path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java
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authorMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
committerMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-03-31 19:05:36 +0200
commitc5068e42758aeecbd0a3fbf4c2e2b755661e950e (patch)
tree5aa658bb3998103499d6bcfdecd2a5b13459a3f0 /src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java
parent5cef76666685a4dc94324c2463a4dba53950071c (diff)
refactoring and code cleanup in gluegen.opengl and gluegen.procaddress package.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java
index 6d08a10..d712e90 100755
--- a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java
+++ b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/opengl/GLConfiguration.java
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
* Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
* and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
package com.sun.gluegen.opengl;
import java.io.*;
@@ -47,30 +46,33 @@ import com.sun.gluegen.procaddress.*;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLExtensionNames;
public class GLConfiguration extends ProcAddressConfiguration {
- // The following data members support ignoring an entire extension at a time
- private List<String> glHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
- private Set<String> ignoredExtensions = new HashSet<String>();
- private Set<String> extensionsRenamedIntoCore = new HashSet<String>();
- private BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo;
- // Maps function names to the kind of buffer object it deals with
- private Map<String,GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind> bufferObjectKinds = new HashMap<String,GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind>();
- private GLEmitter emitter;
- private Set<String> dropUniqVendorExtensions = new HashSet<String>();
- // This directive is off by default but can help automatically
- // indicate which extensions have been folded into the core OpenGL
- // namespace, and if not, then why not
- private boolean autoUnifyExtensions=false;
- private boolean allowNonGLExtensions=false;
- public GLConfiguration(GLEmitter emitter) {
- super();
- this.emitter = emitter;
- try {
- setProcAddressNameExpr("PFN $UPPERCASE({0}) PROC");
- } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error configuring ProcAddressNameExpr", e);
+ // The following data members support ignoring an entire extension at a time
+ private List<String> glHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
+ private Set<String> ignoredExtensions = new HashSet<String>();
+ private Set<String> extensionsRenamedIntoCore = new HashSet<String>();
+ private BuildStaticGLInfo glInfo;
+ // Maps function names to the kind of buffer object it deals with
+ private Map<String, GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind> bufferObjectKinds = new HashMap<String, GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind>();
+ private GLEmitter emitter;
+ private Set<String> dropUniqVendorExtensions = new HashSet<String>();
+ // This directive is off by default but can help automatically
+ // indicate which extensions have been folded into the core OpenGL
+ // namespace, and if not, then why not
+ private boolean autoUnifyExtensions = false;
+ private boolean allowNonGLExtensions = false;
+ public GLConfiguration(GLEmitter emitter) {
+ super();
+ this.emitter = emitter;
+ try {
+ setProcAddressNameExpr("PFN $UPPERCASE({0}) PROC");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error configuring ProcAddressNameExpr", e);
+ }
- }
protected void dispatch(String cmd, StringTokenizer tok, File file, String filename, int lineNo) throws IOException {
@@ -97,199 +99,198 @@ public class GLConfiguration extends ProcAddressConfiguration {
- protected void readBufferObjectKind(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
- try {
- String kindString = tok.nextToken();
- GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind kind = null;
- String target = tok.nextToken();
- if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("UnpackPixel")) {
- kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.UNPACK_PIXEL;
- } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("PackPixel")) {
- kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.PACK_PIXEL;
- } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("Array")) {
- kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ARRAY;
- } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("Element")) {
- kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ELEMENT;
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"BufferObjectKind\" command at line " + lineNo +
- " in file \"" + filename + "\": illegal BufferObjectKind \"" +
- kindString + "\", expected one of UnpackPixel, PackPixel, Array, or Element");
- }
- bufferObjectKinds.put(target, kind);
- } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"BufferObjectKind\" command at line " + lineNo +
- " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);
- }
- }
- /** Overrides javaPrologueForMethod in superclass and
- automatically generates prologue code for functions associated
- with buffer objects. */
- @Override
- public List<String> javaPrologueForMethod(MethodBinding binding, boolean forImplementingMethodCall, boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) {
- List<String> res = super.javaPrologueForMethod(binding, forImplementingMethodCall, eraseBufferAndArrayTypes);
- GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind kind = getBufferObjectKind(binding.getName());
- if (kind != null) {
- // Need to generate appropriate prologue based on both buffer
- // object kind and whether this variant of the MethodBinding
- // is the one accepting a "long" as argument
- //
- // NOTE we MUST NOT mutate the array returned from the super
- // call!
- ArrayList<String> res2 = new ArrayList<String>();
- if (res != null) {
- res2.addAll(res);
- }
- res = res2;
- String prologue = "check";
- if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.UNPACK_PIXEL) {
- prologue = prologue + "UnpackPBO";
- } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.PACK_PIXEL) {
- prologue = prologue + "PackPBO";
- } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ARRAY) {
- prologue = prologue + "ArrayVBO";
- } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ELEMENT) {
- prologue = prologue + "ElementVBO";
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown BufferObjectKind " + kind);
- }
- if (emitter.isBufferObjectMethodBinding(binding)) {
- prologue = prologue + "Enabled";
- } else {
- prologue = prologue + "Disabled";
- }
- prologue = prologue + "(true);";
- res.add(0, prologue);
- // Must also filter out bogus rangeCheck directives for VBO/PBO
- // variants
- if (emitter.isBufferObjectMethodBinding(binding)) {
- for (Iterator<String> iter = res.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- String line = iter.next();
- if (line.indexOf("Buffers.rangeCheck") >= 0) {
- iter.remove();
- }
+ protected void readBufferObjectKind(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
+ try {
+ String kindString = tok.nextToken();
+ GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind kind = null;
+ String target = tok.nextToken();
+ if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("UnpackPixel")) {
+ kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.UNPACK_PIXEL;
+ } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("PackPixel")) {
+ kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.PACK_PIXEL;
+ } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("Array")) {
+ kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ARRAY;
+ } else if (kindString.equalsIgnoreCase("Element")) {
+ kind = GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ELEMENT;
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"BufferObjectKind\" command at line " + lineNo
+ + " in file \"" + filename + "\": illegal BufferObjectKind \""
+ + kindString + "\", expected one of UnpackPixel, PackPixel, Array, or Element");
+ }
+ bufferObjectKinds.put(target, kind);
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"BufferObjectKind\" command at line " + lineNo
+ + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);
- }
- return res;
- }
+ /** Overrides javaPrologueForMethod in superclass and
+ automatically generates prologue code for functions associated
+ with buffer objects. */
+ @Override
+ public List<String> javaPrologueForMethod(MethodBinding binding, boolean forImplementingMethodCall, boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) {
+ List<String> res = super.javaPrologueForMethod(binding, forImplementingMethodCall, eraseBufferAndArrayTypes);
+ GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind kind = getBufferObjectKind(binding.getName());
+ if (kind != null) {
+ // Need to generate appropriate prologue based on both buffer
+ // object kind and whether this variant of the MethodBinding
+ // is the one accepting a "long" as argument
+ //
+ // NOTE we MUST NOT mutate the array returned from the super
+ // call!
+ ArrayList<String> res2 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ if (res != null) {
+ res2.addAll(res);
+ }
+ res = res2;
+ String prologue = "check";
+ if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.UNPACK_PIXEL) {
+ prologue = prologue + "UnpackPBO";
+ } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.PACK_PIXEL) {
+ prologue = prologue + "PackPBO";
+ } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ARRAY) {
+ prologue = prologue + "ArrayVBO";
+ } else if (kind == GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind.ELEMENT) {
+ prologue = prologue + "ElementVBO";
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown BufferObjectKind " + kind);
+ }
+ if (emitter.isBufferObjectMethodBinding(binding)) {
+ prologue = prologue + "Enabled";
+ } else {
+ prologue = prologue + "Disabled";
+ }
+ prologue = prologue + "(true);";
- @Override
- public void dumpIgnores() {
- System.err.println("GL Ignored extensions: ");
- for (String str : ignoredExtensions) {
- System.err.println("\t"+str);
+ res.add(0, prologue);
+ // Must also filter out bogus rangeCheck directives for VBO/PBO
+ // variants
+ if (emitter.isBufferObjectMethodBinding(binding)) {
+ for (Iterator<String> iter = res.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String line = iter.next();
+ if (line.indexOf("Buffers.rangeCheck") >= 0) {
+ iter.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dumpIgnores() {
+ System.err.println("GL Ignored extensions: ");
+ for (String str : ignoredExtensions) {
+ System.err.println("\t" + str);
+ }
+ super.dumpIgnores();
- super.dumpIgnores();
- }
- protected boolean shouldIgnoreExtension(String symbol, boolean criteria) {
- if (criteria && glInfo != null) {
- String extension = glInfo.getExtension(symbol);
- if (extension != null &&
- ignoredExtensions.contains(extension)) {
- return true;
- }
- boolean isGLEnum = GLExtensionNames.isGLEnumeration(symbol);
- boolean isGLFunc = GLExtensionNames.isGLFunction(symbol);
- if(isGLFunc || isGLEnum) {
- if(GLExtensionNames.isExtensionVEN(symbol, isGLFunc)) {
- String extSuffix = GLExtensionNames.getExtensionSuffix(symbol, isGLFunc);
- if( getDropUniqVendorExtensions(extSuffix) ) {
- System.err.println("Ignore UniqVendorEXT: "+symbol+", vendor "+extSuffix);
+ protected boolean shouldIgnoreExtension(String symbol, boolean criteria) {
+ if (criteria && glInfo != null) {
+ String extension = glInfo.getExtension(symbol);
+ if (extension != null
+ && ignoredExtensions.contains(extension)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ boolean isGLEnum = GLExtensionNames.isGLEnumeration(symbol);
+ boolean isGLFunc = GLExtensionNames.isGLFunction(symbol);
+ if (isGLFunc || isGLEnum) {
+ if (GLExtensionNames.isExtensionVEN(symbol, isGLFunc)) {
+ String extSuffix = GLExtensionNames.getExtensionSuffix(symbol, isGLFunc);
+ if (getDropUniqVendorExtensions(extSuffix)) {
+ System.err.println("Ignore UniqVendorEXT: " + symbol + ", vendor " + extSuffix);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- return true;
- }
- }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(String symbol) {
+ return shouldIgnoreInInterface(symbol, true);
+ }
+ public boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(String symbol, boolean checkEXT) {
+ return shouldIgnoreExtension(symbol, checkEXT) || super.shouldIgnoreInInterface(symbol);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl(String symbol) {
+ return shouldIgnoreInImpl(symbol, true);
+ }
+ public boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl(String symbol, boolean checkEXT) {
+ return shouldIgnoreExtension(symbol, checkEXT) || super.shouldIgnoreInImpl(symbol);
+ }
+ /** Should we automatically ignore extensions that have already been
+ fully subsumed into the OpenGL core namespace, and if they have
+ not been, indicate which definition is not already in the core? */
+ public boolean getAutoUnifyExtensions() {
+ return autoUnifyExtensions;
+ }
+ /** If true, accept all non encapsulated defines and functions,
+ * as it is mandatory for GL declarations. */
+ public boolean getAllowNonGLExtensions() {
+ return allowNonGLExtensions;
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(String symbol) {
- return shouldIgnoreInInterface(symbol, true);
- }
- public boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(String symbol, boolean checkEXT) {
- return shouldIgnoreExtension(symbol, checkEXT) || super.shouldIgnoreInInterface(symbol);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl(String symbol) {
- return shouldIgnoreInImpl(symbol, true);
- }
- public boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl(String symbol, boolean checkEXT) {
- return shouldIgnoreExtension(symbol, checkEXT) || super.shouldIgnoreInImpl(symbol);
- }
- /** Should we automatically ignore extensions that have already been
- fully subsumed into the OpenGL core namespace, and if they have
- not been, indicate which definition is not already in the core? */
- public boolean getAutoUnifyExtensions() {
- return autoUnifyExtensions;
- }
- /** If true, accept all non encapsulated defines and functions,
- * as it is mandatory for GL declarations. */
- public boolean getAllowNonGLExtensions() {
- return allowNonGLExtensions;
- }
- /** shall the non unified (uniq) vendor extensions be dropped ? */
- public boolean getDropUniqVendorExtensions(String extName) {
- return dropUniqVendorExtensions.contains(extName);
- }
- /** Returns the kind of buffer object this function deals with, or
- null if none. */
- GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind getBufferObjectKind(String name) {
- return bufferObjectKinds.get(name);
- }
- public boolean isBufferObjectFunction(String name) {
- return (getBufferObjectKind(name) != null);
- }
- /** Parses any GL headers specified in the configuration file for
- the purpose of being able to ignore an extension at a time. */
- public void parseGLHeaders(GlueEmitterControls controls) throws IOException {
- if (!glHeaders.isEmpty()) {
- glInfo = new BuildStaticGLInfo();
- for (String file : glHeaders) {
- String fullPath = controls.findHeaderFile(file);
- if (fullPath == null) {
- throw new IOException("Unable to locate header file \"" + file + "\"");
+ /** shall the non unified (uniq) vendor extensions be dropped ? */
+ public boolean getDropUniqVendorExtensions(String extName) {
+ return dropUniqVendorExtensions.contains(extName);
+ }
+ /** Returns the kind of buffer object this function deals with, or
+ null if none. */
+ GLEmitter.BufferObjectKind getBufferObjectKind(String name) {
+ return bufferObjectKinds.get(name);
+ }
+ public boolean isBufferObjectFunction(String name) {
+ return (getBufferObjectKind(name) != null);
+ }
+ /** Parses any GL headers specified in the configuration file for
+ the purpose of being able to ignore an extension at a time. */
+ public void parseGLHeaders(GlueEmitterControls controls) throws IOException {
+ if (!glHeaders.isEmpty()) {
+ glInfo = new BuildStaticGLInfo();
+ for (String file : glHeaders) {
+ String fullPath = controls.findHeaderFile(file);
+ if (fullPath == null) {
+ throw new IOException("Unable to locate header file \"" + file + "\"");
+ }
+ glInfo.parse(fullPath);
+ }
- glInfo.parse(fullPath);
- }
- }
- /** Returns the information about the association between #defines,
- function symbols and the OpenGL extensions they are defined
- in. */
- public BuildStaticGLInfo getGLInfo() {
- return glInfo;
- }
- /** Returns the OpenGL extensions that should have all of their
- constant definitions and functions renamed into the core
- namespace; for example, glGenFramebuffersEXT to
- glGenFramebuffers and GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT to GL_FRAMEBUFFER. */
- public Set<String> getExtensionsRenamedIntoCore() {
- return extensionsRenamedIntoCore;
- }
+ /** Returns the information about the association between #defines,
+ function symbols and the OpenGL extensions they are defined
+ in. */
+ public BuildStaticGLInfo getGLInfo() {
+ return glInfo;
+ }
+ /** Returns the OpenGL extensions that should have all of their
+ constant definitions and functions renamed into the core
+ namespace; for example, glGenFramebuffersEXT to
+ glGenFramebuffers and GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT to GL_FRAMEBUFFER. */
+ public Set<String> getExtensionsRenamedIntoCore() {
+ return extensionsRenamedIntoCore;
+ }