -69,6 +71,12 @@ public class TestIOUtil01 extends JunitTracer {
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void cleanup() {
+ final File tfile = new File(tfilename);
+ tfile.delete();
+ }
public void testCopyStream01Array() throws IOException {
final URLConnection urlConn = IOUtil.getResource(this.getClass(), tfilename);
@@ -109,21 +117,26 @@ public class TestIOUtil01 extends JunitTracer {
final File file2 = new File(tfilename2);
- IOUtil.copyURLConn2File(urlConn1, file2);
- final URLConnection urlConn2 = IOUtil.getResource(this.getClass(), tfilename2);
- Assert.assertNotNull(urlConn2);
- final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( urlConn2.getInputStream() );
- final ByteBuffer bb;
+ file2.deleteOnExit();
try {
- bb = IOUtil.copyStream2ByteBuffer( bis );
+ IOUtil.copyURLConn2File(urlConn1, file2);
+ final URLConnection urlConn2 = IOUtil.getResource(this.getClass(), tfilename2);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(urlConn2);
+ final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( urlConn2.getInputStream() );
+ final ByteBuffer bb;
+ try {
+ bb = IOUtil.copyStream2ByteBuffer( bis );
+ } finally {
+ IOUtil.close(bis, false);
+ }
+ Assert.assertEquals("Byte number not equal orig vs buffer", orig.length, bb.limit());
+ int i;
+ for(i=tsz-1; i>=0 && orig[i]==bb.get(i); i--) ;
+ Assert.assertTrue("Bytes not equal orig vs array", 0>i);
} finally {
- IOUtil.close(bis, false);
+ file2.delete();
- Assert.assertEquals("Byte number not equal orig vs buffer", orig.length, bb.limit());
- int i;
- for(i=tsz-1; i>=0 && orig[i]==bb.get(i); i--) ;
- Assert.assertTrue("Bytes not equal orig vs array", 0>i);
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {