#ifndef ALC_CONTEXT_H #define ALC_CONTEXT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "AL/alext.h" #include "al/listener.h" #include "almalloc.h" #include "alnumeric.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "core/context.h" #include "intrusive_ptr.h" #include "vector.h" #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX #include "al/eax/call.h" #include "al/eax/exception.h" #include "al/eax/fx_slot_index.h" #include "al/eax/fx_slots.h" #include "al/eax/utils.h" #endif // ALSOFT_EAX struct ALeffect; struct ALeffectslot; struct ALsource; using uint = unsigned int; enum class DebugSource : ALenum { API = AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_SOFT, System = AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_SOFT, ThirdParty = AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_SOFT, Application = AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_SOFT, Other = AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_SOFT, }; enum class DebugType : ALenum { Error = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT, DeprecatedBehavior = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT, UndefinedBehavior = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT, Portability = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_SOFT, Performance = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT, Marker = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_SOFT, Other = AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_SOFT, }; enum class DebugSeverity : ALenum { High = AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_SOFT, Medium = AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_SOFT, Low = AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_SOFT, Notification = AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_SOFT, }; struct SourceSubList { uint64_t FreeMask{~0_u64}; ALsource *Sources{nullptr}; /* 64 */ SourceSubList() noexcept = default; SourceSubList(const SourceSubList&) = delete; SourceSubList(SourceSubList&& rhs) noexcept : FreeMask{rhs.FreeMask}, Sources{rhs.Sources} { rhs.FreeMask = ~0_u64; rhs.Sources = nullptr; } ~SourceSubList(); SourceSubList& operator=(const SourceSubList&) = delete; SourceSubList& operator=(SourceSubList&& rhs) noexcept { std::swap(FreeMask, rhs.FreeMask); std::swap(Sources, rhs.Sources); return *this; } }; struct EffectSlotSubList { uint64_t FreeMask{~0_u64}; ALeffectslot *EffectSlots{nullptr}; /* 64 */ EffectSlotSubList() noexcept = default; EffectSlotSubList(const EffectSlotSubList&) = delete; EffectSlotSubList(EffectSlotSubList&& rhs) noexcept : FreeMask{rhs.FreeMask}, EffectSlots{rhs.EffectSlots} { rhs.FreeMask = ~0_u64; rhs.EffectSlots = nullptr; } ~EffectSlotSubList(); EffectSlotSubList& operator=(const EffectSlotSubList&) = delete; EffectSlotSubList& operator=(EffectSlotSubList&& rhs) noexcept { std::swap(FreeMask, rhs.FreeMask); std::swap(EffectSlots, rhs.EffectSlots); return *this; } }; struct ALCcontext : public al::intrusive_ref, ContextBase { const al::intrusive_ptr mALDevice; bool mPropsDirty{true}; bool mDeferUpdates{false}; std::mutex mPropLock; std::atomic mLastError{AL_NO_ERROR}; std::atomic mDebugEnabled{false}; DistanceModel mDistanceModel{DistanceModel::Default}; bool mSourceDistanceModel{false}; float mDopplerFactor{1.0f}; float mDopplerVelocity{1.0f}; float mSpeedOfSound{SpeedOfSoundMetersPerSec}; float mAirAbsorptionGainHF{AirAbsorbGainHF}; std::mutex mEventCbLock; ALEVENTPROCSOFT mEventCb{}; void *mEventParam{nullptr}; std::mutex mDebugCbLock; ALDEBUGPROCSOFT mDebugCb{}; void *mDebugParam{nullptr}; ALlistener mListener{}; al::vector mSourceList; ALuint mNumSources{0}; std::mutex mSourceLock; al::vector mEffectSlotList; ALuint mNumEffectSlots{0u}; std::mutex mEffectSlotLock; /* Default effect slot */ std::unique_ptr mDefaultSlot; const char *mExtensionList{nullptr}; std::string mExtensionListOverride{}; ALCcontext(al::intrusive_ptr device); ALCcontext(const ALCcontext&) = delete; ALCcontext& operator=(const ALCcontext&) = delete; ~ALCcontext(); void init(); /** * Removes the context from its device and removes it from being current on * the running thread or globally. Returns true if other contexts still * exist on the device. */ bool deinit(); /** * Defers/suspends updates for the given context's listener and sources. * This does *NOT* stop mixing, but rather prevents certain property * changes from taking effect. mPropLock must be held when called. */ void deferUpdates() noexcept { mDeferUpdates = true; } /** * Resumes update processing after being deferred. mPropLock must be held * when called. */ void processUpdates() { if(std::exchange(mDeferUpdates, false)) applyAllUpdates(); } /** * Applies all pending updates for the context, listener, effect slots, and * sources. */ void applyAllUpdates(); #ifdef __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO [[gnu::format(gnu_printf, 3, 4)]] #else [[gnu::format(printf, 3, 4)]] #endif void setError(ALenum errorCode, const char *msg, ...); void sendDebugMessage(DebugSource source, DebugType type, ALuint id, DebugSeverity severity, ALsizei length, const char *message); void debugMessage(DebugSource source, DebugType type, ALuint id, DebugSeverity severity, ALsizei length, const char *message) { if(!mDebugEnabled.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) LIKELY return; sendDebugMessage(source, type, id, severity, length, message); } /* Process-wide current context */ static std::atomic sGlobalContextLock; static std::atomic sGlobalContext; private: /* Thread-local current context. */ static thread_local ALCcontext *sLocalContext; /* Thread-local context handling. This handles attempting to release the * context which may have been left current when the thread is destroyed. */ class ThreadCtx { public: ~ThreadCtx(); void set(ALCcontext *ctx) const noexcept { sLocalContext = ctx; } }; static thread_local ThreadCtx sThreadContext; public: /* HACK: MinGW generates bad code when accessing an extern thread_local * object. Add a wrapper function for it that only accesses it where it's * defined. */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ static ALCcontext *getThreadContext() noexcept; static void setThreadContext(ALCcontext *context) noexcept; #else static ALCcontext *getThreadContext() noexcept { return sLocalContext; } static void setThreadContext(ALCcontext *context) noexcept { sThreadContext.set(context); } #endif /* Default effect that applies to sources that don't have an effect on send 0. */ static ALeffect sDefaultEffect; DEF_NEWDEL(ALCcontext) #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX public: bool hasEax() const noexcept { return mEaxIsInitialized; } bool eaxIsCapable() const noexcept; void eaxUninitialize() noexcept; ALenum eax_eax_set( const GUID* property_set_id, ALuint property_id, ALuint property_source_id, ALvoid* property_value, ALuint property_value_size); ALenum eax_eax_get( const GUID* property_set_id, ALuint property_id, ALuint property_source_id, ALvoid* property_value, ALuint property_value_size); void eaxSetLastError() noexcept; EaxFxSlotIndex eaxGetPrimaryFxSlotIndex() const noexcept { return mEaxPrimaryFxSlotIndex; } const ALeffectslot& eaxGetFxSlot(EaxFxSlotIndexValue fx_slot_index) const { return mEaxFxSlots.get(fx_slot_index); } ALeffectslot& eaxGetFxSlot(EaxFxSlotIndexValue fx_slot_index) { return mEaxFxSlots.get(fx_slot_index); } bool eaxNeedsCommit() const noexcept { return mEaxNeedsCommit; } void eaxCommit(); void eaxCommitFxSlots() { mEaxFxSlots.commit(); } private: static constexpr auto eax_primary_fx_slot_id_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 0; static constexpr auto eax_distance_factor_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 1; static constexpr auto eax_air_absorption_hf_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 2; static constexpr auto eax_hf_reference_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 3; static constexpr auto eax_macro_fx_factor_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 4; using Eax4Props = EAX40CONTEXTPROPERTIES; struct Eax4State { Eax4Props i; // Immediate. Eax4Props d; // Deferred. }; using Eax5Props = EAX50CONTEXTPROPERTIES; struct Eax5State { Eax5Props i; // Immediate. Eax5Props d; // Deferred. }; class ContextException : public EaxException { public: explicit ContextException(const char* message) : EaxException{"EAX_CONTEXT", message} {} }; struct Eax4PrimaryFxSlotIdValidator { void operator()(const GUID& guidPrimaryFXSlotID) const { if(guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAX_NULL_GUID && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot0 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot1 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot2 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot3) { eax_fail_unknown_primary_fx_slot_id(); } } }; struct Eax4DistanceFactorValidator { void operator()(float flDistanceFactor) const { eax_validate_range( "Distance Factor", flDistanceFactor, EAXCONTEXT_MINDISTANCEFACTOR, EAXCONTEXT_MAXDISTANCEFACTOR); } }; struct Eax4AirAbsorptionHfValidator { void operator()(float flAirAbsorptionHF) const { eax_validate_range( "Air Absorption HF", flAirAbsorptionHF, EAXCONTEXT_MINAIRABSORPTIONHF, EAXCONTEXT_MAXAIRABSORPTIONHF); } }; struct Eax4HfReferenceValidator { void operator()(float flHFReference) const { eax_validate_range( "HF Reference", flHFReference, EAXCONTEXT_MINHFREFERENCE, EAXCONTEXT_MAXHFREFERENCE); } }; struct Eax4AllValidator { void operator()(const EAX40CONTEXTPROPERTIES& all) const { Eax4PrimaryFxSlotIdValidator{}(all.guidPrimaryFXSlotID); Eax4DistanceFactorValidator{}(all.flDistanceFactor); Eax4AirAbsorptionHfValidator{}(all.flAirAbsorptionHF); Eax4HfReferenceValidator{}(all.flHFReference); } }; struct Eax5PrimaryFxSlotIdValidator { void operator()(const GUID& guidPrimaryFXSlotID) const { if(guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAX_NULL_GUID && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX50_FXSlot0 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX50_FXSlot1 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX50_FXSlot2 && guidPrimaryFXSlotID != EAXPROPERTYID_EAX50_FXSlot3) { eax_fail_unknown_primary_fx_slot_id(); } } }; struct Eax5MacroFxFactorValidator { void operator()(float flMacroFXFactor) const { eax_validate_range( "Macro FX Factor", flMacroFXFactor, EAXCONTEXT_MINMACROFXFACTOR, EAXCONTEXT_MAXMACROFXFACTOR); } }; struct Eax5AllValidator { void operator()(const EAX50CONTEXTPROPERTIES& all) const { Eax5PrimaryFxSlotIdValidator{}(all.guidPrimaryFXSlotID); Eax4DistanceFactorValidator{}(all.flDistanceFactor); Eax4AirAbsorptionHfValidator{}(all.flAirAbsorptionHF); Eax4HfReferenceValidator{}(all.flHFReference); Eax5MacroFxFactorValidator{}(all.flMacroFXFactor); } }; struct Eax5EaxVersionValidator { void operator()(unsigned long ulEAXVersion) const { eax_validate_range( "EAX version", ulEAXVersion, EAXCONTEXT_MINEAXSESSION, EAXCONTEXT_MAXEAXSESSION); } }; struct Eax5MaxActiveSendsValidator { void operator()(unsigned long ulMaxActiveSends) const { eax_validate_range( "Max Active Sends", ulMaxActiveSends, EAXCONTEXT_MINMAXACTIVESENDS, EAXCONTEXT_MAXMAXACTIVESENDS); } }; struct Eax5SessionAllValidator { void operator()(const EAXSESSIONPROPERTIES& all) const { Eax5EaxVersionValidator{}(all.ulEAXVersion); Eax5MaxActiveSendsValidator{}(all.ulMaxActiveSends); } }; struct Eax5SpeakerConfigValidator { void operator()(unsigned long ulSpeakerConfig) const { eax_validate_range( "Speaker Config", ulSpeakerConfig, EAXCONTEXT_MINSPEAKERCONFIG, EAXCONTEXT_MAXSPEAKERCONFIG); } }; bool mEaxIsInitialized{}; bool mEaxIsTried{}; long mEaxLastError{}; unsigned long mEaxSpeakerConfig{}; EaxFxSlotIndex mEaxPrimaryFxSlotIndex{}; EaxFxSlots mEaxFxSlots{}; int mEaxVersion{}; // Current EAX version. bool mEaxNeedsCommit{}; EaxDirtyFlags mEaxDf{}; // Dirty flags for the current EAX version. Eax5State mEax123{}; // EAX1/EAX2/EAX3 state. Eax4State mEax4{}; // EAX4 state. Eax5State mEax5{}; // EAX5 state. Eax5Props mEax{}; // Current EAX state. EAXSESSIONPROPERTIES mEaxSession{}; [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail(const char* message); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_property_set_id(); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_primary_fx_slot_id(); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_property_id(); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_version(); // Gets a value from EAX call, // validates it, // and updates the current value. template static void eax_set(const EaxCall& call, TProperty& property) { const auto& value = call.get_value(); TValidator{}(value); property = value; } // Gets a new value from EAX call, // validates it, // updates the deferred value, // updates a dirty flag. template< typename TValidator, EaxDirtyFlags TDirtyBit, typename TMemberResult, typename TProps, typename TState> void eax_defer(const EaxCall& call, TState& state, TMemberResult TProps::*member) noexcept { const auto& src = call.get_value(); TValidator{}(src); const auto& dst_i = state.i.*member; auto& dst_d = state.d.*member; dst_d = src; if(dst_i != dst_d) mEaxDf |= TDirtyBit; } template< EaxDirtyFlags TDirtyBit, typename TMemberResult, typename TProps, typename TState> void eax_context_commit_property(TState& state, EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df, TMemberResult TProps::*member) noexcept { if((mEaxDf & TDirtyBit) != EaxDirtyFlags{}) { dst_df |= TDirtyBit; const auto& src_d = state.d.*member; state.i.*member = src_d; mEax.*member = src_d; } } void eax_initialize_extensions(); void eax_initialize(); bool eax_has_no_default_effect_slot() const noexcept; void eax_ensure_no_default_effect_slot() const; bool eax_has_enough_aux_sends() const noexcept; void eax_ensure_enough_aux_sends() const; void eax_ensure_compatibility(); unsigned long eax_detect_speaker_configuration() const; void eax_update_speaker_configuration(); void eax_set_last_error_defaults() noexcept; void eax_session_set_defaults() noexcept; static void eax4_context_set_defaults(Eax4Props& props) noexcept; static void eax4_context_set_defaults(Eax4State& state) noexcept; static void eax5_context_set_defaults(Eax5Props& props) noexcept; static void eax5_context_set_defaults(Eax5State& state) noexcept; void eax_context_set_defaults(); void eax_set_defaults(); void eax_dispatch_fx_slot(const EaxCall& call); void eax_dispatch_source(const EaxCall& call); void eax_get_misc(const EaxCall& call); void eax4_get(const EaxCall& call, const Eax4Props& props); void eax5_get(const EaxCall& call, const Eax5Props& props); void eax_get(const EaxCall& call); void eax_context_commit_primary_fx_slot_id(); void eax_context_commit_distance_factor(); void eax_context_commit_air_absorbtion_hf(); void eax_context_commit_hf_reference(); void eax_context_commit_macro_fx_factor(); void eax_initialize_fx_slots(); void eax_update_sources(); void eax_set_misc(const EaxCall& call); void eax4_defer_all(const EaxCall& call, Eax4State& state); void eax4_defer(const EaxCall& call, Eax4State& state); void eax5_defer_all(const EaxCall& call, Eax5State& state); void eax5_defer(const EaxCall& call, Eax5State& state); void eax_set(const EaxCall& call); void eax4_context_commit(Eax4State& state, EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df); void eax5_context_commit(Eax5State& state, EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df); void eax_context_commit(); #endif // ALSOFT_EAX }; using ContextRef = al::intrusive_ptr; ContextRef GetContextRef(void); void UpdateContextProps(ALCcontext *context); extern bool TrapALError; #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX ALenum AL_APIENTRY EAXSet( const GUID* property_set_id, ALuint property_id, ALuint property_source_id, ALvoid* property_value, ALuint property_value_size) noexcept; ALenum AL_APIENTRY EAXGet( const GUID* property_set_id, ALuint property_id, ALuint property_source_id, ALvoid* property_value, ALuint property_value_size) noexcept; #endif // ALSOFT_EAX #endif /* ALC_CONTEXT_H */