/** * Copyright 2011 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ #ifndef _X11COMMON_H_ #define _X11COMMON_H_ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <gluegen_stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h> #include "jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver.h" #include "jogamp_newt_driver_x11_ScreenDriver.h" #include "jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR11.h" #include "jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13.h" #include "jogamp_newt_driver_x11_WindowDriver.h" #include "Window.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "InputEvent.h" #include "KeyEvent.h" #include "WindowEvent.h" #include "ScreenMode.h" #include "NewtCommon.h" // #define VERBOSE_ON 1 #ifdef VERBOSE_ON #define DBG_PRINT(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fflush(stderr) #else #define DBG_PRINT(...) #endif extern jclass X11NewtWindowClazz; extern jmethodID insetsChangedID; extern jmethodID visibleChangedID; extern jmethodID insetsVisibleChangedID; typedef struct { Window window; jobject jwindow; Atom * allAtoms; Atom javaObjectAtom; Atom windowDeleteAtom; uint32_t supportedAtoms; uint32_t lastDesktop; Bool maxHorz; Bool maxVert; /** flag whether window is mapped */ Bool isMapped; } JavaWindow; JavaWindow * getJavaWindowProperty(JNIEnv *env, Display *dpy, Window window, jlong javaObjectAtom, Bool showWarning); Status NewtWindows_getRootAndParent (Display *dpy, Window w, Window * root_return, Window * parent_return); Bool NewtWindows_updateInsets(Display *dpy, JavaWindow * w, int *left, int *right, int *top, int *bottom); Bool NewtWindows_updateMaximized(Display *dpy, JavaWindow * w, uint32_t netWMState); #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE ( 1 << 0 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL ( 1 << 1 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY ( 1 << 2 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT ( 1 << 3 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ ( 1 << 4 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED ( 1 << 5 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN ( 1 << 8 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN ( 1 << 9 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE ( 1 << 10 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW ( 1 << 11 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION ( 1 << 12 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED ( 1 << 13 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR ( 1 << 14 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_DESKTOP ( 1 << 15 ) #define _MASK_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP ( 1 << 16 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE ( 1 << 17 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL ( 1 << 18 ) #define _MASK_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU ( 1 << 19 ) #define _MASK_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS ( 1 << 20 ) #define _MASK_NET_SUPPORTED ( 1 << 21 ) #define _MASK_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW ( 1 << 22 ) #define _MASK_WM_CHANGE_STATE ( 1 << 23 ) #define _MASK_MOTIF_WM_HINTS ( 1 << 24 ) #define _NET_WM_STATE_IDX 0 #define _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL_IDX 1 #define _NET_WM_STATE_STICKY_IDX 2 #define _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT_IDX 3 #define _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ_IDX 4 #define _NET_WM_STATE_SHADED_IDX 5 #define _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR_IDX 6 #define _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER_IDX 7 #define _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN_IDX 8 #define _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN_IDX 9 #define _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE_IDX 10 #define _NET_WM_STATE_BELOW_IDX 11 #define _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION_IDX 12 #define _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED_IDX 13 #define _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR_IDX 14 #define _NET_WM_DESKTOP_IDX 15 #define _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP_IDX 16 #define _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_IDX 17 #define _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL_IDX 18 #define _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU_IDX 19 #define _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS_IDX 20 #define _NET_SUPPORTED_IDX 21 #define _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW_IDX 22 #define _WM_CHANGE_STATE_IDX 23 #define _MOTIF_WM_HINTS_IDX 24 void NewtWindows_setUrgency(Display *dpy, Window window, Bool enable); void NewtWindows_sendNET_WM_STATE(Display *dpy, Window root, JavaWindow *w, int prop1Idx, int prop2Idx, Bool enable); uint32_t NewtWindows_getNET_WM_STATE(Display *dpy, JavaWindow *w); #endif /* _X11COMMON_H_ */