#include "config.h" #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/efx.h" #include "alc/effects/base.h" #include "effects.h" #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX #include "alnumeric.h" #include "al/eax/exception.h" #include "al/eax/utils.h" #endif // ALSOFT_EAX namespace { EffectProps genDefaultProps() noexcept { PshifterProps props{}; props.CoarseTune = AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_DEFAULT_COARSE_TUNE; props.FineTune = AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_DEFAULT_FINE_TUNE; return props; } } // namespace const EffectProps PshifterEffectProps{genDefaultProps()}; void EffectHandler::SetParami(PshifterProps &props, ALenum param, int val) { switch(param) { case AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_COARSE_TUNE: if(!(val >= AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_MIN_COARSE_TUNE && val <= AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_MAX_COARSE_TUNE)) throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Pitch shifter coarse tune out of range"}; props.CoarseTune = val; break; case AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_FINE_TUNE: if(!(val >= AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_MIN_FINE_TUNE && val <= AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_MAX_FINE_TUNE)) throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Pitch shifter fine tune out of range"}; props.FineTune = val; break; default: throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter integer property 0x%04x", param}; } } void EffectHandler::SetParamiv(PshifterProps &props, ALenum param, const int *vals) { SetParami(props, param, vals[0]); } void EffectHandler::SetParamf(PshifterProps&, ALenum param, float) { throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter float property 0x%04x", param}; } void EffectHandler::SetParamfv(PshifterProps&, ALenum param, const float*) { throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter float-vector property 0x%04x", param}; } void EffectHandler::GetParami(const PshifterProps &props, ALenum param, int *val) { switch(param) { case AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_COARSE_TUNE: *val = props.CoarseTune; break; case AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_FINE_TUNE: *val = props.FineTune; break; default: throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter integer property 0x%04x", param}; } } void EffectHandler::GetParamiv(const PshifterProps &props, ALenum param, int *vals) { GetParami(props, param, vals); } void EffectHandler::GetParamf(const PshifterProps&, ALenum param, float*) { throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter float property 0x%04x", param}; } void EffectHandler::GetParamfv(const PshifterProps&, ALenum param, float*) { throw effect_exception{AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid pitch shifter float vector-property 0x%04x", param}; } #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX namespace { using PitchShifterCommitter = EaxCommitter; struct CoarseTuneValidator { void operator()(long lCoarseTune) const { eax_validate_range( "Coarse Tune", lCoarseTune, EAXPITCHSHIFTER_MINCOARSETUNE, EAXPITCHSHIFTER_MAXCOARSETUNE); } }; // CoarseTuneValidator struct FineTuneValidator { void operator()(long lFineTune) const { eax_validate_range( "Fine Tune", lFineTune, EAXPITCHSHIFTER_MINFINETUNE, EAXPITCHSHIFTER_MAXFINETUNE); } }; // FineTuneValidator struct AllValidator { void operator()(const EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES& all) const { CoarseTuneValidator{}(all.lCoarseTune); FineTuneValidator{}(all.lFineTune); } }; // AllValidator } // namespace template<> struct PitchShifterCommitter::Exception : public EaxException { explicit Exception(const char *message) : EaxException{"EAX_PITCH_SHIFTER_EFFECT", message} { } }; template<> [[noreturn]] void PitchShifterCommitter::fail(const char *message) { throw Exception{message}; } bool EaxPitchShifterCommitter::commit(const EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES &props) { if(auto *cur = std::get_if(&mEaxProps); cur && *cur == props) return false; mEaxProps = props; mAlProps = [&]{ PshifterProps ret{}; ret.CoarseTune = static_cast(props.lCoarseTune); ret.FineTune = static_cast(props.lFineTune); return ret; }(); return true; } void EaxPitchShifterCommitter::SetDefaults(EaxEffectProps &props) { props = EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES{EAXPITCHSHIFTER_DEFAULTCOARSETUNE, EAXPITCHSHIFTER_DEFAULTFINETUNE}; } void EaxPitchShifterCommitter::Get(const EaxCall &call, const EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES &props) { switch(call.get_property_id()) { case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_NONE: break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_ALLPARAMETERS: call.set_value(props); break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_COARSETUNE: call.set_value(props.lCoarseTune); break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_FINETUNE: call.set_value(props.lFineTune); break; default: fail_unknown_property_id(); } } void EaxPitchShifterCommitter::Set(const EaxCall &call, EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES &props) { switch(call.get_property_id()) { case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_NONE: break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_ALLPARAMETERS: defer(call, props); break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_COARSETUNE: defer(call, props.lCoarseTune); break; case EAXPITCHSHIFTER_FINETUNE: defer(call, props.lFineTune); break; default: fail_unknown_property_id(); } } #endif // ALSOFT_EAX