#ifndef AL_AUXEFFECTSLOT_H #define AL_AUXEFFECTSLOT_H #include <atomic> #include <cstddef> #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "AL/efx.h" #include "alc/device.h" #include "alc/effects/base.h" #include "almalloc.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "core/effectslot.h" #include "intrusive_ptr.h" #include "vector.h" #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX #include <memory> #include "eax/call.h" #include "eax/effect.h" #include "eax/exception.h" #include "eax/fx_slot_index.h" #include "eax/utils.h" #endif // ALSOFT_EAX struct ALbuffer; struct ALeffect; struct WetBuffer; #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX class EaxFxSlotException : public EaxException { public: explicit EaxFxSlotException(const char* message) : EaxException{"EAX_FX_SLOT", message} {} }; #endif // ALSOFT_EAX enum class SlotState : ALenum { Initial = AL_INITIAL, Playing = AL_PLAYING, Stopped = AL_STOPPED, }; struct ALeffectslot { float Gain{1.0f}; bool AuxSendAuto{true}; ALeffectslot *Target{nullptr}; ALbuffer *Buffer{nullptr}; struct { EffectSlotType Type{EffectSlotType::None}; EffectProps Props{}; al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState> State; } Effect; bool mPropsDirty{true}; SlotState mState{SlotState::Initial}; RefCount ref{0u}; EffectSlot *mSlot{nullptr}; /* Self ID */ ALuint id{}; ALeffectslot(ALCcontext *context); ALeffectslot(const ALeffectslot&) = delete; ALeffectslot& operator=(const ALeffectslot&) = delete; ~ALeffectslot(); ALenum initEffect(ALenum effectType, const EffectProps &effectProps, ALCcontext *context); void updateProps(ALCcontext *context); /* This can be new'd for the context's default effect slot. */ DEF_NEWDEL(ALeffectslot) #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX public: void eax_initialize(ALCcontext& al_context, EaxFxSlotIndexValue index); EaxFxSlotIndexValue eax_get_index() const noexcept { return eax_fx_slot_index_; } const EAX50FXSLOTPROPERTIES& eax_get_eax_fx_slot() const noexcept { return eax_; } // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax_dispatch(const EaxCall& call) { return call.is_get() ? eax_get(call) : eax_set(call); } void eax_commit(); private: static constexpr auto eax_load_effect_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 0; static constexpr auto eax_volume_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 1; static constexpr auto eax_lock_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 2; static constexpr auto eax_flags_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 3; static constexpr auto eax_occlusion_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 4; static constexpr auto eax_occlusion_lf_ratio_dirty_bit = EaxDirtyFlags{1} << 5; using Exception = EaxFxSlotException; using Eax4Props = EAX40FXSLOTPROPERTIES; struct Eax4State { Eax4Props i; // Immediate. }; using Eax5Props = EAX50FXSLOTPROPERTIES; struct Eax5State { Eax5Props i; // Immediate. }; struct EaxRangeValidator { template<typename TValue> void operator()( const char* name, const TValue& value, const TValue& min_value, const TValue& max_value) const { eax_validate_range<Exception>(name, value, min_value, max_value); } }; struct Eax4GuidLoadEffectValidator { void operator()(const GUID& guidLoadEffect) const { if (guidLoadEffect != EAX_NULL_GUID && guidLoadEffect != EAX_REVERB_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_AGCCOMPRESSOR_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_AUTOWAH_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_CHORUS_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_DISTORTION_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_ECHO_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_EQUALIZER_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_FLANGER_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_FREQUENCYSHIFTER_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_VOCALMORPHER_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_PITCHSHIFTER_EFFECT && guidLoadEffect != EAX_RINGMODULATOR_EFFECT) { eax_fail_unknown_effect_id(); } } }; struct Eax4VolumeValidator { void operator()(long lVolume) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Volume", lVolume, EAXFXSLOT_MINVOLUME, EAXFXSLOT_MAXVOLUME); } }; struct Eax4LockValidator { void operator()(long lLock) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Lock", lLock, EAXFXSLOT_MINLOCK, EAXFXSLOT_MAXLOCK); } }; struct Eax4FlagsValidator { void operator()(unsigned long ulFlags) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Flags", ulFlags, 0UL, ~EAX40FXSLOTFLAGS_RESERVED); } }; struct Eax4AllValidator { void operator()(const EAX40FXSLOTPROPERTIES& all) const { Eax4GuidLoadEffectValidator{}(all.guidLoadEffect); Eax4VolumeValidator{}(all.lVolume); Eax4LockValidator{}(all.lLock); Eax4FlagsValidator{}(all.ulFlags); } }; struct Eax5OcclusionValidator { void operator()(long lOcclusion) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Occlusion", lOcclusion, EAXFXSLOT_MINOCCLUSION, EAXFXSLOT_MAXOCCLUSION); } }; struct Eax5OcclusionLfRatioValidator { void operator()(float flOcclusionLFRatio) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Occlusion LF Ratio", flOcclusionLFRatio, EAXFXSLOT_MINOCCLUSIONLFRATIO, EAXFXSLOT_MAXOCCLUSIONLFRATIO); } }; struct Eax5FlagsValidator { void operator()(unsigned long ulFlags) const { EaxRangeValidator{}( "Flags", ulFlags, 0UL, ~EAX50FXSLOTFLAGS_RESERVED); } }; struct Eax5AllValidator { void operator()(const EAX50FXSLOTPROPERTIES& all) const { Eax4AllValidator{}(static_cast<const EAX40FXSLOTPROPERTIES&>(all)); Eax5OcclusionValidator{}(all.lOcclusion); Eax5OcclusionLfRatioValidator{}(all.flOcclusionLFRatio); } }; ALCcontext* eax_al_context_{}; EaxFxSlotIndexValue eax_fx_slot_index_{}; int eax_version_{}; // Current EAX version. EaxDirtyFlags eax_df_{}; // Dirty flags for the current EAX version. EaxEffectUPtr eax_effect_{}; Eax5State eax123_{}; // EAX1/EAX2/EAX3 state. Eax4State eax4_{}; // EAX4 state. Eax5State eax5_{}; // EAX5 state. Eax5Props eax_{}; // Current EAX state. [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail(const char* message); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_effect_id(); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_property_id(); [[noreturn]] static void eax_fail_unknown_version(); // Gets a new value from EAX call, // validates it, // sets a dirty flag only if the new value differs form the old one, // and assigns the new value. template<typename TValidator, EaxDirtyFlags TDirtyBit, typename TProperties> static void eax_fx_slot_set(const EaxCall& call, TProperties& dst, EaxDirtyFlags& dirty_flags) { const auto& src = call.get_value<Exception, const TProperties>(); TValidator{}(src); dirty_flags |= (dst != src ? TDirtyBit : EaxDirtyFlags{}); dst = src; } // Gets a new value from EAX call, // validates it, // sets a dirty flag without comparing the values, // and assigns the new value. template<typename TValidator, EaxDirtyFlags TDirtyBit, typename TProperties> static void eax_fx_slot_set_dirty(const EaxCall& call, TProperties& dst, EaxDirtyFlags& dirty_flags) { const auto& src = call.get_value<Exception, const TProperties>(); TValidator{}(src); dirty_flags |= TDirtyBit; dst = src; } constexpr bool eax4_fx_slot_is_legacy() const noexcept { return eax_fx_slot_index_ < 2; } void eax4_fx_slot_ensure_unlocked() const; static ALenum eax_get_efx_effect_type(const GUID& guid); const GUID& eax_get_eax_default_effect_guid() const noexcept; long eax_get_eax_default_lock() const noexcept; void eax4_fx_slot_set_defaults(Eax4Props& props) noexcept; void eax5_fx_slot_set_defaults(Eax5Props& props) noexcept; void eax4_fx_slot_set_current_defaults(const Eax4Props& props) noexcept; void eax5_fx_slot_set_current_defaults(const Eax5Props& props) noexcept; void eax_fx_slot_set_current_defaults(); void eax_fx_slot_set_defaults(); void eax4_fx_slot_get(const EaxCall& call, const Eax4Props& props) const; void eax5_fx_slot_get(const EaxCall& call, const Eax5Props& props) const; void eax_fx_slot_get(const EaxCall& call) const; // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax_get(const EaxCall& call); void eax_fx_slot_load_effect(int version, ALenum altype); void eax_fx_slot_set_volume(); void eax_fx_slot_set_environment_flag(); void eax_fx_slot_set_flags(); void eax4_fx_slot_set_all(const EaxCall& call); void eax5_fx_slot_set_all(const EaxCall& call); bool eax_fx_slot_should_update_sources() const noexcept; // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax4_fx_slot_set(const EaxCall& call); // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax5_fx_slot_set(const EaxCall& call); // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax_fx_slot_set(const EaxCall& call); // Returns `true` if all sources should be updated, or `false` otherwise. bool eax_set(const EaxCall& call); template< EaxDirtyFlags TDirtyBit, typename TMemberResult, typename TProps, typename TState> void eax_fx_slot_commit_property(TState& state, EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df, TMemberResult TProps::*member) noexcept { auto& src_i = state.i; auto& dst_i = eax_; if((eax_df_ & TDirtyBit) != EaxDirtyFlags{}) { dst_df |= TDirtyBit; dst_i.*member = src_i.*member; } } void eax4_fx_slot_commit(EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df); void eax5_fx_slot_commit(Eax5State& state, EaxDirtyFlags& dst_df); // `alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(effect_slot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, effect)` void eax_set_efx_slot_effect(EaxEffect &effect); // `alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(effect_slot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_AUXILIARY_SEND_AUTO, value)` void eax_set_efx_slot_send_auto(bool is_send_auto); // `alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(effect_slot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_GAIN, gain)` void eax_set_efx_slot_gain(ALfloat gain); public: class EaxDeleter { public: void operator()(ALeffectslot *effect_slot); }; #endif // ALSOFT_EAX }; void UpdateAllEffectSlotProps(ALCcontext *context); #ifdef ALSOFT_EAX using EaxAlEffectSlotUPtr = std::unique_ptr<ALeffectslot, ALeffectslot::EaxDeleter>; EaxAlEffectSlotUPtr eax_create_al_effect_slot(ALCcontext& context); void eax_delete_al_effect_slot(ALCcontext& context, ALeffectslot& effect_slot); #endif // ALSOFT_EAX #endif