path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
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authorMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
committerMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
commitc5068e42758aeecbd0a3fbf4c2e2b755661e950e (patch)
tree5aa658bb3998103499d6bcfdecd2a5b13459a3f0 /src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
parent5cef76666685a4dc94324c2463a4dba53950071c (diff)
refactoring and code cleanup in gluegen.opengl and gluegen.procaddress package.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
index b7fac1b..a951c42 100755
--- a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
@@ -40,165 +40,170 @@
package com.sun.gluegen.procaddress;
import java.io.*;
-import java.util.*;
import com.sun.gluegen.*;
import com.sun.gluegen.cgram.types.*;
public class ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter extends CMethodBindingEmitter {
private boolean callThroughProcAddress;
private boolean needsLocalTypedef;
private String localTypedefCallingConvention;
- private static String procAddressJavaTypeName =
- JavaType.createForClass(Long.TYPE).jniTypeName();
+ private static final String procAddressJavaTypeName = JavaType.createForClass(Long.TYPE).jniTypeName();
private ProcAddressEmitter emitter;
- public ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter(CMethodBindingEmitter methodToWrap,
- final boolean callThroughProcAddress,
- boolean needsLocalTypedef,
- String localTypedefCallingConvention,
- ProcAddressEmitter emitter) {
- super(
- new MethodBinding(methodToWrap.getBinding()) {
- public String getName() {
- if (callThroughProcAddress) {
- return ProcAddressEmitter.WRAP_PREFIX + super.getName();
- } else {
- return super.getName();
- }
+ public ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter(CMethodBindingEmitter methodToWrap, final boolean callThroughProcAddress,
+ boolean needsLocalTypedef, String localTypedefCallingConvention, ProcAddressEmitter emitter) {
+ super(
+ new MethodBinding(methodToWrap.getBinding()) {
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ if (callThroughProcAddress) {
+ return ProcAddressEmitter.WRAP_PREFIX + super.getName();
+ } else {
+ return super.getName();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ methodToWrap.getDefaultOutput(),
+ methodToWrap.getJavaPackageName(),
+ methodToWrap.getJavaClassName(),
+ methodToWrap.getIsOverloadedBinding(),
+ methodToWrap.getIsJavaMethodStatic(),
+ true,
+ methodToWrap.forIndirectBufferAndArrayImplementation(),
+ methodToWrap.getMachineDescription()
+ );
+ if (methodToWrap.getReturnValueCapacityExpression() != null) {
+ setReturnValueCapacityExpression(methodToWrap.getReturnValueCapacityExpression());
- },
- methodToWrap.getDefaultOutput(),
- methodToWrap.getJavaPackageName(),
- methodToWrap.getJavaClassName(),
- methodToWrap.getIsOverloadedBinding(),
- methodToWrap.getIsJavaMethodStatic(),
- true,
- methodToWrap.forIndirectBufferAndArrayImplementation(),
- methodToWrap.getMachineDescription()
- );
- if (methodToWrap.getReturnValueCapacityExpression() != null) {
- setReturnValueCapacityExpression(methodToWrap.getReturnValueCapacityExpression());
- }
- if (methodToWrap.getReturnValueLengthExpression() != null) {
- setReturnValueLengthExpression(methodToWrap.getReturnValueLengthExpression());
+ if (methodToWrap.getReturnValueLengthExpression() != null) {
+ setReturnValueLengthExpression(methodToWrap.getReturnValueLengthExpression());
+ }
+ setTemporaryCVariableDeclarations(methodToWrap.getTemporaryCVariableDeclarations());
+ setTemporaryCVariableAssignments(methodToWrap.getTemporaryCVariableAssignments());
+ setCommentEmitter(defaultCommentEmitter);
+ this.callThroughProcAddress = callThroughProcAddress;
+ this.needsLocalTypedef = needsLocalTypedef;
+ this.localTypedefCallingConvention = localTypedefCallingConvention;
+ this.emitter = emitter;
- setTemporaryCVariableDeclarations(methodToWrap.getTemporaryCVariableDeclarations());
- setTemporaryCVariableAssignments (methodToWrap.getTemporaryCVariableAssignments ());
- setCommentEmitter(defaultCommentEmitter);
- this.callThroughProcAddress = callThroughProcAddress;
- this.needsLocalTypedef = needsLocalTypedef;
- this.localTypedefCallingConvention = localTypedefCallingConvention;
- this.emitter = emitter;
- }
- protected int emitArguments(PrintWriter writer) {
- int numEmitted = super.emitArguments(writer);
- if (callThroughProcAddress) {
- if (numEmitted > 0)
- {
- writer.print(", ");
+ @Override
+ protected int emitArguments(PrintWriter writer) {
+ int numEmitted = super.emitArguments(writer);
+ if (callThroughProcAddress) {
+ if (numEmitted > 0) {
+ writer.print(", ");
+ }
+ writer.print(procAddressJavaTypeName);
+ writer.print(" procAddress");
+ ++numEmitted;
- writer.print(procAddressJavaTypeName);
- writer.print(" procAddress");
- ++numEmitted;
+ return numEmitted;
- return numEmitted;
- }
- protected void emitBodyVariableDeclarations(PrintWriter writer) {
- if (callThroughProcAddress) {
- // create variable for the function pointer with the right type, and set
- // it to the value of the passed-in proc address
- FunctionSymbol cSym = getBinding().getCSymbol();
- String funcPointerTypedefName =
- emitter.getFunctionPointerTypedefName(cSym);
- if (needsLocalTypedef) {
- // We (probably) didn't get a typedef for this function
- // pointer type in the header file; the user requested that we
- // forcibly generate one. Here we force the emission of one.
- PointerType funcPtrType = new PointerType(null, cSym.getType(), 0);
- // Just for safety, emit this name slightly differently than
- // the mangling would otherwise produce
- funcPointerTypedefName = "_local_" + funcPointerTypedefName;
- writer.print(" typedef ");
- writer.print(funcPtrType.toString(funcPointerTypedefName, localTypedefCallingConvention));
- writer.println(";");
- }
- writer.print(" ");
- writer.print(funcPointerTypedefName);
- writer.print(" ptr_");
- writer.print(cSym.getName());
- writer.println(";");
+ @Override
+ protected void emitBodyVariableDeclarations(PrintWriter writer) {
+ if (callThroughProcAddress) {
+ // create variable for the function pointer with the right type, and set
+ // it to the value of the passed-in proc address
+ FunctionSymbol cSym = getBinding().getCSymbol();
+ String funcPointerTypedefName =
+ emitter.getFunctionPointerTypedefName(cSym);
+ if (needsLocalTypedef) {
+ // We (probably) didn't get a typedef for this function
+ // pointer type in the header file; the user requested that we
+ // forcibly generate one. Here we force the emission of one.
+ PointerType funcPtrType = new PointerType(null, cSym.getType(), 0);
+ // Just for safety, emit this name slightly differently than
+ // the mangling would otherwise produce
+ funcPointerTypedefName = "_local_" + funcPointerTypedefName;
+ writer.print(" typedef ");
+ writer.print(funcPtrType.toString(funcPointerTypedefName, localTypedefCallingConvention));
+ writer.println(";");
+ }
+ writer.print(" ");
+ writer.print(funcPointerTypedefName);
+ writer.print(" ptr_");
+ writer.print(cSym.getName());
+ writer.println(";");
+ }
+ super.emitBodyVariableDeclarations(writer);
- super.emitBodyVariableDeclarations(writer);
- }
+ @Override
+ protected void emitBodyVariablePreCallSetup(PrintWriter writer) {
+ super.emitBodyVariablePreCallSetup(writer);
- protected void emitBodyVariablePreCallSetup(PrintWriter writer) {
- super.emitBodyVariablePreCallSetup(writer);
+ if (callThroughProcAddress) {
+ // set the function pointer to the value of the passed-in procAddress
+ FunctionSymbol cSym = getBinding().getCSymbol();
+ String funcPointerTypedefName = emitter.getFunctionPointerTypedefName(cSym);
+ if (needsLocalTypedef) {
+ funcPointerTypedefName = "_local_" + funcPointerTypedefName;
+ }
- if (callThroughProcAddress) {
- // set the function pointer to the value of the passed-in procAddress
- FunctionSymbol cSym = getBinding().getCSymbol();
- String funcPointerTypedefName = emitter.getFunctionPointerTypedefName(cSym);
- if (needsLocalTypedef) {
- funcPointerTypedefName = "_local_" + funcPointerTypedefName;
- }
+ String ptrVarName = "ptr_" + cSym.getName();
- String ptrVarName = "ptr_" + cSym.getName();
- writer.print(" ");
- writer.print(ptrVarName);
- writer.print(" = (");
- writer.print(funcPointerTypedefName);
- writer.println(") (intptr_t) procAddress;");
+ writer.print(" ");
+ writer.print(ptrVarName);
+ writer.print(" = (");
+ writer.print(funcPointerTypedefName);
+ writer.println(") (intptr_t) procAddress;");
- writer.println(" assert(" + ptrVarName + " != NULL);");
+ writer.println(" assert(" + ptrVarName + " != NULL);");
+ }
- }
- protected void emitBodyCallCFunction(PrintWriter writer) {
- if (!callThroughProcAddress) {
- super.emitBodyCallCFunction(writer);
- } else {
- // Make the call to the actual C function
- writer.print(" ");
- // WARNING: this code assumes that the return type has already been
- // typedef-resolved.
- Type cReturnType = binding.getCReturnType();
- if (!cReturnType.isVoid()) {
- writer.print("_res = ");
- }
- MethodBinding binding = getBinding();
- if (binding.hasContainingType()) {
- // FIXME: this can and should be handled and unified with the
- // associated code in the CMethodBindingEmitter
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call through function pointer because binding has containing type: " + binding);
- }
- // call throught the run-time function pointer
- writer.print("(* ptr_");
- writer.print(binding.getCSymbol().getName());
- writer.print(") ");
- writer.print("(");
- emitBodyPassCArguments(writer);
- writer.println(");");
+ @Override
+ protected void emitBodyCallCFunction(PrintWriter writer) {
+ if (!callThroughProcAddress) {
+ super.emitBodyCallCFunction(writer);
+ } else {
+ // Make the call to the actual C function
+ writer.print(" ");
+ // WARNING: this code assumes that the return type has already been
+ // typedef-resolved.
+ Type cReturnType = binding.getCReturnType();
+ if (!cReturnType.isVoid()) {
+ writer.print("_res = ");
+ }
+ MethodBinding mBinding = getBinding();
+ if (mBinding.hasContainingType()) {
+ // FIXME: this can and should be handled and unified with the
+ // associated code in the CMethodBindingEmitter
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call through function pointer because binding has containing type: " + mBinding);
+ }
+ // call throught the run-time function pointer
+ writer.print("(* ptr_");
+ writer.print(mBinding.getCSymbol().getName());
+ writer.print(") ");
+ writer.print("(");
+ emitBodyPassCArguments(writer);
+ writer.println(");");
+ }
- }
- protected String jniMangle(MethodBinding binding) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(super.jniMangle(binding));
- if (callThroughProcAddress) {
- jniMangle(Long.TYPE, buf, false); // to account for the additional _addr_ parameter
+ @Override
+ protected String jniMangle(MethodBinding binding) {
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(super.jniMangle(binding));
+ if (callThroughProcAddress) {
+ jniMangle(Long.TYPE, buf, false); // to account for the additional _addr_ parameter
+ }
+ return buf.toString();
- return buf.toString();
- }