#ifndef BFORMATDEC_H #define BFORMATDEC_H #include "alMain.h" #include "filters/splitter.h" #include "ambidefs.h" #include "almalloc.h" struct AmbDecConf; using ChannelDec = ALfloat[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; class BFormatDec { public: static constexpr size_t sNumBands{2}; private: ALuint mEnabled; /* Bitfield of enabled channels. */ union MatrixU { ALfloat Dual[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS][sNumBands][MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; ALfloat Single[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS][MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; } mMatrix; /* NOTE: BandSplitter filters are unused with single-band decoding */ BandSplitter mXOver[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; al::vector, 16> mSamples; /* These two alias into Samples */ std::array *mSamplesHF; std::array *mSamplesLF; struct { BandSplitter Splitter; ALfloat Gains[sNumBands]; } mUpsampler[4]; SplitterAllpass mUpAllpass[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]; ALsizei mNumChannels; ALboolean mDualBand; public: void reset(const AmbDecConf *conf, bool allow_2band, ALsizei inchans, ALuint srate, const ALsizei (&chanmap)[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]); void reset(const ALsizei inchans, const ALfloat xover_norm, const ALsizei chancount, const ChannelDec (&chancoeffs)[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS], const ALsizei (&chanmap)[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]); /* Decodes the ambisonic input to the given output channels. */ void process(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei OutChannels, const ALfloat (*InSamples)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei SamplesToDo); /* Up-samples a first-order input to the decoder's configuration. */ void upSample(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei OutChannels, const ALfloat (*InSamples)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei InChannels, const ALsizei SamplesToDo); DEF_NEWDEL(BFormatDec) }; /* Stand-alone first-order upsampler. Kept here because it shares some stuff * with bformatdec. */ class AmbiUpsampler { static constexpr ALsizei sNumBands{2}; alignas(16) ALfloat mSamples[sNumBands][BUFFERSIZE]; struct { BandSplitter Splitter; ALfloat Gains[sNumBands]; } mInput[4]; SplitterAllpass mAllpass[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]; public: void reset(const ALsizei out_order, const ALfloat xover_norm); void process(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei OutChannels, const ALfloat (*InSamples)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei InChannels, const ALsizei SamplesToDo); static std::array GetHFOrderScales(const ALsizei in_order, const ALsizei out_order) noexcept; DEF_NEWDEL(AmbiUpsampler) }; #endif /* BFORMATDEC_H */