path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java
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authorMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
committerMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
commitc5068e42758aeecbd0a3fbf4c2e2b755661e950e (patch)
tree5aa658bb3998103499d6bcfdecd2a5b13459a3f0 /src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java
parent5cef76666685a4dc94324c2463a4dba53950071c (diff)
refactoring and code cleanup in gluegen.opengl and gluegen.procaddress package.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java
index e9ae750..006287e 100644
--- a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLEmitter.java
@@ -36,11 +36,9 @@
* Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
* and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
package com.sun.gluegen.opengl;
import java.io.*;
-import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.gluegen.*;
import com.sun.gluegen.cgram.types.*;
@@ -53,417 +51,405 @@ import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames;
public class GLEmitter extends ProcAddressEmitter {
- // Keeps track of which MethodBindings were created for handling
- // Buffer Object variants. Used as a Set rather than a Map.
- private Map<MethodBinding, MethodBinding> bufferObjectMethodBindings = new IdentityHashMap<MethodBinding, MethodBinding>();
- static class BufferObjectKind {
- private BufferObjectKind() {}
- static final BufferObjectKind UNPACK_PIXEL = new BufferObjectKind();
- static final BufferObjectKind PACK_PIXEL = new BufferObjectKind();
- static final BufferObjectKind ARRAY = new BufferObjectKind();
- static final BufferObjectKind ELEMENT = new BufferObjectKind();
- }
- @Override
- public void beginEmission(GlueEmitterControls controls) throws IOException {
- getGLConfig().parseGLHeaders(controls);
- renameExtensionsIntoCore();
- if (getGLConfig().getAutoUnifyExtensions()) {
- unifyExtensions(controls);
- }
- super.beginEmission(controls);
- }
- protected void renameExtensionsIntoCore() {
- // This method handles renaming of entire extensions into the
- // OpenGL core namespace. For example, it is used to move certain
- // OpenGL ES (OES) extensions into the core namespace which are
- // already in the core namespace in desktop OpenGL. It builds upon
- // renaming mechanisms that are built elsewhere.
- GLConfiguration config = getGLConfig();
- Set<String> extensionsRenamedIntoCore = config.getExtensionsRenamedIntoCore();
- BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = config.getGLInfo();
- if(null==glInfo) {
- if(extensionsRenamedIntoCore.size()>0) {
- throw new RuntimeException("ExtensionRenamedIntoCore (num: "+extensionsRenamedIntoCore.size()+"), but no GLHeader");
+ // Keeps track of which MethodBindings were created for handling
+ // Buffer Object variants. Used as a Set rather than a Map.
+ private Map<MethodBinding, MethodBinding> bufferObjectMethodBindings = new IdentityHashMap<MethodBinding, MethodBinding>();
+ @Override
+ public void beginEmission(GlueEmitterControls controls) throws IOException {
+ getGLConfig().parseGLHeaders(controls);
+ renameExtensionsIntoCore();
+ if (getGLConfig().getAutoUnifyExtensions()) {
+ unifyExtensions(controls);
- return;
+ super.beginEmission(controls);
- for (String extension : extensionsRenamedIntoCore) {
- Set<String> declarations = glInfo.getDeclarations(extension);
- if (declarations != null) {
- for (Iterator i2 = declarations.iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) {
- String decl = (String) i2.next();
- boolean isGLFunction = GLExtensionNames.isGLFunction(decl);
- boolean isGLEnumeration = false;
- if (!isGLFunction) {
- isGLEnumeration = GLExtensionNames.isGLEnumeration(decl);
- }
- if (isGLFunction || isGLEnumeration) {
- String renamed = GLExtensionNames.normalize(decl, isGLFunction);
- if(!renamed.equals(decl)) {
- config.addJavaSymbolRename(decl, renamed);
+ protected void renameExtensionsIntoCore() {
+ // This method handles renaming of entire extensions into the
+ // OpenGL core namespace. For example, it is used to move certain
+ // OpenGL ES (OES) extensions into the core namespace which are
+ // already in the core namespace in desktop OpenGL. It builds upon
+ // renaming mechanisms that are built elsewhere.
+ GLConfiguration config = getGLConfig();
+ Set<String> extensionsRenamedIntoCore = config.getExtensionsRenamedIntoCore();
+ BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = config.getGLInfo();
+ if (null == glInfo) {
+ if (extensionsRenamedIntoCore.size() > 0) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("ExtensionRenamedIntoCore (num: " + extensionsRenamedIntoCore.size() + "), but no GLHeader");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (String extension : extensionsRenamedIntoCore) {
+ Set<String> declarations = glInfo.getDeclarations(extension);
+ if (declarations != null) {
+ for (Iterator<String> iterator = declarations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ String decl = iterator.next();
+ boolean isGLFunction = GLExtensionNames.isGLFunction(decl);
+ boolean isGLEnumeration = false;
+ if (!isGLFunction) {
+ isGLEnumeration = GLExtensionNames.isGLEnumeration(decl);
+ }
+ if (isGLFunction || isGLEnumeration) {
+ String renamed = GLExtensionNames.normalize(decl, isGLFunction);
+ if (!renamed.equals(decl)) {
+ config.addJavaSymbolRename(decl, renamed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class ExtensionUnifier implements SymbolFilter {
- private List<ConstantDefinition> constants;
- private List<FunctionSymbol> functions;
- public void filterSymbols(List<ConstantDefinition> constants,
- List<FunctionSymbol> functions) {
- this.constants = constants;
- this.functions = functions;
- doWork();
- }
- public List<ConstantDefinition> getConstants() {
- return constants;
- }
- public List<FunctionSymbol> getFunctions() {
- return functions;
- }
- private void doWork() {
- BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
- if (glInfo == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Try to retain a "good" ordering for these symbols
- Map<String, ConstantDefinition> constantMap = new LinkedHashMap();
- Map<String, FunctionSymbol> functionMap = new LinkedHashMap();
- for (Iterator iter = constants.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- ConstantDefinition def = (ConstantDefinition) iter.next();
- constantMap.put(def.getName(), def);
- }
- for (Iterator iter = functions.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- FunctionSymbol sym = (FunctionSymbol) iter.next();
- functionMap.put(sym.getName(), sym);
- }
- // Go through all of the declared extensions.
- // For each extension, look at its #define and function symbols.
- // If we find all of the extension's symbols in the core API under
- // non-ARB (or whatever is the suffix) names, then remove this extension
- // from the public API. If it turns out that we are running on hardware
- // that doesn't support the core version of these APIs, the runtime
- // will take care of looking up the extension version of these entry
- // points.
- Set<String> extensionNames = glInfo.getExtensions();
- for (Iterator iter1 = extensionNames.iterator(); iter1.hasNext(); ) {
- String extension = (String) iter1.next();
- Set<String> declarations = glInfo.getDeclarations(extension);
- boolean isExtension = true;
- boolean shouldUnify = true;
- String cause = null;
- for (Iterator iter2 = declarations.iterator(); iter2.hasNext(); ) {
- String decl = (String) iter2.next();
- boolean isFunc = !decl.startsWith("GL_");
- if (!GLExtensionNames.isExtension(decl, isFunc)) {
- isExtension = false;
- break;
- }
- // See whether we're emitting glue code for this
- // entry point or definition at all
- if (isFunc) {
- if (!functionMap.containsKey(decl)) {
- isExtension = false;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (!constantMap.containsKey(decl)) {
- isExtension = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- cause = decl;
- String unifiedName = GLExtensionNames.normalize(decl, isFunc);
- // NOTE that we look up the unified name in the
- // BuildStaticGLInfo's notion of the APIs -- since
- // we might not be emitting glue code for the
- // headers that actually contain the core entry
- // point. Think of the case where we are parsing the
- // GLES2 gl2.h, which contains certain desktop
- // OpenGL extensions that have been moved into the
- // core, but later generating the implementing glue
- // code (not the interface) for the desktop gl.h /
- // glext.h.
- shouldUnify = (glInfo.getExtension(unifiedName) != null);
- // if (isFunc) {
- // shouldUnify = functionMap.containsKey(unifiedName);
- // } else {
- // shouldUnify = constantMap.containsKey(unifiedName);
- // }
- if (!shouldUnify) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (isExtension) {
- if (shouldUnify) {
- for (Iterator iter2 = declarations.iterator(); iter2.hasNext(); ) {
- String decl = (String) iter2.next();
- boolean isFunc = !decl.startsWith("GL_");
- if (isFunc) {
- functionMap.remove(decl);
- } else {
- constantMap.remove(decl);
- }
- }
- System.err.println("INFO: unified extension " + extension + " into core API");
- } else {
- System.err.println("INFO: didn't unify extension " + extension + " into core API because of " + cause);
- }
- }
- }
- constants = new ArrayList();
- for (Iterator iter = constantMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- constants.add(constantMap.get(iter.next()));
- }
- functions = new ArrayList();
- for (Iterator iter = functionMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- functions.add(functionMap.get(iter.next()));
- }
- }
- }
- private void unifyExtensions(GlueEmitterControls controls) {
- controls.runSymbolFilter(new ExtensionUnifier());
- }
- protected JavaConfiguration createConfig() {
- return new GLConfiguration(this);
- }
- /** In order to implement Buffer Object variants of certain
- functions we generate another MethodBinding which maps the void*
- argument to a Java long. The generation of emitters then takes
- place as usual. We do however need to keep track of the modified
- MethodBinding object so that we can also modify the emitters
- later to inform them that their argument has changed. We might
- want to push this functionality down into the MethodBinding
- (i.e., mutators for argument names). We also would need to
- inform the CMethodBindingEmitter that it is overloaded in this
- case (though we default to true currently). */
- protected List<MethodBinding> expandMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
- List<MethodBinding> bindings = super.expandMethodBinding(binding);
- if (!getGLConfig().isBufferObjectFunction(binding.getName())) {
- return bindings;
- List<MethodBinding> newBindings = new ArrayList();
- newBindings.addAll(bindings);
- // Need to expand each one of the generated bindings to take a
- // Java long instead of a Buffer for each void* argument
- for (Iterator iter = bindings.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- MethodBinding cur = (MethodBinding) iter.next();
- // Some of these routines (glBitmap) take strongly-typed
- // primitive pointers as arguments which are expanded into
- // non-void* arguments
- // This test (rather than !signatureUsesNIO) is used to catch
- // more unexpected situations
- if (cur.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays()) {
- continue;
- }
- MethodBinding result = cur;
- for (int i = 0; i < cur.getNumArguments(); i++) {
- if (cur.getJavaArgumentType(i).isNIOBuffer()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.createForClass(Long.TYPE));
+ class ExtensionUnifier implements SymbolFilter {
+ private List<ConstantDefinition> constants;
+ private List<FunctionSymbol> functions;
+ public void filterSymbols(List<ConstantDefinition> constants,
+ List<FunctionSymbol> functions) {
+ this.constants = constants;
+ this.functions = functions;
+ doWork();
- }
- if (result == cur) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error: didn't find any void* arguments for BufferObject function " +
- binding.getName());
- }
+ public List<ConstantDefinition> getConstants() {
+ return constants;
+ }
- newBindings.add(result);
- // Now need to flag this MethodBinding so that we generate the
- // correct flags in the emitters later
- bufferObjectMethodBindings.put(result, result);
+ public List<FunctionSymbol> getFunctions() {
+ return functions;
+ }
+ private void doWork() {
+ BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
+ if (glInfo == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try to retain a "good" ordering for these symbols
+ Map<String, ConstantDefinition> constantMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ConstantDefinition>();
+ for (ConstantDefinition def : constants) {
+ constantMap.put(def.getName(), def);
+ }
+ Map<String, FunctionSymbol> functionMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, FunctionSymbol>();
+ for (FunctionSymbol sym : functions) {
+ functionMap.put(sym.getName(), sym);
+ }
+ // Go through all of the declared extensions.
+ // For each extension, look at its #define and function symbols.
+ // If we find all of the extension's symbols in the core API under
+ // non-ARB (or whatever is the suffix) names, then remove this extension
+ // from the public API. If it turns out that we are running on hardware
+ // that doesn't support the core version of these APIs, the runtime
+ // will take care of looking up the extension version of these entry
+ // points.
+ Set<String> extensionNames = glInfo.getExtensions();
+ for (String extension : extensionNames) {
+ Set<String> declarations = glInfo.getDeclarations(extension);
+ boolean isExtension = true;
+ boolean shouldUnify = true;
+ String cause = null;
+ for (String decl : declarations) {
+ boolean isFunc = !decl.startsWith("GL_");
+ if (!GLExtensionNames.isExtension(decl, isFunc)) {
+ isExtension = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // See whether we're emitting glue code for this
+ // entry point or definition at all
+ if (isFunc) {
+ if (!functionMap.containsKey(decl)) {
+ isExtension = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!constantMap.containsKey(decl)) {
+ isExtension = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cause = decl;
+ String unifiedName = GLExtensionNames.normalize(decl, isFunc);
+ // NOTE that we look up the unified name in the
+ // BuildStaticGLInfo's notion of the APIs -- since
+ // we might not be emitting glue code for the
+ // headers that actually contain the core entry
+ // point. Think of the case where we are parsing the
+ // GLES2 gl2.h, which contains certain desktop
+ // OpenGL extensions that have been moved into the
+ // core, but later generating the implementing glue
+ // code (not the interface) for the desktop gl.h /
+ // glext.h.
+ shouldUnify = (glInfo.getExtension(unifiedName) != null);
+ // if (isFunc) {
+ // shouldUnify = functionMap.containsKey(unifiedName);
+ // } else {
+ // shouldUnify = constantMap.containsKey(unifiedName);
+ // }
+ if (!shouldUnify) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isExtension) {
+ if (shouldUnify) {
+ for (String decl : declarations) {
+ boolean isFunc = !decl.startsWith("GL_");
+ if (isFunc) {
+ functionMap.remove(decl);
+ } else {
+ constantMap.remove(decl);
+ }
+ }
+ System.err.println("INFO: unified extension " + extension + " into core API");
+ } else {
+ System.err.println("INFO: didn't unify extension " + extension + " into core API because of " + cause);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ constants = new ArrayList<ConstantDefinition>(constantMap.values());
+ functions = new ArrayList<FunctionSymbol>(functionMap.values());
+ }
- return newBindings;
- }
+ private void unifyExtensions(GlueEmitterControls controls) {
+ controls.runSymbolFilter(new ExtensionUnifier());
+ }
- protected boolean needsModifiedEmitters(FunctionSymbol sym) {
- if ((!needsProcAddressWrapper(sym) && !needsBufferObjectVariant(sym)) ||
- getConfig().isUnimplemented(sym.getName())) {
- return false;
+ @Override
+ protected JavaConfiguration createConfig() {
+ return new GLConfiguration(this);
- return true;
- }
- public boolean isBufferObjectMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
- return bufferObjectMethodBindings.containsKey(binding);
- }
- public void emitDefine(ConstantDefinition def, String optionalComment) throws Exception {
- BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
- if(null==glInfo) {
- throw new Exception("No GLInfo for: "+def);
- }
- String symbolRenamed = def.getName();
- StringBuffer newComment = new StringBuffer();
- newComment.append("Part of <code>");
- if(0==addExtensionsOfSymbols2Buffer(newComment, ", ", symbolRenamed, def.getAliasedNames())) {
- if(def.isEnum()) {
- String enumName = def.getEnumName();
- if(null!=enumName) {
- newComment.append(enumName);
- } else {
- newComment.append("CORE ENUM");
- }
- } else {
- if(getGLConfig().getAllowNonGLExtensions()) {
- newComment.append("CORE DEF");
- } else {
- // Note: All GL defines must be contained within an extension marker !
- // #ifndef GL_EXT_lala
- // #define GL_EXT_lala 1
- // ...
- // #endif
- if(JavaConfiguration.DEBUG_IGNORES) {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- JavaEmitter.addStrings2Buffer(sb, ", ", symbolRenamed, def.getAliasedNames());
- System.err.println("Dropping marker: "+sb.toString());
- }
- return;
- }
+ /** In order to implement Buffer Object variants of certain
+ functions we generate another MethodBinding which maps the void*
+ argument to a Java long. The generation of emitters then takes
+ place as usual. We do however need to keep track of the modified
+ MethodBinding object so that we can also modify the emitters
+ later to inform them that their argument has changed. We might
+ want to push this functionality down into the MethodBinding
+ (i.e., mutators for argument names). We also would need to
+ inform the CMethodBindingEmitter that it is overloaded in this
+ case (though we default to true currently). */
+ @Override
+ protected List<MethodBinding> expandMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
+ List<MethodBinding> bindings = super.expandMethodBinding(binding);
+ if (!getGLConfig().isBufferObjectFunction(binding.getName())) {
+ return bindings;
- }
- newComment.append("</code>");
- if(null!=optionalComment) {
- newComment.append("<br>");
- newComment.append(optionalComment);
- }
+ List<MethodBinding> newBindings = new ArrayList<MethodBinding>(bindings);
- super.emitDefine(def, newComment.toString());
- }
+ // Need to expand each one of the generated bindings to take a
+ // Java long instead of a Buffer for each void* argument
- public int addExtensionsOfSymbols2Buffer(StringBuffer buf, String sep, String first, Collection col) {
- BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
- if(null==glInfo) {
- throw new RuntimeException("No GLInfo for: "+first);
- }
- int num = 0;
- if(null==buf) buf=new StringBuffer();
- String extensionName;
- Iterator iter=col.iterator();
- if(null!=first) {
- extensionName = glInfo.getExtension(first);
- if(null!=extensionName) {
- buf.append(extensionName);
- if( iter.hasNext() ) {
- buf.append(sep);
+ for (MethodBinding cur : bindings) {
+ // Some of these routines (glBitmap) take strongly-typed
+ // primitive pointers as arguments which are expanded into
+ // non-void* arguments
+ // This test (rather than !signatureUsesNIO) is used to catch
+ // more unexpected situations
+ if (cur.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MethodBinding result = cur;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cur.getNumArguments(); i++) {
+ if (cur.getJavaArgumentType(i).isNIOBuffer()) {
+ result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.createForClass(Long.TYPE));
+ }
- num++;
+ if (result == cur) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error: didn't find any void* arguments for BufferObject function "
+ + binding.getName());
+ }
+ newBindings.add(result);
+ // Now need to flag this MethodBinding so that we generate the
+ // correct flags in the emitters later
+ bufferObjectMethodBindings.put(result, result);
+ return newBindings;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected boolean needsModifiedEmitters(FunctionSymbol sym) {
+ if ((!needsProcAddressWrapper(sym) && !needsBufferObjectVariant(sym))
+ || getConfig().isUnimplemented(sym.getName())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean isBufferObjectMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
+ return bufferObjectMethodBindings.containsKey(binding);
- while( iter.hasNext() ) {
- extensionName = glInfo.getExtension((String)iter.next());
- if(null!=extensionName) {
- buf.append(extensionName);
- if( iter.hasNext() ) {
- buf.append(sep);
+ @Override
+ public void emitDefine(ConstantDefinition def, String optionalComment) throws Exception {
+ BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
+ if (null == glInfo) {
+ throw new Exception("No GLInfo for: " + def);
+ }
+ String symbolRenamed = def.getName();
+ StringBuilder newComment = new StringBuilder();
+ newComment.append("Part of <code>");
+ if (0 == addExtensionsOfSymbols2Buffer(newComment, ", ", symbolRenamed, def.getAliasedNames())) {
+ if (def.isEnum()) {
+ String enumName = def.getEnumName();
+ if (null != enumName) {
+ newComment.append(enumName);
+ } else {
+ newComment.append("CORE ENUM");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (getGLConfig().getAllowNonGLExtensions()) {
+ newComment.append("CORE DEF");
+ } else {
+ // Note: All GL defines must be contained within an extension marker !
+ // #ifndef GL_EXT_lala
+ // #define GL_EXT_lala 1
+ // ...
+ // #endif
+ if (JavaConfiguration.DEBUG_IGNORES) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ JavaEmitter.addStrings2Buffer(sb, ", ", symbolRenamed, def.getAliasedNames());
+ System.err.println("Dropping marker: " + sb.toString());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
- num++;
+ newComment.append("</code>");
+ if (null != optionalComment) {
+ newComment.append("<br>");
+ newComment.append(optionalComment);
+ }
+ super.emitDefine(def, newComment.toString());
- return num;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Internals only below this point
- //
+ public int addExtensionsOfSymbols2Buffer(StringBuilder buf, String sep, String first, Collection<String> col) {
+ BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo = getGLConfig().getGLInfo();
+ if (null == glInfo) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No GLInfo for: " + first);
+ }
+ int num = 0;
+ if (null == buf) {
+ buf = new StringBuilder();
+ }
+ String extensionName;
+ Iterator<String> iter = col.iterator();
+ if (null != first) {
+ extensionName = glInfo.getExtension(first);
+ if (null != extensionName) {
+ buf.append(extensionName);
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ buf.append(sep);
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ extensionName = glInfo.getExtension(iter.next());
+ if (null != extensionName) {
+ buf.append(extensionName);
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ buf.append(sep);
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ return num;
+ }
- protected void generateModifiedEmitters(JavaMethodBindingEmitter baseJavaEmitter, List emitters) {
- List superEmitters = new ArrayList();
- super.generateModifiedEmitters(baseJavaEmitter, superEmitters);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Internals only below this point
+ //
+ @Override
+ protected void generateModifiedEmitters(JavaMethodBindingEmitter baseJavaEmitter, List<FunctionEmitter> emitters) {
+ List<FunctionEmitter> superEmitters = new ArrayList<FunctionEmitter>();
+ super.generateModifiedEmitters(baseJavaEmitter, superEmitters);
- // See whether this is one of the Buffer Object variants
- boolean bufferObjectVariant = bufferObjectMethodBindings.containsKey(baseJavaEmitter.getBinding());
+ // See whether this is one of the Buffer Object variants
+ boolean bufferObjectVariant = bufferObjectMethodBindings.containsKey(baseJavaEmitter.getBinding());
- for (Iterator iter = superEmitters.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- JavaMethodBindingEmitter emitter = (JavaMethodBindingEmitter) iter.next();
- if (emitter instanceof ProcAddressJavaMethodBindingEmitter) {
- emitter = new GLJavaMethodBindingEmitter((ProcAddressJavaMethodBindingEmitter) emitter, this, bufferObjectVariant);
+ for (FunctionEmitter emitter : superEmitters) {
+ if (emitter instanceof ProcAddressJavaMethodBindingEmitter) {
+ emitter = new GLJavaMethodBindingEmitter((ProcAddressJavaMethodBindingEmitter) emitter, this, bufferObjectVariant);
+ }
+ emitters.add(emitter);
- emitters.add(emitter);
- }
- protected boolean needsBufferObjectVariant(FunctionSymbol sym) {
- return getGLConfig().isBufferObjectFunction(sym.getName());
- }
- protected GLConfiguration getGLConfig() {
- return (GLConfiguration) getConfig();
- }
- protected void endProcAddressTable() throws Exception
- {
- PrintWriter w = tableWriter;
- w.println(" /**");
- w.println(" * This is a convenience method to get (by name) the native function");
- w.println(" * pointer for a given function. It lets you avoid having to");
- w.println(" * manually compute the &quot;" + PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX + " + ");
- w.println(" * &lt;functionName&gt;&quot; member variable name and look it up via");
- w.println(" * reflection; it also will throw an exception if you try to get the");
- w.println(" * address of an unknown function, or one that is statically linked");
- w.println(" * and therefore does not have a function pointer in this table.");
- w.println(" *");
- w.println(" * @throws RuntimeException if the function pointer was not found in");
- w.println(" * this table, either because the function was unknown or because");
- w.println(" * it was statically linked.");
- w.println(" */");
- w.println(" public long getAddressFor(String functionNameUsr) {");
- w.println(" String functionNameBase = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.normalizeVEN(com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.normalizeARB(functionNameUsr, true), true);");
- w.println(" String addressFieldNameBase = " + getProcAddressConfig().gluegenRuntimePackage() + ".ProcAddressHelper.PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX + functionNameBase;");
- w.println(" java.lang.reflect.Field addressField = null;");
- w.println(" int funcNamePermNum = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.getFuncNamePermutationNumber(functionNameBase);");
- w.println(" for(int i = 0; null==addressField && i < funcNamePermNum; i++) {");
- w.println(" String addressFieldName = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.getFuncNamePermutation(addressFieldNameBase, i);");
- w.println(" try {");
- w.println(" addressField = getClass().getField(addressFieldName);");
- w.println(" } catch (Exception e) { }");
- w.println(" }");
- w.println("");
- w.println(" if(null==addressField) {");
- w.println(" // The user is calling a bogus function or one which is not");
- w.println(" // runtime linked");
- w.println(" throw new RuntimeException(");
- w.println(" \"WARNING: Address field query failed for \\\"\" + functionNameBase + \"\\\"/\\\"\" + functionNameUsr +");
- w.println(" \"\\\"; it's either statically linked or address field is not a known \" +");
- w.println(" \"function\");");
- w.println(" } ");
- w.println(" try {");
- w.println(" return addressField.getLong(this);");
- w.println(" } catch (Exception e) {");
- w.println(" throw new RuntimeException(");
- w.println(" \"WARNING: Address query failed for \\\"\" + functionNameBase + \"\\\"/\\\"\" + functionNameUsr +");
- w.println(" \"\\\"; it's either statically linked or is not a known \" +");
- w.println(" \"function\", e);");
- w.println(" }");
- w.println(" }");
- w.println("} // end of class " + tableClassName);
- w.flush();
- w.close();
- }
+ protected boolean needsBufferObjectVariant(FunctionSymbol sym) {
+ return getGLConfig().isBufferObjectFunction(sym.getName());
+ }
+ protected GLConfiguration getGLConfig() {
+ return (GLConfiguration) getConfig();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void endProcAddressTable() throws Exception {
+ PrintWriter w = tableWriter;
+ w.println(" /**");
+ w.println(" * This is a convenience method to get (by name) the native function");
+ w.println(" * pointer for a given function. It lets you avoid having to");
+ w.println(" * manually compute the &quot;" + PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX + " + ");
+ w.println(" * &lt;functionName&gt;&quot; member variable name and look it up via");
+ w.println(" * reflection; it also will throw an exception if you try to get the");
+ w.println(" * address of an unknown function, or one that is statically linked");
+ w.println(" * and therefore does not have a function pointer in this table.");
+ w.println(" *");
+ w.println(" * @throws RuntimeException if the function pointer was not found in");
+ w.println(" * this table, either because the function was unknown or because");
+ w.println(" * it was statically linked.");
+ w.println(" */");
+ w.println(" public long getAddressFor(String functionNameUsr) {");
+ w.println(" String functionNameBase = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.normalizeVEN(com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.normalizeARB(functionNameUsr, true), true);");
+ w.println(" String addressFieldNameBase = " + getProcAddressConfig().gluegenRuntimePackage() + ".ProcAddressHelper.PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX + functionNameBase;");
+ w.println(" java.lang.reflect.Field addressField = null;");
+ w.println(" int funcNamePermNum = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.getFuncNamePermutationNumber(functionNameBase);");
+ w.println(" for(int i = 0; null==addressField && i < funcNamePermNum; i++) {");
+ w.println(" String addressFieldName = com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames.getFuncNamePermutation(addressFieldNameBase, i);");
+ w.println(" try {");
+ w.println(" addressField = getClass().getField(addressFieldName);");
+ w.println(" } catch (Exception e) { }");
+ w.println(" }");
+ w.println("");
+ w.println(" if(null==addressField) {");
+ w.println(" // The user is calling a bogus function or one which is not");
+ w.println(" // runtime linked");
+ w.println(" throw new RuntimeException(");
+ w.println(" \"WARNING: Address field query failed for \\\"\" + functionNameBase + \"\\\"/\\\"\" + functionNameUsr +");
+ w.println(" \"\\\"; it's either statically linked or address field is not a known \" +");
+ w.println(" \"function\");");
+ w.println(" } ");
+ w.println(" try {");
+ w.println(" return addressField.getLong(this);");
+ w.println(" } catch (Exception e) {");
+ w.println(" throw new RuntimeException(");
+ w.println(" \"WARNING: Address query failed for \\\"\" + functionNameBase + \"\\\"/\\\"\" + functionNameUsr +");
+ w.println(" \"\\\"; it's either statically linked or is not a known \" +");
+ w.println(" \"function\", e);");
+ w.println(" }");
+ w.println(" }");
+ w.println("} // end of class " + tableClassName);
+ w.flush();
+ w.close();
+ }