/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include "effect.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "AL/alext.h" #include "AL/efx-presets.h" #include "AL/efx.h" #include "albit.h" #include "alc/context.h" #include "alc/device.h" #include "alc/effects/base.h" #include "alc/inprogext.h" #include "almalloc.h" #include "alnumeric.h" #include "alstring.h" #include "core/except.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "opthelpers.h" #include "vector.h" #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX #include #include "eax_exception.h" #endif // ALSOFT_EAX const EffectList gEffectList[16]{ { "eaxreverb", EAXREVERB_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB }, { "reverb", REVERB_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_REVERB }, { "autowah", AUTOWAH_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_AUTOWAH }, { "chorus", CHORUS_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_CHORUS }, { "compressor", COMPRESSOR_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_COMPRESSOR }, { "distortion", DISTORTION_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_DISTORTION }, { "echo", ECHO_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_ECHO }, { "equalizer", EQUALIZER_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_EQUALIZER }, { "flanger", FLANGER_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_FLANGER }, { "fshifter", FSHIFTER_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER }, { "modulator", MODULATOR_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_RING_MODULATOR }, { "pshifter", PSHIFTER_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_PITCH_SHIFTER }, { "vmorpher", VMORPHER_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_VOCAL_MORPHER }, { "dedicated", DEDICATED_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_DEDICATED_LOW_FREQUENCY_EFFECT }, { "dedicated", DEDICATED_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_DEDICATED_DIALOGUE }, { "convolution", CONVOLUTION_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_SOFT }, }; bool DisabledEffects[MAX_EFFECTS]; effect_exception::effect_exception(ALenum code, const char *msg, ...) : mErrorCode{code} { std::va_list args; va_start(args, msg); setMessage(msg, args); va_end(args); } namespace { struct EffectPropsItem { ALenum Type; const EffectProps &DefaultProps; const EffectVtable &Vtable; }; constexpr EffectPropsItem EffectPropsList[] = { { AL_EFFECT_NULL, NullEffectProps, NullEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB, ReverbEffectProps, ReverbEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_REVERB, StdReverbEffectProps, StdReverbEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_AUTOWAH, AutowahEffectProps, AutowahEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_CHORUS, ChorusEffectProps, ChorusEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_COMPRESSOR, CompressorEffectProps, CompressorEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_DISTORTION, DistortionEffectProps, DistortionEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_ECHO, EchoEffectProps, EchoEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_EQUALIZER, EqualizerEffectProps, EqualizerEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_FLANGER, FlangerEffectProps, FlangerEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER, FshifterEffectProps, FshifterEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_RING_MODULATOR, ModulatorEffectProps, ModulatorEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_PITCH_SHIFTER, PshifterEffectProps, PshifterEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_VOCAL_MORPHER, VmorpherEffectProps, VmorpherEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_DEDICATED_DIALOGUE, DedicatedEffectProps, DedicatedEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_DEDICATED_LOW_FREQUENCY_EFFECT, DedicatedEffectProps, DedicatedEffectVtable }, { AL_EFFECT_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_SOFT, ConvolutionEffectProps, ConvolutionEffectVtable }, }; void ALeffect_setParami(ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, int value) { effect->vtab->setParami(&effect->Props, param, value); } void ALeffect_setParamiv(ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, const int *values) { effect->vtab->setParamiv(&effect->Props, param, values); } void ALeffect_setParamf(ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, float value) { effect->vtab->setParamf(&effect->Props, param, value); } void ALeffect_setParamfv(ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, const float *values) { effect->vtab->setParamfv(&effect->Props, param, values); } void ALeffect_getParami(const ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, int *value) { effect->vtab->getParami(&effect->Props, param, value); } void ALeffect_getParamiv(const ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, int *values) { effect->vtab->getParamiv(&effect->Props, param, values); } void ALeffect_getParamf(const ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, float *value) { effect->vtab->getParamf(&effect->Props, param, value); } void ALeffect_getParamfv(const ALeffect *effect, ALenum param, float *values) { effect->vtab->getParamfv(&effect->Props, param, values); } const EffectPropsItem *getEffectPropsItemByType(ALenum type) { auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(EffectPropsList), std::end(EffectPropsList), [type](const EffectPropsItem &item) noexcept -> bool { return item.Type == type; }); return (iter != std::end(EffectPropsList)) ? std::addressof(*iter) : nullptr; } void InitEffectParams(ALeffect *effect, ALenum type) { const EffectPropsItem *item{getEffectPropsItemByType(type)}; if(item) { effect->Props = item->DefaultProps; effect->vtab = &item->Vtable; } else { effect->Props = EffectProps{}; effect->vtab = &NullEffectVtable; } effect->type = type; } bool EnsureEffects(ALCdevice *device, size_t needed) { size_t count{std::accumulate(device->EffectList.cbegin(), device->EffectList.cend(), size_t{0}, [](size_t cur, const EffectSubList &sublist) noexcept -> size_t { return cur + static_cast(al::popcount(sublist.FreeMask)); })}; while(needed > count) { if UNLIKELY(device->EffectList.size() >= 1<<25) return false; device->EffectList.emplace_back(); auto sublist = device->EffectList.end() - 1; sublist->FreeMask = ~0_u64; sublist->Effects = static_cast(al_calloc(alignof(ALeffect), sizeof(ALeffect)*64)); if UNLIKELY(!sublist->Effects) { device->EffectList.pop_back(); return false; } count += 64; } return true; } ALeffect *AllocEffect(ALCdevice *device) { auto sublist = std::find_if(device->EffectList.begin(), device->EffectList.end(), [](const EffectSubList &entry) noexcept -> bool { return entry.FreeMask != 0; }); auto lidx = static_cast(std::distance(device->EffectList.begin(), sublist)); auto slidx = static_cast(al::countr_zero(sublist->FreeMask)); ASSUME(slidx < 64); ALeffect *effect{al::construct_at(sublist->Effects + slidx)}; InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_NULL); /* Add 1 to avoid effect ID 0. */ effect->id = ((lidx<<6) | slidx) + 1; sublist->FreeMask &= ~(1_u64 << slidx); return effect; } void FreeEffect(ALCdevice *device, ALeffect *effect) { const ALuint id{effect->id - 1}; const size_t lidx{id >> 6}; const ALuint slidx{id & 0x3f}; al::destroy_at(effect); device->EffectList[lidx].FreeMask |= 1_u64 << slidx; } inline ALeffect *LookupEffect(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { const size_t lidx{(id-1) >> 6}; const ALuint slidx{(id-1) & 0x3f}; if UNLIKELY(lidx >= device->EffectList.size()) return nullptr; EffectSubList &sublist = device->EffectList[lidx]; if UNLIKELY(sublist.FreeMask & (1_u64 << slidx)) return nullptr; return sublist.Effects + slidx; } } // namespace AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGenEffects(ALsizei n, ALuint *effects) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; if UNLIKELY(n < 0) context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Generating %d effects", n); if UNLIKELY(n <= 0) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; if(!EnsureEffects(device, static_cast(n))) { context->setError(AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate %d effect%s", n, (n==1)?"":"s"); return; } if LIKELY(n == 1) { /* Special handling for the easy and normal case. */ ALeffect *effect{AllocEffect(device)}; effects[0] = effect->id; } else { /* Store the allocated buffer IDs in a separate local list, to avoid * modifying the user storage in case of failure. */ al::vector ids; ids.reserve(static_cast(n)); do { ALeffect *effect{AllocEffect(device)}; ids.emplace_back(effect->id); } while(--n); std::copy(ids.cbegin(), ids.cend(), effects); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDeleteEffects(ALsizei n, const ALuint *effects) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; if UNLIKELY(n < 0) context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Deleting %d effects", n); if UNLIKELY(n <= 0) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; /* First try to find any effects that are invalid. */ auto validate_effect = [device](const ALuint eid) -> bool { return !eid || LookupEffect(device, eid) != nullptr; }; const ALuint *effects_end = effects + n; auto inveffect = std::find_if_not(effects, effects_end, validate_effect); if UNLIKELY(inveffect != effects_end) { context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", *inveffect); return; } /* All good. Delete non-0 effect IDs. */ auto delete_effect = [device](ALuint eid) -> void { ALeffect *effect{eid ? LookupEffect(device, eid) : nullptr}; if(effect) FreeEffect(device, effect); }; std::for_each(effects, effects_end, delete_effect); } END_API_FUNC AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsEffect(ALuint effect) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if LIKELY(context) { ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; if(!effect || LookupEffect(device, effect)) return AL_TRUE; } return AL_FALSE; } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alEffecti(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALint value) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else if(param == AL_EFFECT_TYPE) { bool isOk{value == AL_EFFECT_NULL}; if(!isOk) { for(const EffectList &effectitem : gEffectList) { if(value == effectitem.val && !DisabledEffects[effectitem.type]) { isOk = true; break; } } } if(isOk) InitEffectParams(aleffect, value); else context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Effect type 0x%04x not supported", value); } else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_setParami(aleffect, param, value); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alEffectiv(ALuint effect, ALenum param, const ALint *values) START_API_FUNC { switch(param) { case AL_EFFECT_TYPE: alEffecti(effect, param, values[0]); return; } ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_setParamiv(aleffect, param, values); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alEffectf(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALfloat value) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_setParamf(aleffect, param, value); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alEffectfv(ALuint effect, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_setParamfv(aleffect, param, values); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetEffecti(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALint *value) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; const ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else if(param == AL_EFFECT_TYPE) *value = aleffect->type; else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_getParami(aleffect, param, value); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetEffectiv(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALint *values) START_API_FUNC { switch(param) { case AL_EFFECT_TYPE: alGetEffecti(effect, param, values); return; } ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; const ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_getParamiv(aleffect, param, values); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetEffectf(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALfloat *value) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; const ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_getParamf(aleffect, param, value); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetEffectfv(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALfloat *values) START_API_FUNC { ContextRef context{GetContextRef()}; if UNLIKELY(!context) return; ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()}; std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock}; const ALeffect *aleffect{LookupEffect(device, effect)}; if UNLIKELY(!aleffect) context->setError(AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect ID %u", effect); else try { /* Call the appropriate handler */ ALeffect_getParamfv(aleffect, param, values); } catch(effect_exception &e) { context->setError(e.errorCode(), "%s", e.what()); } } END_API_FUNC void InitEffect(ALeffect *effect) { InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_NULL); } EffectSubList::~EffectSubList() { uint64_t usemask{~FreeMask}; while(usemask) { const int idx{al::countr_zero(usemask)}; al::destroy_at(Effects+idx); usemask &= ~(1_u64 << idx); } FreeMask = ~usemask; al_free(Effects); Effects = nullptr; } #define DECL(x) { #x, EFX_REVERB_PRESET_##x } static const struct { const char name[32]; EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES props; } reverblist[] = { DECL(GENERIC), DECL(PADDEDCELL), DECL(ROOM), DECL(BATHROOM), DECL(LIVINGROOM), DECL(STONEROOM), DECL(AUDITORIUM), DECL(CONCERTHALL), DECL(CAVE), DECL(ARENA), DECL(HANGAR), DECL(CARPETEDHALLWAY), DECL(HALLWAY), DECL(STONECORRIDOR), DECL(ALLEY), DECL(FOREST), DECL(CITY), DECL(MOUNTAINS), DECL(QUARRY), DECL(PLAIN), DECL(PARKINGLOT), DECL(SEWERPIPE), DECL(UNDERWATER), DECL(DRUGGED), DECL(DIZZY), DECL(PSYCHOTIC), DECL(CASTLE_SMALLROOM), DECL(CASTLE_SHORTPASSAGE), DECL(CASTLE_MEDIUMROOM), DECL(CASTLE_LARGEROOM), DECL(CASTLE_LONGPASSAGE), DECL(CASTLE_HALL), DECL(CASTLE_CUPBOARD), DECL(CASTLE_COURTYARD), DECL(CASTLE_ALCOVE), DECL(FACTORY_SMALLROOM), DECL(FACTORY_SHORTPASSAGE), DECL(FACTORY_MEDIUMROOM), DECL(FACTORY_LARGEROOM), DECL(FACTORY_LONGPASSAGE), DECL(FACTORY_HALL), DECL(FACTORY_CUPBOARD), DECL(FACTORY_COURTYARD), DECL(FACTORY_ALCOVE), DECL(ICEPALACE_SMALLROOM), DECL(ICEPALACE_SHORTPASSAGE), DECL(ICEPALACE_MEDIUMROOM), DECL(ICEPALACE_LARGEROOM), DECL(ICEPALACE_LONGPASSAGE), DECL(ICEPALACE_HALL), DECL(ICEPALACE_CUPBOARD), DECL(ICEPALACE_COURTYARD), DECL(ICEPALACE_ALCOVE), DECL(SPACESTATION_SMALLROOM), DECL(SPACESTATION_SHORTPASSAGE), DECL(SPACESTATION_MEDIUMROOM), DECL(SPACESTATION_LARGEROOM), DECL(SPACESTATION_LONGPASSAGE), DECL(SPACESTATION_HALL), DECL(SPACESTATION_CUPBOARD), DECL(SPACESTATION_ALCOVE), DECL(WOODEN_SMALLROOM), DECL(WOODEN_SHORTPASSAGE), DECL(WOODEN_MEDIUMROOM), DECL(WOODEN_LARGEROOM), DECL(WOODEN_LONGPASSAGE), DECL(WOODEN_HALL), DECL(WOODEN_CUPBOARD), DECL(WOODEN_COURTYARD), DECL(WOODEN_ALCOVE), DECL(SPORT_EMPTYSTADIUM), DECL(SPORT_SQUASHCOURT), DECL(SPORT_SMALLSWIMMINGPOOL), DECL(SPORT_LARGESWIMMINGPOOL), DECL(SPORT_GYMNASIUM), DECL(SPORT_FULLSTADIUM), DECL(SPORT_STADIUMTANNOY), DECL(PREFAB_WORKSHOP), DECL(PREFAB_SCHOOLROOM), DECL(PREFAB_PRACTISEROOM), DECL(PREFAB_OUTHOUSE), DECL(PREFAB_CARAVAN), DECL(DOME_TOMB), DECL(PIPE_SMALL), DECL(DOME_SAINTPAULS), DECL(PIPE_LONGTHIN), DECL(PIPE_LARGE), DECL(PIPE_RESONANT), DECL(OUTDOORS_BACKYARD), DECL(OUTDOORS_ROLLINGPLAINS), DECL(OUTDOORS_DEEPCANYON), DECL(OUTDOORS_CREEK), DECL(OUTDOORS_VALLEY), DECL(MOOD_HEAVEN), DECL(MOOD_HELL), DECL(MOOD_MEMORY), DECL(DRIVING_COMMENTATOR), DECL(DRIVING_PITGARAGE), DECL(DRIVING_INCAR_RACER), DECL(DRIVING_INCAR_SPORTS), DECL(DRIVING_INCAR_LUXURY), DECL(DRIVING_FULLGRANDSTAND), DECL(DRIVING_EMPTYGRANDSTAND), DECL(DRIVING_TUNNEL), DECL(CITY_STREETS), DECL(CITY_SUBWAY), DECL(CITY_MUSEUM), DECL(CITY_LIBRARY), DECL(CITY_UNDERPASS), DECL(CITY_ABANDONED), DECL(DUSTYROOM), DECL(CHAPEL), DECL(SMALLWATERROOM), }; #undef DECL void LoadReverbPreset(const char *name, ALeffect *effect) { if(al::strcasecmp(name, "NONE") == 0) { InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_NULL); TRACE("Loading reverb '%s'\n", "NONE"); return; } if(!DisabledEffects[EAXREVERB_EFFECT]) InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB); else if(!DisabledEffects[REVERB_EFFECT]) InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_REVERB); else InitEffectParams(effect, AL_EFFECT_NULL); for(const auto &reverbitem : reverblist) { const EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES *props; if(al::strcasecmp(name, reverbitem.name) != 0) continue; TRACE("Loading reverb '%s'\n", reverbitem.name); props = &reverbitem.props; effect->Props.Reverb.Density = props->flDensity; effect->Props.Reverb.Diffusion = props->flDiffusion; effect->Props.Reverb.Gain = props->flGain; effect->Props.Reverb.GainHF = props->flGainHF; effect->Props.Reverb.GainLF = props->flGainLF; effect->Props.Reverb.DecayTime = props->flDecayTime; effect->Props.Reverb.DecayHFRatio = props->flDecayHFRatio; effect->Props.Reverb.DecayLFRatio = props->flDecayLFRatio; effect->Props.Reverb.ReflectionsGain = props->flReflectionsGain; effect->Props.Reverb.ReflectionsDelay = props->flReflectionsDelay; effect->Props.Reverb.ReflectionsPan[0] = props->flReflectionsPan[0]; effect->Props.Reverb.ReflectionsPan[1] = props->flReflectionsPan[1]; effect->Props.Reverb.ReflectionsPan[2] = props->flReflectionsPan[2]; effect->Props.Reverb.LateReverbGain = props->flLateReverbGain; effect->Props.Reverb.LateReverbDelay = props->flLateReverbDelay; effect->Props.Reverb.LateReverbPan[0] = props->flLateReverbPan[0]; effect->Props.Reverb.LateReverbPan[1] = props->flLateReverbPan[1]; effect->Props.Reverb.LateReverbPan[2] = props->flLateReverbPan[2]; effect->Props.Reverb.EchoTime = props->flEchoTime; effect->Props.Reverb.EchoDepth = props->flEchoDepth; effect->Props.Reverb.ModulationTime = props->flModulationTime; effect->Props.Reverb.ModulationDepth = props->flModulationDepth; effect->Props.Reverb.AirAbsorptionGainHF = props->flAirAbsorptionGainHF; effect->Props.Reverb.HFReference = props->flHFReference; effect->Props.Reverb.LFReference = props->flLFReference; effect->Props.Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor = props->flRoomRolloffFactor; effect->Props.Reverb.DecayHFLimit = props->iDecayHFLimit ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE; return; } WARN("Reverb preset '%s' not found\n", name); } #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX namespace { class EaxAlEffectException : public EaxException { public: explicit EaxAlEffectException( const char* message) : EaxException{"[EAX_AL_EFFECT]", message} { } }; // EaxAlEffectException } // namespace void ALeffect::eax_initialize() { eax_effect = nullptr; eax_effect = eax_create_eax_effect(type, Props); } void ALeffect::eax_al_set_effect( ALenum al_effect_type) { if (al_effect_type != AL_EFFECT_NULL) { auto has_effect = false; for (const auto &effect_item : gEffectList) { if (al_effect_type == effect_item.val && !DisabledEffects[effect_item.type]) { has_effect = true; break; } } if (!has_effect) { eax_fail("Effect not available."); } } InitEffectParams(this, al_effect_type); } [[noreturn]] void ALeffect::eax_fail( const char* message) { throw EaxAlEffectException{message}; } EaxAlEffectDeleter::EaxAlEffectDeleter( ALCcontext& context) noexcept : context_{&context} { } void EaxAlEffectDeleter::operator()( ALeffect* effect) const { assert(effect); eax_al_delete_effect(*context_, *effect); } EaxAlEffectUPtr eax_create_al_effect( ALCcontext& context, ALenum effect_type) { #define EAX_PREFIX "[EAX_MAKE_EFFECT] " auto& device = *context.mALDevice; std::lock_guard effect_lock{device.EffectLock}; // Allocate. // if (!EnsureEffects(&device, 1)) { ERR(EAX_PREFIX "%s\n", "Failed to ensure."); return nullptr; } auto effect = EaxAlEffectUPtr{AllocEffect(&device), EaxAlEffectDeleter{context}}; if (!effect) { ERR(EAX_PREFIX "%s\n", "Failed to allocate."); return nullptr; } // Set the type. // auto is_supported = (effect_type == AL_EFFECT_NULL); if (!is_supported) { for (const auto& effect_item : gEffectList) { if(effect_type == effect_item.val && !DisabledEffects[effect_item.type]) { is_supported = true; break; } } } if (!is_supported) { ERR(EAX_PREFIX "Effect type 0x%04x not supported.\n", effect_type); return nullptr; } InitEffectParams(effect.get(), effect_type); return effect; #undef EAX_PREFIX } void eax_al_delete_effect( ALCcontext& context, ALeffect& effect) { auto& device = *context.mALDevice; std::lock_guard effect_lock{device.EffectLock}; FreeEffect(&device, &effect); } #endif // ALSOFT_EAX