BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
b22xBug 978: UITestCase shall only report 'not available on this machine', due to...Sven Gothel11 years
edgeFix copyright/author tagsSven Gothel14 years
java11Bug 1363: Java 11: Use new Android SDK 24 for Eclipse Android .classpathSven Gothel6 years
masterBug 1479 - NativeLibrary: Add getNativeLibraryPath() returning actual native ...Sven Gothel16 months
rcBump scripts to jre1.8.0_66Sven Gothel9 years
v2.5.0commit 791eb1b2ae...Sven Gothel19 months
v2.4.0commit ba234c82a4...Sven Gothel2 years
v2.3.2commit 00de3f241f...Sven Gothel9 years
v2.3.1commit ac44201589...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.3.0commit 7d1b0f717d...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.4commit 5003123575...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.3commit 5003123575...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.2commit 5003123575...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.1commit 5003123575...Sven Gothel11 years
v2.2.0commit 0253aaf391...Sven Gothel11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-11-26Bug 1479 - NativeLibrary: Add getNativeLibraryPath() returning actual native ...HEADmasterSven Gothel1-0/+3
2023-07-12Merge remote-tracking branch 'wwalker/master'v2.5.0Sven Gothel5-4/+122
2023-06-16Adopt to GlueGen change: Drop ManualStaticInitCall, PointerBuffer.ELEMENT_SIZ...Sven Gothel7-8/+11
2023-05-07Update Windows build scriptsSven Gothel2-4/+4
2023-05-07JOCL File Layout: Have *-java-src.zip inside jar folderSven Gothel1-4/+2
2023-01-23Remove Windows dll-rename, adopting to cpptasks.jar changev2.4.0Sven Gothel1-9/+0
2020-01-04scripts: use gluegen's renamed setenv-build-jogl-* -> setenv-build-jogamp-*Sven Gothel15-30/+30
2020-01-04fix windows build scriptsSven Gothel2-3/+3
2020-01-04native.tag.jar: Revert explicit inclusion of *.symbols fileSven Gothel1-1/+1
2020-01-02native.tag.jar: include *.symbolsSven Gothel1-5/+9