/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 2011 by Chris Robinson * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <mutex> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <istream> #include <algorithm> #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "alMain.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "alu.h" #include "hrtf.h" #include "alconfig.h" #include "filters/splitter.h" #include "compat.h" #include "almalloc.h" struct HrtfHandle { HrtfEntry *entry{nullptr}; char filename[]; DEF_PLACE_NEWDEL() }; namespace { using HrtfHandlePtr = std::unique_ptr<HrtfHandle>; /* Current data set limits defined by the makehrtf utility. */ #define MIN_IR_SIZE (8) #define MAX_IR_SIZE (512) #define MOD_IR_SIZE (8) #define MIN_FD_COUNT (1) #define MAX_FD_COUNT (16) #define MIN_FD_DISTANCE (50) #define MAX_FD_DISTANCE (2500) #define MIN_EV_COUNT (5) #define MAX_EV_COUNT (128) #define MIN_AZ_COUNT (1) #define MAX_AZ_COUNT (128) #define MAX_HRIR_DELAY (HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH-1) constexpr ALchar magicMarker00[8]{'M','i','n','P','H','R','0','0'}; constexpr ALchar magicMarker01[8]{'M','i','n','P','H','R','0','1'}; constexpr ALchar magicMarker02[8]{'M','i','n','P','H','R','0','2'}; /* First value for pass-through coefficients (remaining are 0), used for omni- * directional sounds. */ constexpr ALfloat PassthruCoeff{0.707106781187f/*sqrt(0.5)*/}; std::mutex LoadedHrtfLock; al::vector<HrtfHandlePtr> LoadedHrtfs; class databuf final : public std::streambuf { int_type underflow() override { return traits_type::eof(); } pos_type seekoff(off_type offset, std::ios_base::seekdir whence, std::ios_base::openmode mode) override { if((mode&std::ios_base::out) || !(mode&std::ios_base::in)) return traits_type::eof(); char_type *cur; switch(whence) { case std::ios_base::beg: if(offset < 0 || offset > egptr()-eback()) return traits_type::eof(); cur = eback() + offset; break; case std::ios_base::cur: if((offset >= 0 && offset > egptr()-gptr()) || (offset < 0 && -offset > gptr()-eback())) return traits_type::eof(); cur = gptr() + offset; break; case std::ios_base::end: if(offset > 0 || -offset > egptr()-eback()) return traits_type::eof(); cur = egptr() + offset; break; default: return traits_type::eof(); } setg(eback(), cur, egptr()); return cur - eback(); } pos_type seekpos(pos_type pos, std::ios_base::openmode mode) override { // Simplified version of seekoff if((mode&std::ios_base::out) || !(mode&std::ios_base::in)) return traits_type::eof(); if(pos < 0 || pos > egptr()-eback()) return traits_type::eof(); setg(eback(), eback() + static_cast<size_t>(pos), egptr()); return pos; } public: databuf(const char_type *start, const char_type *end) noexcept { setg(const_cast<char_type*>(start), const_cast<char_type*>(start), const_cast<char_type*>(end)); } }; class idstream final : public std::istream { databuf mStreamBuf; public: idstream(const char *start, const char *end) : std::istream{nullptr}, mStreamBuf{start, end} { init(&mStreamBuf); } }; /* Calculate the elevation index given the polar elevation in radians. This * will return an index between 0 and (evcount - 1). */ ALsizei CalcEvIndex(ALsizei evcount, ALfloat ev, ALfloat *mu) { ev = (al::MathDefs<float>::Pi()*0.5f + ev) * (evcount-1) / al::MathDefs<float>::Pi(); ALsizei idx{float2int(ev)}; *mu = ev - idx; return mini(idx, evcount-1); } /* Calculate the azimuth index given the polar azimuth in radians. This will * return an index between 0 and (azcount - 1). */ ALsizei CalcAzIndex(ALsizei azcount, ALfloat az, ALfloat *mu) { az = (al::MathDefs<float>::Tau()+az) * azcount / al::MathDefs<float>::Tau(); ALsizei idx{float2int(az)}; *mu = az - idx; return idx % azcount; } } // namespace /* Calculates static HRIR coefficients and delays for the given polar elevation * and azimuth in radians. The coefficients are normalized. */ void GetHrtfCoeffs(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat spread, ALfloat (*RESTRICT coeffs)[2], ALsizei *delays) { const ALfloat dirfact{1.0f - (spread / al::MathDefs<float>::Tau())}; /* Claculate the lower elevation index. */ ALfloat emu; ALsizei evidx{CalcEvIndex(Hrtf->evCount, elevation, &emu)}; ALsizei evoffset{Hrtf->evOffset[evidx]}; /* Calculate lower azimuth index. */ ALfloat amu[2]; ALsizei azidx{CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[evidx], azimuth, &amu[0])}; /* Calculate the lower HRIR indices. */ ALsizei idx[4]{ evoffset + azidx, evoffset + ((azidx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx]) }; if(evidx < Hrtf->evCount-1) { /* Increment elevation to the next (upper) index. */ evidx++; evoffset = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx]; /* Calculate upper azimuth index. */ azidx = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[evidx], azimuth, &amu[1]); /* Calculate the upper HRIR indices. */ idx[2] = evoffset + azidx; idx[3] = evoffset + ((azidx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx]); } else { /* If the lower elevation is the top index, the upper elevation is the * same as the lower. */ amu[1] = amu[0]; idx[2] = idx[0]; idx[3] = idx[1]; } /* Calculate bilinear blending weights, attenuated according to the * directional panning factor. */ const ALfloat blend[4]{ (1.0f-emu) * (1.0f-amu[0]) * dirfact, (1.0f-emu) * ( amu[0]) * dirfact, ( emu) * (1.0f-amu[1]) * dirfact, ( emu) * ( amu[1]) * dirfact }; /* Calculate the blended HRIR delays. */ delays[0] = fastf2i( Hrtf->delays[idx[0]][0]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[idx[1]][0]*blend[1] + Hrtf->delays[idx[2]][0]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[idx[3]][0]*blend[3] ); delays[1] = fastf2i( Hrtf->delays[idx[0]][1]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[idx[1]][1]*blend[1] + Hrtf->delays[idx[2]][1]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[idx[3]][1]*blend[3] ); const ALsizei irSize{Hrtf->irSize}; ASSUME(irSize >= MIN_IR_SIZE); /* Calculate the sample offsets for the HRIR indices. */ idx[0] *= irSize; idx[1] *= irSize; idx[2] *= irSize; idx[3] *= irSize; /* Calculate the blended HRIR coefficients. */ ALfloat *coeffout{al::assume_aligned<16>(coeffs[0])}; coeffout[0] = PassthruCoeff * (1.0f-dirfact); coeffout[1] = PassthruCoeff * (1.0f-dirfact); std::fill(coeffout+2, coeffout + irSize*2, 0.0f); for(ALsizei c{0};c < 4;c++) { const ALfloat *srccoeffs{al::assume_aligned<16>(Hrtf->coeffs[idx[c]])}; const ALfloat mult{blend[c]}; auto blend_coeffs = [mult](const ALfloat src, const ALfloat coeff) noexcept -> ALfloat { return src*mult + coeff; }; std::transform<const ALfloat*RESTRICT>(srccoeffs, srccoeffs + irSize*2, coeffout, coeffout, blend_coeffs); } } void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALsizei NumChannels, const AngularPoint *AmbiPoints, const ALfloat (*RESTRICT AmbiMatrix)[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS], const ALsizei AmbiCount, const ALfloat *RESTRICT AmbiOrderHFGain) { static constexpr int OrderFromChan[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]{ 0, 1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3, }; /* Set this to true for dual-band HRTF processing. May require a higher * quality filter, or better calculation of the new IR length to deal with * the tail generated by the filter. */ static constexpr bool DualBand{true}; ASSUME(NumChannels > 0); ASSUME(AmbiCount > 0); ALsizei min_delay{HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH}; ALsizei max_delay{0}; al::vector<ALsizei> idx(AmbiCount); auto calc_idxs = [Hrtf,&max_delay,&min_delay](const AngularPoint &pt) noexcept -> ALsizei { /* Calculate elevation index. */ const auto evidx = clampi( static_cast<ALsizei>((90.0f+pt.Elev)*(Hrtf->evCount-1)/180.0f + 0.5f), 0, Hrtf->evCount-1); const ALsizei azcount{Hrtf->azCount[evidx]}; const ALsizei evoffset{Hrtf->evOffset[evidx]}; /* Calculate azimuth index for this elevation. */ const auto azidx = static_cast<ALsizei>((360.0f+pt.Azim)*azcount/360.0f + 0.5f) % azcount; /* Calculate the index for the impulse response. */ ALsizei idx{evoffset + azidx}; min_delay = mini(min_delay, mini(Hrtf->delays[idx][0], Hrtf->delays[idx][1])); max_delay = maxi(max_delay, maxi(Hrtf->delays[idx][0], Hrtf->delays[idx][1])); return idx; }; std::transform(AmbiPoints, AmbiPoints+AmbiCount, idx.begin(), calc_idxs); const ALdouble xover_norm{400.0 / Hrtf->sampleRate}; BandSplitterR<double> splitter; splitter.init(xover_norm); al::vector<std::array<std::array<ALdouble,2>,HRIR_LENGTH>> tmpres(NumChannels); al::vector<std::array<ALdouble,HRIR_LENGTH>> tmpfilt(3); for(ALsizei c{0};c < AmbiCount;++c) { const ALfloat (*fir)[2]{&Hrtf->coeffs[idx[c] * Hrtf->irSize]}; const ALsizei ldelay{Hrtf->delays[idx[c]][0] - min_delay}; const ALsizei rdelay{Hrtf->delays[idx[c]][1] - min_delay}; if(!DualBand) { for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i) { const ALdouble mult{(ALdouble)AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]] * AmbiMatrix[c][i]}; const ALsizei numirs{mini(Hrtf->irSize, HRIR_LENGTH-maxi(ldelay, rdelay))}; ALsizei lidx{ldelay}, ridx{rdelay}; for(ALsizei j{0};j < numirs;++j) { tmpres[i][lidx++][0] += fir[j][0] * mult; tmpres[i][ridx++][1] += fir[j][1] * mult; } } } else { /* Extract the left HRIR and increase its per-order high-frequency * response. */ auto tmpfilt_iter = std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt.back().begin(), [](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept { return ir[0]; }); std::fill(tmpfilt_iter, tmpfilt.back().end(), 0.0); splitter.clear(); splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(), HRIR_LENGTH); /* Apply left ear response with delay. */ for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i) { const ALdouble mult{AmbiMatrix[c][i]}; const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]}; for(ALsizei lidx{ldelay},j{0};lidx < HRIR_LENGTH;++lidx,++j) tmpres[i][lidx][0] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult; } /* Extract the right HRIR and increase its per-order high-frequency * response. */ tmpfilt_iter = std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt.back().begin(), [](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept { return ir[1]; }); std::fill(tmpfilt_iter, tmpfilt.back().end(), 0.0); splitter.clear(); splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(), HRIR_LENGTH); /* Apply right ear response with delay. */ for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i) { const ALdouble mult{AmbiMatrix[c][i]}; const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]}; for(ALsizei ridx{rdelay},j{0};ridx < HRIR_LENGTH;++ridx,++j) tmpres[i][ridx][1] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult; } } } tmpfilt.clear(); for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i) { for(ALsizei idx{0};idx < HRIR_LENGTH;idx++) { state->Chan[i].Coeffs[idx][0] = (ALfloat)tmpres[i][idx][0]; state->Chan[i].Coeffs[idx][1] = (ALfloat)tmpres[i][idx][1]; } } tmpres.clear(); idx.clear(); ALsizei max_length; if(!DualBand) max_length = mini(max_delay-min_delay + Hrtf->irSize, HRIR_LENGTH); else { /* Increase the IR size by 2/3rds to account for the tail generated by * the filter. */ const ALsizei irsize = mini(Hrtf->irSize*5/3, HRIR_LENGTH); max_length = mini(max_delay-min_delay + irsize, HRIR_LENGTH); } /* Round up to the next IR size multiple. */ max_length += MOD_IR_SIZE-1; max_length -= max_length%MOD_IR_SIZE; TRACE("Skipped delay: %d, max delay: %d, new FIR length: %d\n", min_delay, max_delay-min_delay, max_length); state->IrSize = max_length; } namespace { HrtfEntry *CreateHrtfStore(ALuint rate, ALsizei irSize, ALfloat distance, ALsizei evCount, ALsizei irCount, const ALubyte *azCount, const ALushort *evOffset, const ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], const ALubyte (*delays)[2], const char *filename) { HrtfEntry *Hrtf; size_t total; total = sizeof(HrtfEntry); total += sizeof(Hrtf->azCount[0])*evCount; total = RoundUp(total, sizeof(ALushort)); /* Align for ushort fields */ total += sizeof(Hrtf->evOffset[0])*evCount; total = RoundUp(total, 16); /* Align for coefficients using SIMD */ total += sizeof(Hrtf->coeffs[0])*irSize*irCount; total += sizeof(Hrtf->delays[0])*irCount; Hrtf = static_cast<HrtfEntry*>(al_calloc(16, total)); if(Hrtf == nullptr) ERR("Out of memory allocating storage for %s.\n", filename); else { uintptr_t offset = sizeof(HrtfEntry); char *base = (char*)Hrtf; ALushort *_evOffset; ALubyte *_azCount; ALubyte (*_delays)[2]; ALfloat (*_coeffs)[2]; ALsizei i; InitRef(&Hrtf->ref, 0); Hrtf->sampleRate = rate; Hrtf->irSize = irSize; Hrtf->distance = distance; Hrtf->evCount = evCount; /* Set up pointers to storage following the main HRTF struct. */ _azCount = reinterpret_cast<ALubyte*>(base + offset); offset += sizeof(_azCount[0])*evCount; offset = RoundUp(offset, sizeof(ALushort)); /* Align for ushort fields */ _evOffset = reinterpret_cast<ALushort*>(base + offset); offset += sizeof(_evOffset[0])*evCount; offset = RoundUp(offset, 16); /* Align for coefficients using SIMD */ _coeffs = reinterpret_cast<ALfloat(*)[2]>(base + offset); offset += sizeof(_coeffs[0])*irSize*irCount; _delays = reinterpret_cast<ALubyte(*)[2]>(base + offset); offset += sizeof(_delays[0])*irCount; assert(offset == total); /* Copy input data to storage. */ for(i = 0;i < evCount;i++) _azCount[i] = azCount[i]; for(i = 0;i < evCount;i++) _evOffset[i] = evOffset[i]; for(i = 0;i < irSize*irCount;i++) { _coeffs[i][0] = coeffs[i][0]; _coeffs[i][1] = coeffs[i][1]; } for(i = 0;i < irCount;i++) { _delays[i][0] = delays[i][0]; _delays[i][1] = delays[i][1]; } /* Finally, assign the storage pointers. */ Hrtf->azCount = _azCount; Hrtf->evOffset = _evOffset; Hrtf->coeffs = _coeffs; Hrtf->delays = _delays; } return Hrtf; } ALubyte GetLE_ALubyte(std::istream &data) { return static_cast<ALubyte>(data.get()); } ALshort GetLE_ALshort(std::istream &data) { int ret = data.get(); ret |= data.get() << 8; return static_cast<ALshort>((ret^32768) - 32768); } ALushort GetLE_ALushort(std::istream &data) { int ret = data.get(); ret |= data.get() << 8; return static_cast<ALushort>(ret); } ALint GetLE_ALint24(std::istream &data) { int ret = data.get(); ret |= data.get() << 8; ret |= data.get() << 16; return (ret^8388608) - 8388608; } ALuint GetLE_ALuint(std::istream &data) { int ret = data.get(); ret |= data.get() << 8; ret |= data.get() << 16; ret |= data.get() << 24; return ret; } HrtfEntry *LoadHrtf00(std::istream &data, const char *filename) { ALuint rate{GetLE_ALuint(data)}; ALushort irCount{GetLE_ALushort(data)}; ALushort irSize{GetLE_ALushort(data)}; ALubyte evCount{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } ALboolean failed{AL_FALSE}; if(irSize < MIN_IR_SIZE || irSize > MAX_IR_SIZE || (irSize%MOD_IR_SIZE)) { ERR("Unsupported HRIR size: irSize=%d (%d to %d by %d)\n", irSize, MIN_IR_SIZE, MAX_IR_SIZE, MOD_IR_SIZE); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(evCount < MIN_EV_COUNT || evCount > MAX_EV_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported elevation count: evCount=%d (%d to %d)\n", evCount, MIN_EV_COUNT, MAX_EV_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; al::vector<ALushort> evOffset(evCount); for(auto &val : evOffset) val = GetLE_ALushort(data); if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{1};i < evCount;i++) { if(evOffset[i] <= evOffset[i-1]) { ERR("Invalid evOffset: evOffset[%d]=%d (last=%d)\n", i, evOffset[i], evOffset[i-1]); failed = AL_TRUE; } } if(irCount <= evOffset.back()) { ERR("Invalid evOffset: evOffset[" SZFMT "]=%d (irCount=%d)\n", evOffset.size()-1, evOffset.back(), irCount); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; al::vector<ALubyte> azCount(evCount); for(ALsizei i{1};i < evCount;i++) { azCount[i-1] = evOffset[i] - evOffset[i-1]; if(azCount[i-1] < MIN_AZ_COUNT || azCount[i-1] > MAX_AZ_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported azimuth count: azCount[%d]=%d (%d to %d)\n", i-1, azCount[i-1], MIN_AZ_COUNT, MAX_AZ_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } } azCount.back() = irCount - evOffset.back(); if(azCount.back() < MIN_AZ_COUNT || azCount.back() > MAX_AZ_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported azimuth count: azCount[" SZFMT "]=%d (%d to %d)\n", azCount.size()-1, azCount.back(), MIN_AZ_COUNT, MAX_AZ_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; al::vector<std::array<ALfloat,2>> coeffs(irSize*irCount); al::vector<std::array<ALubyte,2>> delays(irCount); for(auto &val : coeffs) val[0] = GetLE_ALshort(data) / 32768.0f; for(auto &val : delays) val[0] = GetLE_ALubyte(data); if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{0};i < irCount;i++) { if(delays[i][0] > MAX_HRIR_DELAY) { ERR("Invalid delays[%d]: %d (%d)\n", i, delays[i][0], MAX_HRIR_DELAY); failed = AL_TRUE; } } if(failed) return nullptr; /* Mirror the left ear responses to the right ear. */ for(ALsizei i{0};i < evCount;i++) { ALushort evoffset = evOffset[i]; ALubyte azcount = azCount[i]; for(ALsizei j{0};j < azcount;j++) { ALsizei lidx = evoffset + j; ALsizei ridx = evoffset + ((azcount-j) % azcount); for(ALsizei k{0};k < irSize;k++) coeffs[ridx*irSize + k][1] = coeffs[lidx*irSize + k][0]; delays[ridx][1] = delays[lidx][0]; } } return CreateHrtfStore(rate, irSize, 0.0f, evCount, irCount, azCount.data(), evOffset.data(), &reinterpret_cast<ALfloat(&)[2]>(coeffs[0]), &reinterpret_cast<ALubyte(&)[2]>(delays[0]), filename); } HrtfEntry *LoadHrtf01(std::istream &data, const char *filename) { ALuint rate{GetLE_ALuint(data)}; ALushort irSize{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; ALubyte evCount{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } ALboolean failed{AL_FALSE}; if(irSize < MIN_IR_SIZE || irSize > MAX_IR_SIZE || (irSize%MOD_IR_SIZE)) { ERR("Unsupported HRIR size: irSize=%d (%d to %d by %d)\n", irSize, MIN_IR_SIZE, MAX_IR_SIZE, MOD_IR_SIZE); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(evCount < MIN_EV_COUNT || evCount > MAX_EV_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported elevation count: evCount=%d (%d to %d)\n", evCount, MIN_EV_COUNT, MAX_EV_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; al::vector<ALubyte> azCount(evCount); data.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(azCount.data()), evCount); if(!data || data.eof() || data.gcount() < evCount) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{0};i < evCount;++i) { if(azCount[i] < MIN_AZ_COUNT || azCount[i] > MAX_AZ_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported azimuth count: azCount[%d]=%d (%d to %d)\n", i, azCount[i], MIN_AZ_COUNT, MAX_AZ_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } } if(failed) return nullptr; al::vector<ALushort> evOffset(evCount); evOffset[0] = 0; ALushort irCount{azCount[0]}; for(ALsizei i{1};i < evCount;i++) { evOffset[i] = evOffset[i-1] + azCount[i-1]; irCount += azCount[i]; } al::vector<std::array<ALfloat,2>> coeffs(irSize*irCount); al::vector<std::array<ALubyte,2>> delays(irCount); for(auto &val : coeffs) val[0] = GetLE_ALshort(data) / 32768.0f; for(auto &val : delays) val[0] = GetLE_ALubyte(data); if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{0};i < irCount;i++) { if(delays[i][0] > MAX_HRIR_DELAY) { ERR("Invalid delays[%d]: %d (%d)\n", i, delays[i][0], MAX_HRIR_DELAY); failed = AL_TRUE; } } if(failed) return nullptr; /* Mirror the left ear responses to the right ear. */ for(ALsizei i{0};i < evCount;i++) { ALushort evoffset = evOffset[i]; ALubyte azcount = azCount[i]; for(ALsizei j{0};j < azcount;j++) { ALsizei lidx = evoffset + j; ALsizei ridx = evoffset + ((azcount-j) % azcount); for(ALsizei k{0};k < irSize;k++) coeffs[ridx*irSize + k][1] = coeffs[lidx*irSize + k][0]; delays[ridx][1] = delays[lidx][0]; } } return CreateHrtfStore(rate, irSize, 0.0f, evCount, irCount, azCount.data(), evOffset.data(), &reinterpret_cast<ALfloat(&)[2]>(coeffs[0]), &reinterpret_cast<ALubyte(&)[2]>(delays[0]), filename); } #define SAMPLETYPE_S16 0 #define SAMPLETYPE_S24 1 #define CHANTYPE_LEFTONLY 0 #define CHANTYPE_LEFTRIGHT 1 HrtfEntry *LoadHrtf02(std::istream &data, const char *filename) { ALuint rate{GetLE_ALuint(data)}; ALubyte sampleType{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; ALubyte channelType{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; ALushort irSize{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; ALubyte fdCount{GetLE_ALubyte(data)}; if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } ALboolean failed{AL_FALSE}; if(sampleType > SAMPLETYPE_S24) { ERR("Unsupported sample type: %d\n", sampleType); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(channelType > CHANTYPE_LEFTRIGHT) { ERR("Unsupported channel type: %d\n", channelType); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(irSize < MIN_IR_SIZE || irSize > MAX_IR_SIZE || (irSize%MOD_IR_SIZE)) { ERR("Unsupported HRIR size: irSize=%d (%d to %d by %d)\n", irSize, MIN_IR_SIZE, MAX_IR_SIZE, MOD_IR_SIZE); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(fdCount != 1) { ERR("Multiple field-depths not supported: fdCount=%d (%d to %d)\n", fdCount, MIN_FD_COUNT, MAX_FD_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; ALushort distance{}; ALubyte evCount{}; al::vector<ALubyte> azCount; for(ALsizei i{0};i < fdCount;i++) { distance = GetLE_ALushort(data); evCount = GetLE_ALubyte(data); if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } if(distance < MIN_FD_DISTANCE || distance > MAX_FD_DISTANCE) { ERR("Unsupported field distance: distance=%d (%dmm to %dmm)\n", distance, MIN_FD_DISTANCE, MAX_FD_DISTANCE); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(evCount < MIN_EV_COUNT || evCount > MAX_EV_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported elevation count: evCount=%d (%d to %d)\n", evCount, MIN_EV_COUNT, MAX_EV_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(failed) return nullptr; azCount.resize(evCount); data.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(azCount.data()), evCount); if(!data || data.eof() || data.gcount() < evCount) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei j{0};j < evCount;j++) { if(azCount[j] < MIN_AZ_COUNT || azCount[j] > MAX_AZ_COUNT) { ERR("Unsupported azimuth count: azCount[%d]=%d (%d to %d)\n", j, azCount[j], MIN_AZ_COUNT, MAX_AZ_COUNT); failed = AL_TRUE; } } if(failed) return nullptr; } al::vector<ALushort> evOffset(evCount); evOffset[0] = 0; ALushort irCount{azCount[0]}; for(ALsizei i{1};i < evCount;++i) { evOffset[i] = evOffset[i-1] + azCount[i-1]; irCount += azCount[i]; } al::vector<std::array<ALfloat,2>> coeffs(irSize*irCount); al::vector<std::array<ALubyte,2>> delays(irCount); if(channelType == CHANTYPE_LEFTONLY) { if(sampleType == SAMPLETYPE_S16) { for(auto &val : coeffs) val[0] = GetLE_ALshort(data) / 32768.0f; } else if(sampleType == SAMPLETYPE_S24) { for(auto &val : coeffs) val[0] = GetLE_ALint24(data) / 8388608.0f; } for(auto &val : delays) val[0] = GetLE_ALubyte(data); if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{0};i < irCount;++i) { if(delays[i][0] > MAX_HRIR_DELAY) { ERR("Invalid delays[%d][0]: %d (%d)\n", i, delays[i][0], MAX_HRIR_DELAY); failed = AL_TRUE; } } } else if(channelType == CHANTYPE_LEFTRIGHT) { if(sampleType == SAMPLETYPE_S16) { for(auto &val : coeffs) { val[0] = GetLE_ALshort(data) / 32768.0f; val[1] = GetLE_ALshort(data) / 32768.0f; } } else if(sampleType == SAMPLETYPE_S24) { for(auto &val : coeffs) { val[0] = GetLE_ALint24(data) / 8388608.0f; val[1] = GetLE_ALint24(data) / 8388608.0f; } } for(auto &val : delays) { val[0] = GetLE_ALubyte(data); val[1] = GetLE_ALubyte(data); } if(!data || data.eof()) { ERR("Failed reading %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } for(ALsizei i{0};i < irCount;++i) { if(delays[i][0] > MAX_HRIR_DELAY) { ERR("Invalid delays[%d][0]: %d (%d)\n", i, delays[i][0], MAX_HRIR_DELAY); failed = AL_TRUE; } if(delays[i][1] > MAX_HRIR_DELAY) { ERR("Invalid delays[%d][1]: %d (%d)\n", i, delays[i][1], MAX_HRIR_DELAY); failed = AL_TRUE; } } } if(failed) return nullptr; if(channelType == CHANTYPE_LEFTONLY) { /* Mirror the left ear responses to the right ear. */ for(ALsizei i{0};i < evCount;i++) { ALushort evoffset = evOffset[i]; ALubyte azcount = azCount[i]; for(ALsizei j{0};j < azcount;j++) { ALsizei lidx = evoffset + j; ALsizei ridx = evoffset + ((azcount-j) % azcount); for(ALsizei k{0};k < irSize;k++) coeffs[ridx*irSize + k][1] = coeffs[lidx*irSize + k][0]; delays[ridx][1] = delays[lidx][0]; } } } return CreateHrtfStore(rate, irSize, (ALfloat)distance / 1000.0f, evCount, irCount, azCount.data(), evOffset.data(), &reinterpret_cast<ALfloat(&)[2]>(coeffs[0]), &reinterpret_cast<ALubyte(&)[2]>(delays[0]), filename ); } bool checkName(al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> &list, const std::string &name) { return std::find_if(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [&name](const EnumeratedHrtf &entry) { return name == entry.name; } ) != list.cend(); } void AddFileEntry(al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> &list, const std::string &filename) { /* Check if this file has already been loaded globally. */ auto loaded_entry = LoadedHrtfs.begin(); for(;loaded_entry != LoadedHrtfs.end();++loaded_entry) { if(filename != (*loaded_entry)->filename) continue; /* Check if this entry has already been added to the list. */ auto iter = std::find_if(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [loaded_entry](const EnumeratedHrtf &entry) -> bool { return loaded_entry->get() == entry.hrtf; } ); if(iter != list.cend()) { TRACE("Skipping duplicate file entry %s\n", filename.c_str()); return; } break; } if(loaded_entry == LoadedHrtfs.end()) { TRACE("Got new file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); LoadedHrtfs.emplace_back(HrtfHandlePtr{new (al_calloc(DEF_ALIGN, FAM_SIZE(HrtfHandle, filename, filename.length()+1))) HrtfHandle{}}); loaded_entry = LoadedHrtfs.end()-1; strcpy((*loaded_entry)->filename, filename.c_str()); } /* TODO: Get a human-readable name from the HRTF data (possibly coming in a * format update). */ size_t namepos = filename.find_last_of('/')+1; if(!namepos) namepos = filename.find_last_of('\\')+1; size_t extpos{filename.find_last_of('.')}; if(extpos <= namepos) extpos = std::string::npos; const std::string basename{(extpos == std::string::npos) ? filename.substr(namepos) : filename.substr(namepos, extpos-namepos)}; std::string newname{basename}; int count{1}; while(checkName(list, newname)) { newname = basename; newname += " #"; newname += std::to_string(++count); } list.emplace_back(EnumeratedHrtf{newname, loaded_entry->get()}); const EnumeratedHrtf &entry = list.back(); TRACE("Adding file entry \"%s\"\n", entry.name.c_str()); } /* Unfortunate that we have to duplicate AddFileEntry to take a memory buffer * for input instead of opening the given filename. */ void AddBuiltInEntry(al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> &list, const std::string &filename, ALuint residx) { auto loaded_entry = LoadedHrtfs.begin(); for(;loaded_entry != LoadedHrtfs.end();++loaded_entry) { if(filename != (*loaded_entry)->filename) continue; /* Check if this entry has already been added to the list. */ auto iter = std::find_if(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [loaded_entry](const EnumeratedHrtf &entry) -> bool { return loaded_entry->get() == entry.hrtf; } ); if(iter != list.cend()) { TRACE("Skipping duplicate file entry %s\n", filename.c_str()); return; } break; } if(loaded_entry == LoadedHrtfs.end()) { const size_t namelen{filename.length()+32}; TRACE("Got new file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); LoadedHrtfs.emplace_back(HrtfHandlePtr{new (al_calloc(DEF_ALIGN, FAM_SIZE(HrtfHandle, filename, namelen))) HrtfHandle{}}); loaded_entry = LoadedHrtfs.end()-1; snprintf((*loaded_entry)->filename, namelen, "!%u_%s", residx, filename.c_str()); } /* TODO: Get a human-readable name from the HRTF data (possibly coming in a * format update). */ std::string newname{filename}; int count{1}; while(checkName(list, newname)) { newname = filename; newname += " #"; newname += std::to_string(++count); } list.emplace_back(EnumeratedHrtf{newname, loaded_entry->get()}); const EnumeratedHrtf &entry = list.back(); TRACE("Adding built-in entry \"%s\"\n", entry.name.c_str()); } #define IDR_DEFAULT_44100_MHR 1 #define IDR_DEFAULT_48000_MHR 2 struct ResData { const char *data; size_t size; }; #ifndef ALSOFT_EMBED_HRTF_DATA ResData GetResource(int UNUSED(name)) { return {nullptr, 0u}; } #else #include "default-44100.mhr.h" #include "default-48000.mhr.h" ResData GetResource(int name) { if(name == IDR_DEFAULT_44100_MHR) return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hrtf_default_44100), sizeof(hrtf_default_44100)}; if(name == IDR_DEFAULT_48000_MHR) return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hrtf_default_48000), sizeof(hrtf_default_48000)}; return {nullptr, 0u}; } #endif } // namespace al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> EnumerateHrtf(const char *devname) { al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> list; bool usedefaults{true}; const char *pathlist{""}; if(ConfigValueStr(devname, nullptr, "hrtf-paths", &pathlist)) { while(pathlist && *pathlist) { const char *next, *end; while(isspace(*pathlist) || *pathlist == ',') pathlist++; if(*pathlist == '\0') continue; next = strchr(pathlist, ','); if(next) end = next++; else { end = pathlist + strlen(pathlist); usedefaults = false; } while(end != pathlist && isspace(*(end-1))) --end; if(end != pathlist) { const std::string pname{pathlist, end}; for(const auto &fname : SearchDataFiles(".mhr", pname.c_str())) AddFileEntry(list, fname); } pathlist = next; } } else if(ConfigValueExists(devname, nullptr, "hrtf_tables")) ERR("The hrtf_tables option is deprecated, please use hrtf-paths instead.\n"); if(usedefaults) { for(const auto &fname : SearchDataFiles(".mhr", "openal/hrtf")) AddFileEntry(list, fname); ResData res{GetResource(IDR_DEFAULT_44100_MHR)}; if(res.data != nullptr && res.size > 0) AddBuiltInEntry(list, "Built-In 44100hz", IDR_DEFAULT_44100_MHR); res = GetResource(IDR_DEFAULT_48000_MHR); if(res.data != nullptr && res.size > 0) AddBuiltInEntry(list, "Built-In 48000hz", IDR_DEFAULT_48000_MHR); } const char *defaulthrtf{""}; if(!list.empty() && ConfigValueStr(devname, nullptr, "default-hrtf", &defaulthrtf)) { auto iter = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [defaulthrtf](const EnumeratedHrtf &entry) -> bool { return entry.name == defaulthrtf; } ); if(iter == list.end()) WARN("Failed to find default HRTF \"%s\"\n", defaulthrtf); else if(iter != list.begin()) { EnumeratedHrtf entry{*iter}; list.erase(iter); list.insert(list.begin(), entry); } } return list; } HrtfEntry *GetLoadedHrtf(HrtfHandle *handle) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{LoadedHrtfLock}; if(handle->entry) { HrtfEntry *hrtf{handle->entry}; Hrtf_IncRef(hrtf); return hrtf; } std::unique_ptr<std::istream> stream; const char *name{""}; ALuint residx{}; char ch{}; if(sscanf(handle->filename, "!%u%c", &residx, &ch) == 2 && ch == '_') { name = strchr(handle->filename, ch)+1; TRACE("Loading %s...\n", name); ResData res{GetResource(residx)}; if(!res.data || res.size == 0) { ERR("Could not get resource %u, %s\n", residx, name); return nullptr; } stream = al::make_unique<idstream>(res.data, res.data+res.size); } else { name = handle->filename; TRACE("Loading %s...\n", handle->filename); auto fstr = al::make_unique<al::ifstream>(handle->filename, std::ios::binary); if(!fstr->is_open()) { ERR("Could not open %s\n", handle->filename); return nullptr; } stream = std::move(fstr); } HrtfEntry *hrtf{nullptr}; char magic[sizeof(magicMarker02)]; stream->read(magic, sizeof(magic)); if(stream->gcount() < static_cast<std::streamsize>(sizeof(magicMarker02))) ERR("%s data is too short (" SZFMT " bytes)\n", name, stream->gcount()); else if(memcmp(magic, magicMarker02, sizeof(magicMarker02)) == 0) { TRACE("Detected data set format v2\n"); hrtf = LoadHrtf02(*stream, name); } else if(memcmp(magic, magicMarker01, sizeof(magicMarker01)) == 0) { TRACE("Detected data set format v1\n"); hrtf = LoadHrtf01(*stream, name); } else if(memcmp(magic, magicMarker00, sizeof(magicMarker00)) == 0) { TRACE("Detected data set format v0\n"); hrtf = LoadHrtf00(*stream, name); } else ERR("Invalid header in %s: \"%.8s\"\n", name, magic); stream.reset(); if(!hrtf) ERR("Failed to load %s\n", name); else { handle->entry = hrtf; Hrtf_IncRef(hrtf); TRACE("Loaded HRTF support for format: %s %uhz\n", DevFmtChannelsString(DevFmtStereo), hrtf->sampleRate); } return hrtf; } void Hrtf_IncRef(HrtfEntry *hrtf) { auto ref = IncrementRef(&hrtf->ref); TRACEREF("%p increasing refcount to %u\n", hrtf, ref); } void Hrtf_DecRef(HrtfEntry *hrtf) { auto ref = DecrementRef(&hrtf->ref); TRACEREF("%p decreasing refcount to %u\n", hrtf, ref); if(ref == 0) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{LoadedHrtfLock}; /* Need to double-check that it's still unused, as another device * could've reacquired this HRTF after its reference went to 0 and * before the lock was taken. */ auto iter = std::find_if(LoadedHrtfs.begin(), LoadedHrtfs.end(), [hrtf](const HrtfHandlePtr &entry) noexcept -> bool { return hrtf == entry->entry; } ); if(iter != LoadedHrtfs.end() && ReadRef(&hrtf->ref) == 0) { al_free((*iter)->entry); (*iter)->entry = nullptr; TRACE("Unloaded unused HRTF %s\n", (*iter)->filename); } } }