/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include "backends/winmm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "alcmain.h" #include "alexcpt.h" #include "alu.h" #include "compat.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "strutils.h" #include "threads.h" #ifndef WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT #define WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT 0x0003 #endif namespace { #define DEVNAME_HEAD "OpenAL Soft on " al::vector PlaybackDevices; al::vector CaptureDevices; bool checkName(const al::vector &list, const std::string &name) { return std::find(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), name) != list.cend(); } void ProbePlaybackDevices(void) { PlaybackDevices.clear(); ALuint numdevs{waveOutGetNumDevs()}; PlaybackDevices.reserve(numdevs); for(ALuint i{0};i < numdevs;i++) { std::string dname; WAVEOUTCAPSW WaveCaps{}; if(waveOutGetDevCapsW(i, &WaveCaps, sizeof(WaveCaps)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { const std::string basename{DEVNAME_HEAD + wstr_to_utf8(WaveCaps.szPname)}; int count{1}; std::string newname{basename}; while(checkName(PlaybackDevices, newname)) { newname = basename; newname += " #"; newname += std::to_string(++count); } dname = std::move(newname); TRACE("Got device \"%s\", ID %u\n", dname.c_str(), i); } PlaybackDevices.emplace_back(std::move(dname)); } } void ProbeCaptureDevices(void) { CaptureDevices.clear(); ALuint numdevs{waveInGetNumDevs()}; CaptureDevices.reserve(numdevs); for(ALuint i{0};i < numdevs;i++) { std::string dname; WAVEINCAPSW WaveCaps{}; if(waveInGetDevCapsW(i, &WaveCaps, sizeof(WaveCaps)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { const std::string basename{DEVNAME_HEAD + wstr_to_utf8(WaveCaps.szPname)}; int count{1}; std::string newname{basename}; while(checkName(CaptureDevices, newname)) { newname = basename; newname += " #"; newname += std::to_string(++count); } dname = std::move(newname); TRACE("Got device \"%s\", ID %u\n", dname.c_str(), i); } CaptureDevices.emplace_back(std::move(dname)); } } struct WinMMPlayback final : public BackendBase { WinMMPlayback(ALCdevice *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { } ~WinMMPlayback() override; void CALLBACK waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT device, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR param1, DWORD_PTR param2) noexcept; static void CALLBACK waveOutProcC(HWAVEOUT device, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR instance, DWORD_PTR param1, DWORD_PTR param2) noexcept { reinterpret_cast(instance)->waveOutProc(device, msg, param1, param2); } int mixerProc(); void open(const ALCchar *name) override; bool reset() override; void start() override; void stop() override; std::atomic mWritable{0u}; al::semaphore mSem; ALuint mIdx{0u}; std::array mWaveBuffer{}; HWAVEOUT mOutHdl{nullptr}; WAVEFORMATEX mFormat{}; std::atomic mKillNow{true}; std::thread mThread; DEF_NEWDEL(WinMMPlayback) }; WinMMPlayback::~WinMMPlayback() { if(mOutHdl) waveOutClose(mOutHdl); mOutHdl = nullptr; al_free(mWaveBuffer[0].lpData); std::fill(mWaveBuffer.begin(), mWaveBuffer.end(), WAVEHDR{}); } /* WinMMPlayback::waveOutProc * * Posts a message to 'WinMMPlayback::mixerProc' everytime a WaveOut Buffer is * completed and returns to the application (for more data) */ void CALLBACK WinMMPlayback::waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR, DWORD_PTR) noexcept { if(msg != WOM_DONE) return; mWritable.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); mSem.post(); } FORCE_ALIGN int WinMMPlayback::mixerProc() { SetRTPriority(); althrd_setname(MIXER_THREAD_NAME); const size_t frame_step{mDevice->channelsFromFmt()}; while(!mKillNow.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && mDevice->Connected.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { ALsizei todo = mWritable.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if(todo < 1) { mSem.wait(); continue; } size_t widx{mIdx}; do { WAVEHDR &waveHdr = mWaveBuffer[widx]; widx = (widx+1) % mWaveBuffer.size(); mDevice->renderSamples(waveHdr.lpData, mDevice->UpdateSize, frame_step); mWritable.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); waveOutWrite(mOutHdl, &waveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } while(--todo); mIdx = static_cast(widx); } return 0; } void WinMMPlayback::open(const ALCchar *name) { if(PlaybackDevices.empty()) ProbePlaybackDevices(); // Find the Device ID matching the deviceName if valid auto iter = name ? std::find(PlaybackDevices.cbegin(), PlaybackDevices.cend(), name) : PlaybackDevices.cbegin(); if(iter == PlaybackDevices.cend()) throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice, "Device name \"%s\" not found", name}; auto DeviceID = static_cast(std::distance(PlaybackDevices.cbegin(), iter)); retry_open: mFormat = WAVEFORMATEX{}; if(mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtFloat) { mFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; mFormat.wBitsPerSample = 32; } else { mFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; if(mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtUByte || mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtByte) mFormat.wBitsPerSample = 8; else mFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16; } mFormat.nChannels = ((mDevice->FmtChans == DevFmtMono) ? 1 : 2); mFormat.nBlockAlign = static_cast(mFormat.wBitsPerSample * mFormat.nChannels / 8); mFormat.nSamplesPerSec = mDevice->Frequency; mFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = mFormat.nSamplesPerSec * mFormat.nBlockAlign; mFormat.cbSize = 0; MMRESULT res{waveOutOpen(&mOutHdl, DeviceID, &mFormat, reinterpret_cast(&WinMMPlayback::waveOutProcC), reinterpret_cast(this), CALLBACK_FUNCTION)}; if(res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { if(mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtFloat) { mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtShort; goto retry_open; } throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "waveOutOpen failed: %u", res}; } mDevice->DeviceName = PlaybackDevices[DeviceID]; } bool WinMMPlayback::reset() { mDevice->BufferSize = static_cast(uint64_t{mDevice->BufferSize} * mFormat.nSamplesPerSec / mDevice->Frequency); mDevice->BufferSize = (mDevice->BufferSize+3) & ~0x3u; mDevice->UpdateSize = mDevice->BufferSize / 4; mDevice->Frequency = mFormat.nSamplesPerSec; if(mFormat.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) { if(mFormat.wBitsPerSample == 32) mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtFloat; else { ERR("Unhandled IEEE float sample depth: %d\n", mFormat.wBitsPerSample); return false; } } else if(mFormat.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { if(mFormat.wBitsPerSample == 16) mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtShort; else if(mFormat.wBitsPerSample == 8) mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtUByte; else { ERR("Unhandled PCM sample depth: %d\n", mFormat.wBitsPerSample); return false; } } else { ERR("Unhandled format tag: 0x%04x\n", mFormat.wFormatTag); return false; } ALuint chanmask{}; if(mFormat.nChannels == 2) { mDevice->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; chanmask = SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT; } else if(mFormat.nChannels == 1) { mDevice->FmtChans = DevFmtMono; chanmask = SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER; } else { ERR("Unhandled channel count: %d\n", mFormat.nChannels); return false; } setChannelOrderFromWFXMask(chanmask); ALuint BufferSize{mDevice->UpdateSize * mDevice->frameSizeFromFmt()}; al_free(mWaveBuffer[0].lpData); mWaveBuffer[0] = WAVEHDR{}; mWaveBuffer[0].lpData = static_cast(al_calloc(16, BufferSize * mWaveBuffer.size())); mWaveBuffer[0].dwBufferLength = BufferSize; for(size_t i{1};i < mWaveBuffer.size();i++) { mWaveBuffer[i] = WAVEHDR{}; mWaveBuffer[i].lpData = mWaveBuffer[i-1].lpData + mWaveBuffer[i-1].dwBufferLength; mWaveBuffer[i].dwBufferLength = BufferSize; } mIdx = 0; return true; } void WinMMPlayback::start() { try { std::for_each(mWaveBuffer.begin(), mWaveBuffer.end(), [this](WAVEHDR &waveHdr) -> void { waveOutPrepareHeader(mOutHdl, &waveHdr, static_cast(sizeof(WAVEHDR))); } ); mWritable.store(static_cast(mWaveBuffer.size()), std::memory_order_release); mKillNow.store(false, std::memory_order_release); mThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&WinMMPlayback::mixerProc), this}; } catch(std::exception& e) { throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "Failed to start mixing thread: %s", e.what()}; } } void WinMMPlayback::stop() { if(mKillNow.exchange(true, std::memory_order_acq_rel) || !mThread.joinable()) return; mThread.join(); while(mWritable.load(std::memory_order_acquire) < mWaveBuffer.size()) mSem.wait(); std::for_each(mWaveBuffer.begin(), mWaveBuffer.end(), [this](WAVEHDR &waveHdr) -> void { waveOutUnprepareHeader(mOutHdl, &waveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } ); mWritable.store(0, std::memory_order_release); } struct WinMMCapture final : public BackendBase { WinMMCapture(ALCdevice *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { } ~WinMMCapture() override; void CALLBACK waveInProc(HWAVEIN device, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR param1, DWORD_PTR param2) noexcept; static void CALLBACK waveInProcC(HWAVEIN device, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR instance, DWORD_PTR param1, DWORD_PTR param2) noexcept { reinterpret_cast(instance)->waveInProc(device, msg, param1, param2); } int captureProc(); void open(const ALCchar *name) override; void start() override; void stop() override; void captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples) override; uint availableSamples() override; std::atomic mReadable{0u}; al::semaphore mSem; ALuint mIdx{0}; std::array mWaveBuffer{}; HWAVEIN mInHdl{nullptr}; RingBufferPtr mRing{nullptr}; WAVEFORMATEX mFormat{}; std::atomic mKillNow{true}; std::thread mThread; DEF_NEWDEL(WinMMCapture) }; WinMMCapture::~WinMMCapture() { // Close the Wave device if(mInHdl) waveInClose(mInHdl); mInHdl = nullptr; al_free(mWaveBuffer[0].lpData); std::fill(mWaveBuffer.begin(), mWaveBuffer.end(), WAVEHDR{}); } /* WinMMCapture::waveInProc * * Posts a message to 'WinMMCapture::captureProc' everytime a WaveIn Buffer is * completed and returns to the application (with more data). */ void CALLBACK WinMMCapture::waveInProc(HWAVEIN, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR, DWORD_PTR) noexcept { if(msg != WIM_DATA) return; mReadable.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); mSem.post(); } int WinMMCapture::captureProc() { althrd_setname(RECORD_THREAD_NAME); while(!mKillNow.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && mDevice->Connected.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { ALuint todo{mReadable.load(std::memory_order_acquire)}; if(todo < 1) { mSem.wait(); continue; } size_t widx{mIdx}; do { WAVEHDR &waveHdr = mWaveBuffer[widx]; widx = (widx+1) % mWaveBuffer.size(); mRing->write(waveHdr.lpData, waveHdr.dwBytesRecorded / mFormat.nBlockAlign); mReadable.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); waveInAddBuffer(mInHdl, &waveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } while(--todo); mIdx = static_cast(widx); } return 0; } void WinMMCapture::open(const ALCchar *name) { if(CaptureDevices.empty()) ProbeCaptureDevices(); // Find the Device ID matching the deviceName if valid auto iter = name ? std::find(CaptureDevices.cbegin(), CaptureDevices.cend(), name) : CaptureDevices.cbegin(); if(iter == CaptureDevices.cend()) throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice, "Device name \"%s\" not found", name}; auto DeviceID = static_cast(std::distance(CaptureDevices.cbegin(), iter)); switch(mDevice->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: case DevFmtStereo: break; case DevFmtQuad: case DevFmtX51: case DevFmtX51Rear: case DevFmtX61: case DevFmtX71: case DevFmtAmbi3D: throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "%s capture not supported", DevFmtChannelsString(mDevice->FmtChans)}; } switch(mDevice->FmtType) { case DevFmtUByte: case DevFmtShort: case DevFmtInt: case DevFmtFloat: break; case DevFmtByte: case DevFmtUShort: case DevFmtUInt: throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "%s samples not supported", DevFmtTypeString(mDevice->FmtType)}; } mFormat = WAVEFORMATEX{}; mFormat.wFormatTag = (mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtFloat) ? WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT : WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; mFormat.nChannels = static_cast(mDevice->channelsFromFmt()); mFormat.wBitsPerSample = static_cast(mDevice->bytesFromFmt() * 8); mFormat.nBlockAlign = static_cast(mFormat.wBitsPerSample * mFormat.nChannels / 8); mFormat.nSamplesPerSec = mDevice->Frequency; mFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = mFormat.nSamplesPerSec * mFormat.nBlockAlign; mFormat.cbSize = 0; MMRESULT res{waveInOpen(&mInHdl, DeviceID, &mFormat, reinterpret_cast(&WinMMCapture::waveInProcC), reinterpret_cast(this), CALLBACK_FUNCTION)}; if(res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "waveInOpen failed: %u", res}; // Ensure each buffer is 50ms each DWORD BufferSize{mFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec / 20u}; BufferSize -= (BufferSize % mFormat.nBlockAlign); // Allocate circular memory buffer for the captured audio // Make sure circular buffer is at least 100ms in size ALuint CapturedDataSize{mDevice->BufferSize}; CapturedDataSize = static_cast(maxz(CapturedDataSize, BufferSize*mWaveBuffer.size())); mRing = RingBuffer::Create(CapturedDataSize, mFormat.nBlockAlign, false); al_free(mWaveBuffer[0].lpData); mWaveBuffer[0] = WAVEHDR{}; mWaveBuffer[0].lpData = static_cast(al_calloc(16, BufferSize * mWaveBuffer.size())); mWaveBuffer[0].dwBufferLength = BufferSize; for(size_t i{1};i < mWaveBuffer.size();++i) { mWaveBuffer[i] = WAVEHDR{}; mWaveBuffer[i].lpData = mWaveBuffer[i-1].lpData + mWaveBuffer[i-1].dwBufferLength; mWaveBuffer[i].dwBufferLength = mWaveBuffer[i-1].dwBufferLength; } mDevice->DeviceName = CaptureDevices[DeviceID]; } void WinMMCapture::start() { try { for(size_t i{0};i < mWaveBuffer.size();++i) { waveInPrepareHeader(mInHdl, &mWaveBuffer[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); waveInAddBuffer(mInHdl, &mWaveBuffer[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } mKillNow.store(false, std::memory_order_release); mThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&WinMMCapture::captureProc), this}; waveInStart(mInHdl); } catch(std::exception& e) { throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError, "Failed to start recording thread: %s", e.what()}; } } void WinMMCapture::stop() { waveInStop(mInHdl); mKillNow.store(true, std::memory_order_release); if(mThread.joinable()) { mSem.post(); mThread.join(); } waveInReset(mInHdl); for(size_t i{0};i < mWaveBuffer.size();++i) waveInUnprepareHeader(mInHdl, &mWaveBuffer[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); mReadable.store(0, std::memory_order_release); mIdx = 0; } void WinMMCapture::captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples) { mRing->read(buffer, samples); } uint WinMMCapture::availableSamples() { return static_cast(mRing->readSpace()); } } // namespace bool WinMMBackendFactory::init() { return true; } bool WinMMBackendFactory::querySupport(BackendType type) { return type == BackendType::Playback || type == BackendType::Capture; } std::string WinMMBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type) { std::string outnames; auto add_device = [&outnames](const std::string &dname) -> void { /* +1 to also append the null char (to ensure a null-separated list and * double-null terminated list). */ if(!dname.empty()) outnames.append(dname.c_str(), dname.length()+1); }; switch(type) { case BackendType::Playback: ProbePlaybackDevices(); std::for_each(PlaybackDevices.cbegin(), PlaybackDevices.cend(), add_device); break; case BackendType::Capture: ProbeCaptureDevices(); std::for_each(CaptureDevices.cbegin(), CaptureDevices.cend(), add_device); break; } return outnames; } BackendPtr WinMMBackendFactory::createBackend(ALCdevice *device, BackendType type) { if(type == BackendType::Playback) return BackendPtr{new WinMMPlayback{device}}; if(type == BackendType::Capture) return BackendPtr{new WinMMCapture{device}}; return nullptr; } BackendFactory &WinMMBackendFactory::getFactory() { static WinMMBackendFactory factory{}; return factory; }