#ifndef CORE_DEVICE_H #define CORE_DEVICE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "almalloc.h" #include "alspan.h" #include "ambidefs.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "bufferline.h" #include "devformat.h" #include "filters/nfc.h" #include "intrusive_ptr.h" #include "mixer/hrtfdefs.h" #include "opthelpers.h" #include "resampler_limits.h" #include "uhjfilter.h" #include "vector.h" class BFormatDec; struct bs2b; struct Compressor; struct ContextBase; struct DirectHrtfState; struct HrtfStore; using uint = unsigned int; #define MIN_OUTPUT_RATE 8000 #define MAX_OUTPUT_RATE 192000 #define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_RATE 48000 #define DEFAULT_UPDATE_SIZE 960 /* 20ms */ #define DEFAULT_NUM_UPDATES 3 enum class DeviceType : uint8_t { Playback, Capture, Loopback }; enum class RenderMode : uint8_t { Normal, Pairwise, Hrtf }; enum class StereoEncoding : uint8_t { Basic, Uhj, Hrtf, Default = Basic }; struct InputRemixMap { struct TargetMix { Channel channel; float mix; }; Channel channel; al::span targets; }; struct DistanceComp { /* Maximum delay in samples for speaker distance compensation. */ static constexpr uint MaxDelay{1024}; struct ChanData { float Gain{1.0f}; uint Length{0u}; /* Valid range is [0...MaxDelay). */ float *Buffer{nullptr}; }; std::array mChannels; al::FlexArray mSamples; DistanceComp(size_t count) : mSamples{count} { } static std::unique_ptr Create(size_t numsamples) { return std::unique_ptr{new(FamCount(numsamples)) DistanceComp{numsamples}}; } DEF_FAM_NEWDEL(DistanceComp, mSamples) }; constexpr uint8_t InvalidChannelIndex{static_cast(~0u)}; struct BFChannelConfig { float Scale; uint Index; }; struct MixParams { /* Coefficient channel mapping for mixing to the buffer. */ std::array AmbiMap{}; al::span Buffer; /** * Helper to set an identity/pass-through panning for ambisonic mixing. The * source is expected to be a 3D ACN/N3D ambisonic buffer, and for each * channel [0...count), the given functor is called with the source channel * index, destination channel index, and the gain for that channel. If the * destination channel is InvalidChannelIndex, the given source channel is * not used for output. */ template void setAmbiMixParams(const MixParams &inmix, const float gainbase, F func) const { const size_t numIn{inmix.Buffer.size()}; const size_t numOut{Buffer.size()}; for(size_t i{0};i < numIn;++i) { uint8_t idx{InvalidChannelIndex}; float gain{0.0f}; for(size_t j{0};j < numOut;++j) { if(AmbiMap[j].Index == inmix.AmbiMap[i].Index) { idx = static_cast(j); gain = AmbiMap[j].Scale * gainbase; break; } } func(i, idx, gain); } } }; struct RealMixParams { al::span RemixMap; std::array ChannelIndex{}; al::span Buffer; }; using AmbiRotateMatrix = std::array,MaxAmbiChannels>; enum { // Frequency was requested by the app or config file FrequencyRequest, // Channel configuration was requested by the app or config file ChannelsRequest, // Sample type was requested by the config file SampleTypeRequest, // Specifies if the DSP is paused at user request DevicePaused, // Specifies if the device is currently running DeviceRunning, // Specifies if the output plays directly on/in ears (headphones, headset, // ear buds, etc). DirectEar, /* Specifies if output is using speaker virtualization (e.g. Windows * Spatial Audio). */ Virtualization, DeviceFlagsCount }; struct DeviceBase { /* To avoid extraneous allocations, a 0-sized FlexArray is * defined globally as a sharable object. */ static al::FlexArray sEmptyContextArray; std::atomic Connected{true}; const DeviceType Type{}; uint Frequency{}; uint UpdateSize{}; uint BufferSize{}; DevFmtChannels FmtChans{}; DevFmtType FmtType{}; uint mAmbiOrder{0}; float mXOverFreq{400.0f}; /* If the main device mix is horizontal/2D only. */ bool m2DMixing{false}; /* For DevFmtAmbi* output only, specifies the channel order and * normalization. */ DevAmbiLayout mAmbiLayout{DevAmbiLayout::Default}; DevAmbiScaling mAmbiScale{DevAmbiScaling::Default}; std::string DeviceName; // Device flags std::bitset Flags{}; uint NumAuxSends{}; /* Rendering mode. */ RenderMode mRenderMode{RenderMode::Normal}; /* The average speaker distance as determined by the ambdec configuration, * HRTF data set, or the NFC-HOA reference delay. Only used for NFC. */ float AvgSpeakerDist{0.0f}; /* The default NFC filter. Not used directly, but is pre-initialized with * the control distance from AvgSpeakerDist. */ NfcFilter mNFCtrlFilter{}; std::atomic mSamplesDone{0u}; std::atomic mClockBase{std::chrono::nanoseconds{}}; std::chrono::nanoseconds FixedLatency{0}; AmbiRotateMatrix mAmbiRotateMatrix{}; AmbiRotateMatrix mAmbiRotateMatrix2{}; /* Temp storage used for mixer processing. */ static constexpr size_t MixerLineSize{BufferLineSize + DecoderBase::sMaxPadding}; static constexpr size_t MixerChannelsMax{16}; using MixerBufferLine = std::array; alignas(16) std::array mSampleData; alignas(16) std::array mResampleData; alignas(16) float FilteredData[BufferLineSize]; union { alignas(16) float HrtfSourceData[BufferLineSize + HrtfHistoryLength]; alignas(16) float NfcSampleData[BufferLineSize]; }; /* Persistent storage for HRTF mixing. */ alignas(16) float2 HrtfAccumData[BufferLineSize + HrirLength]; /* Mixing buffer used by the Dry mix and Real output. */ al::vector MixBuffer; /* The "dry" path corresponds to the main output. */ MixParams Dry; uint NumChannelsPerOrder[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{}; /* "Real" output, which will be written to the device buffer. May alias the * dry buffer. */ RealMixParams RealOut; /* HRTF state and info */ std::unique_ptr mHrtfState; al::intrusive_ptr mHrtf; uint mIrSize{0}; /* Ambisonic-to-UHJ encoder */ std::unique_ptr mUhjEncoder; /* Ambisonic decoder for speakers */ std::unique_ptr AmbiDecoder; /* Stereo-to-binaural filter */ std::unique_ptr Bs2b; using PostProc = void(DeviceBase::*)(const size_t SamplesToDo); PostProc PostProcess{nullptr}; std::unique_ptr Limiter; /* Delay buffers used to compensate for speaker distances. */ std::unique_ptr ChannelDelays; /* Dithering control. */ float DitherDepth{0.0f}; uint DitherSeed{0u}; /* Running count of the mixer invocations, in 31.1 fixed point. This * actually increments *twice* when mixing, first at the start and then at * the end, so the bottom bit indicates if the device is currently mixing * and the upper bits indicates how many mixes have been done. */ std::atomic mMixCount{0u}; // Contexts created on this device std::atomic*> mContexts{nullptr}; DeviceBase(DeviceType type); DeviceBase(const DeviceBase&) = delete; DeviceBase& operator=(const DeviceBase&) = delete; ~DeviceBase(); uint bytesFromFmt() const noexcept { return BytesFromDevFmt(FmtType); } uint channelsFromFmt() const noexcept { return ChannelsFromDevFmt(FmtChans, mAmbiOrder); } uint frameSizeFromFmt() const noexcept { return bytesFromFmt() * channelsFromFmt(); } struct MixLock { std::atomic &mCount; const uint mLastVal; MixLock(std::atomic &count, const uint last_val) noexcept : mCount{count}, mLastVal{last_val} { } /* Increment the mix count when the lock goes out of scope to "release" * it (lsb should be 0). */ ~MixLock() { mCount.store(mLastVal+2, std::memory_order_release); } }; auto getWriteMixLock() noexcept { /* Increment the mix count at the start of mixing and writing clock * info (lsb should be 1). */ const auto mixCount = mMixCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); mMixCount.store(mixCount+1, std::memory_order_relaxed); std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release); return MixLock{mMixCount, mixCount}; } /** Waits for the mixer to not be mixing or updating the clock. */ uint waitForMix() const noexcept { uint refcount; while((refcount=mMixCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire))&1) { } return refcount; } /** * Helper to get the current clock time from the device's ClockBase, and * SamplesDone converted from the sample rate. Should only be called while * watching the MixCount. */ std::chrono::nanoseconds getClockTime() const noexcept { using std::chrono::seconds; using std::chrono::nanoseconds; auto ns = nanoseconds{seconds{mSamplesDone.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)}} / Frequency; return mClockBase.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + ns; } void ProcessHrtf(const size_t SamplesToDo); void ProcessAmbiDec(const size_t SamplesToDo); void ProcessAmbiDecStablized(const size_t SamplesToDo); void ProcessUhj(const size_t SamplesToDo); void ProcessBs2b(const size_t SamplesToDo); inline void postProcess(const size_t SamplesToDo) { if(PostProcess) LIKELY (this->*PostProcess)(SamplesToDo); } void renderSamples(const al::span outBuffers, const uint numSamples); void renderSamples(void *outBuffer, const uint numSamples, const size_t frameStep); /* Caller must lock the device state, and the mixer must not be running. */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ [[gnu::format(__MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT,2,3)]] #else [[gnu::format(printf,2,3)]] #endif void handleDisconnect(const char *msg, ...); /** * Returns the index for the given channel name (e.g. FrontCenter), or * InvalidChannelIndex if it doesn't exist. */ uint8_t channelIdxByName(Channel chan) const noexcept { return RealOut.ChannelIndex[chan]; } DISABLE_ALLOC() private: uint renderSamples(const uint numSamples); }; /* Must be less than 15 characters (16 including terminating null) for * compatibility with pthread_setname_np limitations. */ #define MIXER_THREAD_NAME "alsoft-mixer" #define RECORD_THREAD_NAME "alsoft-record" #endif /* CORE_DEVICE_H */