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3 files changed, 59 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/Alc/bformatdec.cpp b/Alc/bformatdec.cpp
index 0e67b20a..1aa4211c 100644
--- a/Alc/bformatdec.cpp
+++ b/Alc/bformatdec.cpp
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void BFormatDec::reset(const AmbDecConf *conf, bool allow_2band, ALsizei inchans
mMatrix = MatrixU{};
mDualBand = allow_2band && (conf->FreqBands == 2);
- mSamples.resize(1);
+ mSamples.resize(2);
mSamples.resize(inchans * 2);
@@ -83,19 +83,14 @@ void BFormatDec::reset(const AmbDecConf *conf, bool allow_2band, ALsizei inchans
(conf->ChanMask > AMBI_1ORDER_MASK) ? 2 : 1};
const ALfloat (&hfscales)[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1] = GetDecoderHFScales(out_order);
- /* The specified filter gain is for the mid-point/reference gain. The
- * gain at the shelf itself will be the square of that, so specify the
- * square-root of the desired shelf gain.
- */
- const ALfloat gain0{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0])};
- const ALfloat gain1{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1])};
- mShelf[0].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain0, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain0, 1.0f));
- mShelf[1].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain1, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain1, 1.0f));
- std::for_each(std::begin(mShelf)+2, std::end(mShelf),
- std::bind(std::mem_fn(&BiquadFilter::copyParamsFrom), _1, mShelf[1]));
+ mUpsampler[0].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mUpsampler[0].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0];
+ mUpsampler[0].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ mUpsampler[1].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mUpsampler[1].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1];
+ mUpsampler[1].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ std::fill(std::begin(mUpsampler)+2, std::end(mUpsampler), mUpsampler[1]);
const bool periphonic{(conf->ChanMask&AMBI_PERIPHONIC_MASK) != 0};
@@ -154,7 +149,7 @@ void BFormatDec::reset(const ALsizei inchans, const ALfloat xover_norm, const AL
mMatrix = MatrixU{};
mDualBand = false;
- mSamples.resize(1);
+ mSamples.resize(2);
mNumChannels = inchans;
mEnabled = std::accumulate(std::begin(chanmap), std::begin(chanmap)+chancount, 0u,
@@ -168,19 +163,14 @@ void BFormatDec::reset(const ALsizei inchans, const ALfloat xover_norm, const AL
(inchans > 3) ? 2 : 1};
const ALfloat (&hfscales)[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1] = GetDecoderHFScales(out_order);
- /* The specified filter gain is for the mid-point/reference gain. The
- * gain at the shelf itself will be the square of that, so specify the
- * square-root of the desired shelf gain.
- */
- const ALfloat gain0{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0])};
- const ALfloat gain1{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1])};
- mShelf[0].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain0, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain0, 1.0f));
- mShelf[1].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain1, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain1, 1.0f));
- std::for_each(std::begin(mShelf)+2, std::end(mShelf),
- std::bind(std::mem_fn(&BiquadFilter::copyParamsFrom), _1, mShelf[1]));
+ mUpsampler[0].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mUpsampler[0].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0];
+ mUpsampler[0].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ mUpsampler[1].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mUpsampler[1].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1];
+ mUpsampler[1].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ std::fill(std::begin(mUpsampler)+2, std::end(mUpsampler), mUpsampler[1]);
for(ALsizei i{0};i < chancount;i++)
@@ -233,25 +223,23 @@ void BFormatDec::process(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei OutChan
void BFormatDec::upSample(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALfloat (*InSamples)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei InChannels, const ALsizei SamplesToDo)
ASSUME(InChannels > 0);
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
/* This up-sampler leverages the differences observed in dual-band higher-
* order decoder matrices compared to first-order. For the same output
* channel configuration, the low-frequency matrix has identical
* coefficients in the shared input channels, while the high-frequency
* matrix has extra scalars applied to the W channel and X/Y/Z channels.
- * Using a high-shelf filter to mix the first-order content into the
- * higher-order stream, with the appropriate counter-scales applied to the
- * HF response, results in the subsequent higher-order decode generating
- * the same response as a first-order decode.
+ * Mixing the first-order content into the higher-order stream, with the
+ * appropriate counter-scales applied to the HF response, results in the
+ * subsequent higher-order decode generating the same response as a first-
+ * order decode.
for(ALsizei i{0};i < InChannels;i++)
- mShelf[i].process(mSamples[0].data(), InSamples[i], SamplesToDo);
- const ALfloat *RESTRICT src{al::assume_aligned<16>(mSamples[0].data())};
- ALfloat *dst{al::assume_aligned<16>(OutBuffer[i])};
- std::transform(src, src+SamplesToDo, dst, dst, std::plus<float>{});
+ mUpsampler[i].Splitter.process(mSamples[HF_BAND].data(), mSamples[LF_BAND].data(),
+ InSamples[i], SamplesToDo);
+ MixRowSamples(OutBuffer[i], mUpsampler[i].Gains,
+ &reinterpret_cast<ALfloat(&)[BUFFERSIZE]>(mSamples[0]), sNumBands, 0, SamplesToDo);
@@ -259,29 +247,24 @@ void BFormatDec::upSample(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALfloat (*InSa
void AmbiUpsampler::reset(const ALsizei out_order, const ALfloat xover_norm)
const ALfloat (&hfscales)[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1] = GetDecoderHFScales(out_order);
- const ALfloat gain0{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0])};
- const ALfloat gain1{std::sqrt(Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1])};
- mShelf[0].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain0, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain0, 1.0f));
- mShelf[1].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, gain1, xover_norm,
- calc_rcpQ_from_slope(gain1, 1.0f));
- std::for_each(std::begin(mShelf)+2, std::end(mShelf),
- std::bind(std::mem_fn(&BiquadFilter::copyParamsFrom), _1, mShelf[1]));
+ mInput[0].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mInput[0].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[0] / hfscales[0];
+ mInput[0].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ mInput[1].Splitter.init(xover_norm);
+ mInput[1].Gains[HF_BAND] = Ambi3DDecoderHFScale[1] / hfscales[1];
+ mInput[1].Gains[LF_BAND] = 1.0f;
+ std::fill(std::begin(mInput)+2, std::end(mInput), mInput[1]);
void AmbiUpsampler::process(ALfloat (*OutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALfloat (*InSamples)[BUFFERSIZE], const ALsizei InChannels, const ALsizei SamplesToDo)
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
ASSUME(InChannels > 0);
- ASSUME(InChannels <= 4);
for(ALsizei i{0};i < InChannels;i++)
- mShelf[i].process(mSamples, InSamples[i], SamplesToDo);
- const ALfloat *RESTRICT src{al::assume_aligned<16>(mSamples)};
- ALfloat *dst{al::assume_aligned<16>(OutBuffer[i])};
- std::transform(src, src+SamplesToDo, dst, dst, std::plus<float>{});
+ mInput[i].Splitter.process(mSamples[HF_BAND], mSamples[LF_BAND], InSamples[i],
+ SamplesToDo);
+ MixRowSamples(OutBuffer[i], mInput[i].Gains, mSamples, sNumBands, 0, SamplesToDo);
diff --git a/Alc/bformatdec.h b/Alc/bformatdec.h
index 153882c4..753c2b6f 100644
--- a/Alc/bformatdec.h
+++ b/Alc/bformatdec.h
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include "alMain.h"
-#include "filters/biquad.h"
#include "filters/splitter.h"
#include "ambidefs.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
@@ -33,8 +32,10 @@ private:
std::array<ALfloat,BUFFERSIZE> *mSamplesHF;
std::array<ALfloat,BUFFERSIZE> *mSamplesLF;
- /* Shelf filters used for upsampling. */
- BiquadFilter mShelf[4];
+ struct {
+ BandSplitter Splitter;
+ ALfloat Gains[sNumBands];
+ } mUpsampler[4];
ALsizei mNumChannels;
ALboolean mDualBand;
@@ -58,8 +59,12 @@ public:
* with bformatdec.
class AmbiUpsampler {
- BiquadFilter mShelf[4];
- alignas(16) ALfloat mSamples[BUFFERSIZE];
+ static constexpr ALsizei sNumBands{2};
+ struct {
+ BandSplitter Splitter;
+ ALfloat Gains[sNumBands];
+ } mInput[4];
+ alignas(16) ALfloat mSamples[sNumBands][BUFFERSIZE];
void reset(const ALsizei out_order, const ALfloat xover_norm);
diff --git a/Alc/hrtf.cpp b/Alc/hrtf.cpp
index 7f4668de..070de55f 100644
--- a/Alc/hrtf.cpp
+++ b/Alc/hrtf.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include "alu.h"
#include "hrtf.h"
#include "alconfig.h"
-#include "filters/biquad.h"
+#include "filters/splitter.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
@@ -314,16 +314,11 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALsiz
std::transform(AmbiPoints, AmbiPoints+AmbiCount, idx.begin(), calc_idxs);
const ALdouble xover_norm{400.0 / Hrtf->sampleRate};
- const ALsizei order_limit{OrderFromChan[NumChannels-1] + 1};
- BiquadFilterR<double> shelf[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1];
- for(ALsizei o{0};o < order_limit;++o)
- {
- const auto g = std::sqrt(double{AmbiOrderHFGain[o]});
- shelf[o].setParams(BiquadType::HighShelf, g, xover_norm, calc_rcpQ_from_slope(g, 1.0));
- }
+ BandSplitterR<double> splitter;
+ splitter.init(xover_norm);
al::vector<std::array<std::array<ALdouble,2>,HRIR_LENGTH>> tmpres(NumChannels);
- al::vector<std::array<ALdouble,HRIR_LENGTH>> tmpfilt(order_limit+1);
+ al::vector<std::array<ALdouble,HRIR_LENGTH>> tmpfilt(3);
for(ALsizei c{0};c < AmbiCount;++c)
const ALfloat (*fir)[2]{&Hrtf->coeffs[idx[c] * Hrtf->irSize]};
@@ -352,19 +347,16 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALsiz
auto tmpfilt_iter = std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt.back().begin(),
[](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept { return ir[0]; });
std::fill(tmpfilt_iter, tmpfilt.back().end(), 0.0);
- for(ALsizei o{0};o < order_limit;++o)
- {
- shelf[o].clear();
- shelf[o].process(tmpfilt[o].data(), tmpfilt.back().data(), HRIR_LENGTH);
- }
+ splitter.clear();
+ splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(), HRIR_LENGTH);
/* Apply left ear response with delay. */
for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i)
- const ALsizei order{OrderFromChan[i]};
const ALdouble mult{AmbiMatrix[c][i]};
+ const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]};
for(ALsizei lidx{ldelay},j{0};lidx < HRIR_LENGTH;++lidx,++j)
- tmpres[i][lidx][0] += tmpfilt[order][j] * mult;
+ tmpres[i][lidx][0] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult;
/* Extract the right HRIR and increase its per-order high-frequency
@@ -373,19 +365,16 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALsiz
tmpfilt_iter = std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt.back().begin(),
[](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept { return ir[1]; });
std::fill(tmpfilt_iter, tmpfilt.back().end(), 0.0);
- for(ALsizei o{0};o < order_limit;++o)
- {
- shelf[o].clear();
- shelf[o].process(tmpfilt[o].data(), tmpfilt.back().data(), HRIR_LENGTH);
- }
+ splitter.clear();
+ splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(), HRIR_LENGTH);
/* Apply right ear response with delay. */
for(ALsizei i{0};i < NumChannels;++i)
- const ALsizei order{OrderFromChan[i]};
const ALdouble mult{AmbiMatrix[c][i]};
+ const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]};
for(ALsizei ridx{rdelay},j{0};ridx < HRIR_LENGTH;++ridx,++j)
- tmpres[i][ridx][1] += tmpfilt[order][j] * mult;
+ tmpres[i][ridx][1] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult;