/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef __MINGW32__ #define _WIN32_IE 0x501 #else #define _WIN32_IE 0x400 #endif #endif #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32_IE #include <windows.h> #include <shlobj.h> #endif #include "alMain.h" #include "alconfig.h" #include "compat.h" #include "bool.h" typedef struct ConfigEntry { char *key; char *value; } ConfigEntry; typedef struct ConfigBlock { ConfigEntry *entries; unsigned int entryCount; } ConfigBlock; static ConfigBlock cfgBlock; static char *lstrip(char *line) { while(isspace(line[0])) line++; return line; } static char *rstrip(char *line) { size_t len = strlen(line); while(len > 0 && isspace(line[len-1])) len--; line[len] = 0; return line; } static int readline(FILE *f, char **output, size_t *maxlen) { size_t len = 0; int c; while((c=fgetc(f)) != EOF && (c == '\r' || c == '\n')) ; if(c == EOF) return 0; do { if(len+1 >= *maxlen) { void *temp = NULL; size_t newmax; newmax = (*maxlen ? (*maxlen)<<1 : 32); if(newmax > *maxlen) temp = realloc(*output, newmax); if(!temp) { ERR("Failed to realloc "SZFMT" bytes from "SZFMT"!\n", newmax, *maxlen); return 0; } *output = temp; *maxlen = newmax; } (*output)[len++] = c; (*output)[len] = '\0'; } while((c=fgetc(f)) != EOF && c != '\r' && c != '\n'); return 1; } static char *expdup(const char *str) { char *output = NULL; size_t maxlen = 0; size_t len = 0; while(*str != '\0') { const char *addstr; size_t addstrlen; size_t i; if(str[0] != '$') { const char *next = strchr(str, '$'); addstr = str; addstrlen = next ? (size_t)(next-str) : strlen(str); str += addstrlen; } else { str++; if(*str == '$') { const char *next = strchr(str+1, '$'); addstr = str; addstrlen = next ? (size_t)(next-str) : strlen(str); str += addstrlen; } else { bool hasbraces; char envname[1024]; size_t k = 0; hasbraces = (*str == '{'); if(hasbraces) str++; while((isalnum(*str) || *str == '_') && k < sizeof(envname)-1) envname[k++] = *(str++); envname[k++] = '\0'; if(hasbraces && *str != '}') continue; if(hasbraces) str++; if((addstr=getenv(envname)) == NULL) continue; addstrlen = strlen(addstr); } } if(addstrlen == 0) continue; if(addstrlen >= maxlen-len) { void *temp = NULL; size_t newmax; newmax = len+addstrlen+1; if(newmax > maxlen) temp = realloc(output, newmax); if(!temp) { ERR("Failed to realloc "SZFMT" bytes from "SZFMT"!\n", newmax, maxlen); return output; } output = temp; maxlen = newmax; } for(i = 0;i < addstrlen;i++) output[len++] = addstr[i]; output[len] = '\0'; } return output ? output : calloc(1, 1); } static void LoadConfigFromFile(FILE *f) { char curSection[128] = ""; char *buffer = NULL; size_t maxlen = 0; ConfigEntry *ent; while(readline(f, &buffer, &maxlen)) { char *line, *comment; char key[256] = ""; char value[256] = ""; line = rstrip(lstrip(buffer)); if(!line[0]) continue; if(line[0] == '[') { char *section = line+1; char *endsection; endsection = strchr(section, ']'); if(!endsection || section == endsection) { ERR("config parse error: bad line \"%s\"\n", line); continue; } if(endsection[1] != 0) { char *end = endsection+1; while(isspace(*end)) ++end; if(*end != 0 && *end != '#') { ERR("config parse error: bad line \"%s\"\n", line); continue; } } *endsection = 0; if(strcasecmp(section, "general") == 0) curSection[0] = 0; else { size_t len, p = 0; do { char *nextp = strchr(section, '%'); if(!nextp) { strncpy(curSection+p, section, sizeof(curSection)-1-p); break; } len = nextp - section; if(len > sizeof(curSection)-1-p) len = sizeof(curSection)-1-p; strncpy(curSection+p, section, len); p += len; section = nextp; if(((section[1] >= '0' && section[1] <= '9') || (section[1] >= 'a' && section[1] <= 'f') || (section[1] >= 'A' && section[1] <= 'F')) && ((section[2] >= '0' && section[2] <= '9') || (section[2] >= 'a' && section[2] <= 'f') || (section[2] >= 'A' && section[2] <= 'F'))) { unsigned char b = 0; if(section[1] >= '0' && section[1] <= '9') b = (section[1]-'0') << 4; else if(section[1] >= 'a' && section[1] <= 'f') b = (section[1]-'a'+0xa) << 4; else if(section[1] >= 'A' && section[1] <= 'F') b = (section[1]-'A'+0x0a) << 4; if(section[2] >= '0' && section[2] <= '9') b |= (section[2]-'0'); else if(section[2] >= 'a' && section[2] <= 'f') b |= (section[2]-'a'+0xa); else if(section[2] >= 'A' && section[2] <= 'F') b |= (section[2]-'A'+0x0a); if(p < sizeof(curSection)-1) curSection[p++] = b; section += 3; } else if(section[1] == '%') { if(p < sizeof(curSection)-1) curSection[p++] = '%'; section += 2; } else { if(p < sizeof(curSection)-1) curSection[p++] = '%'; section += 1; } if(p < sizeof(curSection)-1) curSection[p] = 0; } while(p < sizeof(curSection)-1 && *section != 0); curSection[sizeof(curSection)-1] = 0; } continue; } comment = strchr(line, '#'); if(comment) *(comment++) = 0; if(!line[0]) continue; if(sscanf(line, "%255[^=] = \"%255[^\"]\"", key, value) == 2 || sscanf(line, "%255[^=] = '%255[^\']'", key, value) == 2 || sscanf(line, "%255[^=] = %255[^\n]", key, value) == 2) { /* sscanf doesn't handle '' or "" as empty values, so clip it * manually. */ if(strcmp(value, "\"\"") == 0 || strcmp(value, "''") == 0) value[0] = 0; } else if(sscanf(line, "%255[^=] %255[=]", key, value) == 2) { /* Special case for 'key =' */ value[0] = 0; } else { ERR("config parse error: malformed option line: \"%s\"\n\n", line); continue; } rstrip(key); if(curSection[0] != 0) { size_t len = strlen(curSection); memmove(&key[len+1], key, sizeof(key)-1-len); key[len] = '/'; memcpy(key, curSection, len); } /* Check if we already have this option set */ ent = cfgBlock.entries; while((unsigned int)(ent-cfgBlock.entries) < cfgBlock.entryCount) { if(strcasecmp(ent->key, key) == 0) break; ent++; } if((unsigned int)(ent-cfgBlock.entries) >= cfgBlock.entryCount) { /* Allocate a new option entry */ ent = realloc(cfgBlock.entries, (cfgBlock.entryCount+1)*sizeof(ConfigEntry)); if(!ent) { ERR("config parse error: error reallocating config entries\n"); continue; } cfgBlock.entries = ent; ent = cfgBlock.entries + cfgBlock.entryCount; cfgBlock.entryCount++; ent->key = strdup(key); ent->value = NULL; } free(ent->value); ent->value = expdup(value); TRACE("found '%s' = '%s'\n", ent->key, ent->value); } free(buffer); } #ifdef _WIN32 void ReadALConfig(void) { al_string ppath = AL_STRING_INIT_STATIC(); WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; const WCHAR *str; FILE *f; if(SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(NULL, buffer, CSIDL_APPDATA, FALSE) != FALSE) { al_string filepath = AL_STRING_INIT_STATIC(); alstr_copy_wcstr(&filepath, buffer); alstr_append_cstr(&filepath, "\\alsoft.ini"); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(filepath)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(filepath), "rt"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } alstr_reset(&filepath); } GetProcBinary(&ppath, NULL); if(!alstr_empty(ppath)) { alstr_append_cstr(&ppath, "\\alsoft.ini"); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(ppath)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(ppath), "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } if((str=_wgetenv(L"ALSOFT_CONF")) != NULL && *str) { al_string filepath = AL_STRING_INIT_STATIC(); alstr_copy_wcstr(&filepath, str); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(filepath)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(filepath), "rt"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } alstr_reset(&filepath); } alstr_reset(&ppath); } #else void ReadALConfig(void) { al_string confpaths = AL_STRING_INIT_STATIC(); al_string fname = AL_STRING_INIT_STATIC(); const char *str; FILE *f; str = "/etc/openal/alsoft.conf"; TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", str); f = al_fopen(str, "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } if(!(str=getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")) || str[0] == 0) str = "/etc/xdg"; alstr_copy_cstr(&confpaths, str); /* Go through the list in reverse, since "the order of base directories * denotes their importance; the first directory listed is the most * important". Ergo, we need to load the settings from the later dirs * first so that the settings in the earlier dirs override them. */ while(!alstr_empty(confpaths)) { char *next = strrchr(alstr_get_cstr(confpaths), ':'); if(next) { size_t len = next - alstr_get_cstr(confpaths); alstr_copy_cstr(&fname, next+1); VECTOR_RESIZE(confpaths, len, len+1); VECTOR_ELEM(confpaths, len) = 0; } else { alstr_reset(&fname); fname = confpaths; AL_STRING_INIT(confpaths); } if(alstr_empty(fname) || VECTOR_FRONT(fname) != '/') WARN("Ignoring XDG config dir: %s\n", alstr_get_cstr(fname)); else { if(VECTOR_BACK(fname) != '/') alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "/alsoft.conf"); else alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "alsoft.conf"); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(fname)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(fname), "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } alstr_clear(&fname); } if((str=getenv("HOME")) != NULL && *str) { alstr_copy_cstr(&fname, str); if(VECTOR_BACK(fname) != '/') alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "/.alsoftrc"); else alstr_append_cstr(&fname, ".alsoftrc"); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(fname)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(fname), "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } if((str=getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) != NULL && str[0] != 0) { alstr_copy_cstr(&fname, str); if(VECTOR_BACK(fname) != '/') alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "/alsoft.conf"); else alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "alsoft.conf"); } else { alstr_clear(&fname); if((str=getenv("HOME")) != NULL && str[0] != 0) { alstr_copy_cstr(&fname, str); if(VECTOR_BACK(fname) != '/') alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "/.config/alsoft.conf"); else alstr_append_cstr(&fname, ".config/alsoft.conf"); } } if(!alstr_empty(fname)) { TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(fname)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(fname), "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } alstr_clear(&fname); GetProcBinary(&fname, NULL); if(!alstr_empty(fname)) { if(VECTOR_BACK(fname) != '/') alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "/alsoft.conf"); else alstr_append_cstr(&fname, "alsoft.conf"); TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", alstr_get_cstr(fname)); f = al_fopen(alstr_get_cstr(fname), "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } if((str=getenv("ALSOFT_CONF")) != NULL && *str) { TRACE("Loading config %s...\n", str); f = al_fopen(str, "r"); if(f) { LoadConfigFromFile(f); fclose(f); } } alstr_reset(&fname); alstr_reset(&confpaths); } #endif void FreeALConfig(void) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0;i < cfgBlock.entryCount;i++) { free(cfgBlock.entries[i].key); free(cfgBlock.entries[i].value); } free(cfgBlock.entries); } const char *GetConfigValue(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char *def) { unsigned int i; char key[256]; if(!keyName) return def; if(blockName && strcasecmp(blockName, "general") != 0) { if(devName) snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s/%s/%s", blockName, devName, keyName); else snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s/%s", blockName, keyName); } else { if(devName) snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s/%s", devName, keyName); else { strncpy(key, keyName, sizeof(key)-1); key[sizeof(key)-1] = 0; } } for(i = 0;i < cfgBlock.entryCount;i++) { if(strcmp(cfgBlock.entries[i].key, key) == 0) { TRACE("Found %s = \"%s\"\n", key, cfgBlock.entries[i].value); if(cfgBlock.entries[i].value[0]) return cfgBlock.entries[i].value; return def; } } if(!devName) { TRACE("Key %s not found\n", key); return def; } return GetConfigValue(NULL, blockName, keyName, def); } int ConfigValueExists(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); return !!val[0]; } int ConfigValueStr(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char **ret) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return 0; *ret = val; return 1; } int ConfigValueInt(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int *ret) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return 0; *ret = strtol(val, NULL, 0); return 1; } int ConfigValueUInt(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, unsigned int *ret) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return 0; *ret = strtoul(val, NULL, 0); return 1; } int ConfigValueFloat(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, float *ret) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return 0; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOF *ret = strtof(val, NULL); #else *ret = (float)strtod(val, NULL); #endif return 1; } int ConfigValueBool(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int *ret) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return 0; *ret = (strcasecmp(val, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "on") == 0 || atoi(val) != 0); return 1; } int GetConfigValueBool(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int def) { const char *val = GetConfigValue(devName, blockName, keyName, ""); if(!val[0]) return !!def; return (strcasecmp(val, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "on") == 0 || atoi(val) != 0); }