/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include <algorithm> #include "alMain.h" #include "alcontext.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "alBuffer.h" #include "alListener.h" #include "alAuxEffectSlot.h" #include "alu.h" #include "bs2b.h" #include "hrtf.h" #include "mastering.h" #include "uhjfilter.h" #include "bformatdec.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "filters/splitter.h" #include "mixer/defs.h" #include "fpu_modes.h" #include "cpu_caps.h" #include "bsinc_inc.h" /* Cone scalar */ ALfloat ConeScale = 1.0f; /* Localized Z scalar for mono sources */ ALfloat ZScale = 1.0f; /* Force default speed of sound for distance-related reverb decay. */ ALboolean OverrideReverbSpeedOfSound = AL_FALSE; namespace { void ClearArray(ALfloat f[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]) { size_t i; for(i = 0;i < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;i++) f[i] = 0.0f; } struct ChanMap { enum Channel channel; ALfloat angle; ALfloat elevation; }; HrtfDirectMixerFunc MixDirectHrtf = MixDirectHrtf_C; inline HrtfDirectMixerFunc SelectHrtfMixer(void) { #ifdef HAVE_NEON if((CPUCapFlags&CPU_CAP_NEON)) return MixDirectHrtf_Neon; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SSE if((CPUCapFlags&CPU_CAP_SSE)) return MixDirectHrtf_SSE; #endif return MixDirectHrtf_C; } } // namespace void aluInit(void) { MixDirectHrtf = SelectHrtfMixer(); } void DeinitVoice(ALvoice *voice) { al_free(voice->Update.exchange(nullptr)); } namespace { void ProcessHrtf(ALCdevice *device, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { if(device->AmbiUp) ambiup_process(device->AmbiUp.get(), device->Dry.Buffer, device->Dry.NumChannels, device->FOAOut.Buffer, SamplesToDo ); int lidx{GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontLeft)}; int ridx{GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontRight)}; assert(lidx != -1 && ridx != -1); DirectHrtfState *state{device->mHrtfState.get()}; for(ALsizei c{0};c < device->Dry.NumChannels;c++) { MixDirectHrtf(device->RealOut.Buffer[lidx], device->RealOut.Buffer[ridx], device->Dry.Buffer[c], state->Offset, state->IrSize, state->Chan[c].Coeffs, state->Chan[c].Values, SamplesToDo ); } state->Offset += SamplesToDo; } void ProcessAmbiDec(ALCdevice *device, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { if(device->Dry.Buffer != device->FOAOut.Buffer) bformatdec_upSample(device->AmbiDecoder.get(), device->Dry.Buffer, device->FOAOut.Buffer, device->FOAOut.NumChannels, SamplesToDo ); bformatdec_process(device->AmbiDecoder.get(), device->RealOut.Buffer, device->RealOut.NumChannels, device->Dry.Buffer, SamplesToDo ); } void ProcessAmbiUp(ALCdevice *device, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { ambiup_process(device->AmbiUp.get(), device->RealOut.Buffer, device->RealOut.NumChannels, device->FOAOut.Buffer, SamplesToDo ); } void ProcessUhj(ALCdevice *device, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { int lidx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontLeft); int ridx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontRight); assert(lidx != -1 && ridx != -1); /* Encode to stereo-compatible 2-channel UHJ output. */ EncodeUhj2(device->Uhj_Encoder.get(), device->RealOut.Buffer[lidx], device->RealOut.Buffer[ridx], device->Dry.Buffer, SamplesToDo ); } void ProcessBs2b(ALCdevice *device, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { int lidx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontLeft); int ridx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontRight); assert(lidx != -1 && ridx != -1); /* Apply binaural/crossfeed filter */ bs2b_cross_feed(device->Bs2b.get(), device->RealOut.Buffer[lidx], device->RealOut.Buffer[ridx], SamplesToDo); } } // namespace void aluSelectPostProcess(ALCdevice *device) { if(device->HrtfHandle) device->PostProcess = ProcessHrtf; else if(device->AmbiDecoder) device->PostProcess = ProcessAmbiDec; else if(device->AmbiUp) device->PostProcess = ProcessAmbiUp; else if(device->Uhj_Encoder) device->PostProcess = ProcessUhj; else if(device->Bs2b) device->PostProcess = ProcessBs2b; else device->PostProcess = NULL; } /* Prepares the interpolator for a given rate (determined by increment). * * With a bit of work, and a trade of memory for CPU cost, this could be * modified for use with an interpolated increment for buttery-smooth pitch * changes. */ void BsincPrepare(const ALuint increment, BsincState *state, const BSincTable *table) { ALfloat sf = 0.0f; ALsizei si = BSINC_SCALE_COUNT-1; if(increment > FRACTIONONE) { sf = (ALfloat)FRACTIONONE / increment; sf = maxf(0.0f, (BSINC_SCALE_COUNT-1) * (sf-table->scaleBase) * table->scaleRange); si = float2int(sf); /* The interpolation factor is fit to this diagonally-symmetric curve * to reduce the transition ripple caused by interpolating different * scales of the sinc function. */ sf = 1.0f - cosf(asinf(sf - si)); } state->sf = sf; state->m = table->m[si]; state->l = (state->m/2) - 1; state->filter = table->Tab + table->filterOffset[si]; } namespace { /* This RNG method was created based on the math found in opusdec. It's quick, * and starting with a seed value of 22222, is suitable for generating * whitenoise. */ inline ALuint dither_rng(ALuint *seed) noexcept { *seed = (*seed * 96314165) + 907633515; return *seed; } inline void aluCrossproduct(const ALfloat *inVector1, const ALfloat *inVector2, ALfloat *outVector) { outVector[0] = inVector1[1]*inVector2[2] - inVector1[2]*inVector2[1]; outVector[1] = inVector1[2]*inVector2[0] - inVector1[0]*inVector2[2]; outVector[2] = inVector1[0]*inVector2[1] - inVector1[1]*inVector2[0]; } inline ALfloat aluDotproduct(const aluVector *vec1, const aluVector *vec2) { return vec1->v[0]*vec2->v[0] + vec1->v[1]*vec2->v[1] + vec1->v[2]*vec2->v[2]; } ALfloat aluNormalize(ALfloat *vec) { ALfloat length = sqrtf(vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1] + vec[2]*vec[2]); if(length > FLT_EPSILON) { ALfloat inv_length = 1.0f/length; vec[0] *= inv_length; vec[1] *= inv_length; vec[2] *= inv_length; return length; } vec[0] = vec[1] = vec[2] = 0.0f; return 0.0f; } void aluMatrixfFloat3(ALfloat *vec, ALfloat w, const aluMatrixf *mtx) { ALfloat v[4] = { vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], w }; vec[0] = v[0]*mtx->m[0][0] + v[1]*mtx->m[1][0] + v[2]*mtx->m[2][0] + v[3]*mtx->m[3][0]; vec[1] = v[0]*mtx->m[0][1] + v[1]*mtx->m[1][1] + v[2]*mtx->m[2][1] + v[3]*mtx->m[3][1]; vec[2] = v[0]*mtx->m[0][2] + v[1]*mtx->m[1][2] + v[2]*mtx->m[2][2] + v[3]*mtx->m[3][2]; } aluVector aluMatrixfVector(const aluMatrixf *mtx, const aluVector *vec) { aluVector v; v.v[0] = vec->v[0]*mtx->m[0][0] + vec->v[1]*mtx->m[1][0] + vec->v[2]*mtx->m[2][0] + vec->v[3]*mtx->m[3][0]; v.v[1] = vec->v[0]*mtx->m[0][1] + vec->v[1]*mtx->m[1][1] + vec->v[2]*mtx->m[2][1] + vec->v[3]*mtx->m[3][1]; v.v[2] = vec->v[0]*mtx->m[0][2] + vec->v[1]*mtx->m[1][2] + vec->v[2]*mtx->m[2][2] + vec->v[3]*mtx->m[3][2]; v.v[3] = vec->v[0]*mtx->m[0][3] + vec->v[1]*mtx->m[1][3] + vec->v[2]*mtx->m[2][3] + vec->v[3]*mtx->m[3][3]; return v; } void SendSourceStoppedEvent(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id) { AsyncEvent evt = ASYNC_EVENT(EventType_SourceStateChange); ALbitfieldSOFT enabledevt; size_t strpos; ALuint scale; enabledevt = context->EnabledEvts.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if(!(enabledevt&EventType_SourceStateChange)) return; evt.u.user.type = AL_EVENT_TYPE_SOURCE_STATE_CHANGED_SOFT; evt.u.user.id = id; evt.u.user.param = AL_STOPPED; /* Normally snprintf would be used, but this is called from the mixer and * that function's not real-time safe, so we have to construct it manually. */ strcpy(evt.u.user.msg, "Source ID "); strpos = 10; scale = 1000000000; while(scale > 0 && scale > id) scale /= 10; while(scale > 0) { evt.u.user.msg[strpos++] = '0' + ((id/scale)%10); scale /= 10; } strcpy(evt.u.user.msg+strpos, " state changed to AL_STOPPED"); if(ll_ringbuffer_write(context->AsyncEvents, &evt, 1) == 1) alsem_post(&context->EventSem); } bool CalcContextParams(ALCcontext *Context) { ALlistener &Listener = Context->Listener; struct ALcontextProps *props; props = Context->Update.exchange(nullptr, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if(!props) return false; Listener.Params.MetersPerUnit = props->MetersPerUnit; Listener.Params.DopplerFactor = props->DopplerFactor; Listener.Params.SpeedOfSound = props->SpeedOfSound * props->DopplerVelocity; if(!OverrideReverbSpeedOfSound) Listener.Params.ReverbSpeedOfSound = Listener.Params.SpeedOfSound * Listener.Params.MetersPerUnit; Listener.Params.SourceDistanceModel = props->SourceDistanceModel; Listener.Params.mDistanceModel = props->mDistanceModel; AtomicReplaceHead(Context->FreeContextProps, props); return true; } bool CalcListenerParams(ALCcontext *Context) { ALlistener &Listener = Context->Listener; ALfloat N[3], V[3], U[3], P[3]; struct ALlistenerProps *props; aluVector vel; props = Listener.Update.exchange(nullptr, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if(!props) return false; /* AT then UP */ N[0] = props->Forward[0]; N[1] = props->Forward[1]; N[2] = props->Forward[2]; aluNormalize(N); V[0] = props->Up[0]; V[1] = props->Up[1]; V[2] = props->Up[2]; aluNormalize(V); /* Build and normalize right-vector */ aluCrossproduct(N, V, U); aluNormalize(U); aluMatrixfSet(&Listener.Params.Matrix, U[0], V[0], -N[0], 0.0, U[1], V[1], -N[1], 0.0, U[2], V[2], -N[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); P[0] = props->Position[0]; P[1] = props->Position[1]; P[2] = props->Position[2]; aluMatrixfFloat3(P, 1.0, &Listener.Params.Matrix); aluMatrixfSetRow(&Listener.Params.Matrix, 3, -P[0], -P[1], -P[2], 1.0f); aluVectorSet(&vel, props->Velocity[0], props->Velocity[1], props->Velocity[2], 0.0f); Listener.Params.Velocity = aluMatrixfVector(&Listener.Params.Matrix, &vel); Listener.Params.Gain = props->Gain * Context->GainBoost; AtomicReplaceHead(Context->FreeListenerProps, props); return true; } bool CalcEffectSlotParams(ALeffectslot *slot, ALCcontext *context, bool force) { struct ALeffectslotProps *props; EffectState *state; props = slot->Update.exchange(nullptr, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if(!props && !force) return false; if(props) { slot->Params.Gain = props->Gain; slot->Params.AuxSendAuto = props->AuxSendAuto; slot->Params.EffectType = props->Type; slot->Params.EffectProps = props->Props; if(IsReverbEffect(props->Type)) { slot->Params.RoomRolloff = props->Props.Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor; slot->Params.DecayTime = props->Props.Reverb.DecayTime; slot->Params.DecayLFRatio = props->Props.Reverb.DecayLFRatio; slot->Params.DecayHFRatio = props->Props.Reverb.DecayHFRatio; slot->Params.DecayHFLimit = props->Props.Reverb.DecayHFLimit; slot->Params.AirAbsorptionGainHF = props->Props.Reverb.AirAbsorptionGainHF; } else { slot->Params.RoomRolloff = 0.0f; slot->Params.DecayTime = 0.0f; slot->Params.DecayLFRatio = 0.0f; slot->Params.DecayHFRatio = 0.0f; slot->Params.DecayHFLimit = AL_FALSE; slot->Params.AirAbsorptionGainHF = 1.0f; } state = props->State; if(state == slot->Params.mEffectState) { /* If the effect state is the same as current, we can decrement its * count safely to remove it from the update object (it can't reach * 0 refs since the current params also hold a reference). */ DecrementRef(&state->mRef); props->State = nullptr; } else { /* Otherwise, replace it and send off the old one with a release * event. */ AsyncEvent evt = ASYNC_EVENT(EventType_ReleaseEffectState); evt.u.mEffectState = slot->Params.mEffectState; slot->Params.mEffectState = state; props->State = NULL; if(LIKELY(ll_ringbuffer_write(context->AsyncEvents, &evt, 1) != 0)) alsem_post(&context->EventSem); else { /* If writing the event failed, the queue was probably full. * Store the old state in the property object where it can * eventually be cleaned up sometime later (not ideal, but * better than blocking or leaking). */ props->State = evt.u.mEffectState; } } AtomicReplaceHead(context->FreeEffectslotProps, props); } else state = slot->Params.mEffectState; state->update(context, slot, &slot->Params.EffectProps); return true; } constexpr struct ChanMap MonoMap[1] = { { FrontCenter, 0.0f, 0.0f } }, RearMap[2] = { { BackLeft, DEG2RAD(-150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { BackRight, DEG2RAD( 150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }, QuadMap[4] = { { FrontLeft, DEG2RAD( -45.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 45.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { BackLeft, DEG2RAD(-135.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { BackRight, DEG2RAD( 135.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }, X51Map[6] = { { FrontLeft, DEG2RAD( -30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontCenter, DEG2RAD( 0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { SideLeft, DEG2RAD(-110.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { SideRight, DEG2RAD( 110.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }, X61Map[7] = { { FrontLeft, DEG2RAD(-30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontCenter, DEG2RAD( 0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { BackCenter, DEG2RAD(180.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { SideLeft, DEG2RAD(-90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { SideRight, DEG2RAD( 90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }, X71Map[8] = { { FrontLeft, DEG2RAD( -30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontCenter, DEG2RAD( 0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { BackLeft, DEG2RAD(-150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { BackRight, DEG2RAD( 150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { SideLeft, DEG2RAD( -90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { SideRight, DEG2RAD( 90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }; void CalcPanningAndFilters(ALvoice *voice, const ALfloat Azi, const ALfloat Elev, const ALfloat Distance, const ALfloat Spread, const ALfloat DryGain, const ALfloat DryGainHF, const ALfloat DryGainLF, const ALfloat *WetGain, const ALfloat *WetGainLF, const ALfloat *WetGainHF, ALeffectslot **SendSlots, const ALbuffer *Buffer, const struct ALvoiceProps *props, const ALlistener &Listener, const ALCdevice *Device) { struct ChanMap StereoMap[2] = { { FrontLeft, DEG2RAD(-30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }, { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) } }; bool DirectChannels = props->DirectChannels; const ALsizei NumSends = Device->NumAuxSends; const ALuint Frequency = Device->Frequency; const struct ChanMap *chans = NULL; ALsizei num_channels = 0; bool isbformat = false; ALfloat downmix_gain = 1.0f; ALsizei c, i; switch(Buffer->FmtChannels) { case FmtMono: chans = MonoMap; num_channels = 1; /* Mono buffers are never played direct. */ DirectChannels = false; break; case FmtStereo: /* Convert counter-clockwise to clockwise. */ StereoMap[0].angle = -props->StereoPan[0]; StereoMap[1].angle = -props->StereoPan[1]; chans = StereoMap; num_channels = 2; downmix_gain = 1.0f / 2.0f; break; case FmtRear: chans = RearMap; num_channels = 2; downmix_gain = 1.0f / 2.0f; break; case FmtQuad: chans = QuadMap; num_channels = 4; downmix_gain = 1.0f / 4.0f; break; case FmtX51: chans = X51Map; num_channels = 6; /* NOTE: Excludes LFE. */ downmix_gain = 1.0f / 5.0f; break; case FmtX61: chans = X61Map; num_channels = 7; /* NOTE: Excludes LFE. */ downmix_gain = 1.0f / 6.0f; break; case FmtX71: chans = X71Map; num_channels = 8; /* NOTE: Excludes LFE. */ downmix_gain = 1.0f / 7.0f; break; case FmtBFormat2D: num_channels = 3; isbformat = true; DirectChannels = false; break; case FmtBFormat3D: num_channels = 4; isbformat = true; DirectChannels = false; break; } for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { memset(&voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target, 0, sizeof(voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target)); ClearArray(voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target); } for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) ClearArray(voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target); } voice->Flags &= ~(VOICE_HAS_HRTF | VOICE_HAS_NFC); if(isbformat) { /* Special handling for B-Format sources. */ if(Distance > FLT_EPSILON) { /* Panning a B-Format sound toward some direction is easy. Just pan * the first (W) channel as a normal mono sound and silence the * others. */ ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f) { ALfloat mdist = Distance * Listener.Params.MetersPerUnit; ALfloat w0 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (mdist * (ALfloat)Device->Frequency); ALfloat w1 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (Device->AvgSpeakerDist * (ALfloat)Device->Frequency); /* Clamp w0 for really close distances, to prevent excessive * bass. */ w0 = minf(w0, w1*4.0f); /* Only need to adjust the first channel of a B-Format source. */ NfcFilterAdjust(&voice->Direct.Params[0].NFCtrlFilter, w0); for(i = 0;i < MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1;i++) voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[i] = Device->NumChannelsPerOrder[i]; voice->Flags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC; } /* A scalar of 1.5 for plain stereo results in +/-60 degrees being * moved to +/-90 degrees for direct right and left speaker * responses. */ CalcAngleCoeffs((Device->Render_Mode==StereoPair) ? ScaleAzimuthFront(Azi, 1.5f) : Azi, Elev, Spread, coeffs); /* NOTE: W needs to be scaled by sqrt(2) due to FuMa normalization. */ ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs, DryGain*SQRTF_2, voice->Direct.Params[0].Gains.Target); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i]*SQRTF_2, voice->Send[i].Params[0].Gains.Target ); } } else { /* Local B-Format sources have their XYZ channels rotated according * to the orientation. */ ALfloat N[3], V[3], U[3]; aluMatrixf matrix; if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f) { /* NOTE: The NFCtrlFilters were created with a w0 of 0, which * is what we want for FOA input. The first channel may have * been previously re-adjusted if panned, so reset it. */ NfcFilterAdjust(&voice->Direct.Params[0].NFCtrlFilter, 0.0f); voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[0] = 1; voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[1] = mini(voice->Direct.Channels-1, 3); for(i = 2;i < MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1;i++) voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[i] = 0; voice->Flags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC; } /* AT then UP */ N[0] = props->Orientation[0][0]; N[1] = props->Orientation[0][1]; N[2] = props->Orientation[0][2]; aluNormalize(N); V[0] = props->Orientation[1][0]; V[1] = props->Orientation[1][1]; V[2] = props->Orientation[1][2]; aluNormalize(V); if(!props->HeadRelative) { const aluMatrixf *lmatrix = &Listener.Params.Matrix; aluMatrixfFloat3(N, 0.0f, lmatrix); aluMatrixfFloat3(V, 0.0f, lmatrix); } /* Build and normalize right-vector */ aluCrossproduct(N, V, U); aluNormalize(U); /* Build a rotate + conversion matrix (FuMa -> ACN+N3D). NOTE: This * matrix is transposed, for the inputs to align on the rows and * outputs on the columns. */ aluMatrixfSet(&matrix, // ACN0 ACN1 ACN2 ACN3 SQRTF_2, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // Ambi W 0.0f, -N[0]*SQRTF_3, N[1]*SQRTF_3, -N[2]*SQRTF_3, // Ambi X 0.0f, U[0]*SQRTF_3, -U[1]*SQRTF_3, U[2]*SQRTF_3, // Ambi Y 0.0f, -V[0]*SQRTF_3, V[1]*SQRTF_3, -V[2]*SQRTF_3 // Ambi Z ); voice->Direct.Buffer = Device->FOAOut.Buffer; voice->Direct.Channels = Device->FOAOut.NumChannels; for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) ComputePanGains(&Device->FOAOut, matrix.m[c], DryGain, voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) { for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, matrix.m[c], WetGain[i], voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } } else if(DirectChannels) { /* Direct source channels always play local. Skip the virtual channels * and write inputs to the matching real outputs. */ voice->Direct.Buffer = Device->RealOut.Buffer; voice->Direct.Channels = Device->RealOut.NumChannels; for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { int idx = GetChannelIdxByName(&Device->RealOut, chans[c].channel); if(idx != -1) voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target[idx] = DryGain; } /* Auxiliary sends still use normal channel panning since they mix to * B-Format, which can't channel-match. */ for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; CalcAngleCoeffs(chans[c].angle, chans[c].elevation, 0.0f, coeffs); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i], voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } else if(Device->Render_Mode == HrtfRender) { /* Full HRTF rendering. Skip the virtual channels and render to the * real outputs. */ voice->Direct.Buffer = Device->RealOut.Buffer; voice->Direct.Channels = Device->RealOut.NumChannels; if(Distance > FLT_EPSILON) { ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; /* Get the HRIR coefficients and delays just once, for the given * source direction. */ GetHrtfCoeffs(Device->HrtfHandle, Elev, Azi, Spread, voice->Direct.Params[0].Hrtf.Target.Coeffs, voice->Direct.Params[0].Hrtf.Target.Delay); voice->Direct.Params[0].Hrtf.Target.Gain = DryGain * downmix_gain; /* Remaining channels use the same results as the first. */ for(c = 1;c < num_channels;c++) { /* Skip LFE */ if(chans[c].channel != LFE) voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target = voice->Direct.Params[0].Hrtf.Target; } /* Calculate the directional coefficients once, which apply to all * input channels of the source sends. */ CalcAngleCoeffs(Azi, Elev, Spread, coeffs); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { /* Skip LFE */ if(chans[c].channel != LFE) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i] * downmix_gain, voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } else { /* Local sources on HRTF play with each channel panned to its * relative location around the listener, providing "virtual * speaker" responses. */ for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; if(chans[c].channel == LFE) { /* Skip LFE */ continue; } /* Get the HRIR coefficients and delays for this channel * position. */ GetHrtfCoeffs(Device->HrtfHandle, chans[c].elevation, chans[c].angle, Spread, voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target.Coeffs, voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target.Delay ); voice->Direct.Params[c].Hrtf.Target.Gain = DryGain; /* Normal panning for auxiliary sends. */ CalcAngleCoeffs(chans[c].angle, chans[c].elevation, Spread, coeffs); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i], voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } voice->Flags |= VOICE_HAS_HRTF; } else { /* Non-HRTF rendering. Use normal panning to the output. */ if(Distance > FLT_EPSILON) { ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; ALfloat w0 = 0.0f; /* Calculate NFC filter coefficient if needed. */ if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f) { ALfloat mdist = Distance * Listener.Params.MetersPerUnit; ALfloat w1 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (Device->AvgSpeakerDist * (ALfloat)Device->Frequency); w0 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (mdist * (ALfloat)Device->Frequency); /* Clamp w0 for really close distances, to prevent excessive * bass. */ w0 = minf(w0, w1*4.0f); /* Adjust NFC filters. */ for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) NfcFilterAdjust(&voice->Direct.Params[c].NFCtrlFilter, w0); for(i = 0;i < MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1;i++) voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[i] = Device->NumChannelsPerOrder[i]; voice->Flags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC; } /* Calculate the directional coefficients once, which apply to all * input channels. */ CalcAngleCoeffs((Device->Render_Mode==StereoPair) ? ScaleAzimuthFront(Azi, 1.5f) : Azi, Elev, Spread, coeffs); for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { /* Special-case LFE */ if(chans[c].channel == LFE) { if(Device->Dry.Buffer == Device->RealOut.Buffer) { int idx = GetChannelIdxByName(&Device->RealOut, chans[c].channel); if(idx != -1) voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target[idx] = DryGain; } continue; } ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs, DryGain * downmix_gain, voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target); } for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { /* Skip LFE */ if(chans[c].channel != LFE) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i] * downmix_gain, voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } else { ALfloat w0 = 0.0f; if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f) { /* If the source distance is 0, set w0 to w1 to act as a pass- * through. We still want to pass the signal through the * filters so they keep an appropriate history, in case the * source moves away from the listener. */ w0 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (Device->AvgSpeakerDist * (ALfloat)Device->Frequency); for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) NfcFilterAdjust(&voice->Direct.Params[c].NFCtrlFilter, w0); for(i = 0;i < MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1;i++) voice->Direct.ChannelsPerOrder[i] = Device->NumChannelsPerOrder[i]; voice->Flags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC; } for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++) { ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS]; /* Special-case LFE */ if(chans[c].channel == LFE) { if(Device->Dry.Buffer == Device->RealOut.Buffer) { int idx = GetChannelIdxByName(&Device->RealOut, chans[c].channel); if(idx != -1) voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target[idx] = DryGain; } continue; } CalcAngleCoeffs( (Device->Render_Mode==StereoPair) ? ScaleAzimuthFront(chans[c].angle, 3.0f) : chans[c].angle, chans[c].elevation, Spread, coeffs ); ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs, DryGain, voice->Direct.Params[c].Gains.Target); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { const ALeffectslot *Slot = SendSlots[i]; if(Slot) ComputePanningGainsBF(Slot->ChanMap, Slot->NumChannels, coeffs, WetGain[i], voice->Send[i].Params[c].Gains.Target ); } } } } { ALfloat hfScale = props->Direct.HFReference / Frequency; ALfloat lfScale = props->Direct.LFReference / Frequency; ALfloat gainHF = maxf(DryGainHF, 0.001f); /* Limit -60dB */ ALfloat gainLF = maxf(DryGainLF, 0.001f); voice->Direct.FilterType = AF_None; if(gainHF != 1.0f) voice->Direct.FilterType |= AF_LowPass; if(gainLF != 1.0f) voice->Direct.FilterType |= AF_HighPass; BiquadFilter_setParams( &voice->Direct.Params[0].LowPass, BiquadType::HighShelf, gainHF, hfScale, calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gainHF, 1.0f) ); BiquadFilter_setParams( &voice->Direct.Params[0].HighPass, BiquadType::LowShelf, gainLF, lfScale, calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gainLF, 1.0f) ); for(c = 1;c < num_channels;c++) { BiquadFilter_copyParams(&voice->Direct.Params[c].LowPass, &voice->Direct.Params[0].LowPass); BiquadFilter_copyParams(&voice->Direct.Params[c].HighPass, &voice->Direct.Params[0].HighPass); } } for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { ALfloat hfScale = props->Send[i].HFReference / Frequency; ALfloat lfScale = props->Send[i].LFReference / Frequency; ALfloat gainHF = maxf(WetGainHF[i], 0.001f); ALfloat gainLF = maxf(WetGainLF[i], 0.001f); voice->Send[i].FilterType = AF_None; if(gainHF != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].FilterType |= AF_LowPass; if(gainLF != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].FilterType |= AF_HighPass; BiquadFilter_setParams( &voice->Send[i].Params[0].LowPass, BiquadType::HighShelf, gainHF, hfScale, calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gainHF, 1.0f) ); BiquadFilter_setParams( &voice->Send[i].Params[0].HighPass, BiquadType::LowShelf, gainLF, lfScale, calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gainLF, 1.0f) ); for(c = 1;c < num_channels;c++) { BiquadFilter_copyParams(&voice->Send[i].Params[c].LowPass, &voice->Send[i].Params[0].LowPass); BiquadFilter_copyParams(&voice->Send[i].Params[c].HighPass, &voice->Send[i].Params[0].HighPass); } } } void CalcNonAttnSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, const struct ALvoiceProps *props, const ALbuffer *ALBuffer, const ALCcontext *ALContext) { const ALCdevice *Device = ALContext->Device; const ALlistener &Listener = ALContext->Listener; ALfloat DryGain, DryGainHF, DryGainLF; ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetGainLF[MAX_SENDS]; ALeffectslot *SendSlots[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat Pitch; ALsizei i; voice->Direct.Buffer = Device->Dry.Buffer; voice->Direct.Channels = Device->Dry.NumChannels; for(i = 0;i < Device->NumAuxSends;i++) { SendSlots[i] = props->Send[i].Slot; if(!SendSlots[i] && i == 0) SendSlots[i] = ALContext->DefaultSlot.get(); if(!SendSlots[i] || SendSlots[i]->Params.EffectType == AL_EFFECT_NULL) { SendSlots[i] = NULL; voice->Send[i].Buffer = NULL; voice->Send[i].Channels = 0; } else { voice->Send[i].Buffer = SendSlots[i]->WetBuffer; voice->Send[i].Channels = SendSlots[i]->NumChannels; } } /* Calculate the stepping value */ Pitch = (ALfloat)ALBuffer->Frequency/(ALfloat)Device->Frequency * props->Pitch; if(Pitch > (ALfloat)MAX_PITCH) voice->Step = MAX_PITCH<<FRACTIONBITS; else voice->Step = maxi(fastf2i(Pitch * FRACTIONONE), 1); if(props->Resampler == BSinc24Resampler) BsincPrepare(voice->Step, &voice->ResampleState.bsinc, &bsinc24); else if(props->Resampler == BSinc12Resampler) BsincPrepare(voice->Step, &voice->ResampleState.bsinc, &bsinc12); voice->Resampler = SelectResampler(props->Resampler); /* Calculate gains */ DryGain = clampf(props->Gain, props->MinGain, props->MaxGain); DryGain *= props->Direct.Gain * Listener.Params.Gain; DryGain = minf(DryGain, GAIN_MIX_MAX); DryGainHF = props->Direct.GainHF; DryGainLF = props->Direct.GainLF; for(i = 0;i < Device->NumAuxSends;i++) { WetGain[i] = clampf(props->Gain, props->MinGain, props->MaxGain); WetGain[i] *= props->Send[i].Gain * Listener.Params.Gain; WetGain[i] = minf(WetGain[i], GAIN_MIX_MAX); WetGainHF[i] = props->Send[i].GainHF; WetGainLF[i] = props->Send[i].GainLF; } CalcPanningAndFilters(voice, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, DryGain, DryGainHF, DryGainLF, WetGain, WetGainLF, WetGainHF, SendSlots, ALBuffer, props, Listener, Device); } void CalcAttnSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, const struct ALvoiceProps *props, const ALbuffer *ALBuffer, const ALCcontext *ALContext) { const ALCdevice *Device = ALContext->Device; const ALlistener &Listener = ALContext->Listener; const ALsizei NumSends = Device->NumAuxSends; aluVector Position, Velocity, Direction, SourceToListener; ALfloat Distance, ClampedDist, DopplerFactor; ALeffectslot *SendSlots[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat RoomRolloff[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DecayDistance[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DecayLFDistance[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DecayHFDistance[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DryGain, DryGainHF, DryGainLF; ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetGainLF[MAX_SENDS]; bool directional; ALfloat ev, az; ALfloat spread; ALfloat Pitch; ALint i; /* Set mixing buffers and get send parameters. */ voice->Direct.Buffer = Device->Dry.Buffer; voice->Direct.Channels = Device->Dry.NumChannels; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { SendSlots[i] = props->Send[i].Slot; if(!SendSlots[i] && i == 0) SendSlots[i] = ALContext->DefaultSlot.get(); if(!SendSlots[i] || SendSlots[i]->Params.EffectType == AL_EFFECT_NULL) { SendSlots[i] = NULL; RoomRolloff[i] = 0.0f; DecayDistance[i] = 0.0f; DecayLFDistance[i] = 0.0f; DecayHFDistance[i] = 0.0f; } else if(SendSlots[i]->Params.AuxSendAuto) { RoomRolloff[i] = SendSlots[i]->Params.RoomRolloff + props->RoomRolloffFactor; /* Calculate the distances to where this effect's decay reaches * -60dB. */ DecayDistance[i] = SendSlots[i]->Params.DecayTime * Listener.Params.ReverbSpeedOfSound; DecayLFDistance[i] = DecayDistance[i] * SendSlots[i]->Params.DecayLFRatio; DecayHFDistance[i] = DecayDistance[i] * SendSlots[i]->Params.DecayHFRatio; if(SendSlots[i]->Params.DecayHFLimit) { ALfloat airAbsorption = SendSlots[i]->Params.AirAbsorptionGainHF; if(airAbsorption < 1.0f) { /* Calculate the distance to where this effect's air * absorption reaches -60dB, and limit the effect's HF * decay distance (so it doesn't take any longer to decay * than the air would allow). */ ALfloat absorb_dist = log10f(REVERB_DECAY_GAIN) / log10f(airAbsorption); DecayHFDistance[i] = minf(absorb_dist, DecayHFDistance[i]); } } } else { /* If the slot's auxiliary send auto is off, the data sent to the * effect slot is the same as the dry path, sans filter effects */ RoomRolloff[i] = props->RolloffFactor; DecayDistance[i] = 0.0f; DecayLFDistance[i] = 0.0f; DecayHFDistance[i] = 0.0f; } if(!SendSlots[i]) { voice->Send[i].Buffer = NULL; voice->Send[i].Channels = 0; } else { voice->Send[i].Buffer = SendSlots[i]->WetBuffer; voice->Send[i].Channels = SendSlots[i]->NumChannels; } } /* Transform source to listener space (convert to head relative) */ aluVectorSet(&Position, props->Position[0], props->Position[1], props->Position[2], 1.0f); aluVectorSet(&Direction, props->Direction[0], props->Direction[1], props->Direction[2], 0.0f); aluVectorSet(&Velocity, props->Velocity[0], props->Velocity[1], props->Velocity[2], 0.0f); if(props->HeadRelative == AL_FALSE) { const aluMatrixf *Matrix = &Listener.Params.Matrix; /* Transform source vectors */ Position = aluMatrixfVector(Matrix, &Position); Velocity = aluMatrixfVector(Matrix, &Velocity); Direction = aluMatrixfVector(Matrix, &Direction); } else { const aluVector *lvelocity = &Listener.Params.Velocity; /* Offset the source velocity to be relative of the listener velocity */ Velocity.v[0] += lvelocity->v[0]; Velocity.v[1] += lvelocity->v[1]; Velocity.v[2] += lvelocity->v[2]; } directional = aluNormalize(Direction.v) > 0.0f; SourceToListener.v[0] = -Position.v[0]; SourceToListener.v[1] = -Position.v[1]; SourceToListener.v[2] = -Position.v[2]; SourceToListener.v[3] = 0.0f; Distance = aluNormalize(SourceToListener.v); /* Initial source gain */ DryGain = props->Gain; DryGainHF = 1.0f; DryGainLF = 1.0f; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { WetGain[i] = props->Gain; WetGainHF[i] = 1.0f; WetGainLF[i] = 1.0f; } /* Calculate distance attenuation */ ClampedDist = Distance; switch(Listener.Params.SourceDistanceModel ? props->mDistanceModel : Listener.Params.mDistanceModel) { case DistanceModel::InverseClamped: ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, props->RefDistance, props->MaxDistance); if(props->MaxDistance < props->RefDistance) break; /*fall-through*/ case DistanceModel::Inverse: if(!(props->RefDistance > 0.0f)) ClampedDist = props->RefDistance; else { ALfloat dist = lerp(props->RefDistance, ClampedDist, props->RolloffFactor); if(dist > 0.0f) DryGain *= props->RefDistance / dist; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { dist = lerp(props->RefDistance, ClampedDist, RoomRolloff[i]); if(dist > 0.0f) WetGain[i] *= props->RefDistance / dist; } } break; case DistanceModel::LinearClamped: ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, props->RefDistance, props->MaxDistance); if(props->MaxDistance < props->RefDistance) break; /*fall-through*/ case DistanceModel::Linear: if(!(props->MaxDistance != props->RefDistance)) ClampedDist = props->RefDistance; else { ALfloat attn = props->RolloffFactor * (ClampedDist-props->RefDistance) / (props->MaxDistance-props->RefDistance); DryGain *= maxf(1.0f - attn, 0.0f); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { attn = RoomRolloff[i] * (ClampedDist-props->RefDistance) / (props->MaxDistance-props->RefDistance); WetGain[i] *= maxf(1.0f - attn, 0.0f); } } break; case DistanceModel::ExponentClamped: ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, props->RefDistance, props->MaxDistance); if(props->MaxDistance < props->RefDistance) break; /*fall-through*/ case DistanceModel::Exponent: if(!(ClampedDist > 0.0f && props->RefDistance > 0.0f)) ClampedDist = props->RefDistance; else { DryGain *= powf(ClampedDist/props->RefDistance, -props->RolloffFactor); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) WetGain[i] *= powf(ClampedDist/props->RefDistance, -RoomRolloff[i]); } break; case DistanceModel::Disable: ClampedDist = props->RefDistance; break; } /* Calculate directional soundcones */ if(directional && props->InnerAngle < 360.0f) { ALfloat ConeVolume; ALfloat ConeHF; ALfloat Angle; Angle = acosf(aluDotproduct(&Direction, &SourceToListener)); Angle = RAD2DEG(Angle * ConeScale * 2.0f); if(!(Angle > props->InnerAngle)) { ConeVolume = 1.0f; ConeHF = 1.0f; } else if(Angle < props->OuterAngle) { ALfloat scale = ( Angle-props->InnerAngle) / (props->OuterAngle-props->InnerAngle); ConeVolume = lerp(1.0f, props->OuterGain, scale); ConeHF = lerp(1.0f, props->OuterGainHF, scale); } else { ConeVolume = props->OuterGain; ConeHF = props->OuterGainHF; } DryGain *= ConeVolume; if(props->DryGainHFAuto) DryGainHF *= ConeHF; if(props->WetGainAuto) { for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) WetGain[i] *= ConeVolume; } if(props->WetGainHFAuto) { for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) WetGainHF[i] *= ConeHF; } } /* Apply gain and frequency filters */ DryGain = clampf(DryGain, props->MinGain, props->MaxGain); DryGain = minf(DryGain*props->Direct.Gain*Listener.Params.Gain, GAIN_MIX_MAX); DryGainHF *= props->Direct.GainHF; DryGainLF *= props->Direct.GainLF; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { WetGain[i] = clampf(WetGain[i], props->MinGain, props->MaxGain); WetGain[i] = minf(WetGain[i]*props->Send[i].Gain*Listener.Params.Gain, GAIN_MIX_MAX); WetGainHF[i] *= props->Send[i].GainHF; WetGainLF[i] *= props->Send[i].GainLF; } /* Distance-based air absorption and initial send decay. */ if(ClampedDist > props->RefDistance && props->RolloffFactor > 0.0f) { ALfloat meters_base = (ClampedDist-props->RefDistance) * props->RolloffFactor * Listener.Params.MetersPerUnit; if(props->AirAbsorptionFactor > 0.0f) { ALfloat hfattn = powf(AIRABSORBGAINHF, meters_base * props->AirAbsorptionFactor); DryGainHF *= hfattn; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) WetGainHF[i] *= hfattn; } if(props->WetGainAuto) { /* Apply a decay-time transformation to the wet path, based on the * source distance in meters. The initial decay of the reverb * effect is calculated and applied to the wet path. */ for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { ALfloat gain, gainhf, gainlf; if(!(DecayDistance[i] > 0.0f)) continue; gain = powf(REVERB_DECAY_GAIN, meters_base/DecayDistance[i]); WetGain[i] *= gain; /* Yes, the wet path's air absorption is applied with * WetGainAuto on, rather than WetGainHFAuto. */ if(gain > 0.0f) { gainhf = powf(REVERB_DECAY_GAIN, meters_base/DecayHFDistance[i]); WetGainHF[i] *= minf(gainhf / gain, 1.0f); gainlf = powf(REVERB_DECAY_GAIN, meters_base/DecayLFDistance[i]); WetGainLF[i] *= minf(gainlf / gain, 1.0f); } } } } /* Initial source pitch */ Pitch = props->Pitch; /* Calculate velocity-based doppler effect */ DopplerFactor = props->DopplerFactor * Listener.Params.DopplerFactor; if(DopplerFactor > 0.0f) { const aluVector *lvelocity = &Listener.Params.Velocity; const ALfloat SpeedOfSound = Listener.Params.SpeedOfSound; ALfloat vss, vls; vss = aluDotproduct(&Velocity, &SourceToListener) * DopplerFactor; vls = aluDotproduct(lvelocity, &SourceToListener) * DopplerFactor; if(!(vls < SpeedOfSound)) { /* Listener moving away from the source at the speed of sound. * Sound waves can't catch it. */ Pitch = 0.0f; } else if(!(vss < SpeedOfSound)) { /* Source moving toward the listener at the speed of sound. Sound * waves bunch up to extreme frequencies. */ Pitch = HUGE_VALF; } else { /* Source and listener movement is nominal. Calculate the proper * doppler shift. */ Pitch *= (SpeedOfSound-vls) / (SpeedOfSound-vss); } } /* Adjust pitch based on the buffer and output frequencies, and calculate * fixed-point stepping value. */ Pitch *= (ALfloat)ALBuffer->Frequency/(ALfloat)Device->Frequency; if(Pitch > (ALfloat)MAX_PITCH) voice->Step = MAX_PITCH<<FRACTIONBITS; else voice->Step = maxi(fastf2i(Pitch * FRACTIONONE), 1); if(props->Resampler == BSinc24Resampler) BsincPrepare(voice->Step, &voice->ResampleState.bsinc, &bsinc24); else if(props->Resampler == BSinc12Resampler) BsincPrepare(voice->Step, &voice->ResampleState.bsinc, &bsinc12); voice->Resampler = SelectResampler(props->Resampler); if(Distance > 0.0f) { /* Clamp Y, in case rounding errors caused it to end up outside of * -1...+1. */ ev = asinf(clampf(-SourceToListener.v[1], -1.0f, 1.0f)); /* Double negation on Z cancels out; negate once for changing source- * to-listener to listener-to-source, and again for right-handed coords * with -Z in front. */ az = atan2f(-SourceToListener.v[0], SourceToListener.v[2]*ZScale); } else ev = az = 0.0f; if(props->Radius > Distance) spread = F_TAU - Distance/props->Radius*F_PI; else if(Distance > 0.0f) spread = asinf(props->Radius / Distance) * 2.0f; else spread = 0.0f; CalcPanningAndFilters(voice, az, ev, Distance, spread, DryGain, DryGainHF, DryGainLF, WetGain, WetGainLF, WetGainHF, SendSlots, ALBuffer, props, Listener, Device); } void CalcSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, ALCcontext *context, bool force) { ALvoiceProps *props{voice->Update.exchange(nullptr, std::memory_order_acq_rel)}; if(!props && !force) return; if(props) { memcpy(voice->Props, props, FAM_SIZE(struct ALvoiceProps, Send, context->Device->NumAuxSends) ); AtomicReplaceHead(context->FreeVoiceProps, props); } props = voice->Props; ALbufferlistitem *BufferListItem{voice->current_buffer.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)}; while(BufferListItem) { auto buffers_end = BufferListItem->buffers+BufferListItem->num_buffers; auto buffer = std::find_if(BufferListItem->buffers, buffers_end, [](const ALbuffer *buffer) noexcept -> bool { return buffer != nullptr; } ); if(LIKELY(buffer != buffers_end)) { if(props->SpatializeMode == SpatializeOn || (props->SpatializeMode == SpatializeAuto && (*buffer)->FmtChannels == FmtMono)) CalcAttnSourceParams(voice, props, *buffer, context); else CalcNonAttnSourceParams(voice, props, *buffer, context); break; } BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } } void ProcessParamUpdates(ALCcontext *ctx, const ALeffectslotArray *slots) { IncrementRef(&ctx->UpdateCount); if(LIKELY(!ctx->HoldUpdates.load(std::memory_order_acquire))) { bool cforce = CalcContextParams(ctx); bool force = CalcListenerParams(ctx) | cforce; std::for_each(slots->slot, slots->slot+slots->count, [ctx,cforce,&force](ALeffectslot *slot) -> void { force |= CalcEffectSlotParams(slot, ctx, cforce); } ); std::for_each(ctx->Voices, ctx->Voices+ctx->VoiceCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire), [ctx,force](ALvoice *voice) -> void { ALsource *source{voice->Source.load(std::memory_order_acquire)}; if(source) CalcSourceParams(voice, ctx, force); } ); } IncrementRef(&ctx->UpdateCount); } void ProcessContext(ALCcontext *ctx, ALsizei SamplesToDo) { const ALeffectslotArray *auxslots{ctx->ActiveAuxSlots.load(std::memory_order_acquire)}; /* Process pending propery updates for objects on the context. */ ProcessParamUpdates(ctx, auxslots); /* Clear auxiliary effect slot mixing buffers. */ std::for_each(auxslots->slot, auxslots->slot+auxslots->count, [SamplesToDo](ALeffectslot *slot) -> void { std::for_each(slot->WetBuffer, slot->WetBuffer+slot->NumChannels, [SamplesToDo](ALfloat *buffer) -> void { std::fill_n(buffer, SamplesToDo, 0.0f); } ); } ); /* Process voices that have a playing source. */ std::for_each(ctx->Voices, ctx->Voices+ctx->VoiceCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire), [SamplesToDo,ctx](ALvoice *voice) -> void { ALsource *source{voice->Source.load(std::memory_order_acquire)}; if(!source) return; if(!voice->Playing.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) || voice->Step < 1) return; if(!MixSource(voice, source->id, ctx, SamplesToDo)) { voice->Source.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed); voice->Playing.store(false, std::memory_order_release); SendSourceStoppedEvent(ctx, source->id); } } ); /* Process effects. */ std::for_each(auxslots->slot, auxslots->slot+auxslots->count, [SamplesToDo](const ALeffectslot *slot) -> void { EffectState *state{slot->Params.mEffectState}; state->process(SamplesToDo, slot->WetBuffer, state->mOutBuffer, state->mOutChannels); } ); } void ApplyStablizer(FrontStablizer *Stablizer, ALfloat (*RESTRICT Buffer)[BUFFERSIZE], int lidx, int ridx, int cidx, ALsizei SamplesToDo, ALsizei NumChannels) { ALfloat (*RESTRICT lsplit)[BUFFERSIZE] = Stablizer->LSplit; ALfloat (*RESTRICT rsplit)[BUFFERSIZE] = Stablizer->RSplit; ALsizei i; /* Apply an all-pass to all channels, except the front-left and front- * right, so they maintain the same relative phase. */ for(i = 0;i < NumChannels;i++) { if(i == lidx || i == ridx) continue; splitterap_process(&Stablizer->APFilter[i], Buffer[i], SamplesToDo); } bandsplit_process(&Stablizer->LFilter, lsplit[1], lsplit[0], Buffer[lidx], SamplesToDo); bandsplit_process(&Stablizer->RFilter, rsplit[1], rsplit[0], Buffer[ridx], SamplesToDo); for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) { ALfloat lfsum, hfsum; ALfloat m, s, c; lfsum = lsplit[0][i] + rsplit[0][i]; hfsum = lsplit[1][i] + rsplit[1][i]; s = lsplit[0][i] + lsplit[1][i] - rsplit[0][i] - rsplit[1][i]; /* This pans the separate low- and high-frequency sums between being on * the center channel and the left/right channels. The low-frequency * sum is 1/3rd toward center (2/3rds on left/right) and the high- * frequency sum is 1/4th toward center (3/4ths on left/right). These * values can be tweaked. */ m = lfsum*cosf(1.0f/3.0f * F_PI_2) + hfsum*cosf(1.0f/4.0f * F_PI_2); c = lfsum*sinf(1.0f/3.0f * F_PI_2) + hfsum*sinf(1.0f/4.0f * F_PI_2); /* The generated center channel signal adds to the existing signal, * while the modified left and right channels replace. */ Buffer[lidx][i] = (m + s) * 0.5f; Buffer[ridx][i] = (m - s) * 0.5f; Buffer[cidx][i] += c * 0.5f; } } void ApplyDistanceComp(ALfloat (*RESTRICT Samples)[BUFFERSIZE], const DistanceComp &distcomp, ALfloat *RESTRICT Values, ALsizei SamplesToDo, ALsizei numchans) { for(ALsizei c{0};c < numchans;c++) { ALfloat *RESTRICT inout = Samples[c]; const ALfloat gain = distcomp[c].Gain; const ALsizei base = distcomp[c].Length; ALfloat *RESTRICT distbuf = distcomp[c].Buffer; if(base == 0) { if(gain < 1.0f) std::for_each(inout, inout+SamplesToDo, [gain](ALfloat &in) noexcept -> void { in *= gain; } ); continue; } if(LIKELY(SamplesToDo >= base)) { auto out = std::copy_n(distbuf, base, Values); std::copy_n(inout, SamplesToDo-base, out); std::copy_n(inout+SamplesToDo-base, base, distbuf); } else { std::copy_n(distbuf, SamplesToDo, Values); auto out = std::copy(distbuf+SamplesToDo, distbuf+base, distbuf); std::copy_n(inout, SamplesToDo, out); } std::transform<ALfloat*RESTRICT>(Values, Values+SamplesToDo, inout, [gain](ALfloat in) noexcept -> ALfloat { return in * gain; } ); } } void ApplyDither(ALfloat (*RESTRICT Samples)[BUFFERSIZE], ALuint *dither_seed, const ALfloat quant_scale, const ALsizei SamplesToDo, const ALsizei numchans) { ASSUME(numchans > 0); /* Dithering. Generate whitenoise (uniform distribution of random values * between -1 and +1) and add it to the sample values, after scaling up to * the desired quantization depth amd before rounding. */ const ALfloat invscale = 1.0f / quant_scale; ALuint seed = *dither_seed; auto dither_channel = [&seed,invscale,quant_scale,SamplesToDo](ALfloat *buffer) -> void { ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0); std::transform(buffer, buffer+SamplesToDo, buffer, [&seed,invscale,quant_scale](ALfloat sample) noexcept -> ALfloat { ALfloat val = sample * quant_scale; ALuint rng0 = dither_rng(&seed); ALuint rng1 = dither_rng(&seed); val += (ALfloat)(rng0*(1.0/UINT_MAX) - rng1*(1.0/UINT_MAX)); return fast_roundf(val) * invscale; } ); }; std::for_each(Samples, Samples+numchans, dither_channel); *dither_seed = seed; } /* Base template left undefined. Should be marked =delete, but Clang 3.8.1 * chokes on that given the inline specializations. */ template<typename T> inline T SampleConv(ALfloat) noexcept; template<> inline ALfloat SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return val; } template<> inline ALint SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { /* Floats have a 23-bit mantissa. There is an implied 1 bit in the mantissa * along with the sign bit, giving 25 bits total, so [-16777216, +16777216] * is the max value a normalized float can be scaled to before losing * precision. */ return fastf2i(clampf(val*16777216.0f, -16777216.0f, 16777215.0f))<<7; } template<> inline ALshort SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return fastf2i(clampf(val*32768.0f, -32768.0f, 32767.0f)); } template<> inline ALbyte SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return fastf2i(clampf(val*128.0f, -128.0f, 127.0f)); } /* Define unsigned output variations. */ template<> inline ALuint SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return SampleConv<ALint>(val) + 2147483648u; } template<> inline ALushort SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return SampleConv<ALshort>(val) + 32768; } template<> inline ALubyte SampleConv(ALfloat val) noexcept { return SampleConv<ALbyte>(val) + 128; } template<DevFmtType T> void Write(const ALfloat (*RESTRICT InBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], ALvoid *OutBuffer, ALsizei Offset, ALsizei SamplesToDo, ALsizei numchans) { using SampleType = typename DevFmtTypeTraits<T>::Type; ASSUME(numchans > 0); SampleType *outbase = static_cast<SampleType*>(OutBuffer) + Offset*numchans; auto conv_channel = [&outbase,SamplesToDo,numchans](const ALfloat *inbuf) -> void { ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0); SampleType *out{outbase++}; std::for_each<const ALfloat*RESTRICT>(inbuf, inbuf+SamplesToDo, [numchans,&out](const ALfloat s) noexcept -> void { *out = SampleConv<SampleType>(s); out += numchans; } ); }; std::for_each(InBuffer, InBuffer+numchans, conv_channel); } } // namespace void aluMixData(ALCdevice *device, ALvoid *OutBuffer, ALsizei NumSamples) { FPUCtl mixer_mode{}; for(ALsizei SamplesDone{0};SamplesDone < NumSamples;) { const ALsizei SamplesToDo{mini(NumSamples-SamplesDone, BUFFERSIZE)}; /* Clear main mixing buffers. */ std::for_each(device->MixBuffer.begin(), device->MixBuffer.end(), [SamplesToDo](std::array<ALfloat,BUFFERSIZE> &buffer) -> void { std::fill_n(buffer.begin(), SamplesToDo, 0.0f); } ); /* Increment the mix count at the start (lsb should now be 1). */ IncrementRef(&device->MixCount); /* For each context on this device, process and mix its sources and * effects. */ ALCcontext *ctx{device->ContextList.load(std::memory_order_acquire)}; while(ctx) { ProcessContext(ctx, SamplesToDo); ctx = ctx->next.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } /* Increment the clock time. Every second's worth of samples is * converted and added to clock base so that large sample counts don't * overflow during conversion. This also guarantees a stable * conversion. */ device->SamplesDone += SamplesToDo; device->ClockBase += std::chrono::seconds{device->SamplesDone / device->Frequency}; device->SamplesDone %= device->Frequency; /* Increment the mix count at the end (lsb should now be 0). */ IncrementRef(&device->MixCount); /* Apply any needed post-process for finalizing the Dry mix to the * RealOut (Ambisonic decode, UHJ encode, etc). */ if(LIKELY(device->PostProcess)) device->PostProcess(device, SamplesToDo); /* Apply front image stablization for surround sound, if applicable. */ if(device->Stablizer) { int lidx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontLeft); int ridx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontRight); int cidx = GetChannelIdxByName(&device->RealOut, FrontCenter); assert(lidx >= 0 && ridx >= 0 && cidx >= 0); ApplyStablizer(device->Stablizer.get(), device->RealOut.Buffer, lidx, ridx, cidx, SamplesToDo, device->RealOut.NumChannels); } /* Apply delays and attenuation for mismatched speaker distances. */ ApplyDistanceComp(device->RealOut.Buffer, device->ChannelDelay, device->TempBuffer[0], SamplesToDo, device->RealOut.NumChannels); /* Apply compression, limiting final sample amplitude, if desired. */ if(device->Limiter) ApplyCompression(device->Limiter.get(), SamplesToDo, device->RealOut.Buffer); /* Apply dithering. The compressor should have left enough headroom for * the dither noise to not saturate. */ if(device->DitherDepth > 0.0f) ApplyDither(device->RealOut.Buffer, &device->DitherSeed, device->DitherDepth, SamplesToDo, device->RealOut.NumChannels); if(LIKELY(OutBuffer)) { ALfloat (*Buffer)[BUFFERSIZE] = device->RealOut.Buffer; ALsizei Channels = device->RealOut.NumChannels; /* Finally, interleave and convert samples, writing to the device's * output buffer. */ switch(device->FmtType) { #define HANDLE_WRITE(T) case T: \ Write<T>(Buffer, OutBuffer, SamplesDone, SamplesToDo, Channels); break; HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtByte) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtUByte) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtShort) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtUShort) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtInt) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtUInt) HANDLE_WRITE(DevFmtFloat) #undef HANDLE_WRITE } } SamplesDone += SamplesToDo; } } void aluHandleDisconnect(ALCdevice *device, const char *msg, ...) { if(!device->Connected.exchange(AL_FALSE, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) return; AsyncEvent evt = ASYNC_EVENT(EventType_Disconnected); evt.u.user.type = AL_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECTED_SOFT; evt.u.user.id = 0; evt.u.user.param = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); int msglen{vsnprintf(evt.u.user.msg, sizeof(evt.u.user.msg), msg, args)}; va_end(args); if(msglen < 0 || (size_t)msglen >= sizeof(evt.u.user.msg)) evt.u.user.msg[sizeof(evt.u.user.msg)-1] = 0; ALCcontext *ctx{device->ContextList.load()}; while(ctx) { ALbitfieldSOFT enabledevt = ctx->EnabledEvts.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if((enabledevt&EventType_Disconnected) && ll_ringbuffer_write(ctx->AsyncEvents, &evt, 1) == 1) alsem_post(&ctx->EventSem); std::for_each(ctx->Voices, ctx->Voices+ctx->VoiceCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire), [ctx](ALvoice *voice) -> void { ALsource *source{voice->Source.exchange(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed)}; if(source && voice->Playing.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { /* If the source's voice was playing, it's now effectively * stopped (the source state will be updated the next time * it's checked). */ SendSourceStoppedEvent(ctx, source->id); } voice->Playing.store(false, std::memory_order_release); } ); ctx = ctx->next.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } }