<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This is an example of how to add custom compiler/linker arguments for a crosscompiler. You can use such files with setting the property 'gluegen-cpptasks.file', ie: -Dgluegen-cpptasks.file=`pwd`/lib/gluegen-cpptasks-linux-32bit.xml In case you want to compile for 32bit on a 64bit machine, you might also need to set the 'os.arch' to 'x86'. Example: gluegen/make/make.gluegen.all.linux-x86.sh --> <project name="GlueGen-cpptasks-linux-armv7" basedir="." > <!-- Set OS and ARCH for crosscompilation compiler configuration --> <target name="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os.custom"> <property name="gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os" value="true" /> <property name="isUnix" value="true" /> <property name="isLinux" value="true" /> <property name="isLinuxARMv7" value="true" /> <property name="isX11" value="true" /> <property name="jvmDataModel.arg" value="-Djnlp.no.jvm.data.model.set=true" /> <property name="isCrosscompilation" value="true" /> <property name="isAbiEabiGnuArmel" value="true" /> <echo message="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os.custom: GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE 'gluegen-cpptasks-linux-armv7' done"/> </target> <import file="${gluegen.root.abs-path}/make/gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml" optional="false" /> </project>