path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2010-11-06 23:13:39 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2010-11-06 23:13:39 +0100
commit6f2d046c8d532db94f6af5003e341104d5bf4aff (patch)
tree723c31b8f9c1097ae48486acbf68e4e06fab2517 /src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
parentec6d61f4597af32c22319c4bda3c9dd9ab80bf25 (diff)
Renamed com.sun.gluegen -> com.jogamp.gluegen
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1950 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc07b0..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1950 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
- *
- * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
- * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
- * facility.
- *
- * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
- * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
- */
-package com.sun.gluegen;
-import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
-import com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLookupHelper;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.text.MessageFormat;
-import com.sun.gluegen.cgram.types.*;
-import java.nio.Buffer;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import static java.util.logging.Level.*;
-import static com.sun.gluegen.JavaEmitter.MethodAccess.*;
-// - what if something returns 'const int *'? Could we
-// return an IntBuffer that has read-only behavior? Or do we copy the array
-// (but we don't know its size!). What do we do if it returns a non-const
-// int*? Should the user be allowed to write back to the returned pointer?
-// - Non-const array types must be properly released with JNI_COMMIT
-// in order to see side effects if the array was copied.
-public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
- private StructLayout layout;
- private TypeDictionary typedefDictionary;
- private TypeDictionary structDictionary;
- private Map<Type, Type> canonMap;
- protected JavaConfiguration cfg;
- /**
- * Style of code emission. Can emit everything into one class
- * (AllStatic), separate interface and implementing classes
- * (InterfaceAndImpl), only the interface (InterfaceOnly), or only
- * the implementation (ImplOnly).
- */
- public enum EmissionStyle {AllStatic, InterfaceAndImpl, InterfaceOnly, ImplOnly};
- /**
- * Access control for emitted Java methods.
- */
- private PrintWriter javaWriter; // Emits either interface or, in AllStatic mode, everything
- private PrintWriter javaImplWriter; // Only used in non-AllStatic modes for impl class
- private PrintWriter cWriter;
- private MachineDescription machDesc32;
- private MachineDescription machDesc64;
- protected final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JavaEmitter.class.getPackage().getName());
- public void readConfigurationFile(String filename) throws Exception {
- cfg = createConfig();
- cfg.read(filename);
- }
- public void setMachineDescription(MachineDescription md32, MachineDescription md64) {
- if ((md32 == null) && (md64 == null)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must specify at least one MachineDescription");
- }
- machDesc32 = md32;
- machDesc64 = md64;
- }
- class ConstantRenamer implements SymbolFilter {
- private List<ConstantDefinition> constants;
- public void filterSymbols(List<ConstantDefinition> constants, List<FunctionSymbol> functions) {
- this.constants = constants;
- doWork();
- }
- public List<ConstantDefinition> getConstants() {
- return constants;
- }
- public List<FunctionSymbol> getFunctions() {
- return null;
- }
- private void doWork() {
- List<ConstantDefinition> newConstants = new ArrayList<ConstantDefinition>();
- JavaConfiguration cfg = getConfig();
- for (ConstantDefinition def : constants) {
- def.rename(cfg.getJavaSymbolRename(def.getName()));
- newConstants.add(def);
- }
- constants = newConstants;
- }
- }
- public void beginEmission(GlueEmitterControls controls) throws IOException {
- // Request emission of any structs requested
- for (String structs : cfg.forcedStructs()) {
- controls.forceStructEmission(structs);
- }
- if (!cfg.structsOnly()) {
- try {
- openWriters();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unable to open files for writing", e);
- }
- emitAllFileHeaders();
- // Handle renaming of constants
- controls.runSymbolFilter(new ConstantRenamer());
- }
- }
- public void endEmission() {
- if (!cfg.structsOnly()) {
- emitAllFileFooters();
- try {
- closeWriters();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unable to close open files", e);
- }
- }
- }
- public void beginDefines() throws Exception {
- if ((cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) && !cfg.structsOnly()) {
- javaWriter().println();
- }
- }
- protected static int getJavaRadix(String name, String value) {
- // FIXME: need to handle when type specifier is in last char (e.g.,
- // "1.0d or 2759L", because parseXXX() methods don't allow the type
- // specifier character in the string.
- //
- //char lastChar = value.charAt(value.length()-1);
- try {
- // see if it's a long or int
- int radix;
- String parseValue;
- // FIXME: are you allowed to specify hex/octal constants with
- // negation, e.g. "-0xFF" or "-056"? If so, need to modify the
- // following "if(..)" checks and parseValue computation
- if (value.startsWith("0x") || value.startsWith("0X")) {
- radix = 16;
- parseValue = value.substring(2);
- }
- else if (value.startsWith("0") && value.length() > 1) {
- // TODO: is "0" the prefix in C to indicate octal???
- radix = 8;
- parseValue = value.substring(1);
- }
- else {
- radix = 10;
- parseValue = value;
- }
- //System.err.println("parsing " + value + " as long w/ radix " + radix);
- long longVal = Long.parseLong(parseValue, radix);
- return radix;
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- try {
- // see if it's a double or float
- double dVal = Double.parseDouble(value);
- return 10;
- } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot emit define \""+name+"\": value \""+value+
- "\" cannot be assigned to a int, long, float, or double", e2);
- }
- }
- }
- protected static Object getJavaValue(String name, String value) {
- // "calculates" the result type of a simple expression
- // example: (2+3)-(2.0f-3.0) -> Double
- // example: (1 << 2) -> Integer
- Scanner scanner = new Scanner(value).useDelimiter("[+-/*/></(/)]");
- Object resultType = null;
- while (scanner.hasNext()) {
- String t = scanner.next().trim();
- if(0<t.length()) {
- Object type = getJavaValue2(name, t);
- //fast path
- if(type instanceof Double)
- return type;
- if(resultType != null) {
- if(resultType instanceof Integer) {
- if(type instanceof Long || type instanceof Float || type instanceof Double)
- resultType = type;
- }else if(resultType instanceof Long) {
- if(type instanceof Float || type instanceof Double)
- resultType = type;
- }else if(resultType instanceof Float) {
- if(type instanceof Float)
- resultType = type;
- }
- }else{
- resultType = type;
- }
- //fast path
- if(resultType instanceof Double)
- return type;
- }
- }
- return resultType;
- }
- private static Object getJavaValue2(String name, String value) {
- // FIXME: need to handle when type specifier is in last char (e.g.,
- // "1.0d or 2759L", because parseXXX() methods don't allow the type
- // specifier character in the string.
- //
- char lastChar = value.charAt(value.length()-1);
- try {
- // see if it's a long or int
- int radix;
- String parseValue;
- // FIXME: are you allowed to specify hex/octal constants with
- // negation, e.g. "-0xFF" or "-056"? If so, need to modify the
- // following "if(..)" checks and parseValue computation
- if (value.startsWith("0x") || value.startsWith("0X")) {
- radix = 16;
- parseValue = value.substring(2);
- } else if (value.startsWith("0") && value.length() > 1) {
- // TODO: is "0" the prefix in C to indicate octal???
- radix = 8;
- parseValue = value.substring(1);
- } else {
- radix = 10;
- parseValue = value;
- }
- if(lastChar == 'u' || lastChar == 'U') {
- parseValue = parseValue.substring(0, parseValue.length()-1);
- }
- //System.err.println("parsing " + value + " as long w/ radix " + radix);
- long longVal = Long.parseLong(parseValue, radix);
- // if constant is small enough, store it as an int instead of a long
- if (longVal > Integer.MIN_VALUE && longVal < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
- return (int)longVal;
- }
- return longVal;
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- try {
- // see if it's a double or float
- double dVal = Double.parseDouble(value);
- double absVal = Math.abs(dVal);
- // if constant is small enough, store it as a float instead of a double
- if (absVal < Float.MIN_VALUE || absVal > Float.MAX_VALUE) {
- return new Double(dVal);
- }
- return new Float((float) dVal);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot emit define \""+name+"\": value \""+value+
- "\" cannot be assigned to a int, long, float, or double", e2);
- }
- }
- }
- protected static String getJavaType(String name, String value) {
- Object oval = getJavaValue(name, value);
- return getJavaType(name, oval);
- }
- protected static String getJavaType(String name, Object oval) {
- if(oval instanceof Integer) {
- return "int";
- } else if(oval instanceof Long) {
- return "long";
- } else if(oval instanceof Float) {
- return "float";
- } else if(oval instanceof Double) {
- return "double";
- }
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot emit define (2) \""+name+"\": value \""+oval+
- "\" cannot be assigned to a int, long, float, or double");
- }
- public void emitDefine(ConstantDefinition def, String optionalComment) throws Exception {
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- // TODO: Some defines (e.g., GL_DOUBLE_EXT in gl.h) are defined in terms
- // of other defines -- should we emit them as references to the original
- // define (not even sure if the lexer supports this)? Right now they're
- // emitted as the numeric value of the original definition. If we decide
- // emit them as references we'll also have to emit them in the correct
- // order. It's probably not an issue right now because the emitter
- // currently only emits only numeric defines -- if it handled #define'd
- // objects it would make a bigger difference.
- String name = def.getName();
- String value = def.getValue();
- if (!cfg.shouldIgnoreInInterface(name)) {
- String type = getJavaType(name, value);
- if (optionalComment != null && optionalComment.length() != 0) {
- javaWriter().println(" /** " + optionalComment + " */");
- }
- String suffix = "";
- if(!value.endsWith(")")) {
- if (type.equals("float") && !value.endsWith("f")) {
- suffix = "f";
- }else if(value.endsWith("u") || value.endsWith("U")) {
- value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1);
- }
- }
- javaWriter().println(" public static final " + type + " " + name + " = " + value + suffix + ";");
- }
- }
- }
- public void endDefines() throws Exception {
- }
- public void beginFunctions(TypeDictionary typedefDictionary,
- TypeDictionary structDictionary,
- Map<Type, Type> canonMap) throws Exception {
- this.typedefDictionary = typedefDictionary;
- this.structDictionary = structDictionary;
- this.canonMap = canonMap;
- if ((cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) && !cfg.structsOnly()) {
- javaWriter().println();
- }
- }
- public Iterator<FunctionSymbol> emitFunctions(List<FunctionSymbol> originalCFunctions) throws Exception {
- // Sometimes headers will have the same function prototype twice, once
- // with the argument names and once without. We'll remember the signatures
- // we've already processed we don't generate duplicate bindings.
- //
- // Note: this code assumes that on the equals() method in FunctionSymbol
- // only considers function name and argument types (i.e., it does not
- // consider argument *names*) when comparing FunctionSymbols for equality
- Set<FunctionSymbol> funcsToBindSet = new HashSet<FunctionSymbol>(100);
- for (FunctionSymbol cFunc : originalCFunctions) {
- if (!funcsToBindSet.contains(cFunc)) {
- funcsToBindSet.add(cFunc);
- }
- }
- // validateFunctionsToBind(funcsToBindSet);
- ArrayList<FunctionSymbol> funcsToBind = new ArrayList<FunctionSymbol>(funcsToBindSet);
- // sort functions to make them easier to find in native code
- Collections.sort(funcsToBind, new Comparator<FunctionSymbol>() {
- public int compare(FunctionSymbol o1, FunctionSymbol o2) {
- return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
- }
- });
- // Bind all the C funcs to Java methods
- HashSet<MethodBinding> methodBindingSet = new HashSet<MethodBinding>();
- ArrayList<FunctionEmitter> methodBindingEmitters = new ArrayList<FunctionEmitter>(2*funcsToBind.size());
- for (FunctionSymbol cFunc : funcsToBind) {
- // Check to see whether this function should be ignored
- if (!cfg.shouldIgnoreInImpl(cFunc.getName())) {
- methodBindingEmitters.addAll(generateMethodBindingEmitters(methodBindingSet, cFunc));
- }
- }
- // Emit all the methods
- for (FunctionEmitter emitter : methodBindingEmitters) {
- try {
- if (!emitter.isInterface() || !cfg.shouldIgnoreInInterface(emitter.getName())) {
- emitter.emit();
- emitter.getDefaultOutput().println(); // put newline after method body
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Error while emitting binding for \"" + emitter.getName() + "\"", e);
- }
- }
- // Return the list of FunctionSymbols that we generated gluecode for
- return funcsToBind.iterator();
- }
- /**
- * Create the object that will read and store configuration information for
- * this JavaEmitter.
- */
- protected JavaConfiguration createConfig() {
- return new JavaConfiguration();
- }
- /**
- * Get the configuration information for this JavaEmitter.
- */
- protected JavaConfiguration getConfig() {
- return cfg;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the public emitters for this MethodBinding which will
- * produce either simply signatures (for the interface class, if
- * any) or function definitions with or without a body (depending on
- * whether or not the implementing function can go directly to
- * native code because it doesn't need any processing of the
- * outgoing arguments).
- */
- protected void generatePublicEmitters(MethodBinding binding,
- List<FunctionEmitter> allEmitters,
- boolean signatureOnly) {
- PrintWriter writer = ((signatureOnly || cfg.allStatic()) ? javaWriter() : javaImplWriter());
- if (cfg.manuallyImplement(binding.getName()) && !signatureOnly) {
- // We only generate signatures for manually-implemented methods;
- // user provides the implementation
- return;
- }
- MethodAccess accessControl = cfg.accessControl(binding.getName());
- // We should not emit anything except public APIs into interfaces
- if (signatureOnly && (accessControl != PUBLIC)) {
- return;
- }
- // It's possible we may not need a body even if signatureOnly is
- // set to false; for example, if the routine doesn't take any
- // arrays or buffers as arguments
- boolean isUnimplemented = cfg.isUnimplemented(binding.getName());
- List<String> prologue = cfg.javaPrologueForMethod(binding, false, false);
- List<String> epilogue = cfg.javaEpilogueForMethod(binding, false, false);
- boolean needsBody = (isUnimplemented ||
- (binding.needsNIOWrappingOrUnwrapping() ||
- binding.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays()) ||
- (prologue != null) ||
- (epilogue != null));
- JavaMethodBindingEmitter emitter =
- new JavaMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- writer,
- cfg.runtimeExceptionType(),
- cfg.unsupportedExceptionType(),
- !signatureOnly && needsBody,
- cfg.tagNativeBinding(),
- false,
- cfg.nioDirectOnly(binding.getName()),
- false,
- false,
- false,
- isUnimplemented,
- signatureOnly,
- cfg);
- switch (accessControl) {
- case PUBLIC: emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PUBLIC); break;
- case PROTECTED: emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PROTECTED); break;
- case PRIVATE: emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PRIVATE); break;
- default: break; // package-private adds no modifiers
- }
- if (cfg.allStatic()) {
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.STATIC);
- }
- if (!isUnimplemented && !needsBody && !signatureOnly) {
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.NATIVE);
- }
- emitter.setReturnedArrayLengthExpression(cfg.returnedArrayLength(binding.getName()));
- emitter.setPrologue(prologue);
- emitter.setEpilogue(epilogue);
- allEmitters.add(emitter);
- }
- /**
- * Generates the private emitters for this MethodBinding. On the
- * Java side these will simply produce signatures for native
- * methods. On the C side these will create the emitters which will
- * write the JNI code to interface to the functions. We need to be
- * careful to make the signatures all match up and not produce too
- * many emitters which would lead to compilation errors from
- * creating duplicated methods / functions.
- */
- protected void generatePrivateEmitters(MethodBinding binding,
- List<FunctionEmitter> allEmitters) {
- if (cfg.manuallyImplement(binding.getName())) {
- // Don't produce emitters for the implementation class
- return;
- }
- boolean hasPrologueOrEpilogue =
- ((cfg.javaPrologueForMethod(binding, false, false) != null) ||
- (cfg.javaEpilogueForMethod(binding, false, false) != null));
- // If we already generated a public native entry point for this
- // method, don't emit another one
- if (!cfg.isUnimplemented(binding.getName()) &&
- (binding.needsNIOWrappingOrUnwrapping() ||
- binding.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays() ||
- hasPrologueOrEpilogue)) {
- PrintWriter writer = (cfg.allStatic() ? javaWriter() : javaImplWriter());
- // If the binding uses primitive arrays, we are going to emit
- // the private native entry point for it along with the version
- // taking only NIO buffers
- if (!binding.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays()) {
- // (Always) emit the entry point taking only direct buffers
- JavaMethodBindingEmitter emitter =
- new JavaMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- writer,
- cfg.runtimeExceptionType(),
- cfg.unsupportedExceptionType(),
- false,
- cfg.tagNativeBinding(),
- true,
- cfg.nioDirectOnly(binding.getName()),
- true,
- true,
- false,
- false,
- false,
- cfg);
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PRIVATE);
- if (cfg.allStatic()) {
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.STATIC);
- }
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.NATIVE);
- emitter.setReturnedArrayLengthExpression(cfg.returnedArrayLength(binding.getName()));
- allEmitters.add(emitter);
- }
- }
- // Now generate the C emitter(s). We need to produce one for every
- // Java native entry point (public or private). The only
- // situations where we don't produce one are (a) when the method
- // is unimplemented, and (b) when the signature contains primitive
- // arrays, since the latter is handled by the method binding
- // variant taking only NIO Buffers.
- if (!cfg.isUnimplemented(binding.getName()) &&
- !binding.signatureUsesJavaPrimitiveArrays()) {
- CMethodBindingEmitter cEmitter;
- // Generate a binding without mixed access (NIO-direct, -indirect, array)
- cEmitter =
- new CMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- cWriter(),
- cfg.implPackageName(),
- cfg.implClassName(),
- true, // NOTE: we always disambiguate with a suffix now, so this is optional
- cfg.allStatic(),
- (binding.needsNIOWrappingOrUnwrapping() || hasPrologueOrEpilogue),
- !cfg.nioDirectOnly(binding.getName()),
- machDesc64);
- prepCEmitter(binding, cEmitter);
- allEmitters.add(cEmitter);
- }
- }
- protected void prepCEmitter(MethodBinding binding, CMethodBindingEmitter cEmitter)
- {
- // See whether we need an expression to help calculate the
- // length of any return type
- JavaType javaReturnType = binding.getJavaReturnType();
- if (javaReturnType.isNIOBuffer() ||
- javaReturnType.isCompoundTypeWrapper()) {
- // See whether capacity has been specified
- String capacity = cfg.returnValueCapacity(binding.getName());
- if (capacity != null) {
- cEmitter.setReturnValueCapacityExpression( new MessageFormat(capacity) );
- }
- } else if (javaReturnType.isArray() ||
- javaReturnType.isArrayOfCompoundTypeWrappers()) {
- // NOTE: adding a check here because the CMethodBindingEmitter
- // also doesn't yet handle returning scalar arrays. In order
- // to implement this, return the type as a Buffer instead
- // (i.e., IntBuffer, FloatBuffer) and add code as necessary.
- if (javaReturnType.isPrimitiveArray()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Primitive array return types not yet supported");
- }
- // See whether length has been specified
- String len = cfg.returnValueLength(binding.getName());
- if (len != null) {
- cEmitter.setReturnValueLengthExpression( new MessageFormat(len) );
- }
- }
- cEmitter.setTemporaryCVariableDeclarations(cfg.temporaryCVariableDeclarations(binding.getName()));
- cEmitter.setTemporaryCVariableAssignments(cfg.temporaryCVariableAssignments(binding.getName()));
- }
- /**
- * Generate all appropriate Java bindings for the specified C function
- * symbols.
- */
- protected List<? extends FunctionEmitter> generateMethodBindingEmitters(Set<MethodBinding> methodBindingSet, FunctionSymbol sym) throws Exception {
- ArrayList<FunctionEmitter> allEmitters = new ArrayList<FunctionEmitter>();
- try {
- // Get Java binding for the function
- MethodBinding mb = bindFunction(sym, null, null, machDesc64);
- // JavaTypes representing C pointers in the initial
- // MethodBinding have not been lowered yet to concrete types
- List<MethodBinding> bindings = expandMethodBinding(mb);
- for (MethodBinding binding : bindings) {
- if(!methodBindingSet.add(binding)) {
- // skip .. already exisiting binding ..
- continue;
- }
- if (cfg.allStatic() && binding.hasContainingType()) {
- // This should not currently happen since structs are emitted using a different mechanism
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create binding in AllStatic mode because method has containing type: \"" +
- binding + "\"");
- }
- // The structure of the generated glue code looks something like this:
- // Simple method (no arrays, void pointers, etc.):
- // Interface class:
- // public void fooMethod();
- // Implementation class:
- // public native void fooMethod();
- //
- // Method taking void* argument:
- // Interface class:
- // public void fooMethod(Buffer arg);
- // Implementation class:
- // public void fooMethod(Buffer arg) {
- // ... bounds checks, etc. ...
- //
- // boolean arg_direct = arg != null && Buffers.isDirect(arg);
- //
- // fooMethod0(arg_direct?arg:Buffers.getArray(arg),
- // arg_direct?Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(arg):Buffers.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(arg),
- // arg_direct,
- // ... );
- // }
- // private native void fooMethod1(Object arg, int arg_byte_offset, boolean arg_is_direct, ...);
- //
- // Method taking primitive array argument:
- // Interface class:
- // public void fooMethod(int[] arg, int arg_offset);
- // public void fooMethod(IntBuffer arg);
- // Implementing class:
- // public void fooMethod(int[] arg, int arg_offset) {
- // ... range checks, etc. ...
- // fooMethod1(arg, SIZEOF_INT * arg_offset);
- // }
- // public void fooMethod(IntBuffer arg) {
- // ... bounds checks, etc. ...
- //
- // boolean arg_direct = BufferFactory.isDirect(arg);
- //
- // fooMethod1(arg_direct?arg:BufferFactory.getArray(arg),
- // arg_direct?BufferFactory.getDirectBufferByteOffset(arg):BufferFactory.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(arg),
- // arg_direct,
- // ... );
- // }
- // private native void fooMethod1(Object arg, int arg_byte_offset, boolean arg_is_direct, ...);
- //
- // Note in particular that the public entry point taking an
- // array is merely a special case of the indirect buffer case.
- if (cfg.emitInterface()) {
- generatePublicEmitters(binding, allEmitters, true);
- }
- if (cfg.emitImpl()) {
- generatePublicEmitters(binding, allEmitters, false);
- generatePrivateEmitters(binding, allEmitters);
- }
- } // end iteration over expanded bindings
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while generating bindings for \"" + sym + "\"", e);
- }
- return allEmitters;
- }
- public void endFunctions() throws Exception {
- if (!cfg.structsOnly()) {
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- emitCustomJavaCode(javaWriter(), cfg.className());
- }
- if (!cfg.allStatic() && cfg.emitImpl()) {
- emitCustomJavaCode(javaImplWriter(), cfg.implClassName());
- }
- }
- }
- public void beginStructLayout() throws Exception {}
- public void layoutStruct(CompoundType t) throws Exception {
- getLayout().layout(t);
- }
- public void endStructLayout() throws Exception {}
- public void beginStructs(TypeDictionary typedefDictionary,
- TypeDictionary structDictionary,
- Map<Type, Type> canonMap) throws Exception {
- this.typedefDictionary = typedefDictionary;
- this.structDictionary = structDictionary;
- this.canonMap = canonMap;
- }
- public void emitStruct(CompoundType structType, String alternateName) throws Exception {
- // Emit abstract base class delegating to 32-bit or 64-bit implementations
- emitStructImpl(structType, alternateName, machDesc32, machDesc64, true, false);
- // Emit concrete implementing class for each variant
- emitStructImpl(structType, alternateName, machDesc32, machDesc64, false, true);
- emitStructImpl(structType, alternateName, machDesc32, machDesc64, false, false);
- }
- public void emitStructImpl(CompoundType structType,
- String alternateName,
- MachineDescription md32,
- MachineDescription md64,
- boolean doBaseClass,
- boolean do32Bit) throws Exception {
- String name = structType.getName();
- if (name == null && alternateName != null) {
- name = alternateName;
- }
- if (name == null) {
- LOG.log(WARNING, "skipping emission of unnamed struct \"{0}\"", structType);
- return;
- }
- if (cfg.shouldIgnoreInInterface(name)) {
- return;
- }
- Type containingCType = canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER, structType, 0));
- JavaType containingType = typeToJavaType(containingCType, false, null);
- if (!containingType.isCompoundTypeWrapper()) {
- return;
- }
- String containingTypeName = containingType.getName();
- if ((md32 == null) || (md64 == null)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must supply both 32- and 64-bit MachineDescriptions to emitStructImpl");
- }
- String suffix = "";
- // The "external" MachineDescription is the one used to determine
- // the sizes of the primitive types seen in the public API. For
- // example, if a C long is an element of a struct, it is the size
- // of a Java int on a 32-bit machine but the size of a Java long
- // on a 64-bit machine. To support both of these sizes with the
- // same API, the abstract base class must take and return a Java
- // long from the setter and getter for this field. However the
- // implementation on a 32-bit platform must downcast this to an
- // int and set only an int's worth of data in the struct. The
- // "internal" MachineDescription is the one used to determine how
- // much data to set in or get from the struct and exactly from
- // where it comes.
- //
- // Note that the 64-bit MachineDescription is always used as the
- // external MachineDescription.
- MachineDescription extMachDesc = md64;
- MachineDescription intMachDesc = null;
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- if (do32Bit) {
- intMachDesc = md32;
- suffix = "32";
- } else {
- intMachDesc = md64;
- suffix = "64";
- }
- }
- boolean needsNativeCode = false;
- // Native code for calls through function pointers gets emitted
- // into the abstract base class; Java code which accesses fields
- // gets emitted into the concrete classes
- if (doBaseClass) {
- for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumFields(); i++) {
- if (structType.getField(i).getType().isFunctionPointer()) {
- needsNativeCode = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- String structClassPkg = cfg.packageForStruct(name);
- PrintWriter writer = null;
- PrintWriter newWriter = null;
- try {
- writer = openFile(
- cfg.javaOutputDir() + File.separator +
- CodeGenUtils.packageAsPath(structClassPkg) +
- File.separator + containingTypeName + suffix + ".java");
- CodeGenUtils.emitAutogeneratedWarning(writer, this);
- if (needsNativeCode) {
- String nRoot = cfg.nativeOutputDir();
- if (cfg.nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy()) {
- nRoot += File.separator + CodeGenUtils.packageAsPath(cfg.packageName());
- }
- newWriter = openFile(nRoot + File.separator + containingTypeName + "_JNI.c");
- CodeGenUtils.emitAutogeneratedWarning(newWriter, this);
- emitCHeader(newWriter, containingTypeName);
- }
- } catch(Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unable to open files for emission of struct class", e);
- }
- writer.println();
- writer.println("package " + structClassPkg + ";");
- writer.println();
- writer.println("import java.nio.*;");
- writer.println();
- writer.println("import " + cfg.gluegenRuntimePackage() + ".*;");
- writer.println("import " + DynamicLookupHelper.class.getPackage().getName() + ".*;");
- writer.println("import " + Buffers.class.getPackage().getName() + ".*;");
- writer.println();
- List<String> imports = cfg.imports();
- for (String str : imports) {
- writer.print("import ");
- writer.print(str);
- writer.println(";");
- }
- writer.println();
- List<String> javadoc = cfg.javadocForClass(containingTypeName);
- for (String doc : javadoc) {
- writer.println(doc);
- }
- writer.print((doBaseClass ? "public " : "") + (doBaseClass ? "abstract " : "") + "class " + containingTypeName + suffix + " ");
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- writer.print("extends " + containingTypeName + " ");
- }
- boolean firstIteration = true;
- List<String> userSpecifiedInterfaces = cfg.implementedInterfaces(containingTypeName);
- for (String userInterface : userSpecifiedInterfaces) {
- if (firstIteration) {
- writer.print("implements ");
- }
- firstIteration = false;
- writer.print(userInterface);
- writer.print(" ");
- }
- writer.println("{");
- writer.println();
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(" StructAccessor accessor;");
- writer.println();
- }
- writer.println(" public static int size() {");
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(" if (Platform.is32Bit()) {");
- writer.println(" return " + containingTypeName + "32" + ".size();");
- writer.println(" } else {");
- writer.println(" return " + containingTypeName + "64" + ".size();");
- writer.println(" }");
- } else {
- writer.println(" return " + structType.getSize(intMachDesc) + ";");
- }
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println();
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(" public static " + containingTypeName + " create() {");
- writer.println(" return create(Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size()));");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println();
- writer.println(" public static " + containingTypeName + " create(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {");
- writer.println(" if (Platform.is32Bit()) {");
- writer.println(" return new " + containingTypeName + "32(buf);");
- writer.println(" } else {");
- writer.println(" return new " + containingTypeName + "64(buf);");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println();
- writer.println(" " + containingTypeName + "(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {");
- writer.println(" accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println();
- writer.println(" public java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer() {");
- writer.println(" return accessor.getBuffer();");
- writer.println(" }");
- } else {
- writer.println(" " + containingTypeName + suffix + "(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {");
- writer.println(" super(buf);");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumFields(); i++) {
- Field field = structType.getField(i);
- Type fieldType = field.getType();
- if (!cfg.shouldIgnoreInInterface(name + " " + field.getName())) {
- String renamed = cfg.getJavaSymbolRename(field.getName());
- String fieldName = renamed==null ? field.getName() : renamed;
- if (fieldType.isFunctionPointer()) {
- if (doBaseClass) {
- try {
- // Emit method call and associated native code
- FunctionType funcType = fieldType.asPointer().getTargetType().asFunction();
- FunctionSymbol funcSym = new FunctionSymbol(fieldName, funcType);
- MethodBinding binding = bindFunction(funcSym, containingType, containingCType, machDesc64);
- binding.findThisPointer(); // FIXME: need to provide option to disable this on per-function basis
- writer.println();
- // Emit public Java entry point for calling this function pointer
- JavaMethodBindingEmitter emitter =
- new JavaMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- writer,
- cfg.runtimeExceptionType(),
- cfg.unsupportedExceptionType(),
- true,
- cfg.tagNativeBinding(),
- false,
- true, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false,
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false,
- cfg);
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PUBLIC);
- emitter.emit();
- // Emit private native Java entry point for calling this function pointer
- emitter =
- new JavaMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- writer,
- cfg.runtimeExceptionType(),
- cfg.unsupportedExceptionType(),
- false,
- cfg.tagNativeBinding(),
- true,
- true, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- true,
- true, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- false,
- cfg);
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.PRIVATE);
- emitter.addModifier(JavaMethodBindingEmitter.NATIVE);
- emitter.emit();
- // Emit (private) C entry point for calling this function pointer
- CMethodBindingEmitter cEmitter =
- new CMethodBindingEmitter(binding,
- newWriter,
- structClassPkg,
- containingTypeName,
- true, // FIXME: this is optional at this point
- false,
- true,
- false, // FIXME: should unify this with the general emission code
- machDesc64);
- prepCEmitter(binding, cEmitter);
- cEmitter.emit();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- System.err.println("While processing field " + field + " of type " + name + ":");
- throw(e);
- }
- }
- } else if (fieldType.isCompound()) {
- // FIXME: will need to support this at least in order to
- // handle the union in jawt_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo (fabricate
- // a name?)
- if (fieldType.getName() == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Anonymous structs as fields not supported yet (field \"" +
- field + "\" in type \"" + name + "\")");
- }
- writer.println();
- generateGetterSignature(writer, doBaseClass, fieldType.getName(), capitalizeString(fieldName));
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(";");
- } else {
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.println(" return " + fieldType.getName() + ".create(accessor.slice(" +
- field.getOffset(intMachDesc) + ", " + fieldType.getSize(intMachDesc) + "));");
- writer.println(" }");
- }
- } else if (fieldType.isArray()) {
- Type baseElementType = field.getType().asArray().getBaseElementType();
- if(!baseElementType.isPrimitive())
- break;
- String paramType = typeToJavaType(baseElementType, false, extMachDesc).getName();
- String capitalized = capitalizeString(fieldName);
- int slot = -1;
- if(!doBaseClass) {
- slot = slot(fieldType, (int) field.getOffset(intMachDesc), intMachDesc);
- }
- // Setter
- writer.println();
- generateSetterSignature(writer, doBaseClass, containingTypeName, capitalized, paramType+"[]");
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(";");
- } else {
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.print (" accessor.set" + capitalizeString(paramType) + "sAt(" + slot + ", ");
- writer.println("val);");
- writer.println(" return this;");
- writer.println(" }");
- }
- writer.println();
- // Getter
- generateGetterSignature(writer, doBaseClass, paramType+"[]", capitalized);
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(";");
- } else {
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.print (" return ");
- writer.println("accessor.get" + capitalizeString(paramType) + "sAt(" + slot + ", new " +paramType+"["+fieldType.asArray().getLength()+"]);");
- writer.println(" }");
- }
- } else {
- JavaType internalJavaType = null;
- JavaType externalJavaType = null;
- try {
- externalJavaType = typeToJavaType(fieldType, false, extMachDesc);
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- internalJavaType = typeToJavaType(fieldType, false, intMachDesc);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- System.err.println("Error occurred while creating accessor for field \"" +
- field.getName() + "\" in type \"" + name + "\"");
- throw(e);
- }
- if (externalJavaType.isPrimitive()) {
- // Primitive type
- String externalJavaTypeName = null;
- String internalJavaTypeName = null;
- externalJavaTypeName = externalJavaType.getName();
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- internalJavaTypeName = internalJavaType.getName();
- }
- if (isOpaque(fieldType)) {
- externalJavaTypeName = compatiblePrimitiveJavaTypeName(fieldType, externalJavaType, extMachDesc);
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- internalJavaTypeName = compatiblePrimitiveJavaTypeName(fieldType, internalJavaType, intMachDesc);
- }
- }
- String capitalized = null;
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- capitalized = capitalizeString(internalJavaTypeName);
- }
- int slot = -1;
- if (!doBaseClass) {
- slot = slot(fieldType, (int) field.getOffset(intMachDesc), intMachDesc);
- }
- writer.println();
- String capitalizedFieldName = capitalizeString(fieldName);
- // Setter
- generateSetterSignature(writer, doBaseClass, containingTypeName, capitalizedFieldName, externalJavaTypeName);
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(";");
- } else {
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.print (" accessor.set" + capitalized + "At(" + slot + ", ");
- if (!externalJavaTypeName.equals(internalJavaTypeName)) {
- writer.print("(" + internalJavaTypeName + ") ");
- }
- writer.println("val);");
- writer.println(" return this;");
- writer.println(" }");
- }
- writer.println();
- // Getter
- generateGetterSignature(writer, doBaseClass, externalJavaTypeName, capitalizedFieldName);
- if (doBaseClass) {
- writer.println(";");
- } else {
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.print (" return ");
- if (!externalJavaTypeName.equals(internalJavaTypeName)) {
- writer.print("(" + externalJavaTypeName + ") ");
- }
- writer.println("accessor.get" + capitalized + "At(" + slot + ");");
- writer.println(" }");
- }
- } else {
- // FIXME
- LOG.log(WARNING, "Complicated fields (field \"{0}\" of type \"{1}\") not implemented yet", new Object[]{field, name});
- // throw new RuntimeException("Complicated fields (field \"" + field + "\" of type \"" + t +
- // "\") not implemented yet");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (doBaseClass) {
- emitCustomJavaCode(writer, containingTypeName);
- }
- writer.println("}");
- writer.flush();
- writer.close();
- if (needsNativeCode) {
- newWriter.flush();
- newWriter.close();
- }
- }
- public void endStructs() throws Exception {}
- public static int addStrings2Buffer(StringBuilder buf, String sep, String first, Collection<String> col) {
- int num = 0;
- if(null==buf) {
- buf = new StringBuilder();
- }
- Iterator<String> iter = col.iterator();
- if(null!=first) {
- buf.append(first);
- if( iter.hasNext() ) {
- buf.append(sep);
- }
- num++;
- }
- while( iter.hasNext() ) {
- buf.append(iter.next());
- if( iter.hasNext() ) {
- buf.append(sep);
- }
- num++;
- }
- return num;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Internals only below this point
- //
- private void generateGetterSignature(PrintWriter writer, boolean baseClass, String returnTypeName, String capitalizedFieldName) {
- writer.print(" public " + (baseClass ? "abstract " : "") + returnTypeName + " get" + capitalizedFieldName + "()");
- }
- private void generateSetterSignature(PrintWriter writer, boolean baseClass, String returnTypeName, String capitalizedFieldName, String paramTypeName) {
- writer.print(" public " + (baseClass ? "abstract " : "") + returnTypeName + " set" + capitalizedFieldName + "(" + paramTypeName + " val)");
- }
- private JavaType typeToJavaType(Type cType, boolean outgoingArgument, MachineDescription curMachDesc) {
- // Recognize JNIEnv* case up front
- PointerType opt = cType.asPointer();
- if ((opt != null) &&
- (opt.getTargetType().getName() != null) &&
- (opt.getTargetType().getName().equals("JNIEnv"))) {
- return JavaType.createForJNIEnv();
- }
- Type t = cType;
- // Opaque specifications override automatic conversions
- // in case the identity is being used .. not if ptr-ptr
- TypeInfo info = cfg.typeInfo(t, typedefDictionary);
- if (info != null) {
- boolean isPointerPointer = false;
- if (t.pointerDepth() > 0 || t.arrayDimension() > 0) {
- Type targetType; // target type
- if (t.isPointer()) {
- // t is <type>*, we need to get <type>
- targetType = t.asPointer().getTargetType();
- } else {
- // t is <type>[], we need to get <type>
- targetType = t.asArray().getElementType();
- }
- if (t.pointerDepth() == 2 || t.arrayDimension() == 2) {
- // Get the target type of the target type (targetType was computer earlier
- // as to be a pointer to the target type, so now we need to get its
- // target type)
- if (targetType.isPointer()) {
- isPointerPointer = true;
- // t is<type>**, targetType is <type>*, we need to get <type>
- Type bottomType = targetType.asPointer().getTargetType();
- LOG.log(INFO, "Opaque Type: {0}, targetType: {1}, bottomType: {2} is ptr-ptr", new Object[]{t, targetType, bottomType});
- }
- }
- }
- if(!isPointerPointer) {
- return info.javaType();
- }
- }
- if (t.isInt() || t.isEnum()) {
- switch ((int) t.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
- case 1: return javaType(Byte.TYPE);
- case 2: return javaType(Short.TYPE);
- case 4: return javaType(Integer.TYPE);
- case 8: return javaType(Long.TYPE);
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown integer type of size " +
- t.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + t.getName());
- }
- } else if (t.isFloat()) {
- return javaType(Float.TYPE);
- } else if (t.isDouble()) {
- return javaType(Double.TYPE);
- } else if (t.isVoid()) {
- return javaType(Void.TYPE);
- } else {
- if (t.pointerDepth() > 0 || t.arrayDimension() > 0) {
- Type targetType; // target type
- if (t.isPointer()) {
- // t is <type>*, we need to get <type>
- targetType = t.asPointer().getTargetType();
- } else {
- // t is <type>[], we need to get <type>
- targetType = t.asArray().getElementType();
- }
- // Handle Types of form pointer-to-type or array-of-type, like
- // char* or int[]; these are expanded out into Java primitive
- // arrays, NIO buffers, or both in expandMethodBinding
- if (t.pointerDepth() == 1 || t.arrayDimension() == 1) {
- if (targetType.isVoid()) {
- return JavaType.createForVoidPointer();
- } else if (targetType.isInt()) {
- // size_t and intptr_t is always a PointerBuffer since size is arch dependent
- if ("size_t".equals(targetType.getName()) || "intptr_t".equals(targetType.getName())) {
- return JavaType.forNIOPointerBufferClass();
- }
- switch ((int) targetType.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
- case 1: return JavaType.createForCCharPointer();
- case 2: return JavaType.createForCShortPointer();
- case 4: return JavaType.createForCInt32Pointer();
- case 8: return JavaType.createForCInt64Pointer();
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown integer array type of size " +
- t.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + t.getName());
- }
- } else if (targetType.isFloat()) {
- return JavaType.createForCFloatPointer();
- } else if (targetType.isDouble()) {
- return JavaType.createForCDoublePointer();
- } else if (targetType.isCompound()) {
- if (t.isArray()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Arrays of compound types not handled yet");
- }
- // Special cases for known JNI types (in particular for converting jawt.h)
- if (t.getName() != null &&
- t.getName().equals("jobject")) {
- return javaType(java.lang.Object.class);
- }
- String name = targetType.getName();
- if (name == null) {
- // Try containing pointer type for any typedefs
- name = t.getName();
- if (name == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find a proper type name for pointer type " + t);
- }
- }
- return JavaType.createForCStruct(cfg.renameJavaType(name));
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to convert pointer/array type \"" +
- t + "\"");
- }
- }
- // Handle Types of form pointer-to-pointer-to-type or
- // array-of-arrays-of-type, like char** or int[][]
- else if (t.pointerDepth() == 2 || t.arrayDimension() == 2) {
- // Get the target type of the target type (targetType was computer earlier
- // as to be a pointer to the target type, so now we need to get its
- // target type)
- Type bottomType;
- if (targetType.isPointer()) {
- // t is<type>**, targetType is <type>*, we need to get <type>
- bottomType = targetType.asPointer().getTargetType();
- return JavaType.forNIOPointerBufferClass();
- } else {
- // t is<type>[][], targetType is <type>[], we need to get <type>
- bottomType = targetType.asArray().getElementType();
- LOG.log(WARNING, "typeToJavaType(ptr-ptr): {0}, targetType: {1}, bottomType: {2} -> Unhandled!", new Object[]{t, targetType, bottomType});
- }
- // Warning: The below code is not backed up by an implementation,
- // the only working variant is a ptr-ptr type which results in a PointerBuffer.
- //
- if (bottomType.isPrimitive()) {
- if (bottomType.isInt()) {
- switch ((int) bottomType.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
- case 1: return javaType(ArrayTypes.byteBufferArrayClass);
- case 2: return javaType(ArrayTypes.shortBufferArrayClass);
- case 4: return javaType(ArrayTypes.intBufferArrayClass);
- case 8: return javaType(ArrayTypes.longBufferArrayClass);
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown two-dimensional integer array type of element size " +
- bottomType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + bottomType.getName());
- }
- } else if (bottomType.isFloat()) {
- return javaType(ArrayTypes.floatBufferArrayClass);
- } else if (bottomType.isDouble()) {
- return javaType(ArrayTypes.doubleBufferArrayClass);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected primitive type " + bottomType.getName() +
- " in two-dimensional array");
- }
- } else if (bottomType.isVoid()) {
- return javaType(ArrayTypes.bufferArrayClass);
- } else if (targetType.isPointer() && (targetType.pointerDepth() == 1) &&
- targetType.asPointer().getTargetType().isCompound()) {
- // Array of pointers; convert as array of StructAccessors
- return JavaType.createForCArray(bottomType);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not convert C type \"" + t + "\" " +
- "to appropriate Java type; need to add more support for " +
- "depth=2 pointer/array types [debug info: targetType=\"" +
- targetType + "\"]");
- }
- } else {
- // can't handle this type of pointer/array argument
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not convert C pointer/array \"" + t + "\" to " +
- "appropriate Java type; types with pointer/array depth " +
- "greater than 2 are not yet supported [debug info: " +
- "pointerDepth=" + t.pointerDepth() + " arrayDimension=" +
- t.arrayDimension() + " targetType=\"" + targetType + "\"]");
- }
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not convert C type \"" + t + "\" (class " +
- t.getClass().getName() + ") to appropriate Java type");
- }
- }
- }
- private static boolean isIntegerType(Class<?> c) {
- return ((c == Byte.TYPE) ||
- (c == Short.TYPE) ||
- (c == Character.TYPE) ||
- (c == Integer.TYPE) ||
- (c == Long.TYPE));
- }
- private int slot(Type t, int byteOffset, MachineDescription curMachDesc) {
- if (t.isInt()) {
- switch ((int) t.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 8: return byteOffset / (int) t.getSize(curMachDesc);
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Illegal type");
- }
- } else if (t.isFloat()) {
- return byteOffset / 4;
- } else if (t.isDouble()) {
- return byteOffset / 8;
- } else if (t.isPointer()) {
- return byteOffset / curMachDesc.pointerSizeInBytes();
- } else if (t.isArray()) {
- return slot(t.asArray().getBaseElementType(), byteOffset, curMachDesc);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Illegal type " + t);
- }
- }
- private StructLayout getLayout() {
- if (layout == null) {
- layout = StructLayout.createForCurrentPlatform();
- }
- return layout;
- }
- protected PrintWriter openFile(String filename) throws IOException {
- //System.out.println("Trying to open: " + filename);
- File file = new File(filename);
- String parentDir = file.getParent();
- if (parentDir != null)
- {
- File pDirFile = new File(parentDir);
- pDirFile.mkdirs();
- }
- return new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)));
- }
- private boolean isOpaque(Type type) {
- return (cfg.typeInfo(type, typedefDictionary) != null);
- }
- private String compatiblePrimitiveJavaTypeName(Type fieldType,
- JavaType javaType,
- MachineDescription curMachDesc) {
- Class<?> c = javaType.getJavaClass();
- if (!isIntegerType(c)) {
- // FIXME
- throw new RuntimeException("Can't yet handle opaque definitions of structs' fields to non-integer types (byte, short, int, long, etc.)");
- }
- switch ((int) fieldType.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
- case 1: return "byte";
- case 2: return "short";
- case 4: return "int";
- case 8: return "long";
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Can't handle opaque definitions if the starting type isn't compatible with integral types");
- }
- }
- private void openWriters() throws IOException {
- String jRoot = null;
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- jRoot = cfg.javaOutputDir() + File.separator +
- CodeGenUtils.packageAsPath(cfg.packageName());
- }
- String jImplRoot = null;
- if (!cfg.allStatic()) {
- jImplRoot =
- cfg.javaOutputDir() + File.separator +
- CodeGenUtils.packageAsPath(cfg.implPackageName());
- }
- String nRoot = cfg.nativeOutputDir();
- if (cfg.nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy())
- {
- nRoot +=
- File.separator + CodeGenUtils.packageAsPath(cfg.packageName());
- }
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- javaWriter = openFile(jRoot + File.separator + cfg.className() + ".java");
- }
- if (!cfg.allStatic() && cfg.emitImpl()) {
- javaImplWriter = openFile(jImplRoot + File.separator + cfg.implClassName() + ".java");
- }
- if (cfg.emitImpl()) {
- cWriter = openFile(nRoot + File.separator + cfg.implClassName() + "_JNI.c");
- }
- if (javaWriter != null) {
- CodeGenUtils.emitAutogeneratedWarning(javaWriter, this);
- }
- if (javaImplWriter != null) {
- CodeGenUtils.emitAutogeneratedWarning(javaImplWriter, this);
- }
- if (cWriter != null) {
- CodeGenUtils.emitAutogeneratedWarning(cWriter, this);
- }
- }
- protected PrintWriter javaWriter() {
- if (!cfg.allStatic() && !cfg.emitInterface()) {
- throw new InternalError("Should not call this");
- }
- return javaWriter;
- }
- protected PrintWriter javaImplWriter() {
- if (cfg.allStatic() || !cfg.emitImpl()) {
- throw new InternalError("Should not call this");
- }
- return javaImplWriter;
- }
- protected PrintWriter cWriter() {
- if (!cfg.emitImpl()) {
- throw new InternalError("Should not call this");
- }
- return cWriter;
- }
- private void closeWriter(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {
- writer.flush();
- writer.close();
- }
- private void closeWriters() throws IOException {
- if (javaWriter != null) {
- closeWriter(javaWriter);
- }
- if (javaImplWriter != null) {
- closeWriter(javaImplWriter);
- }
- if (cWriter != null) {
- closeWriter(cWriter);
- }
- javaWriter = null;
- javaImplWriter = null;
- cWriter = null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value that was specified by the configuration directive
- * "JavaOutputDir", or the default if none was specified.
- */
- protected String getJavaOutputDir() {
- return cfg.javaOutputDir();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value that was specified by the configuration directive
- * "Package", or the default if none was specified.
- */
- protected String getJavaPackageName() {
- return cfg.packageName();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value that was specified by the configuration directive
- * "ImplPackage", or the default if none was specified.
- */
- protected String getImplPackageName() {
- return cfg.implPackageName();
- }
- /**
- * Emit all the strings specified in the "CustomJavaCode" parameters of
- * the configuration file.
- */
- protected void emitCustomJavaCode(PrintWriter writer, String className) throws Exception {
- List<String> code = cfg.customJavaCodeForClass(className);
- if (code.isEmpty())
- return;
- writer.println();
- writer.println(" // --- Begin CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations");
- for (String line : code) {
- writer.println(line);
- }
- writer.println(" // ---- End CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations");
- }
- /**
- * Write out any header information for the output files (class declaration
- * and opening brace, import statements, etc).
- */
- protected void emitAllFileHeaders() throws IOException {
- try {
- List<String> imports = new ArrayList<String>(cfg.imports());
- imports.add(cfg.gluegenRuntimePackage()+".*");
- imports.add(DynamicLookupHelper.class.getPackage().getName()+".*");
- imports.add(Buffers.class.getPackage().getName()+".*");
- imports.add(Buffer.class.getPackage().getName()+".*");
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- String[] interfaces;
- List<String> userSpecifiedInterfaces = null;
- if (cfg.emitInterface()) {
- userSpecifiedInterfaces = cfg.extendedInterfaces(cfg.className());
- } else {
- userSpecifiedInterfaces = cfg.implementedInterfaces(cfg.className());
- }
- interfaces = new String[userSpecifiedInterfaces.size()];
- userSpecifiedInterfaces.toArray(interfaces);
- final List<String> intfDocs = cfg.javadocForClass(cfg.className());
- CodeGenUtils.EmissionCallback docEmitter =
- new CodeGenUtils.EmissionCallback() {
- public void emit(PrintWriter w) {
- for (Iterator iter = intfDocs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- w.println((String) iter.next());
- }
- }
- };
- String[] accessModifiers = null;
- if(cfg.accessControl(cfg.className()) == PUBLIC_ABSTRACT) {
- accessModifiers = new String[] { "public", "abstract" };
- } else {
- accessModifiers = new String[] { "public" };
- }
- CodeGenUtils.emitJavaHeaders(
- javaWriter,
- cfg.packageName(),
- cfg.className(),
- cfg.allStatic() ? true : false,
- imports,
- accessModifiers,
- interfaces,
- cfg.extendedParentClass(cfg.className()),
- docEmitter);
- }
- if (!cfg.allStatic() && cfg.emitImpl()) {
- final List<String> implDocs = cfg.javadocForClass(cfg.implClassName());
- CodeGenUtils.EmissionCallback docEmitter =
- new CodeGenUtils.EmissionCallback() {
- public void emit(PrintWriter w) {
- for (Iterator iter = implDocs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- w.println((String) iter.next());
- }
- }
- };
- String[] interfaces;
- List<String> userSpecifiedInterfaces = null;
- userSpecifiedInterfaces = cfg.implementedInterfaces(cfg.implClassName());
- int additionalNum = 0;
- if (cfg.className() != null) {
- additionalNum = 1;
- }
- interfaces = new String[additionalNum + userSpecifiedInterfaces.size()];
- userSpecifiedInterfaces.toArray(interfaces);
- if (additionalNum == 1) {
- interfaces[userSpecifiedInterfaces.size()] = cfg.className();
- }
- String[] accessModifiers = null;
- if(cfg.accessControl(cfg.implClassName()) == PUBLIC_ABSTRACT) {
- accessModifiers = new String[] { "public", "abstract" };
- } else {
- accessModifiers = new String[] { "public" };
- }
- CodeGenUtils.emitJavaHeaders(
- javaImplWriter,
- cfg.implPackageName(),
- cfg.implClassName(),
- true,
- imports,
- accessModifiers,
- interfaces,
- cfg.extendedParentClass(cfg.implClassName()),
- docEmitter);
- }
- if (cfg.emitImpl()) {
- emitCHeader(cWriter(), cfg.implClassName());
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Error emitting all file headers: cfg.allStatic()=" + cfg.allStatic() +
- " cfg.emitImpl()=" + cfg.emitImpl() + " cfg.emitInterface()=" + cfg.emitInterface(),
- e);
- }
- }
- protected void emitCHeader(PrintWriter cWriter, String className) {
- cWriter.println("#include <jni.h>");
- cWriter.println("#include <stdlib.h>");
- cWriter.println();
- if (getConfig().emitImpl()) {
- cWriter.println("#include <assert.h>");
- cWriter.println();
- }
- for (String code : cfg.customCCode()) {
- cWriter.println(code);
- }
- cWriter.println();
- }
- /**
- * Write out any footer information for the output files (closing brace of
- * class definition, etc).
- */
- protected void emitAllFileFooters(){
- if (cfg.allStatic() || cfg.emitInterface()) {
- javaWriter().println();
- javaWriter().println("} // end of class " + cfg.className());
- }
- if (!cfg.allStatic() && cfg.emitImpl()) {
- javaImplWriter().println();
- javaImplWriter().println("} // end of class " + cfg.implClassName());
- }
- }
- private JavaType javaType(Class<?> c) {
- return JavaType.createForClass(c);
- }
- /** Maps the C types in the specified function to Java types through
- the MethodBinding interface. Note that the JavaTypes in the
- returned MethodBinding are "intermediate" JavaTypes (some
- potentially representing C pointers rather than true Java types)
- and must be lowered to concrete Java types before creating
- emitters for them. */
- private MethodBinding bindFunction(FunctionSymbol sym,
- JavaType containingType,
- Type containingCType,
- MachineDescription curMachDesc) {
- MethodBinding binding = new MethodBinding(sym, containingType, containingCType);
- binding.renameMethodName(cfg.getJavaSymbolRename(sym.getName()));
- // System.out.println("bindFunction(0) "+sym.getReturnType());
- if (cfg.returnsString(binding.getName())) {
- PointerType prt = sym.getReturnType().asPointer();
- if (prt == null ||
- prt.getTargetType().asInt() == null ||
- prt.getTargetType().getSize(curMachDesc) != 1) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot apply ReturnsString configuration directive to \"" + sym +
- "\". ReturnsString requires native method to have return type \"char *\"");
- }
- binding.setJavaReturnType(javaType(java.lang.String.class));
- } else {
- binding.setJavaReturnType(typeToJavaType(sym.getReturnType(), false, curMachDesc));
- }
- // System.out.println("bindFunction(1) "+binding.getJavaReturnType());
- // List of the indices of the arguments in this function that should be
- // converted from byte[] or short[] to String
- List<Integer> stringArgIndices = cfg.stringArguments(binding.getName());
- for (int i = 0; i < sym.getNumArguments(); i++) {
- Type cArgType = sym.getArgumentType(i);
- JavaType mappedType = typeToJavaType(cArgType, true, curMachDesc);
- // System.out.println("C arg type -> \"" + cArgType + "\"" );
- // System.out.println(" Java -> \"" + mappedType + "\"" );
- // Take into account any ArgumentIsString configuration directives that apply
- if (stringArgIndices != null && stringArgIndices.contains(i)) {
- // System.out.println("Forcing conversion of " + binding.getName() + " arg #" + i + " from byte[] to String ");
- if (mappedType.isCVoidPointerType() ||
- mappedType.isCCharPointerType() ||
- mappedType.isCShortPointerType() ||
- mappedType.isNIOPointerBuffer() ||
- (mappedType.isArray() &&
- (mappedType.getJavaClass() == ArrayTypes.byteBufferArrayClass) ||
- (mappedType.getJavaClass() == ArrayTypes.shortBufferArrayClass))) {
- // convert mapped type from:
- // void*, byte[], and short[] to String
- // ByteBuffer[] and ShortBuffer[] to String[]
- if (mappedType.isArray() || mappedType.isNIOPointerBuffer()) {
- mappedType = javaType(ArrayTypes.stringArrayClass);
- } else {
- mappedType = javaType(String.class);
- }
- }
- else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot apply ArgumentIsString configuration directive to " +
- "argument " + i + " of \"" + sym + "\": argument type is not " +
- "a \"void*\", \"char *\", \"short *\", \"char**\", or \"short**\" equivalent");
- }
- }
- binding.addJavaArgumentType(mappedType);
- //System.out.println("During binding of [" + sym + "], added mapping from C type: " + cArgType + " to Java type: " + mappedType);
- }
- // System.out.println("---> " + binding);
- // System.out.println(" ---> " + binding.getCSymbol());
- // System.out.println("bindFunction(3) "+binding);
- return binding;
- }
- private MethodBinding lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(MethodBinding inputBinding,
- boolean convertToArrays,
- boolean[] canProduceArrayVariant) {
- MethodBinding result = inputBinding;
- boolean arrayPossible = false;
- // System.out.println("lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(0): "+result);
- for (int i = 0; i < inputBinding.getNumArguments(); i++) {
- JavaType t = inputBinding.getJavaArgumentType(i);
- if (t.isCPrimitivePointerType()) {
- if (t.isCVoidPointerType()) {
- // These are always bound to java.nio.Buffer
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCCharPointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.byteArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOByteBufferClass());
- }
- } else if (t.isCShortPointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.shortArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOShortBufferClass());
- }
- } else if (t.isCInt32PointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.intArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOIntBufferClass());
- }
- } else if (t.isCInt64PointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.longArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOInt64BufferClass());
- }
- } else if (t.isCFloatPointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.floatArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIOFloatBufferClass());
- }
- } else if (t.isCDoublePointerType()) {
- arrayPossible = true;
- if (convertToArrays) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, javaType(ArrayTypes.doubleArrayClass));
- } else {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIODoubleBufferClass());
- }
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown C pointer type " + t);
- }
- }
- }
- // System.out.println("lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(1): "+result);
- // Always return primitive pointer types as NIO buffers
- JavaType t = result.getJavaReturnType();
- if (t.isCPrimitivePointerType()) {
- if (t.isCVoidPointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOByteBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCCharPointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOByteBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCShortPointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOShortBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCInt32PointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOIntBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCInt64PointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOInt64BufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCFloatPointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIOFloatBufferClass());
- } else if (t.isCDoublePointerType()) {
- result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIODoubleBufferClass());
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown C pointer type " + t);
- }
- }
- // System.out.println("lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(2): "+result);
- if (canProduceArrayVariant != null) {
- canProduceArrayVariant[0] = arrayPossible;
- }
- return result;
- }
- // Expands a MethodBinding containing C primitive pointer types into
- // multiple variants taking Java primitive arrays and NIO buffers, subject
- // to the per-function "NIO only" rule in the configuration file
- protected List<MethodBinding> expandMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
- List<MethodBinding> result = new ArrayList<MethodBinding>();
- // Indicates whether it is possible to produce an array variant
- // Prevents e.g. char* -> String conversions from emitting two entry points
- boolean[] canProduceArrayVariant = new boolean[1];
- if (binding.signatureUsesCPrimitivePointers() ||
- binding.signatureUsesCVoidPointers() ||
- binding.signatureUsesCArrays()) {
- result.add(lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(binding, false, canProduceArrayVariant));
- // FIXME: should add new configuration flag for this
- if (canProduceArrayVariant[0] && (binding.signatureUsesCPrimitivePointers() || binding.signatureUsesCArrays()) &&
- !cfg.nioDirectOnly(binding.getName()) && !cfg.nioOnly(binding.getName())) {
- result.add(lowerMethodBindingPointerTypes(binding, true, null));
- }
- } else {
- result.add(binding);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private String resultName() {
- return "_res";
- }
- private Type canonicalize(Type t) {
- Type res = canonMap.get(t);
- if (res != null) {
- return res;
- }
- canonMap.put(t, t);
- return t;
- }
- /**
- * Converts first letter to upper case.
- */
- private final String capitalizeString(String string) {
- return Character.toUpperCase(string.charAt(0)) + string.substring(1);
- }