#include "config.h" #include "ambdec.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <cstdarg> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdio> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "albit.h" #include "alfstream.h" #include "alspan.h" #include "opthelpers.h" namespace { std::string read_word(std::istream &f) { std::string ret; f >> ret; return ret; } bool is_at_end(const std::string &buffer, std::size_t endpos) { while(endpos < buffer.length() && std::isspace(buffer[endpos])) ++endpos; return !(endpos < buffer.length() && buffer[endpos] != '#'); } enum class ReaderScope { Global, Speakers, LFMatrix, HFMatrix, }; #ifdef __MINGW32__ [[gnu::format(__MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT,2,3)]] #else [[gnu::format(printf,2,3)]] #endif std::optional<std::string> make_error(size_t linenum, const char *fmt, ...) { std::optional<std::string> ret; auto &str = ret.emplace(); str.resize(256); int printed{std::snprintf(const_cast<char*>(str.data()), str.length(), "Line %zu: ", linenum)}; if(printed < 0) printed = 0; auto plen = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(printed), str.length()); std::va_list args, args2; va_start(args, fmt); va_copy(args2, args); const int msglen{std::vsnprintf(&str[plen], str.size()-plen, fmt, args)}; if(msglen >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(msglen) >= str.size()-plen) { str.resize(static_cast<size_t>(msglen) + plen + 1u); std::vsnprintf(&str[plen], str.size()-plen, fmt, args2); } va_end(args2); va_end(args); return ret; } } // namespace AmbDecConf::~AmbDecConf() = default; std::optional<std::string> AmbDecConf::load(const char *fname) noexcept { al::ifstream f{fname}; if(!f.is_open()) return std::string("Failed to open file \"")+fname+"\""; ReaderScope scope{ReaderScope::Global}; size_t speaker_pos{0}; size_t lfmatrix_pos{0}; size_t hfmatrix_pos{0}; size_t linenum{0}; std::string buffer; while(f.good() && std::getline(f, buffer)) { ++linenum; std::istringstream istr{buffer}; std::string command{read_word(istr)}; if(command.empty() || command[0] == '#') continue; if(command == "/}") { if(scope == ReaderScope::Global) return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected /} in global scope"); scope = ReaderScope::Global; continue; } if(scope == ReaderScope::Speakers) { if(command == "add_spkr") { if(speaker_pos == Speakers.size()) return make_error(linenum, "Too many speakers specified"); AmbDecConf::SpeakerConf &spkr = Speakers[speaker_pos++]; istr >> spkr.Name; istr >> spkr.Distance; istr >> spkr.Azimuth; istr >> spkr.Elevation; istr >> spkr.Connection; } else return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected speakers command: %s", command.c_str()); } else if(scope == ReaderScope::LFMatrix || scope == ReaderScope::HFMatrix) { auto &gains = (scope == ReaderScope::LFMatrix) ? LFOrderGain : HFOrderGain; auto *matrix = (scope == ReaderScope::LFMatrix) ? LFMatrix : HFMatrix; auto &pos = (scope == ReaderScope::LFMatrix) ? lfmatrix_pos : hfmatrix_pos; if(command == "order_gain") { size_t toread{(ChanMask > Ambi3OrderMask) ? 5u : 4u}; std::size_t curgain{0u}; float value{}; while(toread) { --toread; istr >> value; if(curgain < std::size(gains)) gains[curgain++] = value; } } else if(command == "add_row") { if(pos == Speakers.size()) return make_error(linenum, "Too many matrix rows specified"); unsigned int mask{ChanMask}; AmbDecConf::CoeffArray &mtxrow = matrix[pos++]; mtxrow.fill(0.0f); float value{}; while(mask) { auto idx = static_cast<unsigned>(al::countr_zero(mask)); mask &= ~(1u << idx); istr >> value; if(idx < mtxrow.size()) mtxrow[idx] = value; } } else return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected matrix command: %s", command.c_str()); } // Global scope commands else if(command == "/description") { while(istr.good() && std::isspace(istr.peek())) istr.ignore(); std::getline(istr, Description); while(!Description.empty() && std::isspace(Description.back())) Description.pop_back(); } else if(command == "/version") { if(Version) return make_error(linenum, "Duplicate version definition"); istr >> Version; if(Version != 3) return make_error(linenum, "Unsupported version: %d", Version); } else if(command == "/dec/chan_mask") { if(ChanMask) return make_error(linenum, "Duplicate chan_mask definition"); istr >> std::hex >> ChanMask >> std::dec; if(!ChanMask || ChanMask > Ambi4OrderMask) return make_error(linenum, "Invalid chan_mask: 0x%x", ChanMask); if(ChanMask > Ambi3OrderMask && CoeffScale == AmbDecScale::FuMa) return make_error(linenum, "FuMa not compatible with over third-order"); } else if(command == "/dec/freq_bands") { if(FreqBands) return make_error(linenum, "Duplicate freq_bands"); istr >> FreqBands; if(FreqBands != 1 && FreqBands != 2) return make_error(linenum, "Invalid freq_bands: %u", FreqBands); } else if(command == "/dec/speakers") { if(!Speakers.empty()) return make_error(linenum, "Duplicate speakers"); size_t numspeakers{}; istr >> numspeakers; if(!numspeakers) return make_error(linenum, "Invalid speakers: %zu", numspeakers); Speakers.resize(numspeakers); } else if(command == "/dec/coeff_scale") { if(CoeffScale != AmbDecScale::Unset) return make_error(linenum, "Duplicate coeff_scale"); std::string scale{read_word(istr)}; if(scale == "n3d") CoeffScale = AmbDecScale::N3D; else if(scale == "sn3d") CoeffScale = AmbDecScale::SN3D; else if(scale == "fuma") CoeffScale = AmbDecScale::FuMa; else return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected coeff_scale: %s", scale.c_str()); if(ChanMask > Ambi3OrderMask && CoeffScale == AmbDecScale::FuMa) return make_error(linenum, "FuMa not compatible with over third-order"); } else if(command == "/opt/xover_freq") { istr >> XOverFreq; } else if(command == "/opt/xover_ratio") { istr >> XOverRatio; } else if(command == "/opt/input_scale" || command == "/opt/nfeff_comp" || command == "/opt/delay_comp" || command == "/opt/level_comp") { /* Unused */ read_word(istr); } else if(command == "/speakers/{") { if(Speakers.empty()) return make_error(linenum, "Speakers defined without a count"); scope = ReaderScope::Speakers; } else if(command == "/lfmatrix/{" || command == "/hfmatrix/{" || command == "/matrix/{") { if(Speakers.empty()) return make_error(linenum, "Matrix defined without a speaker count"); if(!ChanMask) return make_error(linenum, "Matrix defined without a channel mask"); if(Matrix.empty()) { Matrix.resize(Speakers.size() * FreqBands); LFMatrix = Matrix.data(); HFMatrix = LFMatrix + Speakers.size()*(FreqBands-1); } if(FreqBands == 1) { if(command != "/matrix/{") return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected \"%s\" for a single-band decoder", command.c_str()); scope = ReaderScope::HFMatrix; } else { if(command == "/lfmatrix/{") scope = ReaderScope::LFMatrix; else if(command == "/hfmatrix/{") scope = ReaderScope::HFMatrix; else return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected \"%s\" for a dual-band decoder", command.c_str()); } } else if(command == "/end") { const auto endpos = static_cast<std::size_t>(istr.tellg()); if(!is_at_end(buffer, endpos)) return make_error(linenum, "Extra junk on end: %s", buffer.substr(endpos).c_str()); if(speaker_pos < Speakers.empty() || hfmatrix_pos < Speakers.empty() || (FreqBands == 2 && lfmatrix_pos < Speakers.empty())) return make_error(linenum, "Incomplete decoder definition"); if(CoeffScale == AmbDecScale::Unset) return make_error(linenum, "No coefficient scaling defined"); return std::nullopt; } else return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected command: %s", command.c_str()); istr.clear(); const auto endpos = static_cast<std::size_t>(istr.tellg()); if(!is_at_end(buffer, endpos)) return make_error(linenum, "Extra junk on line: %s", buffer.substr(endpos).c_str()); buffer.clear(); } return make_error(linenum, "Unexpected end of file"); }