path: root/examples/alffplay.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/alffplay.cpp')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/examples/alffplay.cpp b/examples/alffplay.cpp
index eecaaeff..0b80e20f 100644
--- a/examples/alffplay.cpp
+++ b/examples/alffplay.cpp
@@ -133,9 +133,7 @@ const milliseconds AudioBufferTime{20};
const milliseconds AudioBufferTotalTime{800};
enum {
enum class SyncMaster {
@@ -322,7 +320,7 @@ struct AudioState {
int decodeFrame();
bool readAudio(uint8_t *samples, int length);
- int handler(const milliseconds start_delay);
+ int handler();
struct VideoState {
@@ -333,13 +331,13 @@ struct VideoState {
PacketQueue<14*1024*1024> mPackets;
- nanoseconds mClock{0};
- nanoseconds mFrameTimer{0};
- nanoseconds mFrameLastPts{0};
- nanoseconds mFrameLastDelay{0};
+ /* The expected pts of the next frame to decode. */
nanoseconds mCurrentPts{0};
- /* time (av_gettime) at which we updated mCurrentPts - used to have running video pts */
- microseconds mCurrentPtsTime{microseconds::min()};
+ /* The pts of the currently displayed frame, and the time (av_gettime) it
+ * was last updated - used to have running video pts
+ */
+ nanoseconds mDisplayPts{0};
+ microseconds mDisplayPtsTime{microseconds::min()};
/* Swscale context for format conversion */
SwsContextPtr mSwscaleCtx;
@@ -347,19 +345,23 @@ struct VideoState {
struct Picture {
SDL_Texture *mImage{nullptr};
int mWidth{0}, mHeight{0}; /* Logical image size (actual size may be larger) */
- AVFramePtr mFrame{av_frame_alloc()};
- nanoseconds mPts{0};
+ AVFramePtr mFrame{};
+ nanoseconds mPts{nanoseconds::min()};
+ bool mUpdated{false};
+ Picture() = default;
+ Picture(Picture&&) = delete;
mImage = nullptr;
+ Picture& operator=(Picture&&) = delete;
std::array<Picture,VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE> mPictQ;
- size_t mPictQSize{0}, mPictQRead{0}, mPictQWrite{0};
- size_t mPictQPrepSize{0}, mPictQPrep{0};
+ size_t mPictQSize{0u}, mPictQRead{0u}, mPictQWrite{1u};
+ size_t mPictQPrepSize{0u}, mPictQPrep{1u};
std::mutex mPictQMutex;
std::condition_variable mPictQCond;
bool mFirstUpdate{true};
@@ -370,13 +372,10 @@ struct VideoState {
nanoseconds getClock();
- static Uint32 SDLCALL sdl_refresh_timer_cb(Uint32 interval, void *opaque);
- void schedRefresh(milliseconds delay);
void display(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer, Picture *vp);
- void refreshTimer(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer);
- void updatePicture(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer);
+ void updateVideo(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer);
bool queuePicture(nanoseconds pts, AVFrame *frame);
- int handler(const milliseconds start_delay);
+ int handler();
struct MovieState {
@@ -747,7 +746,7 @@ void AL_APIENTRY AudioState::EventCallback(ALenum eventType, ALuint object, ALui
-int AudioState::handler(const milliseconds /*start_delay*/)
+int AudioState::handler()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> srclock{mSrcMutex};
milliseconds sleep_time{AudioBufferTime / 3};
@@ -1111,28 +1110,13 @@ nanoseconds VideoState::getClock()
/* NOTE: This returns incorrect times while not playing. */
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{mPictQMutex};
- if(mCurrentPtsTime == microseconds::min())
+ if(mDisplayPtsTime == microseconds::min())
return nanoseconds::zero();
- auto delta = get_avtime() - mCurrentPtsTime;
- return mCurrentPts + delta;
-Uint32 SDLCALL VideoState::sdl_refresh_timer_cb(Uint32 /*interval*/, void *opaque)
- SDL_Event evt{};
- evt.user.type = FF_REFRESH_EVENT;
- evt.user.data1 = opaque;
- SDL_PushEvent(&evt);
- return 0; /* 0 means stop timer */
-/* Schedules an FF_REFRESH_EVENT event to occur in 'delay' ms. */
-void VideoState::schedRefresh(milliseconds delay)
- SDL_AddTimer(delay.count(), sdl_refresh_timer_cb, this);
+ auto delta = get_avtime() - mDisplayPtsTime;
+ return mDisplayPts + delta;
-/* Called by VideoState::refreshTimer to display the next video frame. */
+/* Called by VideoState::updateVideo to display the next video frame. */
void VideoState::display(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer, Picture *vp)
@@ -1169,232 +1153,201 @@ void VideoState::display(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer, Picture *vp
-/* FF_REFRESH_EVENT handler called on the main thread where the SDL_Renderer
- * was created. It handles the display of the next decoded video frame (if not
- * falling behind), and sets up the timer for the following video frame.
+/* Called regularly on the main thread where the SDL_Renderer was created. It
+ * handles updating the textures of decoded frames and displaying the latest
+ * frame.
-void VideoState::refreshTimer(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer)
+void VideoState::updateVideo(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer)
- if(!mStream)
- {
- if(mEOS)
- {
- mFinalUpdate = true;
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mPictQMutex).unlock();
- mPictQCond.notify_all();
- return;
- }
- schedRefresh(milliseconds{100});
- return;
- }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mPictQMutex};
- if(mPictQPrepSize == 0 || mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ while(mPictQPrep != mPictQWrite && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
- if(mEOS)
- mFinalUpdate = true;
- else
- schedRefresh(milliseconds{10});
+ Picture *vp{&mPictQ[mPictQPrep]};
+ bool fmt_updated{false};
- mPictQCond.notify_all();
- return;
- }
- Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQRead];
+ /* allocate or resize the buffer! */
+ if(!vp->mImage || vp->mWidth != mCodecCtx->width || vp->mHeight != mCodecCtx->height)
+ {
+ fmt_updated = true;
+ if(vp->mImage)
+ SDL_DestroyTexture(vp->mImage);
+ vp->mImage = SDL_CreateTexture(
+ mCodecCtx->coded_width, mCodecCtx->coded_height
+ );
+ if(!vp->mImage)
+ std::cerr<< "Failed to create YV12 texture!" <<std::endl;
+ vp->mWidth = mCodecCtx->width;
+ vp->mHeight = mCodecCtx->height;
- /* Get delay using the frame pts and the pts from last frame. */
- auto delay = vp->mPts - mFrameLastPts;
- if(delay <= seconds::zero() || delay >= seconds{1})
- {
- /* If incorrect delay, use previous one. */
- delay = mFrameLastDelay;
- }
- /* Save for next frame. */
- mFrameLastDelay = delay;
- mFrameLastPts = vp->mPts;
- lock.unlock();
+ if(mFirstUpdate && vp->mWidth > 0 && vp->mHeight > 0)
+ {
+ /* For the first update, set the window size to the video size. */
+ mFirstUpdate = false;
- /* Update delay to sync to clock if not master source. */
- if(mMovie.mAVSyncType != SyncMaster::Video)
- {
- auto ref_clock = mMovie.getMasterClock();
- auto diff = vp->mPts - ref_clock;
+ int w = vp->mWidth;
+ int h = vp->mHeight;
+ if(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio.den != 0)
+ {
+ double aspect_ratio = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio);
+ if(aspect_ratio >= 1.0)
+ w = static_cast<int>(w*aspect_ratio + 0.5);
+ else if(aspect_ratio > 0.0)
+ h = static_cast<int>(h/aspect_ratio + 0.5);
+ }
+ SDL_SetWindowSize(screen, w, h);
+ }
+ }
- /* Skip or repeat the frame. Take delay into account. */
- auto sync_threshold = std::min<nanoseconds>(delay, VideoSyncThreshold);
- if(diff < AVNoSyncThreshold && diff > -AVNoSyncThreshold)
+ if(vp->mImage)
- if(diff <= -sync_threshold)
- delay = nanoseconds::zero();
- else if(diff >= sync_threshold)
- delay *= 2;
+ AVFrame *frame{vp->mFrame.get()};
+ void *pixels{nullptr};
+ int pitch{0};
+ if(mCodecCtx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P)
+ SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr,
+ frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0],
+ frame->data[1], frame->linesize[1],
+ frame->data[2], frame->linesize[2]
+ );
+ else if(SDL_LockTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr, &pixels, &pitch) != 0)
+ std::cerr<< "Failed to lock texture" <<std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses
+ int coded_w{mCodecCtx->coded_width};
+ int coded_h{mCodecCtx->coded_height};
+ int w{mCodecCtx->width};
+ int h{mCodecCtx->height};
+ if(!mSwscaleCtx || fmt_updated)
+ {
+ mSwscaleCtx.reset(sws_getContext(
+ w, h, mCodecCtx->pix_fmt,
+ w, h, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, 0,
+ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr
+ ));
+ }
+ /* point pict at the queue */
+ uint8_t *pict_data[3];
+ pict_data[0] = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pixels);
+ pict_data[1] = pict_data[0] + coded_w*coded_h;
+ pict_data[2] = pict_data[1] + coded_w*coded_h/4;
+ int pict_linesize[3];
+ pict_linesize[0] = pitch;
+ pict_linesize[1] = pitch / 2;
+ pict_linesize[2] = pitch / 2;
+ sws_scale(mSwscaleCtx.get(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(frame->data), frame->linesize,
+ 0, h, pict_data, pict_linesize);
+ SDL_UnlockTexture(vp->mImage);
+ }
- }
+ vp->mUpdated = true;
+ av_frame_unref(vp->mFrame.get());
- mFrameTimer += delay;
- /* Compute the REAL delay. */
- auto actual_delay = mFrameTimer - get_avtime();
- if(!(actual_delay >= VideoSyncThreshold))
- {
- /* We don't have time to handle this picture, just skip to the next one. */
- lock.lock();
- mCurrentPts = vp->mPts;
- mCurrentPtsTime = get_avtime();
+ mPictQPrep = (mPictQPrep+1)%mPictQ.size();
+ ++mPictQPrepSize;
- mPictQRead = (mPictQRead+1)%mPictQ.size();
- --mPictQSize; --mPictQPrepSize;
- mPictQCond.notify_all();
- goto retry;
+ lock.lock();
- schedRefresh(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(actual_delay));
- /* Show the picture! */
- display(screen, renderer, vp);
+ Picture *vp{&mPictQ[mPictQRead]};
+ auto clocktime = mMovie.getMasterClock();
- /* Update queue for next picture. */
- lock.lock();
- mCurrentPts = vp->mPts;
- mCurrentPtsTime = get_avtime();
+ bool updated{false};
+ while(mPictQPrepSize > 0 && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ size_t nextIdx{(mPictQRead+1)%mPictQ.size()};
+ Picture *newvp{&mPictQ[nextIdx]};
+ if(clocktime < newvp->mPts || !newvp->mUpdated)
+ break;
- mPictQRead = (mPictQRead+1)%mPictQ.size();
- --mPictQSize; --mPictQPrepSize;
- lock.unlock();
- mPictQCond.notify_all();
+ newvp->mUpdated = false;
+ if(!newvp->mImage)
+ std::swap(vp->mImage, newvp->mImage);
+ vp = newvp;
+ updated = true;
-/* FF_UPDATE_EVENT handler, updates the picture's texture. It's called on the
- * main thread where the renderer was created.
- */
-void VideoState::updatePicture(SDL_Window *screen, SDL_Renderer *renderer)
+ mPictQRead = nextIdx;
+ --mPictQSize; --mPictQPrepSize;
+ }
+ {
+ if(mEOS)
+ mFinalUpdate = true;
+ lock.unlock();
+ mPictQCond.notify_all();
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ if(updated)
+ mPictQCond.notify_all();
- Picture *vp = &mPictQ[mPictQPrep];
- bool fmt_updated = false;
+ /* Show the picture! */
+ display(screen, renderer, vp);
- /* allocate or resize the buffer! */
- if(!vp->mImage || vp->mWidth != mCodecCtx->width || vp->mHeight != mCodecCtx->height)
+ if(updated)
- fmt_updated = true;
- if(vp->mImage)
- SDL_DestroyTexture(vp->mImage);
- vp->mImage = SDL_CreateTexture(
- mCodecCtx->coded_width, mCodecCtx->coded_height
- );
- if(!vp->mImage)
- std::cerr<< "Failed to create YV12 texture!" <<std::endl;
- vp->mWidth = mCodecCtx->width;
- vp->mHeight = mCodecCtx->height;
- if(mFirstUpdate && vp->mWidth > 0 && vp->mHeight > 0)
+ lock.lock();
+ mDisplayPts = vp->mPts;
+ mDisplayPtsTime = get_avtime();
+ if(mEOS.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && mPictQSize == 0)
- /* For the first update, set the window size to the video size. */
- mFirstUpdate = false;
- int w = vp->mWidth;
- int h = vp->mHeight;
- if(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio.den != 0)
- {
- double aspect_ratio = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->sample_aspect_ratio);
- if(aspect_ratio >= 1.0)
- w = static_cast<int>(w*aspect_ratio + 0.5);
- else if(aspect_ratio > 0.0)
- h = static_cast<int>(h/aspect_ratio + 0.5);
- }
- SDL_SetWindowSize(screen, w, h);
+ mFinalUpdate = true;
+ mPictQCond.notify_all();
+ lock.unlock();
- AVFrame *frame{vp->mFrame.get()};
- if(vp->mImage)
+ else if(mEOS.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
- void *pixels{nullptr};
- int pitch{0};
- if(mCodecCtx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P)
- SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr,
- frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0],
- frame->data[1], frame->linesize[1],
- frame->data[2], frame->linesize[2]
- );
- else if(SDL_LockTexture(vp->mImage, nullptr, &pixels, &pitch) != 0)
- std::cerr<< "Failed to lock texture" <<std::endl;
- else
+ lock.lock();
+ if(mPictQSize == 0)
- // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses
- int coded_w{mCodecCtx->coded_width};
- int coded_h{mCodecCtx->coded_height};
- int w{mCodecCtx->width};
- int h{mCodecCtx->height};
- if(!mSwscaleCtx || fmt_updated)
- {
- mSwscaleCtx.reset(sws_getContext(
- w, h, mCodecCtx->pix_fmt,
- w, h, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, 0,
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr
- ));
- }
- /* point pict at the queue */
- uint8_t *pict_data[3];
- pict_data[0] = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pixels);
- pict_data[1] = pict_data[0] + coded_w*coded_h;
- pict_data[2] = pict_data[1] + coded_w*coded_h/4;
- int pict_linesize[3];
- pict_linesize[0] = pitch;
- pict_linesize[1] = pitch / 2;
- pict_linesize[2] = pitch / 2;
- sws_scale(mSwscaleCtx.get(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(frame->data), frame->linesize,
- 0, h, pict_data, pict_linesize);
- SDL_UnlockTexture(vp->mImage);
+ mFinalUpdate = true;
+ mPictQCond.notify_all();
+ lock.unlock();
- av_frame_unref(frame);
- mPictQPrep = (mPictQPrep+1)%mPictQ.size();
- ++mPictQPrepSize;
bool VideoState::queuePicture(nanoseconds pts, AVFrame *frame)
/* Wait until we have space for a new pic */
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mPictQMutex};
- while(mPictQSize >= mPictQ.size() && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ while(mPictQSize >= (mPictQ.size()-1) && !mMovie.mQuit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
return false;
+ /* Put the frame in the queue to be loaded into a texture (and eventually
+ * displayed) by the rendering thread.
+ */
Picture *vp{&mPictQ[mPictQWrite]};
av_frame_move_ref(vp->mFrame.get(), frame);
vp->mPts = pts;
mPictQWrite = (mPictQWrite+1)%mPictQ.size();
- lock.unlock();
- /* We have to create/update the picture in the main thread */
- SDL_Event evt{};
- evt.user.type = FF_UPDATE_EVENT;
- evt.user.data1 = this;
- SDL_PushEvent(&evt);
return true;
-int VideoState::handler(const milliseconds start_delay)
+int VideoState::handler()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{mPictQMutex};
- mCurrentPtsTime = get_avtime();
- mFrameTimer = mCurrentPtsTime + start_delay;
+ mDisplayPtsTime = get_avtime();
+ std::for_each(mPictQ.begin(), mPictQ.end(),
+ [](Picture &pict) -> void
+ { pict.mFrame = AVFramePtr{av_frame_alloc()}; });
AVFramePtr decoded_frame{av_frame_alloc()};
@@ -1421,14 +1374,14 @@ int VideoState::handler(const milliseconds start_delay)
/* Get the PTS for this frame. */
if(decoded_frame->best_effort_timestamp != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
- mClock = std::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds>(
+ mCurrentPts = std::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds>(
- nanoseconds pts{mClock};
+ nanoseconds pts{mCurrentPts};
/* Update the video clock to the next expected PTS. */
auto frame_delay = av_q2d(mCodecCtx->time_base);
frame_delay += decoded_frame->repeat_pict * (frame_delay * 0.5);
- mClock += std::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds>(seconds_d64{frame_delay});
+ mCurrentPts += std::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds>(seconds_d64{frame_delay});
if(!queuePicture(pts, decoded_frame.get()))
@@ -1479,8 +1432,6 @@ bool MovieState::prepare()
return false;
- mVideo.schedRefresh(milliseconds{40});
mParseThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&MovieState::parse_handler), this};
return true;
@@ -1584,13 +1535,12 @@ int MovieState::parse_handler()
/* Set the base time 500ms ahead of the current av time. */
- constexpr milliseconds start_delay{500};
- mClockBase = get_avtime() + start_delay;
+ mClockBase = get_avtime() + milliseconds{500};
if(audio_index >= 0)
- mAudioThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&AudioState::handler), &mAudio, start_delay};
+ mAudioThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&AudioState::handler), &mAudio};
if(video_index >= 0)
- mVideoThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&VideoState::handler), &mVideo, start_delay};
+ mVideoThread = std::thread{std::mem_fn(&VideoState::handler), &mVideo};
/* Main packet reading/dispatching loop */
@@ -1641,13 +1591,13 @@ int MovieState::parse_handler()
struct PrettyTime {
seconds mTime;
-inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PrettyTime &rhs)
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PrettyTime &rhs)
using hours = std::chrono::hours;
using minutes = std::chrono::minutes;
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
- seconds t = rhs.mTime;
+ seconds t{rhs.mTime};
if(t.count() < 0)
os << '-';
@@ -1827,9 +1777,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Next, Quit
} eom_action{EomAction::Next};
seconds last_time{-1};
- SDL_Event event{};
+ SDL_Event event{};
int have_evt{SDL_WaitEventTimeout(&event, 10)};
auto cur_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(movState->getMasterClock());
@@ -1839,88 +1789,83 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout<< "\r "<<PrettyTime{cur_time}<<" / "<<PrettyTime{end_time} <<std::flush;
last_time = cur_time;
- if(!have_evt) continue;
- switch(event.type)
- {
- switch(event.key.keysym.sym)
- {
- movState->mQuit = true;
- eom_action = EomAction::Quit;
- break;
- case SDLK_n:
- movState->mQuit = true;
- eom_action = EomAction::Next;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch(event.window.event)
- {
- SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
- SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, nullptr);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
+ if(have_evt) do {
+ switch(event.type)
+ {
+ switch(event.key.keysym.sym)
+ {
+ movState->mQuit = true;
+ eom_action = EomAction::Quit;
+ break;
+ case SDLK_n:
+ movState->mQuit = true;
+ eom_action = EomAction::Next;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
- case SDL_QUIT:
- movState->mQuit = true;
- eom_action = EomAction::Quit;
- break;
+ switch(event.window.event)
+ {
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
+ SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, nullptr);
+ break;
- static_cast<VideoState*>(event.user.data1)->updatePicture(screen, renderer);
- break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
- static_cast<VideoState*>(event.user.data1)->refreshTimer(screen, renderer);
- break;
+ case SDL_QUIT:
+ movState->mQuit = true;
+ eom_action = EomAction::Quit;
+ break;
- std::cout<<'\n';
- last_time = seconds(-1);
- if(eom_action != EomAction::Quit)
- {
- movState = nullptr;
- while(fileidx < argc && !movState)
+ std::cout<<'\n';
+ last_time = seconds(-1);
+ if(eom_action != EomAction::Quit)
- movState = std::unique_ptr<MovieState>{new MovieState{argv[fileidx++]}};
- if(!movState->prepare()) movState = nullptr;
+ movState = nullptr;
+ while(fileidx < argc && !movState)
+ {
+ movState = std::unique_ptr<MovieState>{new MovieState{argv[fileidx++]}};
+ if(!movState->prepare()) movState = nullptr;
+ }
+ if(movState)
+ {
+ movState->setTitle(screen);
+ break;
+ }
- if(movState)
- {
- movState->setTitle(screen);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Nothing more to play. Shut everything down and quit. */
- movState = nullptr;
+ /* Nothing more to play. Shut everything down and quit. */
+ movState = nullptr;
- CloseAL();
+ CloseAL();
- SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
- renderer = nullptr;
- SDL_DestroyWindow(screen);
- screen = nullptr;
+ SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
+ renderer = nullptr;
+ SDL_DestroyWindow(screen);
+ screen = nullptr;
- SDL_Quit();
- exit(0);
+ SDL_Quit();
+ exit(0);
- default:
- break;
- }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(SDL_PollEvent(&event));
+ movState->mVideo.updateVideo(screen, renderer);
std::cerr<< "SDL_WaitEvent error - "<<SDL_GetError() <<std::endl;