/* * An example showing how to play a stream sync'd to video, using ffmpeg. * * Requires C++11. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" #include "libavformat/avio.h" #include "libavutil/time.h" #include "libavutil/pixfmt.h" #include "libavutil/avstring.h" #include "libavutil/channel_layout.h" #include "libswscale/swscale.h" #include "libswresample/swresample.h" } #include "SDL.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alext.h" #include "common/alhelpers.h" extern "C" { /* Undefine this to disable use of experimental extensions. Don't use for * production code! Interfaces and behavior may change prior to being * finalized. */ #define ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTS #ifdef ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTS #ifndef AL_SOFT_map_buffer #define AL_SOFT_map_buffer 1 typedef unsigned int ALbitfieldSOFT; #define AL_MAP_READ_BIT_SOFT 0x00000001 #define AL_MAP_WRITE_BIT_SOFT 0x00000002 #define AL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT_SOFT 0x00000004 #define AL_PRESERVE_DATA_BIT_SOFT 0x00000008 typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALBUFFERSTORAGESOFT)(ALuint buffer, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq, ALbitfieldSOFT flags); typedef void* (AL_APIENTRY*LPALMAPBUFFERSOFT)(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei length, ALbitfieldSOFT access); typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALUNMAPBUFFERSOFT)(ALuint buffer); typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALFLUSHMAPPEDBUFFERSOFT)(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei length); #endif #ifndef AL_SOFT_events #define AL_SOFT_events 1 #define AL_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_SOFT 0x1220 #define AL_EVENT_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_SOFT 0x1221 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_BUFFER_COMPLETED_SOFT 0x1222 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_SOURCE_STATE_CHANGED_SOFT 0x1223 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT 0x1224 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT 0x1225 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_DEPRECATED_SOFT 0x1226 #define AL_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECTED_SOFT 0x1227 typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*ALEVENTPROCSOFT)(ALenum eventType, ALuint object, ALuint param, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message, void *userParam); typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALEVENTCONTROLSOFT)(ALsizei count, const ALenum *types, ALboolean enable); typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALEVENTCALLBACKSOFT)(ALEVENTPROCSOFT callback, void *userParam); typedef void* (AL_APIENTRY*LPALGETPOINTERSOFT)(ALenum pname); typedef void (AL_APIENTRY*LPALGETPOINTERVSOFT)(ALenum pname, void **values); #endif #endif /* ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTS */ } namespace { #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI (3.14159265358979323846) #endif using nanoseconds = std::chrono::nanoseconds; using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds; using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds; using seconds = std::chrono::seconds; using seconds_d64 = std::chrono::duration; const std::string AppName("alffplay"); bool EnableDirectOut = false; bool EnableWideStereo = false; LPALGETSOURCEI64VSOFT alGetSourcei64vSOFT; LPALCGETINTEGER64VSOFT alcGetInteger64vSOFT; #ifdef AL_SOFT_map_buffer LPALBUFFERSTORAGESOFT alBufferStorageSOFT; LPALMAPBUFFERSOFT alMapBufferSOFT; LPALUNMAPBUFFERSOFT alUnmapBufferSOFT; #endif #ifdef AL_SOFT_events LPALEVENTCONTROLSOFT alEventControlSOFT; LPALEVENTCALLBACKSOFT alEventCallbackSOFT; #endif const seconds AVNoSyncThreshold(10); const milliseconds VideoSyncThreshold(10); #define VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE 16 const seconds_d64 AudioSyncThreshold(0.03); const milliseconds AudioSampleCorrectionMax(50); /* Averaging filter coefficient for audio sync. */ #define AUDIO_DIFF_AVG_NB 20 const double AudioAvgFilterCoeff = std::pow(0.01, 1.0/AUDIO_DIFF_AVG_NB); /* Per-buffer size, in time */ const milliseconds AudioBufferTime(20); /* Buffer total size, in time (should be divisible by the buffer time) */ const milliseconds AudioBufferTotalTime(800); #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE (15 * 1024 * 1024) /* Bytes of compressed data to keep queued */ enum { FF_UPDATE_EVENT = SDL_USEREVENT, FF_REFRESH_EVENT, FF_MOVIE_DONE_EVENT }; enum class SyncMaster { Audio, Video, External, Default = External }; inline microseconds get_avtime() { return microseconds(av_gettime()); } /* Define unique_ptrs to auto-cleanup associated ffmpeg objects. */ struct AVIOContextDeleter { void operator()(AVIOContext *ptr) { avio_closep(&ptr); } }; using AVIOContextPtr = std::unique_ptr; struct AVFormatCtxDeleter { void operator()(AVFormatContext *ptr) { avformat_close_input(&ptr); } }; using AVFormatCtxPtr = std::unique_ptr; struct AVCodecCtxDeleter { void operator()(AVCodecContext *ptr) { avcodec_free_context(&ptr); } }; using AVCodecCtxPtr = std::unique_ptr; struct AVFrameDeleter { void operator()(AVFrame *ptr) { av_frame_free(&ptr); } }; using AVFramePtr = std::unique_ptr; struct SwrContextDeleter { void operator()(SwrContext *ptr) { swr_free(&ptr); } }; using SwrContextPtr = std::unique_ptr; struct SwsContextDeleter { void operator()(SwsContext *ptr) { sws_freeContext(ptr); } }; using SwsContextPtr = std::unique_ptr; class PacketQueue { std::deque mPackets; size_t mTotalSize{0}; public: ~PacketQueue() { clear(); } bool empty() const noexcept { return mPackets.empty(); } size_t totalSize() const noexcept { return mTotalSize; } void put(const AVPacket *pkt) { mPackets.push_back(AVPacket{}); if(av_packet_ref(&mPackets.back(), pkt) != 0) mPackets.pop_back(); else mTotalSize += mPackets.back().size; } AVPacket *front() noexcept { return &mPackets.front(); } void pop() { AVPacket *pkt = &mPackets.front(); mTotalSize -= pkt->size; av_packet_unref(pkt); mPackets.pop_front(); } void clear() { for(AVPacket &pkt : mPackets) av_packet_unref(&pkt); mPackets.clear(); mTotalSize = 0; } }; struct MovieState; struct AudioState { MovieState &mMovie; AVStream *mStream{nullptr}; AVCodecCtxPtr mCodecCtx; std::mutex mQueueMtx; std::condition_variable mQueueCond; /* Used for clock difference average computation */ seconds_d64 mClockDiffAvg{0}; /* Time of the next sample to be buffered */ nanoseconds mCurrentPts{0}; /* Device clock time that the stream started at. */ nanoseconds mDeviceStartTime{nanoseconds::min()}; /* Decompressed sample frame, and swresample context for conversion */ AVFramePtr mDecodedFrame; SwrContextPtr mSwresCtx; /* Conversion format, for what gets fed to OpenAL */ int mDstChanLayout{0}; AVSampleFormat mDstSampleFmt{AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE}; /* Storage of converted samples */ uint8_t *mSamples{nullptr}; int mSamplesLen{0}; /* In samples */ int mSamplesPos{0}; int mSamplesMax{0}; /* OpenAL format */ ALenum mFormat{AL_NONE}; ALsizei mFrameSize{0}; std::mutex mSrcMutex; std::condition_variable mSrcCond; std::atomic_flag mConnected; ALuint mSource{0}; std::vector mBuffers; ALsizei mBufferIdx{0}; AudioState(MovieState &movie) : mMovie(movie) { mConnected.test_and_set(std::memory_order_relaxed); } ~AudioState() { if(mSource) alDeleteSources(1, &mSource); if(!mBuffers.empty()) alDeleteBuffers(mBuffers.size(), mBuffers.data()); av_freep(&mSamples); } #ifdef AL_SOFT_events static void AL_APIENTRY EventCallback(ALenum eventType, ALuint object, ALuint param, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message, void *userParam); #endif nanoseconds getClockNoLock(); nanoseconds getClock() { std::lock_guard lock(mSrcMutex); return getClockNoLock(); } bool isBufferFilled(); void startPlayback(); int getSync(); int decodeFrame(); bool readAudio(uint8_t *samples, int length); int handler(); }; struct VideoState { MovieState &mMovie; AVStream *mStream{nullptr}; AVCodecCtxPtr mCodecCtx; std::mutex mQueueMtx; std::condition_variable mQueueCond; nanoseconds mClock{0}; nanoseconds mFrameTimer{0}; nanoseconds mFrameLastPts{0}; nanoseconds mFrameLastDelay{0}; nanoseconds mCurrentPts{0}; /* time (av_gettime) at which we updated mCurrentPts - used to have running video pts */ microseconds mCurrentPtsTime{0}; /* Decompressed video frame, and swscale context for conversion */ AVFramePtr mDecodedFrame; SwsContextPtr mSwscaleCtx; struct Picture { SDL_Texture *mImage{nullptr}; int mWidth{0}, mHeight{0}; /* Logical image size (actual size may be larger) */ std::atomic mUpdated{false}; nanoseconds mPts{0}; ~Picture() { if(mImage) SDL_DestroyTexture(mImage); mImage = nullptr; } }; std::array mPictQ; size_t mPictQSize{0}, mPictQRead{0}, mPictQWrite{0}; std::mutex mPictQMutex; std::condition_variable mPictQCond; bool mFirstUpdate{true}; std::atomic mEOS{false}; std::atomic mFinalUpdate{false}; VideoState(MovieState &movie) : mMovie(movie) { } nanoseconds getClock(); bool isBufferFilled(); static Uint32 SDLCALL sdl_refresh_timer_cb(Uint32 interval, void *opaque); void schedRefresh(milliseconds delay); void display(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer); void refreshTimer(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer); void updatePicture(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer); int queuePicture(nanoseconds pts); int handler(); }; struct MovieState { AVIOContextPtr mIOContext; AVFormatCtxPtr mFormatCtx; SyncMaster mAVSyncType{SyncMaster::Default}; microseconds mClockBase{0}; std::atomic mPlaying{false}; std::mutex mSendMtx; std::condition_variable mSendCond; /* NOTE: false/clear = need data, true/set = no data needed */ std::atomic_flag mSendDataGood; std::atomic mQuit{false}; AudioState mAudio; VideoState mVideo; std::thread mParseThread; std::thread mAudioThread; std::thread mVideoThread; std::string mFilename; MovieState(std::string fname) : mAudio(*this), mVideo(*this), mFilename(std::move(fname)) { } ~MovieState() { mQuit = true; if(mParseThread.joinable()) mParseThread.join(); } static int decode_interrupt_cb(void *ctx); bool prepare(); void setTitle(SDL_Window *window); nanoseconds getClock(); nanoseconds getMasterClock(); nanoseconds getDuration(); int streamComponentOpen(int stream_index); int parse_handler(); }; nanoseconds AudioState::getClockNoLock() { // The audio clock is the timestamp of the sample currently being heard. if(alcGetInteger64vSOFT) { // If device start time = min, we aren't playing yet. if(mDeviceStartTime == nanoseconds::min()) return nanoseconds::zero(); // Get the current device clock time and latency. auto device = alcGetContextsDevice(alcGetCurrentContext()); ALCint64SOFT devtimes[2] = {0,0}; alcGetInteger64vSOFT(device, ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_LATENCY_SOFT, 2, devtimes); auto latency = nanoseconds(devtimes[1]); auto device_time = nanoseconds(devtimes[0]); // The clock is simply the current device time relative to the recorded // start time. We can also subtract the latency to get more a accurate // position of where the audio device actually is in the output stream. return device_time - mDeviceStartTime - latency; } /* The source-based clock is based on 4 components: * 1 - The timestamp of the next sample to buffer (mCurrentPts) * 2 - The length of the source's buffer queue * (AudioBufferTime*AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED) * 3 - The offset OpenAL is currently at in the source (the first value * from AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT) * 4 - The latency between OpenAL and the DAC (the second value from * AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT) * * Subtracting the length of the source queue from the next sample's * timestamp gives the timestamp of the sample at the start of the source * queue. Adding the source offset to that results in the timestamp for the * sample at OpenAL's current position, and subtracting the source latency * from that gives the timestamp of the sample currently at the DAC. */ nanoseconds pts = mCurrentPts; if(mSource) { ALint64SOFT offset[2]; ALint queued; ALint status; /* NOTE: The source state must be checked last, in case an underrun * occurs and the source stops between retrieving the offset+latency * and getting the state. */ if(alGetSourcei64vSOFT) alGetSourcei64vSOFT(mSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT, offset); else { ALint ioffset; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &ioffset); offset[0] = (ALint64SOFT)ioffset << 32; offset[1] = 0; } alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &status); /* If the source is AL_STOPPED, then there was an underrun and all * buffers are processed, so ignore the source queue. The audio thread * will put the source into an AL_INITIAL state and clear the queue * when it starts recovery. */ if(status != AL_STOPPED) { using fixed32 = std::chrono::duration>; pts -= AudioBufferTime*queued; pts += std::chrono::duration_cast( fixed32(offset[0] / mCodecCtx->sample_rate) ); } /* Don't offset by the latency if the source isn't playing. */ if(status == AL_PLAYING) pts -= nanoseconds(offset[1]); } return std::max(pts, nanoseconds::zero()); } bool AudioState::isBufferFilled() { /* All of OpenAL's buffer queueing happens under the mSrcMutex lock, as * does the source gen. So when we're able to grab the lock and the source * is valid, the queue must be full. */ std::lock_guard lock(mSrcMutex); return mSource != 0; } void AudioState::startPlayback() { alSourcePlay(mSource); if(alcGetInteger64vSOFT) { using fixed32 = std::chrono::duration>; // Subtract the total buffer queue time from the current pts to get the // pts of the start of the queue. nanoseconds startpts = mCurrentPts - AudioBufferTotalTime; int64_t srctimes[2]={0,0}; alGetSourcei64vSOFT(mSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_CLOCK_SOFT, srctimes); auto device_time = nanoseconds(srctimes[1]); auto src_offset = std::chrono::duration_cast(fixed32(srctimes[0])) / mCodecCtx->sample_rate; // The mixer may have ticked and incremented the device time and sample // offset, so subtract the source offset from the device time to get // the device time the source started at. Also subtract startpts to get // the device time the stream would have started at to reach where it // is now. mDeviceStartTime = device_time - src_offset - startpts; } } int AudioState::getSync() { if(mMovie.mAVSyncType == SyncMaster::Audio) return 0; auto ref_clock = mMovie.getMasterClock(); auto diff = ref_clock - getClockNoLock(); if(!(diff < AVNoSyncThreshold && diff > -AVNoSyncThreshold)) { /* Difference is TOO big; reset accumulated average */ mClockDiffAvg = seconds_d64::zero(); return 0; } /* Accumulate the diffs */ mClockDiffAvg = mClockDiffAvg*AudioAvgFilterCoeff + diff; auto avg_diff = mClockDiffAvg*(1.0 - AudioAvgFilterCoeff); if(avg_diff < AudioSyncThreshold/2.0 && avg_diff > -AudioSyncThreshold) return 0; /* Constrain the per-update difference to avoid exceedingly large skips */ diff = std::min(std::max(diff, -AudioSampleCorrectionMax), AudioSampleCorrectionMax); return (int)std::chrono::duration_cast(diff*mCodecCtx->sample_rate).count(); } int AudioState::decodeFrame() { while(!mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { std::unique_lock lock(mQueueMtx); int ret = avcodec_receive_frame(mCodecCtx.get(), mDecodedFrame.get()); if(ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { mMovie.mSendDataGood.clear(std::memory_order_relaxed); std::unique_lock(mMovie.mSendMtx).unlock(); mMovie.mSendCond.notify_one(); do { mQueueCond.wait(lock); ret = avcodec_receive_frame(mCodecCtx.get(), mDecodedFrame.get()); } while(ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)); } lock.unlock(); if(ret == AVERROR_EOF) break; mMovie.mSendDataGood.clear(std::memory_order_relaxed); mMovie.mSendCond.notify_one(); if(ret < 0) { std::cerr<< "Failed to decode frame: "<nb_samples <= 0) { av_frame_unref(mDecodedFrame.get()); continue; } /* If provided, update w/ pts */ if(mDecodedFrame->best_effort_timestamp != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) mCurrentPts = std::chrono::duration_cast( seconds_d64(av_q2d(mStream->time_base)*mDecodedFrame->best_effort_timestamp) ); if(mDecodedFrame->nb_samples > mSamplesMax) { av_freep(&mSamples); av_samples_alloc( &mSamples, nullptr, mCodecCtx->channels, mDecodedFrame->nb_samples, mDstSampleFmt, 0 ); mSamplesMax = mDecodedFrame->nb_samples; } /* Return the amount of sample frames converted */ int data_size = swr_convert(mSwresCtx.get(), &mSamples, mDecodedFrame->nb_samples, (const uint8_t**)mDecodedFrame->data, mDecodedFrame->nb_samples ); av_frame_unref(mDecodedFrame.get()); return data_size; } return 0; } /* Duplicates the sample at in to out, count times. The frame size is a * multiple of the template type size. */ template static void sample_dup(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, int count, int frame_size) { const T *sample = reinterpret_cast(in); T *dst = reinterpret_cast(out); if(frame_size == sizeof(T)) std::fill_n(dst, count, *sample); else { /* NOTE: frame_size is a multiple of sizeof(T). */ int type_mult = frame_size / sizeof(T); int i = 0; std::generate_n(dst, count*type_mult, [sample,type_mult,&i]() -> T { T ret = sample[i]; i = (i+1)%type_mult; return ret; } ); } } bool AudioState::readAudio(uint8_t *samples, int length) { int sample_skip = getSync(); int audio_size = 0; /* Read the next chunk of data, refill the buffer, and queue it * on the source */ length /= mFrameSize; while(audio_size < length) { if(mSamplesLen <= 0 || mSamplesPos >= mSamplesLen) { int frame_len = decodeFrame(); if(frame_len <= 0) break; mSamplesLen = frame_len; mSamplesPos = std::min(mSamplesLen, sample_skip); sample_skip -= mSamplesPos; // Adjust the device start time and current pts by the amount we're // skipping/duplicating, so that the clock remains correct for the // current stream position. auto skip = nanoseconds(seconds(mSamplesPos)) / mCodecCtx->sample_rate; mDeviceStartTime -= skip; mCurrentPts += skip; continue; } int rem = length - audio_size; if(mSamplesPos >= 0) { int len = mSamplesLen - mSamplesPos; if(rem > len) rem = len; memcpy(samples, mSamples + mSamplesPos*mFrameSize, rem*mFrameSize); } else { rem = std::min(rem, -mSamplesPos); /* Add samples by copying the first sample */ if((mFrameSize&7) == 0) sample_dup(samples, mSamples, rem, mFrameSize); else if((mFrameSize&3) == 0) sample_dup(samples, mSamples, rem, mFrameSize); else if((mFrameSize&1) == 0) sample_dup(samples, mSamples, rem, mFrameSize); else sample_dup(samples, mSamples, rem, mFrameSize); } mSamplesPos += rem; mCurrentPts += nanoseconds(seconds(rem)) / mCodecCtx->sample_rate; samples += rem*mFrameSize; audio_size += rem; } if(audio_size <= 0) return false; if(audio_size < length) { int rem = length - audio_size; std::fill_n(samples, rem*mFrameSize, (mDstSampleFmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8) ? 0x80 : 0x00); mCurrentPts += nanoseconds(seconds(rem)) / mCodecCtx->sample_rate; audio_size += rem; } return true; } #ifdef AL_SOFT_events void AL_APIENTRY AudioState::EventCallback(ALenum eventType, ALuint object, ALuint param, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message, void *userParam) { AudioState *self = reinterpret_cast(userParam); if(eventType == AL_EVENT_TYPE_BUFFER_COMPLETED_SOFT) { /* Temporarily lock the source mutex to ensure it's not between * checking the processed count and going to sleep. */ std::unique_lock(self->mSrcMutex).unlock(); self->mSrcCond.notify_one(); return; } std::cout<< "\n---- AL Event on AudioState "< lock(self->mSrcMutex); self->mConnected.clear(std::memory_order_release); } std::unique_lock(self->mSrcMutex).unlock(); self->mSrcCond.notify_one(); } } #endif int AudioState::handler() { std::unique_lock lock(mSrcMutex); milliseconds sleep_time = AudioBufferTime / 3; ALenum fmt; #ifdef AL_SOFT_events const std::array evt_types{{ AL_EVENT_TYPE_BUFFER_COMPLETED_SOFT, AL_EVENT_TYPE_SOURCE_STATE_CHANGED_SOFT, AL_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT, AL_EVENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT, AL_EVENT_TYPE_DEPRECATED_SOFT, AL_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECTED_SOFT }}; if(alEventControlSOFT) { alEventControlSOFT(evt_types.size(), evt_types.data(), AL_TRUE); alEventCallbackSOFT(EventCallback, this); sleep_time = AudioBufferTotalTime; } #endif /* Find a suitable format for OpenAL. */ mDstChanLayout = 0; if(mCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 || mCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P) { mDstSampleFmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8; mFrameSize = 1; if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1 && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_71CHN8")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 8; mFormat = fmt; } if((mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1 || mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK) && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN8")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 6; mFormat = fmt; } if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 1; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } if(!mDstChanLayout) { mDstChanLayout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; mFrameSize *= 2; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } } if((mCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT || mCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP) && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_FLOAT32")) { mDstSampleFmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT; mFrameSize = 4; if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1 && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_71CHN32")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 8; mFormat = fmt; } if((mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1 || mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK) && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN32")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 6; mFormat = fmt; } if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 1; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32; } if(!mDstChanLayout) { mDstChanLayout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; mFrameSize *= 2; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32; } } if(!mDstChanLayout) { mDstSampleFmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; mFrameSize = 2; if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1 && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_71CHN16")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 8; mFormat = fmt; } if((mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1 || mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK) && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS") && (fmt=alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN16")) != AL_NONE && fmt != -1) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 6; mFormat = fmt; } if(mCodecCtx->channel_layout == AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO) { mDstChanLayout = mCodecCtx->channel_layout; mFrameSize *= 1; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } if(!mDstChanLayout) { mDstChanLayout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; mFrameSize *= 2; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } void *samples = nullptr; ALsizei buffer_len = std::chrono::duration_cast>( mCodecCtx->sample_rate * AudioBufferTime).count() * mFrameSize; mSamples = nullptr; mSamplesMax = 0; mSamplesPos = 0; mSamplesLen = 0; mDecodedFrame.reset(av_frame_alloc()); if(!mDecodedFrame) { std::cerr<< "Failed to allocate audio frame" <sample_rate, mCodecCtx->channel_layout ? mCodecCtx->channel_layout : (uint64_t)av_get_default_channel_layout(mCodecCtx->channels), mCodecCtx->sample_fmt, mCodecCtx->sample_rate, 0, nullptr )); if(!mSwresCtx || swr_init(mSwresCtx.get()) != 0) { std::cerr<< "Failed to initialize audio converter" <sample_rate, AL_MAP_WRITE_BIT_SOFT); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to use mapped buffers\n"); samples = av_malloc(buffer_len); } } else #endif samples = av_malloc(buffer_len); while(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) && mConnected.test_and_set(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { /* First remove any processed buffers. */ ALint processed; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); while(processed > 0) { std::array bids; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSource, std::min(bids.size(), processed), bids.data()); processed -= std::min(bids.size(), processed); } /* Refill the buffer queue. */ ALint queued; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); while((ALuint)queued < mBuffers.size()) { ALuint bufid = mBuffers[mBufferIdx]; uint8_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast(samples #ifdef AL_SOFT_map_buffer ? samples : alMapBufferSOFT(bufid, 0, buffer_len, AL_MAP_WRITE_BIT_SOFT) #endif ); if(!ptr) break; /* Read the next chunk of data, filling the buffer, and queue it on * the source */ bool got_audio = readAudio(ptr, buffer_len); #ifdef AL_SOFT_map_buffer if(!samples) alUnmapBufferSOFT(bufid); #endif if(!got_audio) break; if(samples) alBufferData(bufid, mFormat, samples, buffer_len, mCodecCtx->sample_rate); alSourceQueueBuffers(mSource, 1, &bufid); mBufferIdx = (mBufferIdx+1) % mBuffers.size(); ++queued; } if(queued == 0) break; /* Check that the source is playing. */ ALint state; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_STOPPED) { /* AL_STOPPED means there was an underrun. Clear the buffer queue * since this likely means we're late, and rewind the source to get * it back into an AL_INITIAL state. */ alSourceRewind(mSource); alSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFER, 0); if(alcGetInteger64vSOFT) { /* Also update the device start time with the current device * clock, so the decoder knows we're running behind. */ int64_t devtime{}; alcGetInteger64vSOFT(alcGetContextsDevice(alcGetCurrentContext()), ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_SOFT, 1, &devtime); auto device_time = nanoseconds{devtime}; mDeviceStartTime = device_time - mCurrentPts + AudioBufferTotalTime; } continue; } /* (re)start the source if needed, and wait for a buffer to finish */ if(state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED && mMovie.mPlaying.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) startPlayback(); mSrcCond.wait_for(lock, sleep_time); } alSourceRewind(mSource); alSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFER, 0); finish: av_freep(&samples); #ifdef AL_SOFT_events if(alEventControlSOFT) { alEventControlSOFT(evt_types.size(), evt_types.data(), AL_FALSE); alEventCallbackSOFT(nullptr, nullptr); } #endif return 0; } nanoseconds VideoState::getClock() { /* NOTE: This returns incorrect times while not playing. */ auto delta = get_avtime() - mCurrentPtsTime; return mCurrentPts + delta; } bool VideoState::isBufferFilled() { std::unique_lock lock(mPictQMutex); return mPictQSize >= mPictQ.size(); } Uint32 SDLCALL VideoState::sdl_refresh_timer_cb(Uint32 /*interval*/, void *opaque) { SDL_Event evt{}; evt.user.type = FF_REFRESH_EVENT; evt.user.data1 = opaque; SDL_PushEvent(&evt); return 0; /* 0 means stop timer */ } /* Schedules an FF_REFRESH_EVENT event to occur in 'delay' ms. */ void VideoState::schedRefresh(milliseconds delay) { SDL_AddTimer(delay.count(), sdl_refresh_timer_cb, this); } /* Called by VideoState::refreshTimer to display the next video frame. */ void VideoState::display(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQRead]; if(!vp->mImage) return; float aspect_ratio; int win_w, win_h; int w, h, x, y; if(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio.num == 0) aspect_ratio = 0.0f; else { aspect_ratio = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio) * mCodecCtx->width / mCodecCtx->height; } if(aspect_ratio <= 0.0f) aspect_ratio = (float)mCodecCtx->width / (float)mCodecCtx->height; SDL_GetWindowSize(screen, &win_w, &win_h); h = win_h; w = ((int)rint(h * aspect_ratio) + 3) & ~3; if(w > win_w) { w = win_w; h = ((int)rint(w / aspect_ratio) + 3) & ~3; } x = (win_w - w) / 2; y = (win_h - h) / 2; SDL_Rect src_rect{ 0, 0, vp->mWidth, vp->mHeight }; SDL_Rect dst_rect{ x, y, w, h }; SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, vp->mImage, &src_rect, &dst_rect); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } /* FF_REFRESH_EVENT handler called on the main thread where the SDL_Renderer * was created. It handles the display of the next decoded video frame (if not * falling behind), and sets up the timer for the following video frame. */ void VideoState::refreshTimer(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { if(!mStream) { if(mEOS) { mFinalUpdate = true; std::unique_lock(mPictQMutex).unlock(); mPictQCond.notify_all(); return; } schedRefresh(milliseconds(100)); return; } if(!mMovie.mPlaying.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { schedRefresh(milliseconds(1)); return; } std::unique_lock lock(mPictQMutex); retry: if(mPictQSize == 0) { if(mEOS) mFinalUpdate = true; else schedRefresh(milliseconds(1)); lock.unlock(); mPictQCond.notify_all(); return; } Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQRead]; mCurrentPts = vp->mPts; mCurrentPtsTime = get_avtime(); /* Get delay using the frame pts and the pts from last frame. */ auto delay = vp->mPts - mFrameLastPts; if(delay <= seconds::zero() || delay >= seconds(1)) { /* If incorrect delay, use previous one. */ delay = mFrameLastDelay; } /* Save for next frame. */ mFrameLastDelay = delay; mFrameLastPts = vp->mPts; /* Update delay to sync to clock if not master source. */ if(mMovie.mAVSyncType != SyncMaster::Video) { auto ref_clock = mMovie.getMasterClock(); auto diff = vp->mPts - ref_clock; /* Skip or repeat the frame. Take delay into account. */ auto sync_threshold = std::min(delay, VideoSyncThreshold); if(!(diff < AVNoSyncThreshold && diff > -AVNoSyncThreshold)) { if(diff <= -sync_threshold) delay = nanoseconds::zero(); else if(diff >= sync_threshold) delay *= 2; } } mFrameTimer += delay; /* Compute the REAL delay. */ auto actual_delay = mFrameTimer - get_avtime(); if(!(actual_delay >= VideoSyncThreshold)) { /* We don't have time to handle this picture, just skip to the next one. */ mPictQRead = (mPictQRead+1)%mPictQ.size(); mPictQSize--; goto retry; } schedRefresh(std::chrono::duration_cast(actual_delay)); /* Show the picture! */ display(screen, renderer); /* Update queue for next picture. */ mPictQRead = (mPictQRead+1)%mPictQ.size(); mPictQSize--; lock.unlock(); mPictQCond.notify_all(); } /* FF_UPDATE_EVENT handler, updates the picture's texture. It's called on the * main thread where the renderer was created. */ void VideoState::updatePicture(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQWrite]; bool fmt_updated = false; /* allocate or resize the buffer! */ if(!vp->mImage || vp->mWidth != mCodecCtx->width || vp->mHeight != mCodecCtx->height) { fmt_updated = true; if(vp->mImage) SDL_DestroyTexture(vp->mImage); vp->mImage = SDL_CreateTexture( renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, mCodecCtx->coded_width, mCodecCtx->coded_height ); if(!vp->mImage) std::cerr<< "Failed to create YV12 texture!" <mWidth = mCodecCtx->width; vp->mHeight = mCodecCtx->height; if(mFirstUpdate && vp->mWidth > 0 && vp->mHeight > 0) { /* For the first update, set the window size to the video size. */ mFirstUpdate = false; int w = vp->mWidth; int h = vp->mHeight; if(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio.den != 0) { double aspect_ratio = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio); if(aspect_ratio >= 1.0) w = (int)(w*aspect_ratio + 0.5); else if(aspect_ratio > 0.0) h = (int)(h/aspect_ratio + 0.5); } SDL_SetWindowSize(screen, w, h); } } if(vp->mImage) { AVFrame *frame = mDecodedFrame.get(); void *pixels = nullptr; int pitch = 0; if(mCodecCtx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P) SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr, frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], frame->data[1], frame->linesize[1], frame->data[2], frame->linesize[2] ); else if(SDL_LockTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr, &pixels, &pitch) != 0) std::cerr<< "Failed to lock texture" <coded_width; int coded_h = mCodecCtx->coded_height; int w = mCodecCtx->width; int h = mCodecCtx->height; if(!mSwscaleCtx || fmt_updated) { mSwscaleCtx.reset(sws_getContext( w, h, mCodecCtx->pix_fmt, w, h, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr )); } /* point pict at the queue */ uint8_t *pict_data[3]; pict_data[0] = reinterpret_cast(pixels); pict_data[1] = pict_data[0] + coded_w*coded_h; pict_data[2] = pict_data[1] + coded_w*coded_h/4; int pict_linesize[3]; pict_linesize[0] = pitch; pict_linesize[1] = pitch / 2; pict_linesize[2] = pitch / 2; sws_scale(mSwscaleCtx.get(), (const uint8_t**)frame->data, frame->linesize, 0, h, pict_data, pict_linesize); SDL_UnlockTexture(vp->mImage); } } vp->mUpdated.store(true, std::memory_order_release); std::unique_lock(mPictQMutex).unlock(); mPictQCond.notify_one(); } int VideoState::queuePicture(nanoseconds pts) { /* Wait until we have space for a new pic */ std::unique_lock lock(mPictQMutex); while(mPictQSize >= mPictQ.size() && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) mPictQCond.wait(lock); lock.unlock(); if(mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return -1; Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQWrite]; /* We have to create/update the picture in the main thread */ vp->mUpdated.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); SDL_Event evt{}; evt.user.type = FF_UPDATE_EVENT; evt.user.data1 = this; SDL_PushEvent(&evt); /* Wait until the picture is updated. */ lock.lock(); while(!vp->mUpdated.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { if(mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return -1; mPictQCond.wait(lock); } if(mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return -1; vp->mPts = pts; mPictQWrite = (mPictQWrite+1)%mPictQ.size(); mPictQSize++; lock.unlock(); return 0; } int VideoState::handler() { mDecodedFrame.reset(av_frame_alloc()); while(!mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { std::unique_lock lock(mQueueMtx); /* Decode video frame */ int ret = avcodec_receive_frame(mCodecCtx.get(), mDecodedFrame.get()); if(ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { mMovie.mSendDataGood.clear(std::memory_order_relaxed); std::unique_lock(mMovie.mSendMtx).unlock(); mMovie.mSendCond.notify_one(); do { mQueueCond.wait(lock); ret = avcodec_receive_frame(mCodecCtx.get(), mDecodedFrame.get()); } while(ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)); } lock.unlock(); if(ret == AVERROR_EOF) break; mMovie.mSendDataGood.clear(std::memory_order_relaxed); mMovie.mSendCond.notify_one(); if(ret < 0) { std::cerr<< "Failed to decode frame: "<best_effort_timestamp != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) mClock = std::chrono::duration_cast( seconds_d64(av_q2d(mStream->time_base)*mDecodedFrame->best_effort_timestamp) ); pts = mClock; /* Update the video clock to the next expected PTS. */ auto frame_delay = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->time_base); frame_delay += mDecodedFrame->repeat_pict * (frame_delay * 0.5); mClock += std::chrono::duration_cast(seconds_d64(frame_delay)); if(queuePicture(pts) < 0) break; av_frame_unref(mDecodedFrame.get()); } mEOS = true; std::unique_lock lock(mPictQMutex); if(mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { mPictQRead = 0; mPictQWrite = 0; mPictQSize = 0; } while(!mFinalUpdate) mPictQCond.wait(lock); return 0; } int MovieState::decode_interrupt_cb(void *ctx) { return reinterpret_cast(ctx)->mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } bool MovieState::prepare() { AVIOContext *avioctx = nullptr; AVIOInterruptCB intcb = { decode_interrupt_cb, this }; if(avio_open2(&avioctx, mFilename.c_str(), AVIO_FLAG_READ, &intcb, nullptr)) { std::cerr<< "Failed to open "<pb = mIOContext.get(); fmtctx->interrupt_callback = intcb; if(avformat_open_input(&fmtctx, mFilename.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr) != 0) { std::cerr<< "Failed to open "<>(mFormatCtx->duration); } int MovieState::streamComponentOpen(int stream_index) { if(stream_index < 0 || (unsigned int)stream_index >= mFormatCtx->nb_streams) return -1; /* Get a pointer to the codec context for the stream, and open the * associated codec. */ AVCodecCtxPtr avctx(avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr)); if(!avctx) return -1; if(avcodec_parameters_to_context(avctx.get(), mFormatCtx->streams[stream_index]->codecpar)) return -1; AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_decoder(avctx->codec_id); if(!codec || avcodec_open2(avctx.get(), codec, nullptr) < 0) { std::cerr<< "Unsupported codec: "<codec_id) << " (0x"<codec_id<codec_type) { case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: mAudio.mStream = mFormatCtx->streams[stream_index]; mAudio.mCodecCtx = std::move(avctx); mAudioThread = std::thread(std::mem_fn(&AudioState::handler), &mAudio); break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: mVideo.mStream = mFormatCtx->streams[stream_index]; mVideo.mCodecCtx = std::move(avctx); mVideoThread = std::thread(std::mem_fn(&VideoState::handler), &mVideo); break; default: return -1; } return stream_index; } int MovieState::parse_handler() { int video_index = -1; int audio_index = -1; /* Dump information about file onto standard error */ av_dump_format(mFormatCtx.get(), 0, mFilename.c_str(), 0); /* Find the first video and audio streams */ for(unsigned int i = 0;i < mFormatCtx->nb_streams;i++) { auto codecpar = mFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar; if(codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && video_index < 0) video_index = streamComponentOpen(i); else if(codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && audio_index < 0) audio_index = streamComponentOpen(i); } if(video_index < 0 && audio_index < 0) { std::cerr<< mFilename<<": could not open codecs" < lock(mAudio.mQueueMtx); int ret; do { ret = avcodec_send_packet(mAudio.mCodecCtx.get(), audio_queue.front()); if(ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) audio_queue.pop(); } while(ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN) && !audio_queue.empty()); lock.unlock(); mAudio.mQueueCond.notify_one(); } if(!video_queue.empty()) { std::unique_lock lock(mVideo.mQueueMtx); int ret; do { ret = avcodec_send_packet(mVideo.mCodecCtx.get(), video_queue.front()); if(ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) video_queue.pop(); } while(ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN) && !video_queue.empty()); lock.unlock(); mVideo.mQueueCond.notify_one(); } /* If the queues are completely empty, or it's not full and there's * more input to read, go get more. */ size_t queue_size = audio_queue.totalSize() + video_queue.totalSize(); if(queue_size == 0 || (queue_size < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE && !input_finished)) break; if(!mPlaying.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { if((!mAudio.mCodecCtx || mAudio.isBufferFilled()) && (!mVideo.mCodecCtx || mVideo.isBufferFilled())) { /* Set the base time 50ms ahead of the current av time. */ mClockBase = get_avtime() + milliseconds(50); mVideo.mCurrentPtsTime = mClockBase; mVideo.mFrameTimer = mVideo.mCurrentPtsTime; mAudio.startPlayback(); mPlaying.store(std::memory_order_release); } } /* Nothing to send or get for now, wait a bit and try again. */ { std::unique_lock lock(mSendMtx); if(mSendDataGood.test_and_set(std::memory_order_relaxed)) mSendCond.wait_for(lock, milliseconds(10)); } } while(!mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); } /* Pass a null packet to finish the send buffers (the receive functions * will get AVERROR_EOF when emptied). */ if(mVideo.mCodecCtx) { { std::lock_guard lock(mVideo.mQueueMtx); avcodec_send_packet(mVideo.mCodecCtx.get(), nullptr); } mVideo.mQueueCond.notify_one(); } if(mAudio.mCodecCtx) { { std::lock_guard lock(mAudio.mQueueMtx); avcodec_send_packet(mAudio.mCodecCtx.get(), nullptr); } mAudio.mQueueCond.notify_one(); } video_queue.clear(); audio_queue.clear(); /* all done - wait for it */ if(mVideoThread.joinable()) mVideoThread.join(); if(mAudioThread.joinable()) mAudioThread.join(); mVideo.mEOS = true; std::unique_lock lock(mVideo.mPictQMutex); while(!mVideo.mFinalUpdate) mVideo.mPictQCond.wait(lock); lock.unlock(); SDL_Event evt{}; evt.user.type = FF_MOVIE_DONE_EVENT; SDL_PushEvent(&evt); return 0; } // Helper class+method to print the time with human-readable formatting. struct PrettyTime { seconds mTime; }; inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PrettyTime &rhs) { using hours = std::chrono::hours; using minutes = std::chrono::minutes; using std::chrono::duration_cast; seconds t = rhs.mTime; if(t.count() < 0) { os << '-'; t *= -1; } // Only handle up to hour formatting if(t >= hours(1)) os << duration_cast(t).count() << 'h' << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << (duration_cast(t).count() % 60) << 'm'; else os << duration_cast(t).count() << 'm' << std::setfill('0'); os << std::setw(2) << (duration_cast(t).count() % 60) << 's' << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' '); return os; } } // namespace int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::unique_ptr movState; if(argc < 2) { std::cerr<< "Usage: "<] [-direct] " <( alcGetProcAddress(device, "alcGetInteger64vSOFT") ); } } if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_source_latency")) { std::cout<< "Found AL_SOFT_source_latency" <( alGetProcAddress("alGetSourcei64vSOFT") ); } #ifdef AL_SOFT_map_buffer if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFTX_map_buffer")) { std::cout<< "Found AL_SOFT_map_buffer" <( alGetProcAddress("alBufferStorageSOFT")); alMapBufferSOFT = reinterpret_cast( alGetProcAddress("alMapBufferSOFT")); alUnmapBufferSOFT = reinterpret_cast( alGetProcAddress("alUnmapBufferSOFT")); } #endif #ifdef AL_SOFT_events if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFTX_events")) { std::cout<< "Found AL_SOFT_events" <( alGetProcAddress("alEventControlSOFT")); alEventCallbackSOFT = reinterpret_cast( alGetProcAddress("alEventCallbackSOFT")); } #endif int fileidx = 0; for(;fileidx < argc;++fileidx) { if(strcmp(argv[fileidx], "-direct") == 0) { if(!alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_direct_channels")) std::cerr<< "AL_SOFT_direct_channels not supported for direct output" <(new MovieState(argv[fileidx++])); if(!movState->prepare()) movState = nullptr; } if(!movState) { std::cerr<< "Could not start a video" <setTitle(screen); /* Default to going to the next movie at the end of one. */ enum class EomAction { Next, Quit } eom_action = EomAction::Next; seconds last_time(-1); SDL_Event event; while(1) { int have_evt = SDL_WaitEventTimeout(&event, 10); auto cur_time = std::chrono::duration_cast(movState->getMasterClock()); if(cur_time != last_time) { auto end_time = std::chrono::duration_cast(movState->getDuration()); std::cout<< "\r "<mQuit = true; eom_action = EomAction::Quit; break; case SDLK_n: movState->mQuit = true; eom_action = EomAction::Next; break; default: break; } break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch(event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, nullptr); break; default: break; } break; case SDL_QUIT: movState->mQuit = true; eom_action = EomAction::Quit; break; case FF_UPDATE_EVENT: reinterpret_cast(event.user.data1)->updatePicture( screen, renderer ); break; case FF_REFRESH_EVENT: reinterpret_cast(event.user.data1)->refreshTimer( screen, renderer ); break; case FF_MOVIE_DONE_EVENT: std::cout<<'\n'; last_time = seconds(-1); if(eom_action != EomAction::Quit) { movState = nullptr; while(fileidx < argc && !movState) { movState = std::unique_ptr(new MovieState(argv[fileidx++])); if(!movState->prepare()) movState = nullptr; } if(movState) { movState->setTitle(screen); break; } } /* Nothing more to play. Shut everything down and quit. */ movState = nullptr; CloseAL(); SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); renderer = nullptr; SDL_DestroyWindow(screen); screen = nullptr; SDL_Quit(); exit(0); default: break; } } std::cerr<< "SDL_WaitEvent error - "<